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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. From what I've read it's usually not fatal for healthy people; it affects the elderly and the very young the most. However, having said that, this strain seems to be killing young people who are without chronic disease and are not young children. It's worrying because it makes no sense. I don't think swine flu is as bad as smallpox or tuberculosis but those diseases are rare in western countries. Influenza spreads much faster because it's a virus. SARS is still around, btw, but I don't think there were very many fatal cases of that. That's what I've been able to find also. They also can't seem to understand why so many of the folks in Mexico die from it, but not here so far. I saw an interview with some doctors today who are very concerned about what they termed the "targeted" group this flu seems to be hitting. As you stated MorningGlory, it's hitting young, healthy people, and they also think that is strange. We'll just have to see how it plays out.
  2. The official story is the man died the next day of pneumonia. I dont know what to think. I have also read on various sites that the combination of viruses in the swine flu cannot occur naturally, that it had to be genetically engineered. Regardless of how it came to be, this is developing into a scary situation. With Obama declaring a National Health Emergency today, it gives the feds extrordinary powers over states if they choose to enact it. We are talking potential Martial Law, in the name of the public health and safety. This strain appears to be treatable and responding to anti-virals, but that's not to say the gov't is not going to use it to invoke fear and control over people. It is a situation to watch closely folks.
  3. You need to be totally sure you have no pancreatic/diabetic issues before undertaking a fast from food. If you are hypo-glycemic (low blood sugar), the results could be fatal. As stated, what you are describing does sound like a spasm of the stomach/esophagus. It doesn't necessarily have to be caused from acid, though. If you are used to eating frequently, or large amounts of food when you do, it's quite possible to then get spasms of this type if you go "cold turkey" from food. It's generally not a good idea to do this. If you feel you are moved to fast, however, then you should prepare your body for this. Eat lesser amounts of food leading up to the fast, to prepare your body for the restriction of calories, and greatly increase your water intake. Keep a normal to high sodium intake (if you have no problems with high blood pressure) and a high intake of potassium leading up to the fast. Going cold turkey into it can cause severe phycical ailments. So you know, I have never fasted. I am, however, experienced in helping people with drastic calorie restriction.
  4. I do believe Worthy is more than just a meeting place. Yes, Jesus is the only one who saves, but I was searching, questioning, and unsure, and not a true believer when I was drawn here. With the help of the good folks here I was enlightened. Ayin Jade was right there when it happened, that's why she remembers so well. That was quite a night!
  5. Yep, I sure was. I was searching for answers, and I firmly believe I was led here at the time I needed to be. I'm not on here every day, but I do check in when I can, even if I don't post, I like to see how everyone is doing.
  6. I know this thread hasn't been posted on for a few days, but I wanted to touch on it in all seriousness. I was hoping to find it being discussed on the board. I actually am a little concerned about the real possibilty. I obviously don't know for sure if he is , but the Bible also has descriptions of the Anti-Christ that fit Obama. * A meteoric rise to fame and power - It is always talked about that he has shot up out of nowhere. A junior Senator. * The Anti-christ will come within the generation that sees Israel become a state - 1948. * He will be reverred the world over - This I could see happening as time passes. * He will come to power with a message of peace . He wants to bring peace to the middle east. He will be a great communicator - All true. * His first 3 1/2 years will be a rule of peace, then he will 'change' and show his true evil . . . . . Stop right there . The Mayan calendars end in 2012 . Their writings indicate a terrible calamity will come on Dec. 21st 2012 . Well the year 2012 is 64 yrs. after 1948 . That's easily a generation . If Obama were to win, then his presidency starts on 2009 . Well, 3 1/2 years later is 2012 . This would also fit in with the folks that say the time isn't right just yet. It's not now, but in 3 1/2 years, the pieces could be in place. * He will fool many . Nearly all the people will love him. hmmmmm, last part is becoming true now. And at this point, he hasn't been indwelt by satan yet. But he will be in place when the time is right. Couple other points: *He is Pro-Abortion. *Obama advocates that people use contraception *Obama's father was Muslim, before becoming Athiest. Obama did attend Muslim schooling for 2 years. He also stated publicly he would "stand with the Muslims" if things got "ugly". Last year an artist did a painting of Obama with a halo over his head. He named that painting something like 'savior' or 'messiah'. Many have already referred to him as 'savior'. Recent Australian news stories indicate that Australians are already calling him 'the messiah'. At the New Hampshire primaries, people were holding up their babies to be kissed by Obama (a traditional political event)..... However, people there were also asking him to BLESS their babies. People are FAINTING at his rallies! Like I said, I'm not sure. No one can be sure. No one will know the time. But one would have to be blind to not see all of the similarities. I hate to see people dismiss it as nonsense, because it just might not be. Sooo, am I nuts or what?
