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John R Nolan

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Everything posted by John R Nolan

  1. WHO IS THE BEAST? 27/10/06 Who is the beast spoken of in the Bible? There are quite a number of beasts, Gen.2:19 states
  2. Everybody interprets the Bible. There is not one of us who does not have some form of interpretive process. The question really comes down to whether or not the process actually allows the text to speak for itself or not. The need for proper hermeneutics is highlighted here, in the very way you are treating 2 Pet. 1:20. People read the term "private interpretation" and assume that Peter is saying that no one has the right to interpret the Bible for himself, and that is not what Peter is talking about. Peter is comparing the prophets of the Lord with the false prophets. If you read in the context, Peter, starting back in verse 16, is saying that the Gospel message is not the product of fables that were cunningly devised products of human intellect, or imagination. Peter recounts the transfiguration when he says "we beheld His majesty" and he recounts the voice from heaven that he, James and John heard from heaven saying, "this is my Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased." But Peter does not stop there, He points out that the message of the Gospel is also supported by something even more sure, that being the prophetic word, which came by the holy prophets of old who spoke as they were directed by God to speak. He says that no prophecy in Scripture is of "private interpretation" meaning, that the prophets did not speak on their own. The prophecies we read in Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Amos, Joel, etc. were not the product of the impulse, will or imagination of the prophets, but that the prophets spoke as they were moved on by the Holy Spirit. The prophecies of Scripture do not find their origination in some personal agenda on the part of the prophets. This compared in chapter 2 starting at verse one, where Peter begins to compare the prophets of the Lord with the false prophets, such as in the days of Jeremiah, who speak of their own accord and not of the Lord, and Peter tells us that such people are with us today, secretly bringing in destructive heresies, and exploiting the saints through greed. The rest of chapter two follows with Peter's condemnation of false prophets, down to the end of the chapter. Honestly, it is those who rail against proper hermeneutics that demonstrate exactly why we need it. 2 Pet 1:20 is not a prohibition on self-study and interpretation of Scripture. This is why context is so important. As for Revelation 22:18-19, it is not biblical exposition that is being condemned, but rather adding human ideas to the text to make it a "fuller revelation." It was a prohibition, against corruption of the text of the book of Revelation. To be sure, this was speaking of the book of Revelation in particular. Those who add to the text, or take away from the text, are denying the authority of the book, and thus deny the authority of the God who inspired it by His Spirit. To say that interpretation is adding or taking away from any part of the Word of God is pure nonsense. Thank you, shiloh. Mr. Nolan, if you wish to debate the necessity of interpretation or whether or not we've been given "authority" to interpret Scripture, please open a new topic to do so. Thank you. Sorry, that is what I thought I was doing, but, if we are discussing the mechanics of hermenutics then my comments are out of order, sorry
  3. True, the word, "THE" does not preceed great tribulation and the arguement put forward to deny such is good, but, for some curious reason, without personally interpretreting, this brother will look forward to THE catching away of 1 Thes. before judgement strikes the world; those who don't see IT that way, good luck
  4. Beautifully put together; America sold out to the anti Christ very early in the piece, when they allowed the Vatican to control the political voting system by filling the country with Irish migrants. R.C. slaves, bound under threat of ex-communication, to vote according to what their church instructed them This was fulfilled with the election of John F. Kennedy, the first R.C. president, and look at what has happened to the moral standards, the integrity, the prosperity and sanity of your nation since then We know the anti-Christ is Rome, but who is the false prophet? How can the leader of the strongest nation on the earth kneel down and kiss , do obescience, to the head of the anti-Christ? Who is your boss? Time magazine did a very interesting series of articles on the Gulf war, in which they reported that Boris Yeltsin, Michel Gorbachov AND GEORGE BUSH, were constantly in contact with the Vatican during that exercise. Were they getting instructions? As Bush (elder) said,"We don't want to be the world police force, but, someone has to do the job", and under who's instruction?
