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Conversation about the Tribulation and God`s Wrath.

Marilyn C

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On 12/20/2017 at 1:41 AM, Marilyn C said:

Hi Dennis,

It good to go back & forth and think with what the scripture says. So, glad you see that he will deceive. And you hit the nail right on the head, I believe when you said,

`It seems like he has to have some sort of outstanding track record and accomplishments first, to get Israel and the world to trust and submit to him? `

That is very insightful. So that is actually what I am waiting for. I believe this Peace negotiator will bring together the factions in Iraq & some of Syria, and get a division worked out for the 3 groups - Kurds, Sunni & Shiite. The one I`m backing is `Ali Hatem,` who is a royal person, and of the royal family of Saudia Arabia, and also Jordan. he has done peace deals with the USA previously and helped them with his army to get rid of ISIS. However the Shiite government of Iraq has come down heavily on the Sunni and trouble continues. But in the next year or so I believe he will get that `track record.`

Then after that comes the Russian Federation, with Iran, Ethiopia & Libya, brought down to the mountains of Israel by God where they will be annihilated. Wow, then there will be a great power vacuum in the Middle east without the big bear hovering above. All it seems then is for the Middle East to be solved and the world will have peace. Thus into this opportunity comes the Peace Negotiator which both sides (Islam and the West) have dealt with and allow him to negotiate a peace deal with Israel & the Middles East countries.

Then the Islamic countries begin to see this man arising in credibility in the West and thus they gather behind him. Three countries first - Iraq, Syria and Jordan - the old Assyria region.

Things to watch. Marilyn. 

The one big problem and obstacle I have with 'the man of perdition' is, he can not be a Muslim. I don't believe Israel has ever, does, or will ever trust a Muslim for their peace and security. So basically I've scratched that possibility off of the characteristics and profile of 'the man of sin'.

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"The one big problem and obstacle I have with 'the man of perdition' is, he can not be a Muslim. I don't believe Israel has ever, does, or will ever trust a Muslim"


This one will be a Muslim .... the king of the north [Daniel 11:36-45]

Israel will not trust this one during the coming tribulation

Edited by Daniel 11:36
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At the next prophesied event; the Sixth Seal - Day of the Lord's vengeance and wrath, the Islamic nations will be virtually wiped out. Their 'holy' places; Mecca and the Dome of the Rock, etc, will be destroyed and Islam totally discredited. The future world religion will be worship of the 'beast'. Revelation 13:3-4  Only Christians will live in the holy Land. Isaiah 35:1-10


 Not if, but when, the confederation of Islamic nations and entities such as Hamas and Hezbollah, attack Israel in their desperate effort to overcome the humiliation of previous failed attempts to “wipe Israel off the map “- Then, the Lord will act against His enemies, Isaiah 42:14-15, in His terrible Day of vengeance and wrath against the nations.  Hab. 3:12, Ezekiel 20:46-47, Zeph. 1:14-18, Rev. 6:12-17

 Here is an abridged quotation of Bible verses that reveals the fates of those “evil neighbours”.   Jeremiah 12:14. [Note: this judgement includes Judah, the current State of Israel. Ezekiel 21:1-7, Isaiah 22:14, Amos 2:4-5, +]



Psalm 83  Do not keep silent, O God, for your enemies have devised a plot against your people. Let us wipe them out as a nation, they say- Let Israel be remembered no more. Scatter them; make them as dung on the ground. As a fire rages through a forest, may they perish in disgrace.

Zechariah 12:1-9  This is the word of the Lord concerning Israel. I am about to make Jerusalem an intoxicating cup that sends all the surrounding nations reeling. Judah will be involved.  On that day, when all the nations of the earth are against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock. All who try to move her will be cut to pieces. The armies of those nations will be struck with blindness and madness. Judah will praise Me on that Day and their leaders will be strong, as a burning torch among the sheaves. All the nations right and left will be consumed, while Jerusalem remains safe.  Isaiah 31:5, Psalm 125, Jer. 3:17-18


Isaiah 33:10-12  Now I shall arise, says the Lord. You will be like chaff and stubble. Whole nations will be heaps of white ash, like thorns set ablaze.  Matthew 3:12, Hebrews 10:27, Rev 6:12-17

Jeremiah 9:25-26  The Lord says, the time is coming when I will punish all who are circumcised only in the flesh. All those who live in the desert regions are uncircumcised in their hearts.  Ezekiel 30:1-5

Ezekiel 28:26  When I execute judgement on all of Israel’s scornful neighbours, then My people will live in the Land, undisturbed.  Amos 9:13-15  



Jeremiah 49:35-39  The Lord says, I shall break the bow of Elam, their chief weapon. I will bring disaster upon them, destroy their leaders and officials and scatter them around the earth.

