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Everything posted by Scum_of_the_Earth

  1. Try to find a placement that will keep her no matter what she does. Whether it's a group facility or a foster home with parents that are adament about loving her, try to find a place that she can continue to stay. I can imagine being ushered around to various homes just leaves her feeling unwanted and unimportant. She needs discipline, yes. But she needs stability. She needs someone who won't let her get away with things, but will never give up on her. Chances are she feels like the world has given up on her as a lost cause... and she needs to know that isn't true. She needs to know she isn't a lost cause. She cannot respect and love herself if no one treats her like she's worth loving and respecting, regardless of her choices.
  2. I came to the conclusion that pleasing everybody all the time is impossible. I've been told my whole life to "avoid the appearance of evil", but it doesn't matter how one lives their life, SOMEONE is going to take issue with it. And on the flipside, how easily is it for us to hide our sin so that NOBODY knows, but God knows. So who do we live for, others or Christ? I've decided I care about living for Christ, and when I am at peace with my decisions, I know I'm living right. When I'm not at peace with my decisions, I know it's Christ telling me there's a reason I'm not at peace with my decisions. Sometimes I'm not the greatest listener, but at the end of the day I know if I'm living right or wrong. That comes with experience and maturity in your relationship with Him and being willing to listen to even the hard things He has to tell you. That's not to say I've stopped asking for wise counsel, I do. But I don't live my life according to what PEOPLE say. I take their advice, pray about it, and consider what Christ has to say. With that rambling aside... I don't see any inherent problem of living together without being married. However, it is HUGELY tempting. I've known couples that did it without stumbling, and I truly believe that they did it without stumbling. It just seemed that nothing else would have worked. And it wasn't that they hadn't sought out options. They exhausted their options and then decided living in the same house, in seperate bedrooms on opposite sides of the house, were their best option. But theirs is a rare situation. From a practical standpoint I just think it's bad too. I'm not perfect. I'm single, and going to be giving birth to a child in November. I've made mistakes and I've done so without ever living with a guy. A couple doesn't have to live together to still sin. But even after being in this situation, I will never live with a boyfriend until we're married. I feel more strongly about that now that I'm going to be a mother. I know the devastation from having people come and go in my life, and I would never want to bring a man into my son's life and then have him leave and my son wonder what he did wrong. I am worth making a REAL commitment to. And that's one of many reasons I will not live with a man until I'm married.
  3. I absolutely think that you can't claim gluttony and omit laziness or vice versa in the obesity epidemic. When I was a kid the culprit was television that kept me inside. Nowadays I'd say it's probably moreso video games. But kids are eating more and moving less (we all are). Americans are consumers. We consume more of everything (beyond just food) on average than any other country. We need to wake up to that and remember to appreciate simplicity in life. And we move far less here than other countries. I was in Korea for a month where I ate rice (yes, carbs) 3 times a day and I LOST 19 pounds in those 28 days. I walked EVERYWHERE yet was probably consuming the same amount of calories that I had been in America, including even eating KFC and Mcdonalds a couple times a week. Teach your children to move. Do exercise as a family. Make it fun, make it a lifestyle not a workout. And have fun making healthy meals. Cooking is typically less expensive than going out to eat. And you know what's going into your food. Also, a person can eat unhealthy and not be overweight, but heart disease and such will catch up to them. So just because you're thin, don't assume you're healthy.
  4. I dunno if I necessarily think he's out to dethrone God, as much as he is just to challenge God and moreso get US to challenge God. He wanted Eve to sin, she did. He wants us to sin, we do. Some repent and turn towards Christ. Others stay forever in rebellion. Each person satan wins over is one that God lost, and I think that he knows that he won't win in the end, because I've always been taught that he is an intelligent being, but those that he does "win" Christ has "lost" and so he just wants to take as many with him as he can.
