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Everything posted by hmh

  1. hmh

    plot to blow up jfk

    I wonder if that rights infringing Patriot Act had any effect in stopping this attack?
  2. Gee, and when I walked outside this morning I thought I was still in the shower. It's good to rain, even on a weekend.
  3. Instead of Tokyo Rose we can call them Washington John, Washington Hillary, Washinton Nancy.
  4. We have been hitting them on and off for the last month. Keep them running until there's no place to go.
  5. The sad part is that people will actually buy these "properities" in hopes of making an investment.
  6. And as a result, numerous archeological sites are now being discovered. http://www.palmbeachpost.com/localnews/con...MOUND_0531.html
  7. I wonder why we don't hit on this more often... Hillary, as a politician, is horrid. I don't agree with her, I won't vote for her, etc. At the same time, even when humiliated in the public by her husband, even after he cheated on her, she still kept the marriage together. I'm not saying she's the figurehead for morality, but there is something to be said for that. My 2.7 cents worth thinks she is doing it for her own political gain. ...and if she were Republican or Conservative, your opinion would be completely different. Nope.
  8. I can remember the days stores were closed on Sunday. I can remember the days when stores were closed by 9pm. Now you have stores open 24/7 and on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving.
  9. Until the kinks of the science gets worked out, I will have questions about it. The lab folks here are great. They have a system of checks where it takes at least two people to verify the sample. The lab here doesn't use hair for DNA, that is sent out to an independent lab. The folks here prefer us to collect oral swabs, because it is easier and less time comsuming. 99% of all DNA is collected at scenes by swabbing, which is much easier, but at the same time also collects DNA from anyone who had any kinds of contact or close contact, so there are plenty of issues with cross contamination. The lab folks here will compare the DNA samples with all that have been submitted in that case. The problem that has come out of this is that law enforcement and the court system has become too reliant on DNA and refusing to prosecute cases where there is no DNA. Why do you need DNA when you have a clear video and independent witnesses to a murder?
  10. Any movie that was made in the 40's and 50's.
  11. I made a post on another topic about the state using mental health as a way to quash free thinking, especially if you disagree with the status quo. The UK seems to be about three steps ahead of the US at the moment in doing this.
  12. I can see that happening within 5 years here. The excuse will be "we fingerprint everybody we arrest and book into jail, it only makes sense that we take a DNA sample from the too." No it does not make sense. Fingerprints are taken for identity purposes. DNA is far more complex and requires lab equipment (at this moment) and too expensive for 99% of law enforcement agencies. Besides, taking a DNA sample is intrusive and does not make sense to take a sample from everyone who is arrested. Want to take a sample from a murder suspect - great. Want to take it from someone who had a couple of beers too many? No, I have a problem there.
  13. The only president that can know how to win a war is the one who allows his military personnel with the background and experience the ability to win the war. Not polls and opinions.
  14. Should I be surprised about this?
  15. I wonder why we don't hit on this more often... Hillary, as a politician, is horrid. I don't agree with her, I won't vote for her, etc. At the same time, even when humiliated in the public by her husband, even after he cheated on her, she still kept the marriage together. I'm not saying she's the figurehead for morality, but there is something to be said for that. My 2.7 cents worth thinks she is doing it for her own political gain.
  16. My wife had been badgering me to allow my daughter to do these padgets, which I will not allow. My daughter is three, and she does not need to be brought up in that mess. Especially with all of the weirdos out there today.
  17. hmh

    TV or not TV

    I'd rather watch grass grow or paint dry before the garbage that is broadcast over the airwaves today.
  18. Good morning to all of y'all sick, twisted freaks! I do like Glenn Beck simply because he does all a bit more moderate ideology in his dialogue. I would venture to believe that because of the hits his religion has taken in the past is the reason he takes a stand to be more tolerant of other religions also.
  19. All of the above. Really? So a Christian can practice witchcraft? Because now there is no law against it? I met a girl who was a practicing witch, but she also believed in Jesus. What would you tell her? That you are in agreement with her that she can be both a Christian and a witch - because the Law no longer applies? You can't serve mammon and God.
  20. Now that is funny. Thank you so much; you don't know how much I needed a good laugh this morning. See, there's more to me than a burnt out rights violator.
  21. Use a play out of the politicians play book and sidestep and dance around the question. We are all precious in the sight of God, and we all have some form of beauty within ourselves, which will include the baby. Call him/her beautiful. The rest of the world will only look on the outside, not the inside.
  22. If I was to wear something like that it would have to be a wide screen version.
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