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  1. 1. How long did creation take?

    • 6 yom (yom = 12 hr. day)
    • 6 yom (yom = 24 hr. day)
    • 6 yom (yom = long period of time)

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The reason I believe the literal 6 day creation is because God specifies "the evening & the morning were". Maybe I need to do a study on what is meant by "evening & morning", but that is how I see it at this time.

I would like to say though that the word 'day' is used to represent different time frames. When God told Adam he would die 'in the day' he disobeyed, Adam's death was not complete til his body died many years after. Using the 1000 yrs=day( 2 Peter 3:8) time frame, Adam died in the day he disobeyed. I still see something here.

Adam did die that day, spiritually. And that is what God cares about. The Spirit, not the body.

I believe that He cares about both & that once our spirits are reborn, we will also receive a heavenly body as made possible by our Lord's resurrection. Our spirits are reborn when we accept Jesus as our savior, but our bodies are not yet redeemed. I see that as part of salvation too.

We receive new, glorified bodies when we go to be with Christ. The bodies we have now are not anything like the bodies the Lord meant us to have. They are corrupted by sin. God is Spirit. And our spirit (which contains our soul) is what He is concerned about. But, I am not here to contend with you about this. Have a good evening.

Not trying to be contentious, just presenting my viewpoint. You have a good evening too.

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The reason I believe the literal 6 day creation is because God specifies "the evening & the morning were". Maybe I need to do a study on what is meant by "evening & morning", but that is how I see it at this time.

I would like to say though that the word 'day' is used to represent different time frames. When God told Adam he would die 'in the day' he disobeyed, Adam's death was not complete til his body died many years after. Using the 1000 yrs=day( 2 Peter 3:8) time frame, Adam died in the day he disobeyed. I still see something here.

The Adam - as created - did die on that day - not a physical death.

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You can read that sentence in several ways. You can understand it that he will die the day he eats it, or you can read it that his death is assured the day he eats it, but not necessarily die that very day.

That day Adam and Eve and the rest of creation received the absolute assurance of death.

It doesn't have to be a spiritual death even.

The Lord and Cain interfaced with each other after he killed Able so they were still capable of interfacing with each other.

It is my personal opinion that Adam and Eve just assured the end of their lives that day.....

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i was a fervent young-earther until . . . . the sun and stars and the moon didn't appear until the 4th 'day'. clearly, 'day' equals 'age'.

secondly, God is obviously still creating NOW, in what i believe the be the 6th 'day', and we are to be zealous to enter God's rest, the 7th 'day'.

Scripture is clear that the evening and the morning were the 6th day, then it goes right into the 7th day. Your view is not scriptural.

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I don't remember who exactly brought up the argument of pain and death but I will copy from Richard Deem's website God and Science once again to explain...

with the SCA about a year ago but I didn't have the time to continue doing it :(

Death came with adam. The bible says so.

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It is my view from personal study that creation was complete on the sixth day. However in my opinion the days of creation was more than 24 hour days as we know them to be today. My view comes from the sixth day of creation and all that went on within that day. You can read in ( Genesis 1:26-31 ) of the sixth day of creation but there was more information regarding this sixth day and it is found in ( Genesis 2:18-25 ). First in...................

Genesis 2:18 And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

First thing God says he was going to do on this sixth day and that he was going to make Adam a help meet because it wasn't good for man to be alone. Second God says in.......................

Genesis 2:19-20 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. vs. 20) And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.

Second thing God does on this sixth day is he "formed" every beast of the field, all the fowls of the air, and all cattle all of these were "formed from the ground." After this God takes all of these animals he formed over to Adam to see what he would call them. Adam had the task to give names to #1) give names to all the beast of the field #2) give names to all the fowls of the air and #3) he had to give names to all the cattle.

In my opinion if the six days of creation were only 24 hour days as we know them to be in our time it doesn't make logical sense to me that Adam could finish the task God gave him to do being he had to give names to all cattle, all the fowls of the air and all the beast of the field. I think of all the fowls, beasts of the field and all the cattle that there are on the earth today and just to name them in a 24 hour day would be impossible. However Adam could have had super knowledge to finish his task in that one 24 hour day.

When Adam finally finished his task of giving names to every living creature the statement is made at the end of (verse 20) but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. IMO I take this to mean that Adam noticed while he was naming all the living creature that they were males and females to reproduce after their kind but for himself he didn't have a help meet. Now from this point Adam was first formed as we have went through what he has gone through on this earth being alone. There is no telling how long Adam was on the earth alone before God created him an help meet. You can read how God created woman in...................................

