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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. President Trump is hoping Sanders will get the nomination, too, I have read, as he will be easy to beat. Sanders is a Socialist....seeing the problems and eventual downfall of Socialistic countries such as Venezuela, I wouldn't vote for Sanders. Venezuela has had a Socialistic government since 1999. People are starving and fleeing the country if they are able to.
  2. P.S. Try to spend as much time by yourself as you can. Take longer coming home from work, spend some time in the bathroom reading, etc. Maybe go down the street to the store to get an item? Anything to lessen the time with the abuse.
  3. Hi, have you checked to see if there are any women's shelters? Here there are a couple of shelters that actually give needy or abused women an apartment. It isn't like a regular homeless shelter. One shelter like that here not only gives the women an apartment but they also teach them to do handcrafts, etc which the women sell in a little shop connected to the apartments. Like DR suggested, check to see if you qualify for low income housing.....or try to get a better paying job. Perhaps if you are able to make your own way, the abuse will stop? Your husband might realize he really loves and needs you? Right now it seems since you are dependent on them, they are enjoying abusing you. It's an awful situation when a husband will allow the abuse and even join in.
  4. We have a large cross at a historic State Park here where L.A. began.... always glad to see it there.
  5. I believe you are referring to live birth abortions/infanticide such as in New York state and Virginia. President Trump opposes the murder of these babies and is working with pro-life organizations. I know two people who lead a pro-life organization and Trump was discussing these issues with 300 pro-life leaders this week via a phone conference call. However, the President needs Congress to put a bill before him to sign regarding this. Most Democrats aren't voting in favor of a bill about the murder of these babies as they are fine with abortion. If the politicians put a bill before Trump, he will sign it. Also, judges he is appointing are all pro-life. Their backgrounds were checked about this before going on his list.
  6. I voted for Trump mainly because he was pro-life, would appoint conservative Supreme Court Judges which we really need and I felt he would help the economy. I do see changes in him and believe we need to give people a chance to grow spiritually.
  7. I think the movie is called Amazing Grace.... it's the wonderful true story of William Wilberforce who fought against the slave trade of Great Britain. I saw it years ago and was quite moved by it. He was quite the Christian....even loving and caring for the animals.
  8. So sorry for your friend. While we should forgive and seek to love others as Jesus taught us, if the abuse is so bad and continual such as your friend endured, then there can sometimes come a time of gently rebuking the abuse. I think it's important to respond to the abuser in a spirit of prayer....be led of the Lord in your words to the abuser. GerdaHannah, are you still separated from your husband? I know he and his mom are Hindu, and Hindus often violently persecute Christians in India. You are now living in the West, aren't you?
  9. Does crossflix charge a fee? Tubi TV has Faith and Family sections.... it's totally free and a huge selection.
  10. Hi, while I can't tell you any specific movies for teens, TUBI TV (app and website) has a Faith and also a Family movie category with many movies. You can read a synopsis of what each movie is about at Tubi TV. I have told a couple of people here about it and they liked it. It's free...you just watch a few very brief commercials during the movie about 3 times.
  11. Talking about translations....I want to explain that the "pastor" of whom I spoke that said a Bible verse was wrong in his sermon, was not talking about translations. He literally meant the Bible verse was wrong! When I spoke to him after the service about what he said, he told me the whole Bible has been proven wrong in many ways by Science!! I was dumbfounded. As a Christian I believe in the inspired, inerrant word of God. I also know that many things discovered in Science are already talked about in the Bible. The "pastor" noted above thinks gay marriage is ok. When it was legalized in California, he immediately got himself on the news promoting that church as a place for gay weddings. A terrible situation as he is adored by that congregation that knows little of the Bible. One Sunday that I went back to see if he had changed, he did a question and answer thing instead of a sermon. People wrote their questions and he answered them....he didn't answer them from the Bible, he used his secular thinking. For example, one person asked about going to a medium, another asked about what happens after death. No Biblical answers....it was sad.
  12. The man with the $59 room is in Spring, Texas. Most people do not have $200,000 a year to spend on any type of care. Alot of people only have Medicare as well, which thankfully pays 80% of some things. I don't know if that means Medicare would pay 80% of the $200,000. Also, Medicare doesn't pay for things like hearing aids or dentures. My mom could use hearing aids but we can't afford them with our high rents. So I just speak up loudly for her to hear me. She is home bound so doesn't see many people. Her dentures are quite old but very well made....she got them at age 30 and is now 89 years old! So we are thankful they are lasting. If one can find a good boarding house, that's a good idea. I watched a TV show on NHK, the Japanese station. They are redoing some of the boarding houses for the Olympics. But what is nice is they seem to really care for people. One lady who owned a boarding house is only redoing her first floor to house tourists. She has moved her senior citizen tenants to the second floor. She says if she couldn't keep her senior citizens, she wouldn't renovate to house tourists. She said her senior citizens were living in her place until they die, she won't put them out. It really touched me how she sincerely cared for these old people who couldn't afford much except a room in her boarding house.
  13. I once heard a "pastor" say a Bible verse was wrong in his sermon. When I questioned him about saying that, he said even worse to me (I don't want to say what he said). I always loved worshipping at that church but didn't go back. Over several years, maybe three times I went back to see if he had changed....but sorry to say, he had not. A doctorate degree doesn't make a pastor. Now a previous, good pastor at the same church told how he was converted in a class while studying for his doctorate! He said the professor said something about then the bombs would fall....all of a sudden, this pastor was converted right then! This pastor told this story in a sermon.
  14. That is amazing. Of course, it costs her $175,000 a year to continually cruise around the world. I guess her husband left her alot of money!
  15. Conservatives in California are usually Christians or family people....we are not cheating on voting to get an agenda passed.
  16. Did you read about the Spring, Texas man who figures it's cheaper to retire at the Holiday Inn than at a retirement place? The Holiday Inn comes to $59 a day whereas the other is $188 a day. He goes on to tell of all the freebies the Holiday Inn offers like free breakfast, shampoo, soap, maid service, gym, pool, etc. Free shuttle to the airport cafes or if you want to fly elsewhere. There's a free bus for seniors in front of the Holiday Inn. Plus he said if you break a hip at the Inn, they will pay for it!
  17. But someone probably wasn't voting in your dad's place. And you probably are not going to vote twice. But there are some who will do this to push in their candidate.....like I said, not conservatives doing this.
  18. A few years back our local news reported that there were dead people on the voting register (and voting)! Also, I think they said some people were registered twice. It sure wasn't the conservatives doing this.
  19. Debp


    Hi Hazelx, just try to relax and be yourself. Remember a Vicar is just a Christian like us. If he is a born again believer, he will be kind and overlook any thing that you might awkwardly say. Don't worry. He is probably happy you are interested in attending his congregation. Praying it goes well.
  20. I saw Las Vegas got alot of snow....I think that's unusual, isn't it?
  21. So basically Socialism just leads into Communism....that means the government will also tell you what career or type of work you are to do, based on what they think your abilities are. And everyone getting the same wages. At least that's what we were taught in school about it.
  22. Very well stated on all points. I understand Socialism is considered the cause of Venezuela's collapse.
  23. Well, yesterday there was snow in some parts of the Valley in Los Angeles! These areas never get snow. I am in the Basin...no snow here. I just read that some area of Scottsdale, Arizona got some snow. Anyone from AZ care to tell us more? Anyone else getting unusual snow?
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