  5. Thank you brothers for your rapid response to support hermenutics, and yes, it would have been wiser on my part to ensure my reference was correct, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation What is interesting is your interpretation of vs.16 on, where we find the brethren were not following cunningly devised fables when they were describing the most recent events surrounding the Lord, His coming, (fulfilment of prophecy) and were not discussing past prophecies, "we made known unto you", "But were eye witnesses", vs. 19 involves " A more sure word of prophecy unto which you do well that you take heed" One would deduce that this more sure word of prophecy Peter is giving is included in vs 20 How do most Christians interpret Rom10:9-10? Would their interpretation of this being an assurance of salvation be correct? Is It? What about Rev.10:7, who fulfills this Scripture? How do you interpret Mal.4:5-6, Mat.28:19 and Acts 2:38? That every person personally interprets Scripture is debatable, and one suggests such a comprehensive accusation should be proven The point being made is that personal interpretation, whether by pastors, priests, arch bishops, et al. is the root cause of the divisions within the Church, just as it was with the Jews and as can be ascertained from Scripture, depending how you choose to interpret It Is this scholarly dominance an example of Laodicean attitudes? GOD alone interprets His Word and He uses only Deut.18 vindicated prophets to give His Word to His people, or do the scholars suggest Amos 3:7 is incorrectly interpreted If this is so, which part of Scripture will any of us be able to trust? If hermenutics, university degrees, etc. were the sole means to understand GOD'S Word, what chance have the simple people, the ignorant and unlearned, like Peter and most of the disciples, got, let alone us? Did not the Lord say He had come for the lost sheep, the simple people, the sinners? Is there any Scripture which assures us He came for the scholars and wise men only? Paul had to get rid of his education, his Pharasitical knowledge that he could know Christ, by revelation; Peter was ignorant and unlearned, as was John, Acts 4:13; yet he was given the keys to the kingdom of heaven, Mat.16:19 Did GOD send any of the disciples off to Bible college to get a few degrees before going out to preach the Gospel? Were the believers required to be endorsed by the religious leaders and denominations of their time before they were qualified to evangelize the world? These words are not meant as any personal attack on any brother, but we also need remember that Paul, (Rom.1:18-22 suggests he is addressing scholars) talks of these who, being wise, became fools Men who hold the TRUTH in unrighteousness. Were they the laity do you think? We need remember that it was the priests, who melted down the gold to make the calf, not the congregation, while Moses was up on the mount It was the Pharisees and Sadducees, the religious leaders of that time who nailed their Messiah on the cross, not the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the publicans, or is this also incorrect interpretation and contrary to hermenutics? How could these men, the Pharisees, qualified, trained from birth in the Old Testament not identify their Messiah, Who fulfilled every prophecy about His first coming? We read that they were blinded Heb.13:8 What evidence or vindication do our scholars and experts have today that they have not duplicated the error of the Jewish rabbis; that GOD has not blinded the Gentiles as He did the Jews, to fulfill the prophecy about Christ, the WORD, being crucified unto themselves afresh Bear in mind, this writer is not a schoar, nor does he have all the knowledge and Biblical skills some may profess, he is solely raising interesting points to stimulate and strengthen the brethren in the FAITH; to encourage us all to search the Scriptures and establish a personal relationship with GOD, instead of a third party relationship through an alternate intercessor
  6. Mat.24:21; Mk.13:19; Rev.2:22; Rev.7:14, are a couple of references, and, in the mouth of two or three witnesses let all things be established Possibly you could read the entirety of Mat.24 and you may see not only a tribulation for Israel, as a result of them murdering their Messiah, but also one for the Gentiles, for their "crucifying to themselves the Son of GOD afresh" by accepting man's, denominational interpretations INSTEAD of His Word It shows Mat.24:21-30 is referring to the Gentiles To suggest the great tribulation is a con job, a rort, could possibly be interpreted as a suggestion GOD made a mistake in His forward planning, and that is unlikely Possibly only those who refute the oncoming tribulation are those who fear being here for it
  7. Praise the Lord for one judge showing some integrity, pity the rest of them, and our political and religious leaders did not follow his example
