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Everything posted by HeatherEljohari

  1. I so agree with you One Light, Jesus came to be a LIGHT to this DARK world.... to give us a way out. God bless~ Heather
  2. When i began reading this thread, I would have to agree with the orginal poster... that is exactly the process of being called and sanctified. God bless Heatherx
  3. I "believe" God knew those 2 individuals would responde to the call. As God knows all. As to the being called vs. choosing God... I would have to lean towards the side where the Lord chooses us, based on his foreknowledge. Roms 9:13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. God choose Moses, Jacob, Joseph, and the lists are endless.... But i think the difference is each is called to a stronger point of works than another. Which is also according to Gods will. I think we can all agree that God is Almighty, wonderful, loving creature, which us the choosing are extremely blessed to have receive. God bless Heatherxxx
  4. Hi- Yes I married my husband before I accepted Jesus as my savior. But- my feelings havent changed a tad on my love and admiration of his religious dedication. As you said its a matter of beliefs, I believe in the Father, Son, Holy Spirit.. and as most Islamic folks dont, my husband says the Trinity is just another way to perceive God and his attributes. That is his belief and its fine by me... he has much peace. We share our religious beliefs and are very content within our relationship, Both physical and spiritual. In his religious background they call God many names one being, Allah. But- that name is definitely not limited.... They praise God with many names. Such as Almighty, Creator, Powerful One, Forgiver, etc etc. Could go on for a long time. In response to all the comparisons and different theorys on the "whore" of revelations. From what ive gathered I see this supposed "whore is wealthy, in good position, highly ranked, could this be a nation? such as USA? which has misused its power and wealth and the Lords name? God bless~ Heatherxoxoxo
  5. Ive read old testament compared to the new. What I have found is God gives different commandments to each of his children in accordance to his will. The old testament states we are not to eat certain foods because they are unclean and perform certain rituals. Jesus came onto the picture, and he was the sacrafice taking away all previous sacrafices IE animals they slaughtered and presented before God. So Jesus was the new conventant as far as the sacrafice Gods. But- the other laws we are still meant to uphold. Jesus said I didnt come to destroy Moses laws but to fulfill them. I do believe by Jesus' blood God forgives us, and we are meant to repent, which means we cannot return to that sin willfully. Being saved by grace I dont feel we are meant to break all the rules, and run amuck. God (Jesus) fulfilled his vow, and we are meant to uphold ours. So yes I feel through Jesus we get a place in the Heavens, but we wont get the furthur blessings if we dont change our human nature. God bless~ Heather
  6. I have a question- I read not to take biblical promises, what does this mean please? God bless Heatherx
  7. I tend to disagree with this world would be better off without Islam. Their culture, in general, im not going to attack individual terrorists. Their culture has far better divorce ratings than this country, with better family values. and sexually transimitted diseases are on a low. Because of their religious beliefs which most govts abide by. Whereas USA is surrounded with STDS, HIV, hepatitis, and other wonderful goodies. I believe God wanted us to be pure from sexual obscurities yet the USA, highly ranked, is full of diseased... which I believe, in most cases, is the result and consequences of our behaviors. Also there have been many, many killers, serial-killers in fact in USA, and beyond, who kill so violantly its beyond my mind to grasp. If you ask me where living among terrorists. Theres terrorists everywhere in this world.... not just one religious or cultural creed. God says we should detest all evil things, if thats the case we are going to be disgusted about many things which is happening right in our own country. I do tend to feel as though we are humans and are prone to horrible flaws and sins. But- I do feel if we honestly go to God, and ask for forgiveness he will give it. Shiloh I really didnt mean any offense, and I have no Ill feelings towards you... these are just my feelings... and Im not perfect... so take it with a grain of salt. God bless~ Heatherxxxx
  8. Cant we all just love eachother without all the judgements and arguments?????????????? Forgive thos people and pray God grants them wisdom and lienency for there actions which have harmed others. God bless~ Heatherxoxoxo
