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Buddy D. Mouse

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Everything posted by Buddy D. Mouse

  1. I'm pretty much countin' on it, but it is possible to be changed and not experience death. Enoch and Elijah did not, and some early church fathers thought they would be THE TWO WITNESSES in Revelation ( who later die ) But still, there will be raptured people who do not sleep but are changed.
  2. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. One set of people will not die
  3. I don't have anything to say. I'm just a white man, nobody would listen anyway.
  4. Thank you, missmuffet! I got a call from my son, an RN at ICU in El Paso.
  5. That's what Thomas Jefferson told me: Don't believe everything you see on the Internet. In any case, LonerAndy, I hope you have been enlightened on slain in the spirit. Hasta la Vista, baby
  6. For a few more minutes, anyhow. Happy Juneteenth!
  7. The falling over backwards when being touched on the forehead, the catching of people being slain - reports of this can be seen by googling slain in the spirit. The slowness in falling - the floating - and the near weightlessness in catching other people as they were slain - this has been reported.
  8. I am not concerned with anyone's opinion, couldn't care less, really. I don't think guards falling down at tomb is anything like the experience.
  9. It's not normal - it's scarce, I would say, Loner Andy. The two-dollar bill of Christianity - real but rare.
  10. Advising caution and discernment is a lot better than saying WRONG and EVIL Thx
  11. I have never heard of anyone claiming that a LACK of being slain in the spirit makes one less than a super-duper Christian, that's silly. I would be interested in where the tradition arose that Paul fell off a horse on the way to Damascus; at the time I researched the various accounts of Damascus experience, I had some sophisticated software I no longer have. I just have a Kindle now, and cannot reproduce all the research. "Since Christ was a Corporal" and "Since Paul fell off his horse" Are phrases I have heard - no one thinks Christ was ever a Corporal in any army, but some somewhere at sometime think Paul fell off a horse, although there is no mention of Paul being on a horse on road to Damascus in 4 biblical accounts of the incident.
  12. BTW, in none of the accounts of Paul on road to Damascus is there any mention of Paul being on horseback. In a commentary by Calvin which I can't find anymore, Calvin wrote that Paul "fell off his horse in fear" There is no horsey in scripture, but must have been some tradition somewhere, for Calvin did not just pull it out of the Air about a horse - but it's not in the Bible.
  13. I am a guy who was slain in the spirit in my 20's. It was at a healing service by Charles and Frances Hunter. Mrs Hunter prayed for me, touched my forehead, and I floated over backwards. There were people positioned to "catch" the slain ones, though this was not necessary. No one SLAIN was injured. I had come for prayers about my teeth. I eventually got dentures, much much later. I don't think the experience had much to do with Paul's road to Damascus experience. There are 4 accounts in scripture about Paul's experience, 3 in Acts, one in Galatians. There are discrepancies about whether Paul's companions saw a light - heard a voice, or did not hear a voice. An explanation by Daniel Wallace, a super Greek Scholar, about a certain genitive used with AKUO meant "heard but did not understand" - I found to be not supported - I spent days researching all NT uses of that genitive with AKUO and found no support for Dr. Wallace's theory, though he certainly is/was an expert. I don't know if he is still alive. Slain in the spirit happens - could it be faked by Satanic forces, counterfeited? I guess so. Counterfeiting and genuine exist side by side, just as with currency. Please send me all your currency; it might be counterfeit.
  14. It is said A true Buddy-Mouse can walk through walls Be looked for and not found Buddy is everywhere
  15. Margaret Macdonald just got arrested in Edinburgh ( Edinboro? ) for speeding. Johnny, Eddy and Manny arguing in the Chevy, stopped and talked the cop out of giving Maggie a ticket. The REAL DANIEL appeared on the scene as well, partly to prove he was not a literary figure based on Dan'El of Ugaritic literature... I don't know if I will be eating a barbecued Red Heifer sandwich with Arby' s sauce when the rapture happens, or whether I will get run over by a truck beforehand, walking along not looking where I am going. In any case, Jesus is coming again.
  16. Dave Macpherson wanted to demonize the origins of PreTrib - painting Margaret as a demon-possessed girl, and DeLacunza as a JESUIT ( which he was, but so what? ) Has anyone READ Margaret' s vision? It's not PreTrib. Neither is DeLacunza' s stuff - a 45-day Millennium? Come on, man! I don't believe in PreTrib, but the origins are NOT as Macpherson paints them. Darby had written what we know as PreTrib by 1827. Margaret' s vision was 1830, and not PreTrib. I hope Chicken Coop gets well.
