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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. Good answers for you already by everyone. Just keep reading the Bible, especially the New Testament, and pray for understanding. If you come across difficult to understand verses, jot down the reference. Then you can look up the meaning in a couple of Bible commentaries. Also, I hope you have a good church....you can make a list of some of your questions on some verses, and ask your pastor about them.
  2. Forgive and go forward... don't let bitterness hold you back. The Bible says....The rain falls on the just and the unjust, but only the just shall praise Him.
  3. And I think it would be good to end the prayer in Jesus' name.
  4. Yes, many Muslims are nice, family people. Alot of them do not want to be under Sharia law either....just like us. Some do respond to Jesus as their personal Savior, although if they live in a Muslim country, they usually have to be a secret believer. Sometimes even their families might kill them or at least totally shun them. Some governments will imprison them. Other Muslims who have come to Christ sometimes are helped into another country where they will be safe. So we should remember to do what the Lord says....love our neighbor as ourselves and treat others how we want to be treated. Btw, many Muslims who are refugees are turning to Christ as they experience the love of Christ from native missionaries.
  5. Lovely song, East Sky! Please do post more as you are able.
  6. Beautiful, thanks for this devotional. Haven't heard of C.A. Coates, do you know anything about him? The old-time preachers are so good.
  7. Actually Carrey isn't that good of a painter...that is, it is rather a cartoonish, abstract painting. I mainly posted the link so people could be informed. Also, the tweets from the pro-lifers are interesting.
  8. My assurance....Christ alone. This is a good topic, maybe more will comment.
  9. Beautiful....thanks for sharing it!
  10. I'm sorry, too, that you are suffering so. Cast yourself on the Lord and know that He does love you and will help you through it all. Just rest in Him.
  11. I don't know why....I clicked the link just now and the article and the tweets from pro-lifers came up.
  12. Jim Carrey did a painting portraying a baby being aborted....he put the face of Alabama's governor on it and made a snide remark. However, it has backfired on him as his painting shows the horrible way of abortion. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/jim-carrey-abortion-tweet-backfires.amp
  13. Don't worry about it...it was an honest mistake. What a wonderful bunch of ladies!! You are really blessed to be in that fellowship! Hope your husband is doing better!
  14. That is your personal opinion as well. Your opinion that they were saved. My opinion is that they weren't saved to begin with to live in open sin and claim they were in God's hand.
  15. PromisesPromises! You stated the above so beautifully, thank you! It seems almost like those that oppose Eternal Security do not feel the same as we do, about God's wonderful saving grace. That is, unless there is a threat of hell, it seems they would not walk with Jesus.
  16. Also, Dr. David Jeremiah is very good! He's on YouTube, too.
  17. I clicked on the link and nothing happens....maybe the same for others?
  18. Are the ladies alot older than you?
  19. Well, I think it's rude if intentional. However, I would forgive them.
  20. Fruits of the Spirit are something that we cannot manufacture or produce on our own. These qualities are the result of being born again. We might have some to a lesser or greater degree...but if we have been born again, the fruits will be there. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23
  21. No, his father was Andrew Murray, Sr. Andrew Murray who wrote the devotional I posted lived during the 1800s, and he died in 1917. He wrote something like 240 books and tracts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Murray_(minister)
  22. This is a good devotional by Andrew Murray, the old-time famous preacher, known for his many books. He explains very well in few words the difference between having only a head knowledge...and a faith that includes both head and heart. The Inner Divine Life by Andrew Murray And so the inner divine life in a man is something quite different from the intellect with which he knows about it. That intellect is indeed most needful, to offer to the heart the Word of God which the Holy Spirit can quicken. And yet it is absolutely impotent, either to impart, or quicken, the true life. It is but a servant that carries the food; it is the heart that must feed, and be nourished and live.
  23. I guess you mean flood threat....glad you are safe! Thanks for your faithfulness in posting the good devotionals.
  24. The first step or foundation in having a changed life is through being born again, through Christ our Savior and Lord. When we are born again, we then actually become the children of God....we then have a spiritual nature. The Holy Spirit in our hearts is the key to walking with Jesus or walking in the Spirit in daily life. Of course, we should yield or surrender to the Holy Spirit in daily life. We should always glorify the Lord Jesus above all....people that are always talking about the law sound like they are idolizing the law over Christ, this is not good or pleasing to God. ...Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Galatians 3:2-3.
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