  5. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. It doesn't take just disease to steal our body, many things can take us from this earth. A friend of mine died of a blood clot in his lung 6 months after getting married. His wife was widowed in her mid 20's. It was devastating for her, but she wouldn't have traded their 6 months of marriage for anything. You could be married and a tragic accident could take one of you the next day. Tomorrow is not given to us. We only have the moment we're living in. And because of that we should chase life for all it is worth, which includes experiencing love and sharing your life with someone.
  6. I found the actual text, as I hadn't heard of this thusfar and actually LIVE in Colorado. If you'd like to check out the text I'll post it, as it's nobody's opinion of the law, but the law in it's entirety. All it is doing is adding sexual orientation to the list of things such as race, creed, etc that one cannot discriminate against. It has even said that churches, synogogues, etc are exempt from that. Which means, your church is still allowed to kick people out if they don't agree with their lifestyle. Therefore I don't think banning the Bible is on anybody's minds since religious places are exempt from this law and still protected under freedom of religion. And I've yet to see any men when I'm in public women's restrooms. http://www.leg.state.co.us/clics/clics2008...ILE/200_enr.pdf
  7. Do a little research with your friends and neighbors and see if any of them would be able to take the dog if he went back to a shelter. Then when you call, let animal control know you have another house lined up for him if they find the home is unsuitable for the dog.
  8. I've studied this cult for over 3 years. I can guarantee you as an expecting mother, if any 50 year old man tried to marry my 13 year old daughter, I'd castrate him myself and make sure the pervert was thrown in prison. And that would be the typical response from any mother or father in their right mind. Many of the men in this cult are simply perverts disguised as religious leaders. And the women are brainwashed and emotionally still teenagers themselves due to never being allowed to grow up within a healthy community that teaches true right and wrong. Instead, everything they've been fed has been cult teachings from their cult leaders. The children need to be taken away, the women put into intense therapy for healing and the men thrown in prison for life.
  9. I totally and completely agree. My belief is that laws should be made based on victimisation. That rule of thumb can get a little gray when you speak about things such as abortion, because it's hard to say that a lump of tissue is a victim, and for those that believe that (I do not, please don't think I do, I believe life begins at conception) it's hard to convince them that there's a victim there. But in the vast majority of cases, if law were based on victimisation, we'd have a far more consistent government, and would be focusing on the real issues instead of bickering over things we'll never agree on.
  10. Tough choice, but I put economic policy... specifically dealing with poverty, homelessness in our country, and the healthcare system and it's many pitfalls. Environment is a close close second, only because I do care more about people, though the environment does, and will continue to, have an impact on people, economic policy directly affects humans, whereas environmental issues indirectly do. Gunrights is a very close third, as I am a strong advocate of severely tightening up gun laws. Everything else falls below those in no particular order for me. Some details of some of them I'm passionate about, such as decreasing the abortion rate by implementing comprehensive sex education programs in our education system, and my frustration with using the bible to take away the basic human rights of people living in a lifestyle we may not agree with.... but those are tangents for another day.
  11. I believe in taking care of what God entrusted to me, and treating people, all people, whether I've met them or not, fairly and equally. For this reason I not only do my best to take care of the earth, but I also try to buy organic food, fair trade, etc. I refuse to purchase anything from Nike because I will not support sweat shop labor. I refuse to shop at Walmart because they don't take care of their employees. I refuse to eat McDonalds because of slavery rings they've supported in Florida to produce their tomatoes and other vegetables. And the list goes on. I know that I probably support companies currently with bad ethics, but I try to research it and find out, and once I know that they're engaged in unethical practices, I can't in good conscience support them. (I know that got a little off topic, sorry) I have started also supporting companies more that I know are doing a good thing to support buying reusable energy. PepsiCo was awarded recognition for being top among companies in this last year for their purchase of reusable energy credits. And I am looking forward to the day I can drive a veggie-oil powered car.
  12. When I once complained of writer's block, I was told true writers never experience that. I don't know whether I necessarily agree with that statement or not, but the advice that followed was really great and I've tried it ever since and found it very beneficial. Just write all the time. Keep a notebook of some sort with you at all times and write in it. Write thoughts, write ideas, write words that you've heard but don't know the meaning to. I was also told to continue reading constantly as much as I could, as their really isn't any new ideas out there, just recycled and revamped past ideas. Read a short story and write a different ending, then figure out a new beginning to compliment the ending you've written, and there is your own new short story. Don't sit down with the idea that you're going to write something brilliant. Just always been in writer mode, and something will come from that.