  8. Can anybody provide any evidence to prove the Lord Jesus was born on Dec.25th? Morover, can anyone explain why shepherds would have their sheep in the fields in the middle of winter, where they would freeze? Historical records show that all such festivals are Babylonian in origin Any interested in this matter are encouraged to obtain a copy of "THE TWO BABYLONS" by Alexander Hyslop, for a comprehensive historical revelation of the ceremonies commonly practised by supposedly Christian denominations p.93 of this book tells us; "That Christmas was originally a Pagan festival is beyond all doubt. The time of the year, and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated prove its origin. In Egypt, the son of Isis, the Egyptian title for the queen of heaven, was born at this very time, (about the time of the winter solstice)" Xmas is a pagan ceremony and it is wise to explain such to the children as they grow What the world does has nothing to do with Christians, but we are responsible to teach our children the truth What I would like to hear is why ANY Christian church practises Xmas as they do, maybe some denominational officials could explain that for us
  9. Here is an interesting conundrum There is nowhere in the Bible where GOD warns His children to look out for or worry about Communism, though there are definite warnings about the Great Whore who sits on seven hills, to whom the kings of the world pay their obescience, and who has the blood of all the martyrs on her hands Communism was started to throw out the R.C. church from power, through the Russian orthodox church and their power over the Czarist empire, which was keeping the Russian peasants enslaved and starving It was the church, as in Latin American countries today, who was keeping the workers in absolute poverty. Forcing them to pay, in cash, to get forgiveness for sins, to pray souls of family out of 'purgatory' and other such waffle A reading of "Fifty Years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy will expose much of this system The original communist plan was to take back the land from the 'church', give it to the people; repossess the enormous wealth and holdings the 'church' had gained through her blackmail and deceits, and, supposedly return it to the people Sadly, of course, power corrupts, and those who had taken control decided they liked it at the top and kept the money themselves Communism is not the concern Christians face, but the dominance of religious systems, especially the papacy, as she subjugates the world through flatteries and cunning interpretation of Scripture in attempts to authenticate her illegal claims of power America was first settled by Christians fleeing religious persecution in Europe, etc., to establish a land where they could worship GOD according to the Bible, not man made creeds and dogma; free of the Roman Catholic pagan religious system persecution, wasn't it? Don't worry about Communism, look at what has happened to America since the election of the first R.C president Who did Bush and Gorbochev consult during the Gulf war? The pope, who runs the world, the vatican, that's who the Bible warns us to watch, the Beast, the great whore Remember, it is not the R.C. laity addressed here, they are deceived, but it is the religious system which has her tentacles around the throats of all nations What do you think the plan for the 'world church' is all about? Domination. How can two walk together except they be agreed? It is time for Christians to vote for GOD and demand the politicians, their elected servants, subject themselves to GOD'S Will
  10. Gotama's original teachings were made into a religion, contrary to what he taught. Gotama never wrote anything, but he instructed his disciples NOT to make it a religion, a means of control. Buddhism is a philosophy Though, there are many similarities in fundamental teachings, do good unto nature, your environment, your neighbour, etc., there is NO SALVATION in any thing other than Jesus Christ There is only ONE WAY and how can two walk together except they be agreed? The physical side of Buddhism, the meditations, and, for some who follow various schools it involves yoga Physical exercise is good, but, hidden within the yogic system is a definite, subtle worship and submission to other gods, especially the Hindu gods, so it would be wise for those asking about this matter to do some research about the topic and seek the Lord's will, not mans
  11. Possibly it is a lot simpler than most people think We have a tendency to complicate things, especially GOD'S Word, when IT is much simpler than the hierarcies would have us believe "One day with GOD is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day" 2 Pet.3:8, GOD dealt with Israel from the time of Abraham to the coming of the Messiah, 4,000 years, then Israel was cut off and the WORD came to the Gentiles to call out the Gentile bride. We got two days, two thousand years, then comes the millenium, 1,000 years The last days, we suggest refer to GOD'S dealing with the Gentiles, as He brings His plan to completion The Last Day, today, is at its end, Israel is back in her GOD given land, the times of the Gentiles is at its end, shortly the WORD will go back to Israel, the two prophets will bring the Word to call out the 144,000 and the tribulation is on Praise the Lord
