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Everything posted by chicagoburbite

  1. If I were you, I would get online and read about the laws in my state. See if your state's DFS (Department of Family Services)has a FAQ's section where others have asked the same questions. If things are that bad, then I would think it best he be in another home no matter what! I do know that he would stay in the same state as a foster child, and hopefully you could make every effort to keep them in contact. The child's safety is the first issue, even more important than all the details. I am a formerly licensed foster parent. (We allowed our license to expire since we adopted. ) I don't think DFS really allows the child to call the shots, and unless they get a really good case worker, things aren't always what we would chose for a child we happen to know sadly. One other idea would be to see if there are any christian foster care agencies in your area. We were licensed through a Christian agency, where the case workers are a little less overworked than state workers. They might be able to answer your questions, too. God bless !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jenni
  2. Yuck.. sounds to me like it's time for a new church! My church provides for my every need, spiritually, emotionally, scripturally, and occassionally physically.
  3. My pleasure, sis!! God bless your seeking a new church. I have found a WONDERFUL church, almost 5 years ago. What an amazing church it is!! Praise the Lord for leading me to it. It is a nondenominational church. Here's their statement of faith just for interest's sake (check out the red section in particular): Statement of Faith The Bible: The sole basis of our belief is the Bible, composed of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. We believe that Scripture in its entirety originated with God, and that it was given through the instrumentality of chosen men. Scripture thus, at one and the same time, speaks with the authority of God and reflects the backgrounds, styles, and vocabularies of the human authors. See: 2 Tim. 3:16-17, 1 Peter 1:10-12, 2 Peter 1:20-21 We hold that the Scriptures are infallible and without error in the original writings. They are the unique, full and final authority on all matters of faith and practice, and there are no other writings similarly inspired by God. See: Matt. 5:17-20 God: We believe there is one, true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons
  4. Some people come to Christ while imprisoned, and they can't have a water baptism. Others may come to Christ on a plane, that goes down, and they will still see Heaven because they believed and recieved. Of course I'm not talking about a huge percent of those who will be in Heaven, but even ONE in God's eyes is amazing. Baptism does not save a person. But when it can be done, it is a DESIRED response to coming to know the Lord personally.
  5. Christ's return will be a glorious day. I pray for it often. It isn't something we need to worry about. We should continue everyday following the Word of GOd that says to love one another, and share the good news.
  6. Great advice everyone! Thank you for replying. I needed a sounding board for this issue as it's been on my heart for a year. After seeing it for the second year in a row (probably just missed it the other years), I am just sickened by everything wrong with it.
  7. I would approach this as a concerned citizen of the community and as the parent of a young person who attends this school. I'd contact the school principle and let him know of my concerns and how much it offended you. He probably didn't sign off on this. I am sure it will dealt with. Sad thing is, I believe he must have known. Every group has to have a sponsor who is a staff member at the school. And, this was the second year it's happened. It's a car wash to raise money (I assume it's cheerleading camp).
  8. I live in a very nice, homey suburb of Chicago, population 23,000. I was driving down Main St, Saturday, past the town's only High School, when I was confronted with 2 practically naked teenage girls with jewels hanging off their naked navels, with tiny stips of cloth across their chests in the name of bikini-tops, bouncing up and down with signs guiding them to other equally half-naked girls washing cars. I was sickened to see such a thing in the parking lot of the High School. They're using sex to make money for "x" (I think it was the cheerleaders). Whatever parent said "ok" to their daughter doing this is insane. There are sexual preditors everywhere, one only needs to go online to find the ones located in their area (and those are only the registered ones). I think the message this sends to all school-attenders (young and old) is horrible. I could go on.... but here's my question: Would you write to your mayor, school board, superintendent, principal or someone else regarding this matter? I have so much to say regarding this, but wonder if it's just because I'm a Christian and know how much this makes our boys and others stumble/lust, besides the fact that it's so demeaning and sends a horrible message to these girls regarding fund raising, their bodies, using themselves, modesty, etc. etc. etc. Would you write someone?? If so, what would you say? How would you approach it? BTW, I have a 15 year old daughter in a Christian private school. My 16 year old son is in a special ed program at the High School where this car washing event took place.
  9. Seeing as everyone in the neighborhood knows she's a gossiper and liar, don't worry about what she says! I assume no one believes what comes out of her mouth anyway. So, no matter what she says about x, y, or z it can't hurt you unless you let it. Especially things she said your husband "supposedly" said. Just don't talk to her about more than neutral subjects like the weather. I don't think you can approach her with a Biblical correction unless she's a professed Christian anyway. So, she's just going to look like a fool the more and more she runs her mouth off. There are SOO many verses in Proverbs about "fools" and "running off at the mouth". Just draw comfort that you have other nice neighbors and put all your efforts into them. Maybe if Miss Gossip sees that she's no longer getting any attention (even negative attention is attention)... maybe then you could approach her about Jesus.
  10. Add that along with the new, louder, and more compact speakers installed in some cars, and you get those cars that pull up along side you in traffic and practically change your heart's rhythm with the loud BASS!
