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Everything posted by The_Patriot21

  1. Yes and no...they "don't apply" because In essence we are covered by grace. Sin is still sin, as a Christian we can't just go and kill someone, nor cheat on our wives, nor be a homosexual. What the law defines as sin is still sin whether we are saved or not. What changes is we are no longer required to follow the sacrificial System to cover them, as Christ atoned for it with His blood. And we allow Christ to purify is-and He takes that need to sin, away from us. Of course, if we are not saved that law still sends us to hell.
  2. I'm going to address a couple points here because they're tied together. First off, the 613 laws are still laws. Jesus didn't get rid of the law, Jesus fulfilled the law. There is a difference. The apostle Paul stated in Romans, that the law is indeed still in place in that the law defines what is-and what is not sin. So if the law says something is a sin, then it is a sin. And Slib, let me address point 3, in that while I was not part of the original debate, there's a few ways we can take that. By follow do you mean believe? Because christians do indeed believe in the Torah. In fact the Torah is one of my favorite parts of the Bible. I could study nothing but Genesis every day and never grow tired. Or do you mean follow the actual law, as is outlined in Leviticus. To the letter. Which, no we don't. But neither do modern day jews, including yourself. When was the last time you journeyed to Jerusalem and offered a fatted calf or a unblemished sheep up as sacrifice? Even putting the sacrifices aside do you follow it perfectly? Or do you mess up, and react to situations out of anger or selfishness? Before you think I'm picking on you, I can assure you I'm not, see because I can't judge you-im guilty of not being able to live up to the laws standards myself. And as I addressed earlier, the law does still apply, it does indeed define what is sin, and what is not sin. So if I break the law, then therefore I sin and am not worthy to be in God's presence. We cannot be in sin, and in God's presence, this is something that is indeed made clear in the Torah, and reiterated in the new testament. (Romans 3:23, 6:23) Under the Old covenant, that sin was atoned for by animal sacrifice. Blood had to be spilt to atone for the sin. If no blood is spilt, then no atonement was possible. None of us are capable of following the law. We are all sinful creatures. As Paul said, I am chief among sinners. Thankfully, God gave us His only son as the perfect sacrifice, the sacrifice to end all sacrifices and atone for our sin with His blood. All we have to do is accept His free gift, and we will be covered by grace. Without that grace we are all doomed. I pray that you find it.
  3. The menorah is a actual religious symbol, while a tattoo is not-a tattoo is a heathen symbol. Though your comparison isn't without merit...if it's not safe to do so you don't prominently display it your right that's wise. It would be wiser to simply not get the tattoo in the first place if your somewhere where it could get you killed. Tattoos, at best are nothing more then art, at worse can actually hurt your witness. They are not witnessing tools. If you want one then get one...just don't make up excuses to justify having one.
  4. If you get one and claim it's for witnessing then it is indeed being dishonest. If you get one in a nation where it could get you killed, then it's stupid. See if you get one for witnessing under the guise it starts up conversations...well first off your already off to a bad start. Your drawing attention to yourself. that's actually kind of selfish. You'd be far more affective by asking them about their tattoos as that tells them you care enough about them to hear their story, instead of standing on a soapbox talking about yours. That builds a relationship. Drawing them in with body art doesn't do that. And the Bible says we should be known by our works...if your in a country that outlaws Christianity, then wisdom need apply. You shouldn't hide your faith...but often painting a bullseye on yourself to get killed by using something that the Bible doesn't tell us we need to do, is unquestionably stupid. Getting put to death for feeding the poor and singing praises to God? That's fine. God commands us to do that. Get out to death over a tattoo? Foolish. Nowhere does God tell us to get a tattoo. The old testament does in fact tell us NOT to get tattoos. So your entire argument gets weaker by the minute.
  5. Biden ought to be tried for treason. I mean he accuses the house for holding the nation hostage, but in reality it is him that is doing so. Common sense says if you have to constantly go into more and more debt to cover your spending then you cut your spending. His inability to do that just shows how incapable he is of doing the job.
  6. That's messed up...I opened it expecting it to read they hopped in the wrong car and scared the occupant leading to the shooting which is bad enough... But not the case...he let her out of the car chased after them and then shot them...just because they made a mistake. Theres no way he could claim self defense. What is this world coming to?