  12. Could somebody please show me, in Scripture, where any man is given authority to INTERPRET GOD'S WORD 2 Pet.1:20 "Knowing this FIRST, that NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS OF ANY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION" Rev.22:18-19 reinforces this, and it would be interesting to find out where and by whom have these rules been changed 2 Pet.3:16 clearly points out how they that are unlearned do wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction Immediately those with Bible school qualifications, University theological degrees feel a smug glow of satisfaction and superiority course through their Spiritual veins, but one asks, where is their vindication, or vindication of their teachers, to qualify themselves as prophets? Amos 3:7 "Surely the LORD will do NOTHING except first He revealeth His secrets to His servants the PROPHETS" GOD interprets His Word by speaking through a vindicated prophet GOD INTERPRETS HIS WORD BY BRINGING IT TO PASS Deut.18. explains the Biblical requirements to vindicate a prophet; which of our current teachers or students who could pass that test Rom.1:18-25 speaks of men who "hold the truth in unrighteousness"; Obviosly learned and educated men, who "professing themselves to be wise became fools" Paul, a Pharisee of the Pharisees states he went to Arabia to straighten out his doctrine, and by revelation of Jesus Christ, was shown the TRUTH Gal.1:16-17; which he then preached How many of our contemporary scholars have had such experience and have the relevant qualifications to interpret what Paul gave us? Remember Rom.3:4 "GOD forbid, yea, let GOD be true and every man a liar" This is exactly how the Jews missed Him when He first came, they were too busy making money, running programs, setting up schools, etc. and fighting amongst themselves about who had the best interpretation of the Word Was not all the world divided over a dipthong? Heb.13:8 "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever" If they, the most religious men in the world, missed His first coming because they were personally interpreting Scripture, ignoring their own prophets' writings, what chance have we Gentiles, who have over 2,000 denominations, who cannot agree on Scripture but at the most fundamental levels, got of recognizing what GOD is doing today? We who have allowed religion to replace GOD'S WORD Our scholars, clergy, are those who "crucify to themselves the Son of GOD afresh, putting Him to an open shame" because we put our knowledge, our learning, our degrees, etc. around our beliefs as proof we are more knowledgable, more wise than the laity Laodicea means, "to conquer the laity" Remember, it was Eve partaking of the tree of KNOWLEDGE that plunged the children of GOD into this awful mess The gentiles have duplicated the error of the Jewish Rabbis by putting CHRIST, THE WORD, to death, through personal interpretation, through addition to IT and subtraction from IT GOD told Daniel to "shut up the words and SEAL the BOOK, even to the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and KNOWLEDGE shall be increased" Note, IT doesn't say GODLY knowledge This writer is a sinner saved by GOD'S Grace, he has no qualifications, and that will probably draw a few guffaws, and 'I told you so's" from the scholars, but if Peter, who was ignorant and unlearned was able to stand as a witness to GOD'S Word, possibly these writings too will encourage the readers to get their eyes off their qualifications, their egos and back on CHRIST Reading Mat.6:2-16; 22:18, 23:13-29; Mk.7:6; Lk.11:44 shows how it was the scholars the Lord had most of the troubles with, (Heb.13:8) Why do we have such divisiions amongst GOD'S children? Because Lucifer, as he did in the Garden, is using GOD'S Word, perverting IT, to divide and conquer Again, as with other writings, it is not our desire to offend nor upset readers, but to encourage them to get back to the WORD, for in IT alone is LIFE 1 Cor.1:19-27; 6:5; 2 Cor.10:12 are also worth a read in connection to this No prophet no Word interpretation
