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What is the Kingdom of Heaven Like?


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29 minutes ago, silviawang said:

Rich is never the vital issue

Saudi Arabia is rich,but as  a woman,if I am the citizen of Saudi Arabia ,I will curse my


-----oh  I am sorry I am wrong,the women never be the citizen of Saudi Arabia,they used  to be the furniture in the house in that country,but I heard that last year the status of women were promoted,now the status of women are equal to the mammal.

If y are a woman,do y want to live in petroleum heaven???

I know a lot about woman in the heaven!

If you ask me was muhammad correct about woman I would say he is half right about his prophecy, but about the 70 virgins this is what I am unsure of, and he is right about marry the young as 9 year old, and having more than 1 wives.

I'm a seer, and I approve of that because even God himselves reveal that to me.

I'm a seer if you are not a seer do not judge me if you cannot see the other side if you are blind do not judge us.

I'm a Christian, and I am not a Muslim, but if I am able to see what a Muslim is able to see then I can tell y'all that what a Muslim saw they was correct, but I saw part of what they was right about, and not everything.

Just because we have age law doesn't mean God law has changed!  God is not a pedophile!  If you judge us you're also judging God so be careful y'all!

About woman, and the mammal thing I will tell you the truth I've met a Dijinn, and a Dijinn likes it when we think a woman is a mammal, and till this day he still hang with me, but I'm a christian, and I keep telling it everyday that I do not agree to it.

I do not know if it is true about woman being a mammal God has not told me this yet.

I've met many woman in the Heaven, and they are all loving, and intelligence they are not dumb they are smart, and knows what they are doing.

I've asked them are we men above women, and the women answer me, and said we men are above woman, and woman is lower than us, and this is all I've gotten.

I'm the truth bearer I will speak truth as much as possible, and if y'all want to cast me out for telling the truth then so be it.  I apologies for speaking up, but somebody ask me a question, and I will tell them what I learn.


Edited by Opywang
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7 hours ago, Opywang said:

It's amazing not a single one of you can explain what is the heaven is like.

Y'all have been suppress to see the kingdom of God!

Y'all have forgotten Jesus has died for us for our sins, and yes we can enter the kingdom of God even if we sins.

And no I am not adding to the bible, or adding words I'm telling y'all what the bible tells us.

Matthew 21:31
"Which of the two did what his father wanted?" "The first," they answered. Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.

Maybe I am going to far ahead  for y'all because y'all do not go low enough to enter the kingdom of heaven you must first become humble, and know thyself, and once you know thyself then you will enter.  

We're human we're the dust we're not perfect, and we cannot become like Jesus we can be hypocrite all day long, and be pharisees it will not pleased God, and God is pleased  to the one that accept themselves for who they are.

I asked God for humility a spirit came, and it showed me the way, and showed me what being human is like, and showed me how weak we are.  We're human, and we're no better than anybody, and once we accept ourselves then that is when God is pleased. 


We are told by our Lord

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

[5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

many come here not understanding the pathway God has designed for His children to travel

2 Timothy 3:15 (KJV)

[15] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

While many come and try to pull us from this path by mysticism or vanities of values outside of God's Word to instruct.... we simply know that The Scripture is the final authority in life and thought :D ... so while I think, I feel etc and so forth not found within Scripture is just that not Scripture and to rely upon it is folly and destruction! God simply says we cannot know what Heaven is like here

1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV)

[9] But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

so if it hasn't entered into our experience according to God what is it you are witnessing of?

Love, Steven

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22 minutes ago, enoob57 said:

We are told by our Lord

2 Corinthians 10:5 (KJV)

[5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

many come here not understanding the pathway God has designed for His children to travel

2 Timothy 3:15 (KJV)

[15] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

[16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

[17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

While many come and try to pull us from this path by mysticism or vanities of values outside of God's Word to instruct.... we simply know that The Scripture is the final authority in life and thought :D ... so while I think, I feel etc and so forth not found within Scripture is just that not Scripture and to rely upon it is folly and destruction! God simply says we cannot know what Heaven is like here

1 Corinthians 2:9 (KJV)

[9] But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.

so if it hasn't entered into our experience according to God what is it you are witnessing of?

Love, Steven

Jesus preach, and told us what heaven is like!

Yea I hear what you are saying about little children, and yes I need to remember that.

I need to help y'all understand something just because Jesus, and all of his disciple wittness the heaven doesn't mean they are the only one!

All of us can enter it all of us!

There is more to the heaven than what we've been taught, and yes there is a golden gate, and there is a place, but there is more to it, and God is greater than that.

The angels in the heaven they are so beautiful it would be pure hypocritical if we don't touch the angel in an affection way, and why would God deprive all of his angels when there so beautiful?

After all God is love, and this is what it's all about!

Edited by OneLight
Watch your language ...
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37 minutes ago, Opywang said:

I know a lot about woman in the heaven!

