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Everything posted by carrielles

  1. Because they reference completely different parts of the story. John 20 picks up where Matthew 27 leaves off. There's nothing inherently contradictory. Perhaps this is a typo? God Bless! No John 20 doesnt pick up where matthew 27 left off...John 20:1 says she arrived when the stone was already rolled away and the tomb empty. Matthew 27 has her present when the angel roled it away and speaks to her from atop the stone. John has her there inside the tomb when 2 angels speak to her. Both accounts have her talking to Jesus but they have different feels to them. John has her speaking to him as if he is the gardener and matthew has her speaking to him as her Lord and worships. The response from Jesus is different in both language and tone....I am just not convinced it is picking up where the other left off. You're referring to Matthew 28... hence my confusion. Sorry. Anyway, part of the reason for the difference in tone can be attributed to the fact that both accounts are second-hand. Neither Matthew nor John was present when Jesus spoke with Mary, so they had to rely on her story, and then relate it as well as they were able. As for the first part, the bible doesn't actually say that the stone rolled away in Mary's presence. It says they were on their way to the tomb... then it cuts to the tomb itself where there is an earthquake and thestone rolls away. This is simply a matter of linguistics more than anything else. Matthew is explaining what happened -- why Mary saw what she saw, and why she was able to have the conversation. Kind of like when a movie cuts away from the main characters, or when a radio show announcer says, "meanwhile, back at the ranch..." Ok well that does help a little, I had just assumed from the way it was written that mary was present for the earthquake. This page also helped shed some light on this a little, I am less confused than I was.. http://www.carm.org/diff/table_resurrection.htm
  2. Because they reference completely different parts of the story. John 20 picks up where Matthew 27 leaves off. There's nothing inherently contradictory. Perhaps this is a typo? God Bless! No John 20 doesnt pick up where matthew 27 left off...John 20:1 says she arrived when the stone was already rolled away and the tomb empty. Matthew 27 has her present when the angel roled it away and speaks to her from atop the stone. John has her there inside the tomb when 2 angels speak to her. Both accounts have her talking to Jesus but they have different feels to them. John has her speaking to him as if he is the gardener and matthew has her speaking to him as her Lord and worships. The response from Jesus is different in both language and tone....I am just not convinced it is picking up where the other left off.
  3. I hope I put this in the right place..... I need some help with scripture. Let me start by saing I am a christian and have been for 8 years and I have studied quite a bit scripture for my short walk. I was very much enjoying Easter sermon and today during my quiet time I wanted to compare the scipts to see how the line up, like I did at christmas time. Well I have hit a snag that is bothering me so much. Please if anyone can enlighten me it will save me doubts. Even if the Lord never turns a light on in this area of scripture I wil still not turn my back to Him. But I would like some help from my mature christian friends. I seek godly counsel. Why is Matthew 27 so different from John 20? Please do not give opinions, I would much preferre scripture. Thanks.....
  4. carrielles


    I also like Case for Christ, they now have it on DVD which makes for great discussions and you can pause when you both wathc it. Also I enjoy Jesus Fact or Fiction and other DVD that you can pick and chose the questions you want answers to , also includes the Jesus Film. Hope that helps.
  5. I will miss him....He always made me smile. In fact I have one of his comics on my fridge right now...
  6. Take heart KL, Jesus has righteous anger and did not sin. It is OK for you to get angry over things against God. The best way to calm down to is arm yourself with scripture and the peace that God gives thru His word. I am sad that you feel persecuted in your own school, if you are really uncomfortable then go the principal and tell them you are uncomfortable. I bet things will change. Principal's don't like when a teacher they pay sends a child to thier office crying. Keep praying and being salt and light in a dark world. Bless you for your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.
  7. I am so grateful for the scripture posted here, we should be ready to do battle when the time comes. That means knowing scripture and submitting to the Most High to interceede on our behalf when the demon seeems big but is so tiny compared to Who Created it. The Creator is always in control. Thank you Jesus.
  8. hubby and i were both lost when we married, now we are both saved. the only changes that happen are the ones God himself does. praise His name!!