  9. Hey, While were judging... we could look at it this way, USA is the "Whore" which is being described in revelation... Full of wealth, power, and we've misused all... and Muslim countries being poor and humbled, a majority of those nations were birth places of many influential prophets and ancient apostles, so we could speculate the acts of terrorism is God inspired and God powered and we'll (americans) be the fallen nation in the end. Just a perspective. God bless~ Heather
  10. Yes my husband is, and hes a individual, not everyone is the same, u must remember there are some evil and cruel Christians out there as well. Also if you look in the bible hun, Old testament, They use to stone people to death. There were also laws, very extreme laws on how to handle sinful people. Than Jesus came along, with new ways on how to deal with our sistersa and brothers. I remember one part, cant remember exactly where but they were getting ready to stone a woman for her sinful nature... and Jesus said go ahead stone her the one which is not guilty of ONE sin... which meant we are all guilty, therefore a human cant condemn another. Also- we are here critisizing and condemning another culture and religious belief system.... Even IF that religion is damned, WHO are WE to decide on that, remember humble yourself before the King.... I also dont think Jesus would want anyone thinking evil or mean thoughts about another. If you dont like muslim people, or actions they do ... Doesnt Jesus speak about forgiveness????? for it is not our place to judge, "lest ye be judged." Forgive your energy, "70x7" isnt this correct? In Jesus' name, my Fathers grace, and the Holy Spirits unconditional love do i seek to understand, and help others as God has commanded me. Love- Heatherxoxoox
  11. I dont know, Im married to a muslim. I have seen alot of feelings about this religion, as ppl feel its violent etc. But- from my husband I know this isnt so, at least with him. Hes peace loving, he likes to help other people, they help the needy. They pray to God 5x a day, he doesnt spoke, drink, gamble all coz he feels its against God, and he doesnt want to do anything to offend him. He is very God fearing. They believe in all the prophets, Moses, Abraham, to Job leading too Jesus Christ. The seperation of the religion is they dont believe hes son of God, but a aspect of God like other prophets, also they feel the bible was doctured by the churches/people in history. Which people out of Islam question due to the churches hand in the holy scripture. Also alot of what the Old testament is based on is what the religion of Islam is based on .. and it isnt just a religion of passitivty, but activity. He does everything he feels God wants him to do. People think Islam is very violent in nature... which it can be when people take the religion to extremes, like any culture or religious background. But- If we look at the Old Testament books there was ALOT of violence, and God defended his choosen ones, because they were doing Gods will getting rid of the wickedness. I mean its easy to Judge another culture, when you dont understand it.. This is just a little insight. Love- Heatherxoxox
  12. oh thats so cool, I have a bad habit of going to barnes and noble and spending a fortune. But- I also started shopping at Christian books, i think its called. God bless~ Heath
  13. Hey I was just looking at bookcloseouts.com awesome deals. Im a book maniac. So I guess ill be doing some shopping there lol.... Im really big into devotionals/commentaries/sermons compared to stories. Spurgeon has great sermons, i have a book filled with multiple sermons, they are good reads. Also i find Joyce meyer to be good as well. God bless~ Heather
  14. Amen to that. The idea of intimacy God encourages in married couples. God states clearly he would prefer we be "chaste" but those who need that intimacy he created the union of marriage to share those sexual feelings with another. Its a blessing from God to express our inner self. Song of Songs is a excellent book in the bible, it frequently describes our relationship with God as our "lover"... This isnt meant as a sexual human perversion. Doesnt mean he wants our physical bodies, he wants our spiritual bodies. He wants us to be able to open our inmost selves to his glory. God doesnt say I want some of you, he wants all!!! this means Father, Son, Mother, Lover, Friend... You are accepted as the being you are and he makes you long to be a better person in this world and beyond. God bless~ Heatherx
  15. I find thru the bible God speaks to me directly, I can feel passages stick out like a sore thumb. I know it is Gods guidance for me. Also I do get absolute feelings, and I often get convicted of wrongs. What I personally do is I have quite a few devotionals, and I read one or two a day, usually morning and night... and I allow God to guide me through these devotionals including my daily bible readings. God bless~ Heatherx
  16. Once we tithe..... This is going to sound foolish, im sure lol... Who do we can the 10% or more too. Churches, Needy, Poor etc... Doesnt matter, im assuming? any comments on this idea? God bless Heather
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