  13. Dreams are going to be 1 of 3 things. 1st and most often, they're your subconscious mind filtering through things. 2nd, they're a psychological indication of something (ie being naked is a sign you're hiding something and/or afraid of someone seeing the real you) 3rd, they're spiritually relevant and might be God's way of speaking to you. Typically they're not psychologically or spiritually relevant unless they're repetetive and connected in some way to each other. I recommend dream journalling. I'm not very consistent, but if you do it, first of all it's a way of remembering funny dreams, but it's also a way of being able to see a consistency and if there's a dream you should pay more attention to.
  14. The first pictures I saw where it showed them straight on, I knew. A person would have to be blind not to see it. She's identical to him. I just have such a heavy heart for that poor baby. Her short little life so far has been nothing but a tug of war from here to there. Who knows what kind of life she has ahead of her. Hopefully a good one, but I can't imagine she'll ever be out of the media's reach.
  15. If a person were on meth and jacked up their teeth from it, should our taxes be used to fund them getting better teeth? A big 'ol heck no from me. Same with smoking and obesity. If a person is obese and has chronic problems from that, problems that they wouldn't have if they were working on the core problem (obesity) why should they get my tax money to take care of a problem they can alleviate without medicine? I'm not being discriminatory... I'm overweight. I have knee problems and health issues because of that. But I've taken the proactive way and am exercising and becoming healthier so I don't have to spend money to take care of a problem that could be taken care of if I'd just get my lazy butt up off the couch and move and stop feeding my face with junk. I'd have to see a more thorough description of the plan to see if I'd agree with it or not. But I'm all for socialized health care and wish we'd adopt it here in the states.
  16. I don't believe in soul mates or that there is "the one" for people.
  17. Do you believe that Jesus was resurrected from the dead? Yes Do you believe that Jesus was born of a virgin? Yes Do you believe that evil forces/powers exist? Yes Do you believe that evil forces/powers affect people? Yes Do you believe the bible is the spoken word of God? No Do you believe that there is an absolute moral truth? Yes Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? Yes Do you believe that Jesus never sinned? Yes
  18. Tell your friend if she's ever in Denver she can feel free to come fellowship with my church. My church is full of the people who have been forgotten, cast aside and ignored. It makes for a big congregation that understands and extends grace fairly easily. A pastor should never feel he or she has the right to tell his or her congregation who they can speak with.
  19. Oops, I thought the X was latin. But I did know that it was an abbreviation for Christ. Doesn't bother me to see Xmas, and when I'm in a hurry, that's how I write it. Considering that Christ was born in the summer and not december, and that we stole the holiday for ourselves from the pagans, it doesn't much matter to me how it's written or celebrated or anything. It's a nice time of the year, and I enjoy spending it with my family and giving gifts, but as far as Christ is concerned, December 25 is no more significant to me and my faith than any of the rest of the 364 days of the year.
  20. I read his book before I ever began attending the church I now call home. It brought me to tears over and over again with the absolutely grace he shows towards those that raked his family over the coals and completely ostrocized them and made their lives horrible. It really convicted me of the forgiveness and grace I was called to show towards those that hurt me. And as he talked about Revo ministries, I began to hope that someday I could find a church such as that. For one to look at me, I look "normal" and would easily fit into any church congregation anywhere. I know how to dress to fit in and act to avoid trouble. But in my heart, with my passion, I don't fit into any "normal" church. That's why when I moved here and found my new home, I absolutely fell in love. I love spending Sunday nights serving food to the homeless, the drug addicts, and those that just need a hot meal, whether they choose to stay for service or not. And I love hearing the stories of God's grace and provision and deliverance in the lives of my brothers and sisters that I worship with. I googled my church, and believe me, I know what it's like to have people tell you you're wrong when they have no idea who you are or what you stand for. I found incredily venemous remarks pertaining to our pastor, people in the church, and the church as a whole. My pastor has extended invitations to all of them to come check us out and see what we're about, but none of them has been accepted. That's why I ask you all not to be so quick to throw stones. Just because something is different, doesn't make it wrong. I can assure you the staff of my church holds strongly to scriptural teaching, and if someone is living in sin and doesn't want to be told they're living in sin, they'll stop coming on Sunday nights, because they know the truth will be spoken. But in the same way that our pastor will tell you you're sinning, he'll bring you to his house to eat supper with his family and talk you through how to break out of your bondage. I could go on forever. I'm absolutely in love with my church and for the first time in my 16 years of being a Christian, I see Christ in church, and it's a beautiful thing.