Genesis 2:21-25 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; vs. 22) And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. vs. 23) And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. vs. 24) Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. vs. 25) And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Finally on this sixth day God created a woman from the rib of Adam and the Lord took the woman and give her to Adam. After God gave Adam his help meet he says, bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. Then Adam even got to name this new creature God made and it says in vs. 23) above what he called her and he said "she shall be called Woman" because she was taken out of man. But on this same sixth day you have the account of the creation of Adam himself this is found recorded in.......................

Genesis 2:6-9, 15-17 But there went up a midst from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. vs. 7) And the Lord "formed" man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. vs. 8) And the Lord planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. vs. 9) And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil......................................vs.15) And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. vs. 16) And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: vs. 17) But of the tree of the knowlege of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Last here you see the creation of Adam and God made a garden which he called Eden and he put Adam in the middle of the garden with the task given to him to keep and dress the garden. At this time the living creature had not been created and were not given names. Eve also at this had not been created yet as Adam was alone in the garden and told not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and if he did he would surely die.

This makes me think once again just how long was Adam in the garden of Eden alone keeping and dressing the garden ? And how long was Adam on this earth before God made him an help meet ? Adam was first formed and there is no telling how long he was on this earth before Eve and the living creatures were created.

Again I can't help but to think IMO that it has to be more than a 24 hour day based upon all that I have observed personally that went and came about on the sixth day of creation. I also know that God is God and he can do anything in his own time frame.

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Again from Deem's website God and Science...

"The third day must have been longer than 24-hours, since the text indicates a process that would take a year or longer. On this day, God allowed the land to produce vegetation, tress and fruit. The text specifically states that the land produced trees that bore fruit with seed in it (3). Any horticulturist knows that fruit-bearing trees requires several years to grow to produce fruit. However, the text states that the land produced these trees (indicating a natural process) and that it all occurred on the third day. Obviously, such a "day" could not have been only 24 hours long."

Why could God not cause this process to take 24 hours? God is already supernaturally supporting creation and bringing it into existence. So why is there an issue with this specific supernatural occurance, but not the others in the account? :noidea:

God could create the world in 6 days. I have no doubt of that! However, your question is irrelevant. I could ask you the same question. Why did God choose 6 days? Why not instant creation? We have no answer for that... we will have to wait until the Last Days

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Again from Deem's website God and Science...

"The third day must have been longer than 24-hours, since the text indicates a process that would take a year or longer. On this day, God allowed the land to produce vegetation, tress and fruit. The text specifically states that the land produced trees that bore fruit with seed in it (3). Any horticulturist knows that fruit-bearing trees requires several years to grow to produce fruit. However, the text states that the land produced these trees (indicating a natural process) and that it all occurred on the third day. Obviously, such a "day" could not have been only 24 hours long."

Why could God not cause this process to take 24 hours? God is already supernaturally supporting creation and bringing it into existence. So why is there an issue with this specific supernatural occurance, but not the others in the account? :noidea:

God could create the world in 6 days. I have no doubt of that! However, your question is irrelevant. I could ask you the same question. Why did God choose 6 days? Why not instant creation? We have no answer for that... we will have to wait until the Last Days

Nice dodge, but no. You are setting the length of the day based on logic that dictates that His creative works must obey current scientific laws. Why must this be the case? You accept the supernatural elsewhere, why not for this particular day? Why must the events of this day follow natural rather than supernatural laws?

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i was a fervent young-earther until . . . . the sun and stars and the moon didn't appear until the 4th 'day'. clearly, 'day' equals 'age'.

secondly, God is obviously still creating NOW, in what i believe the be the 6th 'day', and we are to be zealous to enter God's rest, the 7th 'day'.

Scripture is clear that the evening and the morning were the 6th day, then it goes right into the 7th day. Your view is not scriptural.

Just as a matter of interest did you read my responses regarding pain and suffering before the fall? If not please read those...

Also, I have a few questions. I assume, based on your response that you are a YEC. How can you explain the fact that the Word of the Lord has been proclaimed to 1,000 generations (about 40,000 years at the very least - more if you account for the long lives found early in the Bible)?

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i was a fervent young-earther until . . . . the sun and stars and the moon didn't appear until the 4th 'day'. clearly, 'day' equals 'age'.

secondly, God is obviously still creating NOW, in what i believe the be the 6th 'day', and we are to be zealous to enter God's rest, the 7th 'day'.

Scripture is clear that the evening and the morning were the 6th day, then it goes right into the 7th day. Your view is not scriptural.

Just as a matter of interest did you read my responses regarding pain and suffering before the fall? If not please read those...

Also, I have a few questions. I assume, based on your response that you are a YEC. How can you explain the fact that the Word of the Lord has been proclaimed to 1,000 generations (about 40,000 years at the very least - more if you account for the long lives found early in the Bible)?

What do you see 'the evening & the morning' to mean?

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