  9. I say God is male. He is my heavenly Father. He made man in His image. Lots of scripture referre to Him as male. I don't know if that is just for our little brains to comprehend or if He is male gendered. The bible also says He is Spirit and Truth. Jesus was male. The male is the spiritual head of the household. So I think God is male.
  10. I was not raised in christian home, so when I came to Christ it was becaused I believed. Like akido science helped God become tanglible to me and therefore more real. So faith first, then later concrete foundation. Thanks for asking.
  11. May the Lord bless you and keep you and make HIS face to shine upon you
  12. Then I am doomed.... I don't know anything in my life that God has %100. I know I try. I repent when I slip and fall. God is gracious to forgive and love me thru the way back. But if it is going to be %100 I do not know if I will ever obtain it in my human flesh. Pray for me.
  13. THIS IS CRAZY TALK im speechless steve write that down.
  14. They are referred to as The Remnant of Israel. They are those who make up a surviving portion of the 144,000 of the twelve tribes of Israel who escape persecution and the portion of the "non-many" of Daniel 9:27 who refuse to take part in the covenant with the Antichrist who will flee to the mountains and also escape persecution. The two groups combined will form the remaining one third of Israel, noting of the two thirds which die in Zech. 13:8. The Special Purpose is the preaching of the Gospel by the 144,000 Jews, a re-establishing of the Church during the tribulation period by which many of them will be killed for engaging in this ministry, which will oppose the position of the Antichrist. Zephaniah 3:11-13 Zechariah 13:8-9 Peace CJ Thank you for that scripture. The passage I remember reading was in the NT and it was referring to the gathering of his people. I am still looking and not giving up hope. Like I said, it could be NIV translation which I don't use anymore and thats why I am having trouble finding it.
  15. I loved this , thank you for sharing something positive first thing in the morning. HUGS
  16. Not only is the scripture almost completely silent on the issue of a rapture, it does not even come close to saying this. You might be thinking of the Jewish witnesses that accept Christ after the supposed rapture...but other than that, scripture is silent. "supposed rapture" so you do not believe in rapture at all? Any script on that I can see?
  17. Maybe your historian friend is confused between punishments for Romans citizens and those outside the protection of Roman law? The thief on the cross was not a Roman citizen and therefore not under protection of Roman Law. He had no right of appeal and most any punishment could be inflicted upon him. He was considered less than human as all non-Roman citizens were. That is my understanding. For instance, Paul (Saul) was a Roman citizen, which is why he could appeal to Rome and why he was released when jailed illegally. Does that help?
  18. Hello, My question is that I remember reading, I think in my NIV, that during the time of the rapture the Lord will leave behind any who are not of His flock and those whom He chooses to leave behind for a special purpose. Now I can't remember where I read this or if this is true so if any bible scholars out there know of saved people who will left behind please can you give me some scripture??? Thank you.
  19. If he was running for President of HIS OWN planet I would vote for him. But not for president of my country! We are barely blessed as it is, as a "Christian nation". Pray for God's will and God's plan for our country.
  20. If same sex marriages go into effect and they get the tax cuts and military money and the insurance, OUR TAXES will go up to pay for thier medical expenses. I am not willing to pay for that lifestyle. Its bad enough I pay for evolution in my textbooks to schools I DONT attend. If they want to put an innitiative into place that says you may add one person to your insurance policy I would not have a problem with that. Mostof us already have a person on there, our spouse.
  21. Great we all gonna die form some rampaging virus they cant control and it will mutate with every cure. good one guys.
  22. That is gross, we had one of those in maine, they sold donuts. But they made in a mint. Yuck.
  23. OH WOW, I didnt expect that. I thought he was going to see that he made safe the whole night long only to be devoured by a lion at first light. ...... Guess i need to call my threapist back and start all over. Im kidding!!! It was a great tale.
  24. UMMM I am glad that they are taking this step.....but I remember that the 9/11 terrorists came down thru canada into the US by way of MAine. I am from maine so this kind of stuff sticks into my brain. We might need to consider some type of border patrol if they arent going to be responsible with thier accountability.
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