  7. If you have to have a tattoo to witness, then your doing it wrong. Plain and simple. Getting a tattoo to "witness" is a poor excuse to get one, and a dishonest one. One can witness to someone who has tattoos while not having any themselves just as effectively. I'm not saying you shouldn't get a tattoo...they're kind of a gray area In scripture. I'm saying don't be dishonest about why you want one...if you feel you need to "justify" yourself getting one, like say using the excuse "it's for witnessing" then you probably shouldn't get one. If you just want the tattoo, there's nothing evil in it's message, and you can afford it, then knock yourself out as long as you don't sense God telling you no. I'm thinking you maybe in the first category, your obsession with tattoos and piercings doesn't seem healthy to me.
  8. Lol paper ballots? Even signed ones? With our current population that's practically impossible to not use machine-even if all they do is count the ballots... And even if you do find a system where you can hand count all the ballots, it doesn't mean they still won't steal the election.
  9. I can see both sides of this, at first it's like she's 94 years old, who kicks a 94 year old woman out of her house... But, the flip side is, for a law to be fair and just it needs to be applied to all equally, otherwise it sets a very dangerous precedent.
  10. TV shows in and of themselves arnt necessarily evil. Me and my wife currently are enjoying Chicago fire and Chicago PD, neither of which are what I would say are spiritually uplifting and contains things such as violence, homosexuality and sex. (Nothing explicit) They are something we enjoy when we wind down for the night. However, they are something that definitely shouldn't come between you and God. In our case we enjoy them...but we certainly can live without them. If such shows come between you and God, then stop watching them. Different things affect different people differently, and remember that. What to me, is 45 minutes watching fictional cops beat up bad guys before bed, and nothing more, is to someone else an addiction that they should avoid at any cost. It's no different then many other things. I can have a shot of whiskey on the weekends, and be done. But to someone else, once they start they can't stop. It's why the Bible says not to be a stumbling block. If you know someone struggles with alcohol don't offer them a drink when they come over (or drink yourself in their presence) and if they tell you that certain TV shows bother them, don't push them on them or belittle them for it. That TV can remain off and you can talk about other things.
  11. Sounds like abuse to me...I'd leave him. I wouldn't tell him....and plan it out. I'd start by getting a new phone without his knowledge....use it to create a new bank account he has no access to, then when you leave transfer your money into it and leave your old phone. Wouldn't hurt to find a different car or disable his way of tracking you. Then one day just leave. Trust me...if you give him warning, you won't be able to separate.
  12. Depends on your definition of luck I guess... I mean in a sense I do, I've been known to say it's my lucky day.
  13. That's possible, I hadn't thought of that. I've never been a member of a Methodist church, I don't know who owns the building. If the building is owned by the central body then that may make it difficult. The church I go to pretty much just has to stop paying it's dues to the SBC.
  14. I don't see how the Methodists can stop a church from disavowing...I mean how hard is it to put up a new sign and stop sending the central body money?
  15. And what I'm saying is your taking it out of context. Completely. The day as a thousand years has absolutely no connection to the Genesis account, in fact in this passage Peter is talking about the end times. Peter is wanting to know when Jesus is coming back, and Jesus basically saying that we can't know for certain. It has nothing to do with the Genesis account, which lays out, in black and white, the time table God made the earth in. See God wasn't telling us He was outside of time when Genesis was written, He was telling us what He made in the time table He created for us. The Genesis account, is a very literal, 7 sequential 24 hour days. In both our modern English Bibles, and in the original Hebrew.
  16. Or perhaps He was simply pointing out that God is outside of time and we shouldn't try to put God inside our little box.
  17. To the contrary, that nothing was something. I mean, as a non force ghost he managed to screw up his Padawan so bad as to drive him to the dark side, sending the entire Galaxy into tyranny, all that was after allowing himself to be a pawn in another sith Lords grand plan. He then did nothing but hide in shame on a desert planet. It could be argued his doing nothing as a force ghost was far better for the galaxy then the time when he was alive and doing something. Therefore making him more powerful.