  17. Who is the "he" that confirms a covenant? The Prince that shall come? Messiah? Some scholars say anointed one is Onias III, not Messiah. But "in the days of these kings" God's kingdom is set up. I don't know about all these dates, when Stephen was stoned, there are 3 possible dates as to when the 70 weeks begin - one way early, two fairly close together, like 444 BC and a bit earlier. Was Daniel written in Macabeean Times or during the period it presents? In any case, there is a prophecy that fits Jesus pretty much right on the money. What are rules of antecedents that could tell who the HE is that confirms covenant, causes sacrifices to cease? This seems all sealed up. I don't think the 2 witnesses have come yet - are they Mary Magdalene and Margaret Macdonald? Elijah and Enoch as some ECF thought - two guys that never died? Are they Elijah and Moses? The miracles fit Moses and Elijah - but some say that would mean Moses dies twice - which may be a reason ECF had Enoch and Elijah; dying twice would violate some people's interpretation of Hebrews 9:27, which I am not sure is correct anyway... But Enoch is a gentile... Darby and Irving? No certainty on either the RESTRAINER or the WITNESSES. Is the 42 month ministry of the 2 witnesses literal? Is 1000 year reign literal? Are Peter and Paul the 2 witnesses, as some Full Prets contend? Who are the 4 kingdoms in Daniel? Generally, we go with Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome... But some Libby scholars break up Medes and Persians, leaving Greece as 4th kingdom. Nah, I can't see anything but Rome as 4th kingdom, God's kingdom is set up spiritually in the days of 4th kingdom I don't see a "revived Roman empire" in scripture I don't see a "one world government" - never has been, never will be a one world government Darby, Irving, and DeLacunza are riding around Scotland to this day in Margaret Macdonald' s convertible - a 57 Chevy with top down.
  18. Chasing down Russia as Gog of Magog, looking for red heifers, 666 and newspaper eschatology, it's all Brown around the edges to me. Originally, Gog was a leader - Magog the people he led, but when it appears in Revelation - it's "Gog and Magog" as nations - hey, that's ok - book of Revelation alludes to many OT things but doesn't portray them in the EXACT FORM OT had them - Zechariah's horses may be a base, but are not exactly like 4 horsemen of apocalypse - Ezekiel has beings that seem to reappear in Revelation but number of wings different slightly... No EVENT is going to eradicate PreTrib as a doctrine No aspersions on its origins will wipe it out, demonizing Margaret Macdonald or Manual DeLacunza - folks, they didn't teach PreTrib at all, Darby didn't "get it from them" I feel Pre-Tribbers should ask themselves - "Is this really kosher - putting 2000 year GAP in 70 weeks?"
  19. I don't know that there will be an EVENT that will make current pre-tribbers drop that doctrine. I dropped it from a REALIZATION that the pre-trib approach to Daniel's 70 weeks involved something I could no longer swallow - a GAP between 69th and 70th week, all this jazz about "the prophetic clock stopped, blah blah blah" I realized that other lengths of time foretold in the Bible, such as Israelites in Egypt, and Jeremiah' s 70 years - they ran CONCURRENTLY from beginning to end. I saw that the 70 weeks, 490 years - ran CONCURRENTLY to the stoning of Stephen. It's OVER, long over. A 42 month period in Revelation may come, sure, and can be seen as part of the dual/multiple fulfillment of prophecy, like Abomination of Desolation in Antiochus Epiphanes time, and again in 70 AD - but to me there is no "7 year trib" to come, so I am a non-tribber And I would consider it "reverse date-setting" to say "the world cannot end for at least 7 years" I don't know how many people are still pre-trib, or why I grew up in Methodist church in a vacuum of eschatology, in college, LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH came out and I swallowed it - was PreTrib til I finally realized: There is no biblical precept for saying God decrees a certain length of time for a certain purpose but one can say "Kings X" - prophetic clock stopped! All of Dispensational pretrib stands or fall s on this GAP - . and to me it falls An EVENT - like a peace treaty - nah, there are peace treaties all the time A stone temple rebuilt - how would one know that that was not simply OF MAN? Non-Christian Zionists could conceivably build a temple - they want to... PreTrib has PAT ANSWERS for things "oh, that's trib-saints! That's Millennium people!" But it all hangs on sumpn what ain't - a future 70th week of Daniel that has, in reality, come and gone
  20. Yay God! BeauJangles tested negative! Yeehah!!
  21. The ISRAEL OF GOD is a biblical phrase, the "New Israel" is not.
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