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About daybreak

  • Birthday 03/05/1976

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    Health and Beauty, Sunday School, DIYs, Politics

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  1. Thank you guys for your replies. Truly appreciate! Have a lovely day.
  2. I just want to know if what I have been hearing and reading everywhere in FB and email are true because I am not from the US. Is it true that the RFID microchip implantation (related to Obamacare) is to be implemented mandatorily in the US this March 23, 2013, and that all Americans are required to have the implant? And there are this provisions of the law that states otherwise? Some says this is not true, but others says it is. You guys being from the USA are I think the best person to ask about the truth behind this. Thank you very much. God bless us!
  3. It's been a long time since I visited worthy family. But I know that whenever I have questions, I know that I can always count on honest and truthful answers from you guys. I want to know. What is a full gospel church? How does it differ from non full gospel church or dunno if there's one ? What are the differences between baptist, pentecostal, evangelical churches? Thanks much to all my brethren. God bless.
  4. Hey ZG! Sorry it took me a while to appear. Sooo busy nowadays -- work, school, ministry... you name it. I know you are doing well by the grace of God. Day Thank you all for those who have responded. I truly appreciate. God bless my brethren.
  5. Of all the songs of your favorites, which one (upto 3 only) do u consider as the best, one that moves you to remember God and worship Him (regardless of your mood)? Could you put the message? Anything mine would be the song "Holy Ground" "...we are standing on Holy Ground and I know that there are angels all around let us praise Jesus now for we are standing in His presence on Holy ground" G'day to all!
  6. Good morning/evening! I need you guys help for this. Could you help me in this story? This isn't my assignment in school. I just wanted to draw encouragement from your brothers/sisters opinions/suggestions. Anyone can answer freely. And all your responses will be highly appreciated. Sandcastles 1. What do you think was happening to the boy? 2. How do you want the story to end? Thank you so much and God bless you all.
  7. Thank you for the responses. I truly appreciate. God bless us.
  8. Brothers and Sisters, I'm just wondering. How are we to differentiate temptation and test? I mean like both have to do with matters on weaknesses. What is the clear distinction between these two? And please include scriptural references. Thank you very much.
  9. I'm just wondering... can God speak to us through dreams? And could you give any Scriptural references that support your opinions. Thank you very much.
  10. I also have read this somewhere, this is a must-read story. Thanks for posting this!
  11. daybreak


    Idolatry takes the place of God.
  12. I like this one... "Patience is better than pride." Think about it.
  13. Praise the LORD for all those unhappy incidents that should have come our way and yet He has exempted us of!!! He is a wonderful God!!! and His love is new every morning. "The LORD's promise is sure. He speaks no careless word; all He says is purest truth, like silver seven times refined." Psalm 12:6 TLB
  14. Very very true. The LORD always speaks to us in His own special ways.
  15. That really happens cuz God is not finished with all of us yet. Just focus your eyes on Jesus, our Perfect Example. Continue on. Persevere.
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