  13. I certainly have nothing to offer God, but God clearly established his covenant with Noah, Clearly God established a covenant with Noah. Genesis 6:18 But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. Genesis 9:12 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: Wow. God said twice that the covenant was between him and Noah, and all future generations... Thank you Whysoblind, I didn't even think of that one. It is a bogus example because the covenant of Noah was not a covenant of grace whereby men are saved, It is promise of protection. It was not cut in Noah's blood nor was it based upon Noah's conduct. It was an unconditional covenant and the sign was simply a rainbow in the sky. God was making a promise. My point has been that you are not good enough to be in covenant with God where the New Covenant is concerned because unlike the Noahic covenant, the New Covenant is redemptive, and man is not fit to be a redeemer. To make the New Covenant between God and man, then man becomes a co-redeemer with God, and man becomes responsible for salvation, and robs God of His glory. It completely nullifies the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. Just as a matter of interest, who is in any covenant with GOD? As I understand the Word, Christians, His children, are IN HIM, and He made the Covenant with Himself It is also wise for us all to remember that it was the scholars, the Scribes and Pharisees, the learned men of Israel who nailed Jesus on the cross, not the poor, the illiterate, the blind, the sick and destitute; possibly some of these debates get lost in hermanutics, doctrines of man, personal interpretations and egotistical drivel which is totally contrary to every attitude and thought a Christian should express, isn't it?
  14. Once saved always saved is a question that can open up a large can of worms, and, from other responses is one which has been going on for some time Being only a new contributor, earlier comments have not been seen, and one wonders if anyone has addressed PREDESTINATION, ELECTION in relationship to this matter Yes, these are contentious issues, but, the only way to eliminate them from relevance is to tear out every page in the Bible that supports them, and that would leave a much thinner Book Scripture suggests, as quoted by others on this question, there is eternal security for the believer, for those who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and praise the Lord for that What we need consider though, is whether those who make a confession are in fact saved, because many will, Scripture suggests, give their life to a false christ, Matt.24:24. We suggest the chapter be read, to get a clearer vision of what is happening, and that is talking about TODAY, not tomorrow Many will worship the devil believing they are worshipping GOD, Rev.13:4-18 Mat.7 is an interesting read and, from vs.13 unfolds some challenging thoughts. Here we identify a distinct seperation betwixt those who profess, confess, etc. and another group who live what is professed Reading from vs.21 "Not EVERYONE who saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom but he that DOETH the will of my Father vs.22 "Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied IN THY NAME, and IN THY NAME have cast out demons, and, IN THY NAME, have done many wonderful works?" vs.23 "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you, depart from Me ye that work iniquity" Seen with vs. 14 there is definitely a destinction between those who 'think' they are saved, 'think' they have given their heart to the Lord and those who are actually saved see Mat.24:22-24; Lk.13:23-28 Remember, these professers believe they are Christians, as they do all things IN HIS NAME There has long been debate over this issue and Satan has used it as a great means to divide GOD'S people, to deceive many into thinking they are safe, when, possibly, they are not as safe as they think We are saved by FAITH, not works, Gal.2: Eph.2:9; and Rom.9:11 "For the children being NOT YET BORN, neither having done good nor evil, that the purpose of GOD, according to ELECTION might stand, not of works, but of HIM that calleth" None of us have any vindication to validate our salvation, otherwise we wouldn't need FAITH, would we, it would make the Spiritual walk too easy The fallacies surrounding 'talking in tongues, signs and wonders' being proofs of GOD'S calling is exposed through the sons of Sceva Acts 19:14, and through the ability of sorcerers, satanists, church running and attending "christians" to talk with tongues, perform miracles and duplicate every Spiritual gift except one The astronomers, the ladies reading tarot and teacups, it is all Satanic duplication of GOD'S prophetic gift being perverted for money and power and is it not now common in many denominations? Signs are no proof of being a child of GOD, Lucifers children do them more and better Once saved always saved Really, the only way you can know that is by the realationship you have with your Saviour Not our party tricks and profession, but our submission to His will, by our death to self, our surrendering our perverse, humanistic thoughts to His thoughts We are instructed in various Scriptures to "RENEW OUR MIND, to PUT ON THE MIND OF CHRIST, and it is only through this we can learn Who He is, learn to love Him instead of ourselves and this world, and thus recognize our salvation Yes, Scripture endorses eternal security fully, the only problem we have is allowing Satan to keep our eye on ourselves, our works, our sins, etc., INSTEAD of on HIM, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ What do you believe?
