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Everything posted by glorywatch

  1. I am not usually at a loss for words, but this leaves me speechless. I shudder to think of the reprecussions.
  2. After the gift of Christ Jesus I would say my family!
  3. "You don't love me!" How many times have your kids laid that one on you? And how many times have you, as a parent, resisted the urge to tell them how much? Someday, when my children are old enough to understand the logic that motivates a mother, I'll tell them; I loved you enough to bug you about where you were going, with who, and what time you would get home. I loved you enough to be silent and let you discover your hand-picked friend was a creep. I love you enough to make you return a Milky Way with a bite out of it to the drug store and confess "I stole this." I love you enough to stand over you for two hours while you cleaned your bedroom, a job that would have taken me 15 minutes. I loved you enough to not make excuses for you lack of respect or bad manners. I loved you enough to ignore "what every other mother did." I love you enough to figure you would lie about the party being chaperoned, but forgive you for it..after discovering I was right. I loved you enough to let you stumble, fall and fail so that you could learn to stand alone. I loved you enough to accept you for what you are, not what I wanted you to be. But most of all, I loved you enough to say no when you hated me for it. That was the hardest part of all. Happy Mother's Day to all the MOTHERS
  4. What a wonderful story. I had trouble reading it because of the tears. It touched my heart so. My father-in-law, now deceased, was a Marine who served in many of those same places. When he passed away, the Marine honor guard at his funeral, the Irish priest who did the whole mass in Gaelic and then of course taps at the graveside were nearly my undoing. I am so grateful to those in whatever uniform who have served this country, but the Marines have a special place in this old Irish heart.
  5. Ball Louisiana is in Rapides Parish and the newspaper there has several "blogs" on their page with stories about this incident. http://www.thetowntalk.com/section/OPINION There must be something to the story. I don't think the paper would be letting this run otherwise.
  6. Phil Kidd is just another "in your face" type that seems to be the norm of today. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about biting sarcasm and this type of preaching. No wonder some people don't want anything to do with Christians, because they hear men like him and think, "this is of God?" well no thanks. He needs a lot of prayer.
  7. Well, we know they can't wipe Israel off the map....we read the Book!
  8. Wonderful! I love getting a tax break on my paycheck so I can be taxed on it next year I wonder if those who received BILLIONS in bailout money will be taxed on that?
  9. That's not the point. The point is money, fear, and false religion used by humans to enslave other humans. I know the point...it was an attempt at some humor mixed with frustration at how ridiculous things have become.
  10. I am offended they removed it. You think they will put it back? When did people become so sensitive? The logical thing to do if you don't like looking at something is to STOP looking at it...geesh.
  11. The byline was a turn off for me. "Why We Need Earthquakes Without them, the planet couldn't support creatures like us." I dunno, maybe I am just silly, but I think God has all that covered. Some of the comments to the article were exactly my thoughts when I read it. Scripture tells us the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth (Romans 8:22). Man wasn't the only thing affected by the fall, all of creation was which include the earth. To try to find some reason beyond what Scripture says is foolish, in my opinion.
  12. "The problem with Nazi Germany wasn't a few crazies at the top...it was the silence of the majority that allowed them. We have the exact same thing going on now in America. Obama isn't the problem but rather a symptom of the problem. There is no righteous judgement even from the saints... " Yod, I couldn't agree with you more!
  13. Of course Obama knows that he is likened to Christ. He made reference to it in the "roast" between him and McCain before the election. I don't know for a fact that he likes it but he sure hasn't done anything to stop it. Yes I know that he can't control everyone, but if he truly found these types of things offensive, like being compared to Jesus, then he should voice his dislike. Then people would know where he stands on it. Personally I think we already know where he stands by his silence.
  14. Praise God none of us get what we deserve. God does move leaders into authority...good or bad. All of it according to HIS purpose. Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the highest powers. For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God." This whole chapter deals with human government and civil rule.
  15. Thanks Glorywatch. As you can see by my use of the word "ream" ( I didn't even notice how it sounded until after I posted) that I wouldn't even be able to be civil yet. Stacey, you are welcome...give it some time and ask God for guidance. Keeping you in prayer over this!