  11. Right! How could these kids ever trust when there might possibly be a real emergency?
  12. Parents Outraged After Elementary School Teachers Stage Fake Gunman Attack Sunday, May 13, 2007 [Fox News] MURFREESBORO, Tenn.
  13. My daughter has been going to a Christian Academy since she was in 3rd grade. She is now closing out 9th grade. Right before she began attending the school, they used to have a policy that if the transgression was of a certain ilk, the parents would be called to the school to "apply" the discipline. We never spanked our kids, but thought I would pass along this info because I thought it was a great way for the school to exercise corporal punishment without being the ones who implemented it.
  14. We have watched every episode and even the repeats! lol I love that family! Having a son and husband who are handicapped, I can sure appreciate their boldness to speak out for changes in places like hotels, etc My daughter and I want to hang out with Amy she is soooo awesome. I think she would be such a great friend to have. I cried when Jacob and Mike got hurt Thank you for bringing up my FAVORITE show
  15. I don't think this article is saying "100%" of the time, but my unscientific data has shown me that my friends who have children growing up IN a church (not those "high holiday" attenders) are much better behaved, emotionally-adjusted, and all-in-all great kids. I would have to question those who say "but we went to church, and my teen did such and such".... did they really practice throughout the week what they practiced on Sundays? The PK's that I've known who've gone wild (1 pastor of an old church I attended as a child) were that way due to horribly poor parenting. He was an awful pastor, and thankfully left the church. He certainly did not lead his family spiritually, nor in discipline. btw, i have 2 teens, raised in the church (in case that matters)
  16. Study: Religion Is Good for Kids Tuesday, April 24, 2007 By Melinda Wenner E-MAIL STORY PRINTER FRIENDLY VERSION Kids with religious parents are better behaved and adjusted than other children, according to a new study that is the first to look at the effects of religion on young child development. The conflict that arises when parents regularly argue over their faith at home, however, has the opposite effect. John Bartkowski, a Mississippi State University sociologist and his colleagues asked the parents and teachers of more than 16,000 kids, most of them first-graders, to rate how much self control they believed the kids had, how often they exhibited poor or unhappy behavior and how well they respected and worked with their peers. The researchers compared these scores to how frequently the children
  17. here are my notes from my Pastor's sermon on the Feast of Tabernacles: The Feast of Tabernacles lasted 7 days. People came and built small huts or booths to live in. (Not one big tent). God used this to show them what was tempororay and what was permanent (eternal). The Israelites, after leaving Egypt wandered for 40 years living in "temporary" homes and eating manna only. The word Manna means "what is it". This was difficult living. God was punishing them for turning from Him to other gods. He wanted them to long for "home" (Eternal home). The first tradition during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles was to gather around an altar, and the priest would give a "water" offering. The priests would provide a water offering for 6 days, and on the 7th day they would pray for a good rain period for a productive harvest. This tradition went on for years, until Jesus came, and during the 7th day, Jesus interrupted and said He was the Living water.A second tradition during the week of the Feast of Tabernacles was for the the priests to light bowls of oil in the middle of "camp" for 7 days. After Jesus came, He said He was the "light of the world" This is just a very brief summary of what he shared. If you would like to hear it, our church's website allows for downloads of previous sermons!! http://www.ccclife.org./storyPage.asp?pageID=22 You can listen to the other "Feasts" leading up to Easter. ENJOY.. we sure did!!!
  18. Like the "Old Lady who lived in a shoe"...
  19. Boots? lol no... "booths" think of a primative tent made of twigs, vines, leaves... They were meant to be temporary. I'll go dig up my notes and give you some more info.
  20. It's also known as the "Feast of Tabernacles" or the "Feast of Booths". A time when all would gather in booths (or huts) for a week. I have a lot more notes on this as my Pastor has just spent 4 weeks leading up to Easter giving sermons on the "Feasts" . Jenni This sounds like a very nice rich feast even as a Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians for we all need to remember how God is our protector and Provider! Can somebody add to this or is this article accurate? Angels
  21. Thanks bros and sis. I'm still worried for him, but fear isn't from the Lord, so I'm rebuking it.
  22. I bet there were people who were just as shocked about the first electric organ played in church. *Gasp* Some early hymns were thought to be the equal to "bar/tavern" songs because of the upbeat tempo *snicker* Those are probably the ones that make some young people yawn now. Worship styles change over time, just like our church buildings (thank the Lord for air conditioning!). We add new things to minister to the kids (think crayons, markers, clay, physical activities to help them memorize scripture).. things that weren't used much when I was growing up in Sunday school, but I see many many kids coming to Christ and having a much deeper relationship with Christ than I did. Progress isn't always bad Bless you Brother! Praise God that you care about the health of your church!
  23. Amen!! Awesome verses... thank you all for your help. this will be great to share with him.
  24. Hey everyone.. I have a Christian brother who fell recently, and is very remorseful. He has come back to God seeking forgiveness, but is very sad. I told him that most likely God is working on his heart, and sadness is part of his repentance. Anyway, I am at work, but need to encourage him with scripture. Anyone think of a verse or 2 regarding sin remorse, repentance, God's work in our hearts, you get the picture? Thanks in advance... I really gotta get back to work, but will be back later for your ideas. Jenni
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