  15. Abortion is a tragic result of poor adult planning, there is no justification for it, nor is there any Biblical comment against it, other than the commandment, "Thou Shalt NOT Kill" An interesting point is that Scripture says the child's spirit does not enter it until it takes the first breath, and there has been debate suggesting the foetus is not actually human until that point Gen.2:7 This is an issue not to be resolved in this world, as our world is sold out to Satan, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life, but, for any who are undecided about this matter we suggest they get a copy of "A SILENT SCREAM", and watch it This an ultrasound filming of an abortion and displays clearly the foetus' reaction to the assault which finishes in it's death It is not for the weak hearted, but, I believe, refutes any claim the child is not aware of what is happening, the assault on it's person It is lust, promiscuity, generally, which leads to unwanted pregnancies, or rape. That problem goes back to the Garden of Eden, when, according to Jewish commentaries, Eve didn't exactly eat an apple or any other type of fruit, and it is only by addressing those issues we can ever resolve unwanted pregnancies No Christian woman should ever face that problem though, as one expects they would maintain their integrity until they marry and then there is no loss of integrity, and there should be no desire to terminate a foetus' life Nor, one would expect, should a Christian suitor want to have any such contact with his girl friend prior to marriage
  16. There is no doubt what is going on in the Middle East is Biblical prophecies being fulfilled Scripture declares the generation that sees Israel return to her home, become a nation, after over 2,000 years of statelessness is Lk. 21:20-24 We know that the fig tree represents Israel, so part of this prophecy applies to Israel at that time, and what would happen to them after they murdered their Messiah, then reading from 25 to 33 we determine the Lord is speaking of a future date, when Israel, the fig tree, is putting forth her buds, not only is Israel bloooming, but so are all other trees, this did not happen before Israel became a nation in 1948 Summer is harvest time, and that is NOW, it is not coming, it is here Vs. 32 "This generation, (the one that sees Israel become a nation again, ) will not pass away 'til ALL be fulfilled" We already can see the anti Christ spreading her perversion of the Word through her network; shortly, possibly even now, the Word leaves the Gentile Church, as the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, then the Word goes back to Israel, the Gentile dispensation is over and the tribulation is on Israel is GOD'S calendar, it is by observing what is going on with her we can get an idea of where the program is up to The Gentiles only got two days, (2,000 years 2 Pet.3:8) so our time is up, especially when you convert time to the Biblical year, which is 360 days Israel is surrounded by her enemies, and we are at the end There is a short study "Religious Warfare" in response on another topic, which may help clarify the position Israel is in This is count down, AMEN
  17. There are a number of Scriptures which address this issue and many have been quoted by others so we will not necessarily refer to them, what we need understand is where we are in God's time frame and what we, as Christians, are to expect Sadly, many who profess Christianity are not overly interested in Scripture and partake of a third party religion where all the Spiritual work is done for them by their priests, pastors, etc. This is a dangerous position to be in as, we need remember, it was the religious leaders of the day when the Lord first came, who denied, rejected and crucified Him Heb.13:8 "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever" also Mal.3:1"For I am the LORD, I change not" imply that as it was with His first coming, so will it be with His second Satan deceived the world in exactly the same manner he deceived Eve in the beginning, by CHANGING THE WORD Today we have over 2,000 denominations who all interpret the Word differently and we need ensure that what we are getting is SHEEP food, not goats weeds We are responsible and will answer to GOD for our Spiritual walk The Lord Jesus, in Luke 21:20-32, tells us the signs we need observe to know where we are When Israel is back in her homeland, a nation again after over 2,000 years of nationlessness, surrounded by her enemies; when the times of the gentiles is run out, the generation that observes these things come to pass will see the fulfillment of all things Israel became a nation again, after over 2,000 years of homelessness, in 1948 Thus we can easily