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Everything posted by nagwalk

  1. With respect, we are only hours into the new administration, is it not too soon to check out the fruit?
  2. For those who are so bent on 'inspecting,' Perhaps we could look at your hands and see if there are any scars. The only one who will judge has scars on his hands and side.
  3. I think you folks have totally discouraged the originator of this thread. Who knows which denomination he'll ask for next?
  4. Do the math..120,000 have signed the petition. Call again when you are up to 9million, the number he won the election by. I can't believe their are Christians who will go to bed bitter, wake up bitter for the next four years. It would be interesting to check four years from now how many christians have ulcers. Is it worth it? While there is Kingdom work to be done?
  5. Well, I know they ain't what we'd like them to be, but they sure ain't what they used to be. Continued exposure to the rest of the world and a desire to do business with the rest of the world will get them to relax a bit, we hope.
  6. America is already owned by the Chinese and the globalists won't do anything to change that. You do have some true conservatives but since they are not the media darlings, they don't have a chance. Wanting a conservative government, evangelicals will have to decide whether it is better to have a democrat or republican as president. That may mean holding your nose and voting or you may face the prospect of having a democrat as president if the republican candidate doesn't measure up to the christian conservatives standard . Just a few thoughts from a canuck who can't vote cause I'm from the country north of you.
  7. There is one disturbing thought..the country is not being run by locally elected representatives but by well financed lobbyists. They make it look like your representatives can't think for themselves. If the country wants truly representative government then ban the lobbyists.
  8. that's why i said what i said... you made it sound as though you thought she was going to have to serve out her entire sentence rather than a portion of it. I've read over what I posted and no where did I see that I said she would have to serve her entire sentence. I've always been aware of that. I stated that many believe her reduced sentence was too harsh, which is probably true compared to others with the same charges. Now her attitude and her mothers attitude, as I stated, made things worse for her, which we both know. Anyway, I don't want to be responsible for taking this overworked topic to a 5th page, so I'm moving on. Happy Fathers day to all the fathers out there. One of the pieces that are not being mentioned is the fact that Paris is in fact serving a sentence for two things. First for violating her probation which is a serious charge and then sentencing for the original charge. Hers was a fair sentence in this light.
  9. When one agrees in their heart with what is being said, it becomes personal to the person praying. I think it would be a good idea to have a section for litergical prayer on the forum for those who appreciate them. Members who are personally blessed by them can post so others can benifit. What think?
  10. I are both...dancing through the tulips. <<<smiles>>>
  11. One of the most gut renching times in my life as a native minister of the gospel was when I realised that althought the price for our salvation was paid, not all would be saved. I as a native minister had been conditioned to believe that it was my responsibility to save my people. It was not. It is now my extreme pleasure and joy to be there when the Holy Spirit is calling those whom He has called before the foundation of the world and observing culmination of Grace. I am thankfull that God has given you a burden for the Pine Ridge people. Continue to storm heaven for them and come against the principalities and powers that have control of the people. In Jesus name, release the power of the Holy Spirit into that reservation to set the people whom He has called absolutely free!
  12. For those who care about root causes and look for solutions beyond "Givem a shovel." or, other conditioned responses, may I direct you to the 'Doctrine of Discovery.' Google the subject and you will find the justification the 'founders' had for extinguishing, or at least attempting to assimilat the North American Indian. The doctrine continues to be the foundation for policies as it relates to Indians in North America. The grandchildren of survivors of the residential schools, operated by churches still suffer the effects of the rape of their grand mothers and grandfathers by those who were given the responsibility of supervising them. The unconditional love as espoused by the evangelical church needs to be patiently extended to the people. It is going to take time. Simplistic solutions that do not deal with root causes will not work. As a born again North American Canadian Indian, raised and trained in a mainline Pentecostal denomination, pioneered and pastored churches for over forty years, I have gone through the cycle of grief and loss and have survived. Jesus did not do this to us. Government santioned cultural genocide administered by perverts in sheeps clothing did. Hot tears steamed down my face yesterday as I heard a man tell of the terrible sexual abuse he suffered and was compensated for said "I still love Jesus. Jesus didn't do this to me, bad men did." I'm starting to ramble now so I'll quit. Please google the 'doctrine of discovery' for your own information. God bless
  13. I don't recall Oprah ever stating that she was a born again spirit filled person who went into showbusiness to save the world. She is in show business period. Why is there not at least the same bashing of the lying homosexual evangelical leader. All I've read on the forums, bcause he was a conservative, is we have to pray and forgive and restore. Whycannot the same consideration be given to Oprah? Her only sin sems to be that she is black, successfull and sees a white light once in a while...certainly doesn't sem like that belongs in the same room as the preacher. Just wondering...
  14. Sadly Joel is another modern day telepreacher who is struck by the lights of world acceptance. He, like others before him will make a fatal error and he will join the others who sold out to the God of this world.
  15. Believe me there is enough doo doo to go around. Want some baptist scandal? Have a look.. (click the smiley)
  16. Believe me there is enough doo doo to go around. What some baptist scandal? Have a look.. (click the smiley)
  17. I recall a program on TBN where Paul and Jan were gushing all over the place because the program was going to be beaming off of Galaxy 5 sattelite. They then use the famous 'money changer' scripture that the Lord was coming soon because they were going to beam the gospel into every living room. Another minister who the TBN group loved to hate fell on the floor laughing because this Galaxy 5 was also going to beam the playboy channel, side by side. That was funny.
  18. If you both feel you are right for each other, is there any reason why you can't get married today? Paul said, it is better to marry then to burn. If you want to get an insight into your partner, guage his reaction when you suggest the idea to him today. If you get the classic male ahem..gulp gulp, shuffling of the feet, eyballs rolling, run for your life and don't look back!
  19. May I suggest that you have far too much preoccupation with your problem. Your attention is on yourself and the works of the flesh to keep your eyes off of Jesus. Begin to put this matter aside and replace it with reading the bible, prayer and worship of our Saviour. This activity as well as fellowship with other Christians and reaching out to help others will displace the time your are spending on worrying about your habit. As someone has stated, it is nothing new and you haven't shocked God. Replace this habit with new good habits. They are just as hard to break as the bad habits.
  20. I believe all would be forgiven and forgotten except for one thing. People remember that at the same time James was pointing his finger at the TV screen and judging Jim Baker, he was still seeing prostitutes on the side. If he would publicly apologise to Jim Baker(who was no angel himself but did the time,) I believe he would be totally restored and have a truly liberated ministry. I wonder which is more serious, his obviously displayed weaknesses or the current stuff we see in the church today, like $1000. prayer shawls, $1000., $500., $100.,$50.00 and $20. offering lines. DVD's, CD's videos, $10,000.cruise's with the latest flavour. I think its time for someone to come and kick out the money changers from the court yard. On the other side of the coin, if the church at large didn't tolerate it, this display wouldn't be in front of us.
  21. What is of interest to me is the following verse where Jesus is saying,"Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone will open the door I will come in and sup with him and he with me." I have heard messages throughout my life time that use this verse to apply to sinners. I have done the same myself. The context is that Jesus is on the outside of the Laodocean door wanting to be let in! Brings to mind an earlier post that referred to folks worshipping at the temple where the ark was no more.
  22. Pretty hard to lust withTHESE clothes.
  23. I for one would be happy to pay your prices up here in BC. Assuming that five litres of gas =1 imperial gallon, I am paying $5.00 per gallon. Feel better?
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