Ezekiel 32:24 Elam is buried in Sheol, with all her people- victims of the sword. Those who spread terror in the land of the living, now bear disgrace with all those in the abyss



Ezekiel 25:15-17 The Lord says, because the Philistines have resorted to revenge with malice in their hearts and with ancient hostility, they seek to destroy Judah. I shall stretch out My hand against them and take mighty vengeance.

Amos 1:6-8  For crime after crime of Gaza, they will have no reprieve – I shall send fire until the last of the Philistines is dead.

Zephaniah 2:4-7  At midday Gaza will be left in ruins, I will destroy you. You will be left with no inhabitants.



Luke 10:14  Tyre and Sidon will be judged.

Amos 1:9-10 For the sins of Tyre, I will not hold back My wrath. They ignored the brotherly alliance; therefore, I shall send fire to consume their fortresses

Zechariah 9:3-5  The word of the Lord alights on Tyre and Sidon – I will take away your possessions and the cities will be destroyed by fire.



Amos 1:3-5  For crime after crime of Damascus, I will grant them no reprieve. I shall send fire on their fortresses.

Jeremiah 49:23-27  News comes of a disaster, confusion and anxiety reign, they try to escape, but all her soldiers die on that day.

Isaiah 17:1-14  Damascus will cease to be a city, forever desolate. Listen - it is the thunder of vast forces, at evening all is terror, before morning all is gone.         Such is the fate of our adversaries.



This prophecy in Jeremiah mentions King Nebuchadrezzer of Babylon attacking Kedar and Hazor. This did happen during Jeremiah’s lifetime, but not to the full extent of this prophecy:

Jeremiah 49:28-33 Arise, attack Kedar and destroy the desert peoples of the East. Your possessions will be taken. A cry of terror will go up – flee quickly away and hide in remote places. Hazor will become a desolate place forever, totally uninhabited.

Isaiah 21:13-17  An oracle concerning Arabia.  You, who live in Arabia and Tema, meet the fugitives with food and water, those who flee from the sword, from the heat of the battle. Then, within a year, all of Kedar’s glory will come to an end, only a few of her soldiers will be left. [This is interesting: “meet the fugitives”, may mean those escaping from Jordan, down the Desert Highway or the old Kings Highway.]



Ezekiel 25:1-11  Prophesy against the Ammonites – because you exulted over the Land of Israel with spiteful contempt, I shall give you up to be plundered by the nations. I will cut you off from other peoples and exterminate you from every country. Peoples from the East will camp on your land.

Jeremiah 49:1-8  Has Israel no heirs? Why, then do Milcoms people possess the towns of Gad?  Therefore a time is coming when you will hear the battle cry. Ammon will become a desolate mound, all its towns burnt to ashes.

Ezekiel 21:28-32  A sword of slaughter will flash like lightning. The visions that you have are false, advising you to bring the sword against the unbelievers, but the time of their punishment will come later. In the land of your ancestry, I will judge you, I shall hand you over to brutal men. You will be fuel for the fire and be remembered no more.

Amos 1:13-15  For crime after crime of the Ammonites, I shall grant them no reprieve, because in their greed for land, they ripped open pregnant women in Gilead. Therefore, fire will destroy Rabbah- Ammon with a whirlwind on that day. Their King will go into exile and his officers with him.



Isaiah 19:1-10  The Lord comes riding swiftly on a cloud, He descends on Egypt and the hearts of the Egyptians melt within them.  I will stir them up against each other.     They will be confused, all their plans fail. Idols and spirit mediums are useless.  I shall hand Egypt over to a hard master. The Nile will dry up. Fishing, agriculture and industry will all fail.

Isaiah 19:11-16  Egypts leaders give senseless advice – the Lord has poured a spirit of confusion into them.   The Egyptians will become weak and terror stricken.

Isaiah 19:17-20  Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians, even the mention of Israel will terrify them.In that day there will be 5 cities who speak the ancient language and who worship the Lord.   [Coptic Christians?] Also, on that day there will be an altar and a monument to the Lord, as a witness when they cry out to Him, and He will send a deliverer to rescue them. Egypt will acknowledge and worship the Lord, He will respond to them and heal them.

Ezekiel 29:8 The Lord God says, I am bringing a sword against you. Egypt will become a desolate wasteland. For 40 years the people will be scattered among the nations. Then regathered to upper Egypt.

Ezekiel chapter 30  Alas for the day, a sword will come on Egypt, by the hand of foreigners, I shall lay waste to the land of Egypt.