determine how late we are in the progression of GOD'S revelation of Himself In Jn.14:17 the Lord talks of the Spirit of TRUTH Whom the world cannot receive, Mat.7:13-23 points out that many will come professing to know Him, and to have done many wonderful works in His name, but are yet cast out Obviously these people were deceived Mat.24:4-27 also exposes that many people will be deceived on the Word Heathens will not be deceived, they are not in the slightest bit interested in Christianity nor GOD, so it must be 'church' people He's talking about How does Satan deceive the people? By adding to the Word, taking from the Word, personally interpreting It, contrary to 2 Pet.1:20 Sadly Scripture implies it will again be the religious leaders of this day who will "crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh" Heb.6:6 and we need "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling"Phil.2:12 The answer to the question is that Satan, through his children, his servants, will attempt to deceive God's children ON THE WORD and that is why we need encourage each other, build each other up in the FAITH once delivered to the saints, and avoid un-edfying, purile debates over genealogies, etc. This is not meant to offend, nor to condemn or cause contention, but, as with all writings, to encourage the reader to search the Scripture as it is far later than most are willing to admit This is the age where ""Even him who's coming is after after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, BECAUSE THEY RECEIVED NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved, and for this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE THE LIE" 2 Thess 2:9-11 is fulfilled; we encourage the reader to study the whole chapter to get things in context Search the Scriptures, make sure you know He Whom you are worshipping, this is the age where men will worship the devil believing they are worshipping GOD Rev.13 This is the deception, where Satan works to deceive GOD'S bride just as he did Adam's in the beginning
  18. Re the situation in the Middle East, if we want to be really serious about it and are prepared to look at it through the Word The battle betwixt Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, et al, is to be expected and has no resolution Most commentators neglect the Scriptures, ignore that the children of Abraham have been at war for thousands of years This is because the Moslems, who rightfully claim Abraham as their father, want Palestine, Jerusalem, the Holy Mount, for themselves Only the genetic line through Sarah, Isaac, received the promise of the land; Gen.12:1-7; 15:4; Further we learn that
  19. My pleasure Neil, thanks for your response, good to meet you Yes, it is getting harder to combat the Satanic attack on GOD'S WORD, by Lucifer, through the "NEW, BETTER VERSIONS", through the multitude of interpretations, the denominational doctrines, INSTEAD of the WORD of GOD. But, we need remember, sadly, "Strait is the gate and narrow the WAY that leadeth unto LIFE and FEW there be that find IT" Mat.7:14 The writings of Panin are well worth a read, or, "The Seal of God" by F.C. Payne, either of which are available on the net, or, possibly, through a good book store
  20. Thank you so much John. It is refreshing to see that there are still many Christians who will follow the advice of the Apostle paul and "Prove ALL things" and "HOLD FAST" that which is good (1 Thess 5:21). your previous post on the KJV was very interesting. I too was a ardent supporter of modern transalations untill I undertook some research of my own when I became confused that my Pastor was reading verses from the Bible which were not in my version. Yours in His service Neil.
  21. Thank you so much John. It is refreshing to see that there are still many Christians who will follow the advice of the Apostle paul and "Prove ALL things" and "HOLD FAST" that which is good (1 Thess 5:21). your previous post on the KJV was very interesting. I too was a ardent supporter of modern transalations untill I undertook some research of my own when I became confused that my Pastor was reading verses from the Bible which were not in my version. Yours in His service Neil.
  22. Thank you so much John. It is refreshing to see that there are still many Christians who will follow the advice of the Apostle paul and "Prove ALL things" and "HOLD FAST" that which is good (1 Thess 5:21). your previous post on the KJV was very interesting. I too was a ardent supporter of modern transalations untill I undertook some research of my own when I became confused that my Pastor was reading verses from the Bible which were not in my version. Yours in His service Neil.
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