  21. The link wouldn't work for me, but I can say that "Son of a Preacher Man" by Jay Bakker was one of the best books I've ever read on the subject of grace and forgiveness. I suggest everyone here read it a few times. Being a part of my church, a church like Bakker's Revo in Atlanta has changed my life. I've only been here for about 6 months, but it has made the most profound difference on my faith and walk with Christ than any other cookie-cutter congregation has. So often ministries like Bakker's and the church I go to, get a bad rap from people that have no idea what we're about, that haven't stepped foot inside the doors to get to know who we are. I'd love to go volunteer with Jay for awhile and hope to someday take on a bigger role with my church, hopefully staff if God wills it. There's nothing wrong with getting down in the gutter with people and loving them the way Christ would. The people in the gutter wouldn't dare darken the step of the majority of churches in this country. They'd be turned away because of their smell or look or whatever else reason one would give. But Christ calls us to embrace them and love them and if they won't come to us, we should go to them. It's not about compromising the gospel, it's about LIVING the gospel in a way that makes a difference.
  22. HA! You must not have my head of hair. There are times when I've run out of conditioner and forgotten about it until I was already in the shower, so I figure, okay, just shampoo this time. Then I get out of the shower and try to comb out my hair. It's one big rat's nest and takes 30 minutes to detangle. Being a single person it's hard for me to make myself cook because it feels like so much work just for myself. But lately, especially since I've begun my kick to get healthy, I'm forcing myself to buy food and cook it. Even though I shop mostly natural and organic foods, it's still cheaper than eating out. Before I moved out here, I was spending insane amounts of money every week eating out. Those meals could have paid down some serious debt that I'm still wading in.
  23. Psst, Wayne, I'm a sister. I just recently move to Denver in May. I know that everywhere has it's problems, but hearing the statistics about Denver alarms me and I can't help but figure out what I can do to help. There are 6,000 more homeless people on the streets of Denver every spring than there was the previous year. And yet handfuls of shelters close every year. Growing up in rural Kansas I never saw this problem much. Now it's in my face daily. It's overwhelming.
  24. I went to probably the best birthday celebration that I've ever been to last night. A friend from church had his birthday last night, and for the last 3 years has made it a tradition (can 3 years be a tradition? lol) to serve others on his birthday. He gathers up a group of people from church, whoever wants to join, meets at a house, puts together sandwiches, heats up soup, and wraps up hats, gloves and socks into bundles to give away to people. Then the large group splits into smaller groups, takes the stuff downtown and hands it out to people that need warmth or food. I decided to join last night and help celebrate his birthday by serving people in downtown Denver. It really affected me. Sure it's easy to give money and food to missions and let them do the work of handing it out. It's easy to stand in line at church and serve food to people in a comfortable, warm place. Yet it's quite another to go downtown at night in the cold and choose to serve those that society forgets. I was so overwhelmed by the love of Christ and the urge to do more for people. I have had 23 years of bad birthdays and I'm so selfish and so easy to pout that nobody cares about my birth. But here was he, willing to make this day about other people and not himself. I'm convicted. Maybe I'll load up cold water bottles and sandwiches in July and choose to go serve others for once instead of making it about me and what people can do for me. Anybody else ever heard of anyone doing anything like this before?
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