Ezekiel chapter 31  The pride of Pharaoh, the leader of Egypt, is cut down.

Ezekiel chapter 32  Many peoples will be appalled at the fate of Egypt, the cattle destroyed, the land laid waste and empty.


Modern place names from Strongs Concordance;  Elam= Persia. Now Iran.   Philistines =

Palestinians.  Tyre and Sidon = Cities in Lebanon.  Damascus = Capital of Syria.  Rabbah-Ammon= Amman, capital of Jordan.  Gilead = The area of North Western Jordan.  Gad = the Israelite tribe given the Gilead area.  Milcom= the high God of the Ammonites. Kedar & Tema= Sons of Ishmael, ancestors of the Arabs.  Hazor = the area of Eastern Arabia, including Mecca and Medina.



Edited by Keras
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2 hours ago, Keras said:




Hi Keras,

When you post soooo much I tend to jump over it. If you would like conversation then I believe you need to interact addressing a bit at a time and relating to the person speaking.

regards, Marilyn.


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5 hours ago, Dennis1209 said:

The one big problem and obstacle I have with 'the man of perdition' is, he can not be a Muslim. I don't believe Israel has ever, does, or will ever trust a Muslim for their peace and security. So basically I've scratched that possibility off of the characteristics and profile of 'the man of sin'.

Hi Dennis,

The scripture emphatically says he is an Assyrian and as Daniel (above) has said, - from the north (of Israel in the area of the broken up Grecian empire). Israel will accept a Peace treaty as they have shown for many years, even with Arafat. It is just a Peace Treaty, they are not accepting him as their Messiah.


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39 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi Dennis,

The scripture emphatically says he is an Assyrian and as Daniel (above) has said, - from the north (of Israel in the area of the broken up Grecian empire). Israel will accept a Peace treaty as they have shown for many years, even with Arafat. It is just a Peace Treaty, they are not accepting him as their Messiah.


Might you be referring to Mic 5: 5-6 by chance? But yeah, I still don't see it unless it's really forced upon them. And the Assyrian doesn't necessarily have to be Muslim, could just be Arab by descent?

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1 hour ago, Marilyn C said:

When you post soooo much I tend to jump over it. If you would like conversation then I believe you need to interact addressing a bit at a time and relating to the person speaking.

So how much of the Bible do you 'jump over'?   As 99% of my article is scripture!

The prophesies of Daniel 11:1-20 are well proven to be past history; the Ptolemy's and Herod, etc. Only in the last 7 years before the Return of Jesus do we Christians need to be concerned about any of the rest of Daniel 11. What we should be clear about is what God plans for us Christians. 


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8 minutes ago, Keras said:

So how much of the Bible do you 'jump over'?   As 99% of my article is scripture!

The prophesies of Daniel 11:1-20 are well proven to be past history; the Ptolemy's and Herod, etc. Only in the last 7 years before the Return of Jesus do we Christians need to be concerned about any of the rest of Daniel 11. What we should be clear about is what God plans for us Christians. 


Hi keras,

Now you are talking, specifically to someone, me at the mo. So...we are discussing specific points here, whereas you were looking at a whole range of points. keep to a point and we can discuss better, bro.

regards, Marilyn.

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51 minutes ago, Dennis1209 said:

Might you be referring to Mic 5: 5-6 by chance? But yeah, I still don't see it unless it's really forced upon them. And the Assyrian doesn't necessarily have to be Muslim, could just be Arab by descent?

Actually it was Isa. 31: 8 where the Lord says (after talking about fighting for Mt Zion and Jerusalem) `Then the Assyrian shall fall by a sword not of man...`

That with Micah and in Daniel we see that the Lord is talking about a person from the old region of Assyria - today`s Iraq, & Syria. I believe he will need to be a Moslem as he will bring that great power together and they will acclaim him as their long awaited Messiah. As he develops power throughout the world by deception, during the first part of the trib, he `magnifies himself in his heart,`  & (I would say) believes that he is the Messiah of Islam.


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2 minutes ago, Marilyn C said:

Actually it was Isa. 31: 8 where the Lord says (after talking about fighting for Mt Zion and Jerusalem) `Then the Assyrian shall fall by a sword not of man...`

That with Micah and in Daniel we see that the Lord is talking about a person from the old region of Assyria - today`s Iraq, & Syria. I believe he will need to be a Moslem as he will bring that great power together and they will acclaim him as their long awaited Messiah. As he develops power throughout the world by deception, during the first part of the trib, he `magnifies himself in his heart,`  & (I would say) believes that he is the Messiah of Islam.


Could very well be Marilyn. My hope is not to be around to find out for sure :D

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