  16. Born, thank you! We could even take exception to the KJV since the Greek manuscripts ended at the word "record" and their was no verse 8 until later in the 16th century when those words were found penned in the margins of the Latin manuscripts and have crept their way into the translation we have today. The Complete Jewish Bible says "There are three witnesses - the Spirit, the water and the blood and these three are in agreement." The water refers to the beginning of Christs earthly ministry, the blood refers to the close of his earthly life and we know who the Spirit is. The best explaination I found about the different translations is the following from David Stern: "It is a common belief that there is no such thing as a "best" translation of a text from one lanuage to another. I question that. Languages have different words, different syntaxes, different sentence structures, different semantics, different cultures out of which they arise and evolve, and many other differences; so that translation cannot be a simple, automated process. Moreover, readers differ. Some prefer a simple style text with a modest vocabulary, while others respond to a more elagant or complex style with a larger vocabulary. Even the concept of accuracy is reader-dependant ---what scholars might consider and accurate translation might fail to accurately communicate to a less informed reader. If translators fail to consider who their readers are, aren't the translators responisible for the lack of communication? Clearly some translations are, by all reasonable standards, worse, while others are better. But because readers are different, no one version can be best for all." He goes on to say that the beauty of God's Word is that it can be translated in various ways without obscuring the Bible's own purpose which is to show people the truth about God and themselves. If the message of the Gospel is not obscured then what is the problem?
  17. Stacy, I don't know about reaming him out, but you should share that it hurts you to have your own father telling all of your business and you would appreciate it if he would stop. He needs prayer thats for sure. If you cannot trust the minister to keep things then who can you trust.
  18. Is God double-minded? Why would He tell some people "There are three that bear record in heaven; the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost," and tell others "There are three that bear record in Heaven; the Spirit, the water and the blood"? Born, I am not sure I get your question since, you are quoting two different verses of Scripture. The first one about three that bear record in heave is 1 John 5:7 (KJV) and the second one in my KJV about three that bear record in "earth" the spirit, the water and the blood is 1 John 5:8. I haven't seen a translation that takes two verses and changes them into one as you did. If there is such a translation, please share it so I can avoid it.
  19. Ouch, brain drain after reading all the comments. If God can use a donkey to speak to a man, I do believe HE is able to speak to a person, no matter the translation. I think we put limits on God's ability to reach us, no matter the translation. People think if someone isn't using thier favorite translation then there is no way God is able to reach them. WRONG. God is able to do more than we can imagine or ask and that includes touching peoples hearts, throught whatever translation they are reading. Having said that, I use KJV when do study with a Lexicon. I use several other translations for daily reading because I like the notes that some of these people put in them. I don't necessary agree with all the notes but it is interesting to read. Since I am grounded enough I don't fear being mislead by something that is incaccurate, and I trust God will guide me along. There are some translations that leave a lot to be desired and some "scholars" whose notes are not so great. Murse I am not sure what Dake you have seen, but I have a KJV that is as KJV as the rest. NO deviations. I don't agree with all of Dake's notes, but there are somethings he has that are intersting as with most Bible scholars. Reading the Word is what is important. God sent his Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and understanding and I believe we can trust that HE will not lead us astray. My husband was raised Catholic and thought the only Bible was the Douay-Rheems (sp) until a non-catholic friend told him he could get saved in the Catholic Bible just like he could reading a Protestant Bible. My husband had to get the Protestant Bible and lay it beside his Catholic Bible and "Shock" they said the same thing...word for word. The only difference was the Apocrypha. We just need to stop limiting God to the version we like best. God is in the all if we are truly seeking HIM. "In the day that you seek me, I will be found of you." It doesn't say "but only if you are reading "this" version." P. S. I am not talking about these bibles that come out of false teachings and things like the "homosexual bible" I am strictly referring to those who have not manipulated the Word for some "agenda". I am only referring to those who teach Christ and Him Cruicified, dead, rose on the third day and is Resurrected, seated at the right hand of the Father.
  20. Jaqueline, I think you had the reaction most of us would have, when something affects those we love. Ask God to forgive you for "reacting" in a way that may have been inappropriate. I also think you should follow the advice of "believer". Discussing your business with a third party is illegal.
  21. That is funny. It reminds me of something my dad did once. He got a map at NASA of the area where he lives, because they had just recently done the maps from newer satellite imagery. He got home, looked at the map and called NASA to speak to the person in charge of that department and told them the map was wrong. He told them one road was a mile off from where it should be. They assured him it was not, to which he replied, "I have been the Parish engineer for years, lived here for over 30 years and I KNOW where the road is. You don't. It's wrong on the map." I got a kick out of, cause my dad was the only person I know that would call NASA and tell them their maps are wrong. Turns out my dad was right and they were wrong!
  22. Isn't it just the height of arrogance for 'man" to think he has something better than God? Just more of the same that has been going on since the garden. ..... casting doubt on the Word of God.
  23. Mari, there is only one thing that can fill that "void" in your life and that is Christ Jesus. I believe you are being drawn here by the Holy Spirit in order that you can find what you seek. Call out to Jesus, he will answer. Scripture says "that in the day you seek me(Christ) I will be found of you. Praying for you.
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