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Everything posted by kitty1

  1. I am so looking forward to hearing ppls responses because I am currently in that exact postion. The pastor at the Church I was attending told me to just send them away because they will confuse me. But that didn't sit well with me. 1. I felt as if he thought I couldn't discern the truth from false teachings, but as a Christian I put my faith that the Lord, that he will guide me in truth. 2. I feel if they are willing to share with me there views should I not share with them my faith in Jesus Christ? But then the difficult part is how to turn them away, I am not by any means a confrontational person, nor am I easily swayed to anothers point of view. They will be coming back again soon so how should I handle this. Thanks for opening this topic, it's just what I have been asking Jesus how to handle.
  2. I am so looking forward to hearing ppls responses because I am currently in that exact postion. The pastor at the Church I was attending told me to just send them away because they will confuse me. But that didn't sit well with me. 1. I felt as if he thought I couldn't discern the truth from false teachings, but as a Christian I put my faith that the Lord, that he will guide me in truth. 2. I feel if they are willing to share with me there views should I not share with them my faith in Jesus Christ? But then the difficult part is how to turn them away, I am not by any means a confrontational person, nor am I easily swayed to anothers point of view. They will be coming back again soon so how should I handle this. Thanks for opening this topic, it's just what I have been asking Jesus how to handle.
  3. TOO CUTE !!! I love reading all the Weird and Wacky News. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and making me giggle, great medicine. God Bless.
  4. I would also like to add, in a question. Is there anything signifient about this year 2012, because I have been hearing a buss about this year and I though it was funny tigger398 mentions the date ( year ) 2012. Oh and I am not worried about the means of our end because I know I will be with Jesus. I am just hopeing it will be in my life time. John the author of the book of Revelation thought Jesus's return was going to happen in his life time too.
  5. kitty1


    "G-d is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour and the Spirit moves me. Guess I'll just have to be content with that understanding at the moment." Dido! I agree Jesus will explain all the mysteries and aneswer all are questions when we are with him, and I am sure we are off track on many many things, but we are always seeking him, loving him and believing in him. Very interesting reading, thanks Learning LOTS.
  6. My mother is I would say pretty close to that. She beleives in witches and admirers them and swears like nothing I have ever known. As for staying at her house, no because she is close by, but she is very self absorbed and doesn't pay any attention to my kids, and pretty much uses me for transportation and money. But I use that to talk about God. She calls me a bible thumper and rolls her eyes. I beleive the more I talk to her about God, maybe one day a seed will be planted and grow.
  7. I was just wondering if the Sabbath was Saturday or Sunday? I have heard different ppl say different days. Also our calandar's week starts Sunday making Saturday the last day of the week. Is the day important or a matter of picking one and observing it as the Sabbath?
  8. In this day and age with so many lost and the return of Jesus so iminit in our hearts, We need all the help we can get in defence of the gospel, and if women like Joyce Myers help reach 100.000.000's, I don't beleive the Lord would object.
  9. Very nice, something to write down and stick in your pocket, to pull out when temptation comes.
  10. Where is the list of words in the Bible that we are forbidden to use? I never have found it. Now I was raised christian and taught not to use certain words, and usually I try not to use them, but don't sweat it too bad if you slip up, or even if you do it often, and certainly not if someone else slips up. The fact is, I still struggle with finding myself judging others for doing it, even in spite of what I'm about to write, because I was raised to think such and such a word was a sin to say, etc. As far as I have ever been able to find from scripture, there is actually no basis for forbidding the use of certain so-called "profanity" or "cuss" words, other than cultural tradition. In fact, many of these forbidden words actually appear in the Bible and in the exact same context as they are used in every day "profanity" speech, in a few cases even God himself uses them! Their meaning and definitions are no different than other words you use regularly and do not think twice about it, so what is so different about these "taboo" words? Nothing really, just some weird legalistic tradition with little or no Biblical basis. Its a wonder how some christians can even do their jobs or hold a conversation as legalistic as they are. How do you even take a biology class or help your child with their homework if they need help? Well its the SAME THING. Different words, identical meaning. "in a few cases even God himself uses them" ? WHAT? REALLY? Can I see some scripture please!
  11. When I uses to work for the Humane Socity, we implainted all are animals with microchips, it was normal practice, and I remember the Vets saying soon they would be getting new superchips much smaller, and the chips we were implanting were already in size of a grain of rice, that was almost 10 years ago now.
  12. All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. Boy I sure hope you get the job after all this.
  13. Because of what Jesus did for us in the eyes of the Lord, we are right here.
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son in Law!!!!!!!! It's the best gift ever!!!!!
  15. Isa, I am thankful for your words. I am a born again Christain and have this unquenchable fire, love, need for God in my life. But I am also a sinner, I hate my sin, but never the less I sin. I have been strugling with the fear that when Christ returns I will be rejected because I don't know enough and because I have not gained victory over all the sin in my life, because I make the wrong choises in different situations. I want so much to beleive that when I asked Jesus into my life at 22, that he said Yes and not No because I'm going to mess up down the road.