  18. A day as a thousand years... probably the most misinterpreted verse in the Bible....the gap theorists use it to try and squeeze millions of years into the Bible, and end times theorists use it to attempt to predict Christs return. Gap theories are of course, way off. The end time theorists are probably a little bit closer, as Peter is indeed talking about end times, however they stop reading there and ignore where it says Jesus will come as a thief in the night (verse 10). Peter is talking about how God is outside of time, how we can't expect Him to work on our time table, in a way we can understand. It wasn't a literal 6000 years. Not to say Jesus won't return this year, it could be tomorrow. It could be 100 years from now. We should be ready no matter what, which is the point of the passage. As a side note, seeing a lot of reports on this thread. Please remember to debate the topic, not the person. Respond with grace, be slow to anger. If you have to talk down to someone to prove your point, perhaps re evaluate your beliefs on that point.
  19. Who knows...I really don't care....I find life's a lot simpler if I don't waste time trying to figure out the order of things... especially since the only way to find out for certain is wait for it to happen. As long as we're ready when Christ returns, thats all that matters. Everything else will pan out in its own time.
  20. Yes Indeed, but let me ask you, what is your obsession with tattoos? You mention it in almost every comment or topic you start. It's something you may want to enter into prayer about, because obsessions arnt good Because they frequently get between you and God. They don't need to be anything evil or against the Bible. Say someone has a hobby of collecting McDonald's happy meal toys. Ok, nothing wrong with that in and of itself, but if they let it consume them, it turns into an idol. Your obsession with tattoos, from what I've observed isn't healthy. Not because I have a problem with tattoos persay, but rather your obsession with them. I'm concerned they maybe taking your eyes off of God. I know you will be quick to deny, in your shoes I would. However, I urge you to pray about it because you may not even realize it. That's how obsessions work, they slowly take over bit by bit and we often don't realize it until something or someone draws it to our attention.
  21. Who cares what others think...first ask God what He thinks. Would this piece of jewelry get between you and Him in any way, or would it negatively affect your witness in any way? If the answer to those two questions are no, then ask yourself if it would get in the way of your every day life at all. A necklace would bother me to no end, I used to wear a cross necklace in high school and with how active I am it ended up bouncing around annoying me and catching things so I gave up on it, haven't work anything since. I do have a little dog tag with a cross cut in it on a chain, but I have that hanging from my rear view mirror in my pickup. If the answer to all 3 of those questions are no then knock yourself out....I can't think of anything in scripture specifically forbidding you to wear a wolf necklace.
  22. I do, to the schools that don't buy into it. But they're getting few and far between. And a lot of schools who don't buy into the gender identity garbage, still don't stand up against it, they just remain quiet and hope it doesn't hit their doorstep. And I can't think of a single public school that doesn't teach evolution, I can't think of any that allow teachers to share their faith, or even students while in the classroom. It's kind of hypocritical, and a waste of time, to put "in God we trust" on the door, then tell kids in science class they're cosmic accidents. In my town the schools arnt great, but they're better then a lot of big city ones, but about 15 miles south there's a rural school that is fantastic, they actually do let kids and teachers share their faith...and their education is actually really good. But I still prefer to homeschool my kids.
  23. My problem isn't with the teachers themselves, or at least not all of them. I know a lot of excellent teachers. It's with the system that's designed to in essence make the student-and teachers, fail. I mean let's ignore the fact that the teacher to student ratio is way to high, something I'm sure you'd agree on. But, the issue is the public school systems don't teach biblical ethics, in fact they don't let the Bible in at all. All public schools teach that we slowly evolved over millions of years, and were pretty much nothing more then a cosmic accident. Then let's look at the whole gender identity garbage that's being thrown out there. It's not a huge deal with rural America, most rural Americans realize how stupid that is... But in the major population centers, where liberalism runs rampant we have boys who want to be girls and vise versa, at all ages, and parents and teachers who encourage such behavior, and those that speak out are quickly quieted using any means possible. They literally encourage mental disease. Then they act surprised when that messed up kid who thinks he has no value, because his so called role models told him it's ok to pretend to be a girl, and all his peers bully him because of it, and next thing you know he snaps. It's why you see far more shootings in major cities compared to small town America. Again it's not the teachers...at least not all of them...it's the entire system that's corrupt.
  24. Because our school systems took God out, and instead decided to nurture and encourage mental issues. So we have a bunch of mentally deficient kids with no moral code. The school violence will only continue to get worse until we address the heart of the issue. No amount of gun laws will fix the problem, nor will relaxing gun laws. Neither will solve the problem.
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