  7. Yeah, no one is perfect and we all make mistakes and make the wrong choices on occassion, but there are a lot of people that do just what you said sierra. They preach the word and tell everyone what they should be doing, then turn around and intentionally do something they KNOW to be wrong. THEN they think they ask for forgiveness and it's all ok. That really burns me too. And it's ok to be in a bad mood. You can always vent here and we'll listen.
  8. It was sooo nice to see a positive uplifting story in the news. One with a positive outcome instead of what seems to be the normal negative outcome nowdays. The stepfather also said the boy asked him if they could finish what they were working on before he was taken, and that was adopting him. Sounds like this will be done soon. He hit on alot of good points during his talk with the media. It was very moving.
  9. Today's the day! Very happy for you Luke! God will be with you through it, you will do great!
  10. Thanks again everybody! I'm off to work right now so not much time here, but I just wanted to say the warm greetings have made me feel good and very welcome here again.
  11. Thanks everyone! It feels good to be back around. I had to double check, but yes, my picture is still there in my profile. I still look the same. Thanks for the birthday wish Jade. And I remember the night I became a believer very well also. I cried too. It was a very moving experience. I still work as a corrections officer. Busy as always there, unfortunately. It's good to see everyone again, I missed this place! I am really going to try to be around more often!!
  12. Been quite awhile since I've been around. Thought I'd stop in and see how everyone is doing. I've been ok. Keeping very busy, too busy for my own good. I've gotten away from training people in the gym and setting up programs and diets, just haven't had the time. For those that remember me, the gym is my passion, and that was something I really enjoyed doing for people. I hope to get back to that again this year. I hope all is well with everyone here. I am going to try to set aside more time for myself, which will hopefully work out, and allow me to stop in much more often here. Steve
  13. Good post. Brought up many good points.
  14. Quite a while peaches. Can't remember exactly, but it's been a long time.
  15. It's so cool to hear from everyone all around the world on here. I love this place! (((Constant))) to you too! Good to see ya!!
  16. looks interesting and at least worth checking out. I'm going to look at it more in depth when I have a chance.
  17. Well just thought I'd post a light topic about the weather. I just got done shoveling snow. We got about 4 inches here overnight. Expecting more over the next few days. I don't mind the snow, but our temps are supposed to dip into single digits, with below zero windchills. THAT I don't like at all! I can tolerate the snow and cold until after Christmas and New Year, then I'm ready for summer again. How's the weather around the rest of the Worthy World??
  18. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Thank the Lord this and every day for what we have. God Bless Everyone Steve
  19. I love my little dog Molly dearly. All 5 pounds of her. She is a Schitso/Lhasa cross. (Yes, I get told all the time I don't look like the "little dog" type) lol. There are the days I wouldn't quite call her a "blessing" though. She likes to get into the trash or any little scrap of human food she can find, which then upsets her stomach and causes her to leave a mess for me to clean when I get home. She can even open the cupboard door where the trash can is in.
  20. It's all good. No worries. Stuff happens. We disagree, debate, maybe even argue, then we move on, together. God Bless!
  21. Awesome show tonight. What a trip, I cant believe all the twists and surprises.
  22. When it's allowed to without a bunch of whining and crying from people that don't know any better. bingo ted!
  23. Ted - thanks bro. This is just a touchy subject with me. To have someone put it down, who has never been there and has no idea, it gets me goin and sometimes I need somebody to pull me back and say hey, don't bother. So thanks for pullin me back.
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