  16. I would just like to add that finding Worthy has been a true blessing from God. I am so greatful to all of you. The Lord knows that I need other Christains to talk too and share my life with. You all have been so kind here. Opening up and talking about my home life with my husband is not a difficult thing to do because of the Lord. I had been trying to deal on my own and failling miserablely but finding Worthy has given me some hope. Thank you for letting me share my situation with you all, it feels so good just to be able to talk about it. God bless you all.
  17. I have just married my guy after 8 years of living in sin, we have three little girls and another baby girl on the way. He is not saved, and I just started to find my way back to the Lord. I knew living together was a sin but I was waitting for the right time to leave. I found a family church and was very happy, my girls loved it and we were spending lots of quality time talking and learning about the Lord. I joined the Ladies bible study and opened up to them. The next thing I knew I wasn't allow to have commun or join as a member of the church and my salvation was brought into question. I felt rejected but I understood I was sinning and had to get right with God. I just didn't know what to do. I knew I didn't want to marry him, that's why I was waitting for the right time, but it was all happening so fast and I even started questioning my salvation. I thought maybe I could lose it. The pastors wife was trying to say maybe I was never saved, but I know that is not right. I was saved at 22 and know that Jesus came into my life, but I back slide. Does that mean I lose my salvation????? I don't know. What I do know is that I WAS saved, there is no question in my heart or mind. But what if Jesus returned and I was still living in sin??? So I accepted the consequences for what I sowed and married him. I reaped what I sowed, and life is very hard now. I don't know if I made a mistake because I paniced. I often feel like I was trapped and am now stuck in my husbands world. I stopped going to the church and my kids miss it so much, my husband resents me because he knows I married him because of what was going on with me and the church and wanting to not be in a state of sin when Jesus returns. I am so lost and confused and feel utterly alone. My children are my joy and God is our favorite topic, but my husband belittles me if he catches me talking about God or reading my bible, and it's painful to hear him use the Lords name in vain constantly. I married him because I wanted to be right with the Lord, because I wanted to be responsible and accept what I sowed and as my husband likes to point out, I wanted to be accepted and belong to the church. I am constantly praying to Jesus, telling him how sorry I am for the mess I have made, praying that he will forgive me and not reject me, praying for a christian home. When I pray with my girls we are thankful and pray for others, when I pray alone it's always painful because I am so ashamed. I love the Lord but feel like I am always letting him down and messing things up. I don't know what to think any more because I am unequally yoked what does this mean for me?
  18. I don't beleive it is our place to judge, but to pray.
  19. The way I have tryed to explain this to my children, in the simplist way I think they and I might understand is, that for God, time has no boundries. I believe when I die and open my eyes again, it will be the same time my children and my grandparents open their eyes to stand before the all mightly Lord. I beleive the Lord never told us a day or hour when he will return because it's not about time. I believe TIME is up, OVER, when you DIE. I may be off the mark, and always have lots to learn but that I how I explained it too my girls because I want them to know God isn't in a box, their are no boundries, limitations, restritions. Time is for our benifit.
  20. That is my prayer too. I cry out to him, because I can't get victory in my life. I cry out all the time: Please save me, because I want to be with you, I don't want to sin, but I can't get the victory in my life, not over anything. I am terrified, that he will reject me because I just can't get it together.
  21. Saddly in my brothers home, Santa comes first, then the little story of Jesus. His house is full of Santa stuff and a lone little manger under the tree. He will take a horse shoe and make tracks in the snow and half eaten carrots for the raindeer. He goes to a lot of effort to make Santa real for his kids. For my brother Santa and Jesus are both just Christmas stories, and Santa is the more popular story of the two. When I first told my family that I was going to take Santa out of my family Christmas they all protested, saying I was going to deprive my kids, and that Christmas is about both. Every year I take my family to my brothers, his house decorated extravgantly, but all I see is the tiny little manger under his tree.
  22. Every where I turn there he is Santa, in the banks and stores, and it seems to me Santa is being pushed on me and my girls. Even in the groscrey stores someone always asks if my girls are looking forward to Santa coming. I told the School that my daughter attends, that we celibrate Jesus's Birthday, but that she would respect the other kids and not say anything about Christmas being about Jesus and not believeing in Santa. So when my daughters class wrote Dear Santa letters my daughter wrote Dear Jesus. Her idea, She's 7 and thought that would be Okay, but the teacher was upset. My daughter even has a part in the Christmas play at School, about Mr. and Mrs. Claus. I want every much to say something, but they are making us feel as if we are making waves, for expressing our desire to follow Jesus and not Santa. The School feels it is better not to have the Nativity Story, as it is a religious belief, and not very one shares this religious beleif. I wonder if I should take her out of the play because Santa is not part of my "religious belief" My mother said, "Don't make waves, ha ha ha" I guess what I am blathering on about is, Should we be silent and let the Nativity fall futher into obscurity as to not offend others, or should we take a stand and say this is my belief, and am proud to acknolage that it is the birth of Jesus I am celibrating. Respectfully, A follower of Jesus.
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