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Everything posted by Honeybee88

  1. Read Jeremy Camp's biography. I think it will encourage you!
  2. You picture yourself out at sea in the middle of a raging storm but with a lifebelt around your waist with a line that is attached to a rock - THE ROCK - Jesus Christ. When the tempest gets too much and the waves get too high, Jesus will reel you back in to Himself. But you are ALWAYS, ALWAYS attached to Jesus, your rock, however lonely you may feel out at sea. That is how I have coped with times of extreme loneliness and more than loneliness, being made to feel discarded and unwanted by those whom one feels should love and treasure one. And then you sing this old hymn to yourself or to anyone willing to listen! Will your anchor hold in the storms of life, When the clouds unfold their wings of strife? When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain, Will your anchor drift or firm remain? We have an anchor that keeps the soul Stedfast and sure while the billows roll, Fastened to the Rock which cannot move, Grounded firm and deep in the Savior's love. It is safely moored, 'twill the storm withstand, For 'tis well secured by the Savior's hand; And the cables passed from His heart to mine, Can defy the blast, through strength divine. It will firmly hold in the straits of fear, When the breakers have told the reef is near; Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, Not an angry wave shall our bark o'erflow. It will surely hold in the floods of death, When the waters cold chill our latest breath; On the rising tide it can never fail, While our hopes abide within the veil. I love that hymn!
  3. Is heaven about what's in it for us? No. That's why I simply do not worry about whether I will know and be reunited with those I love in heaven.
  4. For dwarf bowling? No, silly! Just for the forum! Too true!
  5. That's quite a way of looking at it, and you're right. Isn't is supposed to be a government 'of the people, by the people and for the people'?
  6. Since we upgraded to AOL 9.1 a few days ago, I can't seem to stay logged in here. I'll go to click on a page or respond to a thread and it'll tell me I'm not logged in. It's getting very frustrating. What can I do?
  7. "There is no secret ingredient" was the message, just as Nebula said. The reason the scroll was blank was because he needed no special power. He just needed to believe that he was special, and he was.
  8. I, too, though I am not overweight, made a resolution this year to exercise because it is good for me, and I have fairly kept to it, though lately I've slacked...Thanks for the added motivation! I'm not a big eater, so I don't have to worry about gaining alot of weight, but I do want to be in good shape and good health because I belong to God.
  9. Thanks for the tips! I do experience ringing in my ears quite frequently, so I found this helpful.
  10. Thanks for that link! I really appreciated it!
  11. He'd love my Bible...KJV, large print, measuring 9 1/2 X 6 1/2 X1 1/2! Not only that, but parts of Genesis and Psalms have fallen out from use...maybe they don't make Bibles quite like they used to! My first real Bible was large print, and I guess I got spoiled so that I prefer big Bibles. It's a little straining for a long Bible reading, though!
  12. They're simply trying to say that after the instantaneous act of salvation, you become more and more like Christ. That is sanctification, not being perfect, but acting more like God and less like ourselves till we are perfected in heaven.
  13. You have to be careful making statements like that. I grew up with Chrisianity, and I just can't say that I know exactly when my belief became saving. I think it's probably that way with alot of people, and you CAN know that you were saved if you are trusting Him now. 1 John is all about showing us how we know we are saved, so I don't think you should just make a blanket statement that we can't know we're saved unless we know exactly when and how it happened.
  14. It looks different now...when the circles by the threads are dark, there are new posts, when they are faded, there are not. I can't help if this is simply not working, I just wanted to make sure you realized that it looks different now.
  15. I think it's just a sign of insecurity that they feel they have to fight for every stupid bit of 'equality.'
  16. Yeah...I do it the hard way. I just remember when I was last on and go to the page where that leaves off and new posts start!
  17. That was seriously helpful, Joe, because that just happened with ZoneAlarm on our computer, too! Thank you so much!
  18. This didn't relate to believers, so that's why I didn't put it in the news section, but feel free to move this to a more appropriate forum, mods. Adorable baby pandas!
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