If you ask me was muhammad correct about woman I would say he is half right about his prophecy, but about the 70 virgins this is what I am unsure of, and he is right about marry the young as 9 year old, and having more than 1 wives.

I'm a seer, and I approve of that because even God himselves reveal that to me.

I'm a seer if you are not a seer do not judge me if you cannot see the other side if you are blind do not judge us.

I'm a Christian, and I am not a Muslim, but if I am able to see what a Muslim is able to see then I can tell y'all that what a Muslim saw they was correct, but I saw part of what they was right about, and not everything.

Just because we have age law doesn't mean God law has changed!  God is not a pedophile!  If you judge us you're also judging God so be careful y'all!

About woman, and the mammal thing I will tell you the truth I've met a Dijinn, and a Dijinn likes it when we think a woman is a mammal, and till this day he still hang with me, but I'm a christian, and I keep telling it everyday that I do not agree to it.

I do not know if it is true about woman being a mammal God has not told me this yet.

I've met many woman in the Heaven, and they are all loving, and intelligence they are not dumb they are smart, and knows what they are doing.

I've asked them are we men above women, and the women answer me, and said we men are above woman, and woman is lower than us, and this is all I've gotten.

I'm the truth bearer I will speak truth as much as possible, and if y'all want to cast me out for telling the truth then so be it.  I apologies for speaking up, but somebody ask me a question, and I will tell them what I learn.


Dear dude,trust me y need a doctor of  mental disease

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17 minutes ago, Opywang said:

Jesus preach, and told us what heaven is like!

Yea I hear what you are saying about little children, and yes I need to remember that.

I need to help y'all understand something just because Jesus, and all of his disciple wittness the heaven doesn't mean they are the only one!

All of us can enter it all of us!

There is more to the heaven than what we've been taught, and yes there is a golden gate, and there is a place, but there is more to it, and God is greater than that.

The angels in the heaven they are so beautiful it would be pure hypocritical if we don't touch the angel in an affection way.

After all God is love, and this is what it's all about!

your response is adequate to discern a gnostic spirit where mysticism is raised above the Scriptures ... however because I have fixed my feet upon the Rock of Scripture 'God's Word' I need nothing outside of that which my sensory perceptions through flesh try to draw :) 

Galatians 5:14 (KJV)

[14] For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

[15] But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

[16] This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

[17] For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

[18] But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Love, Steven

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6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

I know a lot about woman in the heaven!

If you ask me was muhammad correct about woman I would say he is half right about his prophecy, but about the 70 virgins this is what I am unsure of, and he is right about marry the young as 9 year old, and having more than 1 wives.

Muhammad is a false prophet and a liar.  I would not take anything he has to say as truth.  As for marriage in heaven, why would that even happen?  Scripture never speaks one work about marriage between male and female.  We are His wife and His alone.  IN Him, scripture tells us in Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

I'm a seer, and I approve of that because even God himselves reveal that to me.

I'm a seer if you are not a seer do not judge me if you cannot see the other side if you are blind do not judge us.

I'm a Christian, and I am not a Muslim, but if I am able to see what a Muslim is able to see then I can tell y'all that what a Muslim saw they was correct, but I saw part of what they was right about, and not everything.

Just because we have age law doesn't mean God law has changed!  God is not a pedophile!  If you judge us you're also judging God so be careful y'all!

About woman, and the mammal thing I will tell you the truth I've met a Dijinn, and a Dijinn likes it when we think a woman is a mammal, and till this day he still hang with me, but I'm a christian, and I keep telling it everyday that I do not agree to it.

I do not know if it is true about woman being a mammal God has not told me this yet.

I've met many woman in the Heaven, and they are all loving, and intelligence they are not dumb they are smart, and knows what they are doing.

I've asked them are we men above women, and the women answer me, and said we men are above woman, and woman is lower than us, and this is all I've gotten.

There is no judgment.  We hold what you say up against scripture and it judges, we just discover if what you say is true or false.  I am concerned about you continuing to say you are a seer, which also means a Prophet.  I would like to know what you have prophesied.  All I read is that you "see things" and  "hear things".  Those are not necessarily signs of a prophet.  The Apostle John was shown what was, that is and what is to come, and wrote them down as he was instructed to do.  John, being an Apostle, was much more than a prophet.  A Prophet speaks to people what God gives them to speak, as they are His messengers.  What messages do you have from God to us?

6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

I'm a Christian, and I am not a Muslim, but if I am able to see what a Muslim is able to see then I can tell y'all that what a Muslim saw they was correct, but I saw part of what they was right about, and not everything.

This is why I am so concerned.  Mohammad lied, plain and simple.  His claim that if you die a martyr, you will be rewarded 70 virgins when you enter heaven.  He also said that it is their dute to kill the infidels, those who do not believe his message. 

6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

Just because we have age law doesn't mean God law has changed!  God is not a pedophile!  If you judge us you're also judging God so be careful y'all!

This statement is also very concerning.  Who ever said God was a pedophile???  That is a sick thought.

As I said, we hold what you say against scripture and scripture judges you itself.  You need to stop telling us that if we don't believe you that we are judging God.  That itself is a lie.

6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

About woman, and the mammal thing I will tell you the truth I've met a Dijinn, and a Dijinn likes it when we think a woman is a mammal, and till this day he still hang with me, but I'm a christian, and I keep telling it everyday that I do not agree to it.

I am sure you "see" a lot of things others do not.  You have reveled yourself to all of us, that you see things and hear things.  Can you show me in scripture where God tells us there are Di-jinn's?  He tells us about angels and demons, but never a Di-Jinn.  Di-Jinn's are mythological angelic like beings, also known as genies in the Islamic world.  They are not real. 

6 minutes ago, Opywang said:

I do not know if it is true about woman being a mammal God has not told me this yet.

I've met many woman in the Heaven, and they are all loving, and intelligence they are not dumb they are smart, and knows what they are doing.

I've asked them are we men above women, and the women answer me, and said we men are above woman, and woman is lower than us, and this is all I've gotten.

I provided scripture about what we are told about being in Christ.  We are all one in Him, equal.  Only here in this life is the husband above his wife for accountability reasons.  Our next life will not be like this life.  I do not see any scripture telling us anything different.

You need to first take what you see and hear and search the scriptures to see if they are of God or Satan.  Satan is the fathers of lies and would love to confuse you.  Be very careful as to what you hold as true, from God.


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8 minutes ago, silviawang said:

Dear dude,trust me y need a doctor of  mental disease

silviawang was banned from this thread for a personal attack.  1 point was given.

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Thank you for sharing. There are realms. Paul was caught up to the 3rd heaven. 

In the old testiment at the end of someones life they were gathered to their people. So we will be gathered with loved ones.

Im by no means a greek scholar but when i study Im going to prepare a place for you it seem to me Jesus was not talking a building. He was talking about our eternal incorruptible body made in his image. I think the mansion, own dwelling is our recreated flesh.

The kingdom of heaven is where jesus reins it exsists now and we can start experiance it now.


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11 hours ago, Opywang said:

I apologies if I become upset.

I just saw people out there that refuse to share there experience, and only talk what the Bible says it is like they don't have a clue, or never went to heaven.

I shouldn't have gotten upset, and I know it is hard to believe that we do visit heaven all the time on a daily basic, but we just lack knowledge to realize that, and I got upset for no reason.

I guess it take knowledge to realize, or to understand, and I want to share the knowledge, but y'all will say it's false teaching so I will go ahead and share.

Dream is one of the best way to experience heaven, and the easiest.

Asking God for spiritual vision can let you see heaven while awake without dreams.

Going low will make you enter heaven like acknowledge, and believe that you are nothing, and are a dust.  When you acknowledge that you are the dust you will change, and become spiritual, and you will feel the flesh less, and become spiritual.

I can share more, but Christian will not understand so I will try my best by using the Bible verse.

John 21:15
When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs."

The lambs is actually us we do meet people in the other demision, and this is something that nobody will believe.  Jesus said feed my lamb, and he meant well by it, and he's talking about feeding them, and he's not joking.

Jesus said the lamb will leave for awhile, and go to green pastures, and eat then after it eat it will come to you, and hang out with you.

When I mention hanging out with you I meant to say it in spiritual term, and you're actually having an another ghost hanging out with you.

I've had a lot of lamb, and they all are free they do whatever they want they come, and go.

John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

When you really achieve to the heaven you will notice the sheep are started to follow you, and when you see the sheep following you then you will know what Jesus is talking about.

I've tried to tell others about this, but many got angry, and don't believe me!  

Other have said you are not Jesus, and they are right I am not Jesus, but Jesus is teaching us, and he is saying if he experience that we will experience the same.

Just because what Jesus experience doesn't mean it is just for him only it is for all of us.

Jesus told paul to feed his sheep, and he is telling all of us to do what Jesus want us to do!

Jesus said if you love me feed my sheep not once three times!

John 10:29
The third time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, "Do you love me?" He said, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.


It sounds like you love the Lord. :)

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Some that did there bible study before answering good job, and some that did not shamed on you.

Yes that why they wanted to stoned Jesus, and kept saying Jesus blasphemy, and hung him on the cross for trying to tell us the truth.

If Jesus was alive y'all would still treat him just like how they treat him back in the days getting stoned, and people would be yelling crucify him.

I guess if Jesus was alive it's the mental hospital cause that what many have told me instead of being crucify.

I'm being brave to tell y'all this, and that what being a prophet is about it is a sin for a prophet not to tell you what they have been revealed.

I'm taking a risk of getting banned, and risk to lose my rights to speak, but that is ok because of this verse.

Matthew 10:14
If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.

After all I posted on this thread what is the Kingdom of Heaven like to y'all

And this is what my heaven is like, and I already said not to judge me, nor hate me, and I'm being brave to tell y'all this so y'all either appreciate my bravery, or hate me, and it'll be your lost not mine.

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