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36 minutes ago, Jayne said:

Jesus was not into partisan politics.  Jesus did confront Pharisees and Sadducees, but these men were religious leaders who used man's law to discredit the truth of God.  These men were not kings of nations.

I cannot imagine for the life of me a preacher standing in a pulpit telling people who to vote for and why.  My pastor merely mentions to study the candidates and their positions and compare that to the word of God and vote your conscience.

I'm a Republican, but I see my own party as morally bankrupt as the next party.  The answer in America is NOT Republicans, it's Christ.

One can preach and teach the  issues:  abortion, homosexuality, lying, hatred, and more.  One should NOT preach or teach in the church Democrats vs. Republicans.  Neither of those parties represent Christ nor are the hope of this nation.

The whole country is sick - sick to the core.  

Border walls/security are man's issues with man - NOT God's issues with man.



Yes these are the words I wanted to see come up I have not seen any pastor speak of such things for many years vote what is in the best interest of Christianity of as you say vote your conscience. You are right the country is sick to the core. So with that being said it is time the church us to take some kind of stand as Jesus did with the Pharisees of his time which are to me the leaders of our time.  Jesus called Peter, James, John sons of thunder wonder why? The world is a mess and part of that mess id due to a luke warm church wonder if it will wake up or stay puked out of Gods mouth? Well peace be unto you! 

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5 hours ago, Marilyn C said:

Hi again backontrack,

You seem to think that `voting` or speaking out will stop Satan`s agenda. All the world, all the Political parties, are under the sway of the evil one. God is not about stopping them, but bringing them all under the feet of Jesus to be JUDGED!

`The LORD God (Father) said to my Lord (Jesus) "Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool."  (Ps. 110: 1)

And we can see that is fast coming about with all `parties` agreeing with the (demonic) moral code of the United Nations - tolerance, inclusiveness, (of all sots of wrong behaviour) etc. We are to help each other - `exhort, (warn) and all the more as we see the Day, (tribulation)approaching.` (Heb. 10: 25)


Yes so should we speak to this mountain to be removed or speak the name of Jesus to our enemies or Satan? If so then we must not be silent are we to remain Luke Warm as well? Sooner or later someone has to step out and give Satan some orders and not behind closed doors and many will be beaten and or killed for his name sake.

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10 minutes ago, 1sheep said:

I agree that there is some. But my comment on apathy still stands. We dont all believe we need to be a voice! Its a small percentage. The majority emergent church is far from doing what glorifies the Lord.

If the church as a whole were as vocal as it should be ,we wouldnt have liberal ,apathetic or both kind of  christians filling the pews and doing nothing about moral crisis that surrounds us. Christians for the most part have just laid down. Some  think well the bible says wickedness will increase....why fight what come what may! 

Theres that saying " so heavenly minded no earthly good. 

I have zero in common with ' christians' of that sort! They say they love but do they really? 

Btw I think its absolutely wonderful the people that stand outside abortion clinics!  

Im ashamed to say I havent but there is tomorrow. Perhaps Ill look in this area and see if I can find another to go with me to warn,educate,  and spread the gospel.

I like your attitude and agree it is time we together took a stand in Love show Satan who's boss for a change take some ground for the kingdom speak out show we care and are willing to get off the pew! Wonderful!

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Guest 1sheep
1 hour ago, Jayne said:

I'm a Republican, but I see my own party as morally bankrupt as the next party.  The answer in America is NOT Republicans, it's Christ.

One can preach and teach the  issues:  abortion, homosexuality, lying, hatred, and more.  One should NOT preach or teach in the church Democrats vs. Republicans.  Neither of those parties represent Christ nor are the hope of this nation.

The differences are vast. Im talking ideologies and not the nature of the politician .

Democrats are pro murdering babies. Republicans are not! Democrats are pro flood our country with poor illegal aliens with no skills; the republicans are not! Democrats laud sexual perversion; republicans do not. Republicans protect christians rights in this country; democrats do not!  I could go on and on. 

I agree the answer is Jesus. But that doesn't mean the pastor or the church buries their heads in the sand concerning other things that pertain to righteous moral living.

We are salt. What good is salt if it has lost its savor? 

Just who are we improving by being salt and light? Everything and everyone concerned! We arent gone yet! Why are we so few that are active in making our voices count?

Which btw, God is for protecting nations. There are over 200 mentions in the word about walls. Israel has walls. The new jeruselum will have walls to keep out the dogs. Metaphoric of course but nonetheless :point made! Walls protect nations . I should do an OP on it. Theres alot to be said on it.

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6 hours ago, OneLight said:

You need to reread what Jesus was talking about with the Pharisees and Sadducee.  He was not talking about what laws or rules Rome was placing on the Jewish people so to change the laws.  Jesus was talking about the Jewish laws and how they broke them.

As for today, go as God leads, not your head.

6 hours ago, backontrack said:

My bible states this will see how political this is, Jesus will come back to this earth to set up his kingdom (GOVENMENT) and rule with a rod of iron. I wonder if he wants us to rule and rain now in his absence? Hum would that mean getting involved in the world and letting our light shine or would that be coming against evil. Confused in Wisconsin!

No need to be confused.  Concerned, yes.  We have His Word and the Holy Spirit.  We, as a person, can do nothing, but He can do all things.  Allow His Spirit to teach and lead you in all things and when the time comes to make a statement about anything, you can rely on Him to show you what to do and say.  Taking it upon ourselves to rally against the government without His leading is futile and will only end wrong.

I can see your desire to do His will, but sometimes we can get ahead of Him and mess things up.  Be an example.  Preach Christ through actions, and if need be, use words.  As has been said already, what is needed is a revival and the revival starts inside each of us and goes out to others as the Holy Spirit moves us.

When we teach our children what is right in His eyes, they will see the lie themselves and His Spirit will witness in them about the evil of the world. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

For some, God may lead them into politics, but for the vast majority that take up public stances against the government, they are doing so on their own.  You have a vote.  You have pen and paper.  You have a phone.  Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel about certain bills that are coming to vote, and certain stances they hold that do not represent your values in Christ.  But, do so only if He leads you to do so.  Remember, we are not of this world.  Just abiding time until He calls us home.  Evil will always be with us until the Great White Throne Judgment when Satan is finally destroyed for good. Then, we are given a new heaven and a new earth, abiding with God forever.

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15 minutes ago, OneLight said:

No need to be confused.  Concerned, yes.  We have His Word and the Holy Spirit.  We, as a person, can do nothing, but He can do all things.  Allow His Spirit to teach and lead you in all things and when the time comes to make a statement about anything, you can rely on Him to show you what to do and say.  Taking it upon ourselves to rally against the government without His leading is futile and will only end wrong.

I can see your desire to do His will, but sometimes we can get ahead of Him and mess things up.  Be an example.  Preach Christ through actions, and if need be, use words.  As has been said already, what is needed is a revival and the revival starts inside each of us and goes out to others as the Holy Spirit moves us.

When we teach our children what is right in His eyes, they will see the lie themselves and His Spirit will witness in them about the evil of the world. 

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

For some, God may lead them into politics, but for the vast majority that take up public stances against the government, they are doing so on their own.  You have a vote.  You have pen and paper.  You have a phone.  Contact your representatives and let them know how you feel about certain bills that are coming to vote, and certain stances they hold that do not represent your values in Christ.  But, do so only if He leads you to do so.  Remember, we are not of this world.  Just abiding time until He calls us home.  Evil will always be with us until the Great White Throne Judgment when Satan is finally destroyed for good. Then, we are given a new heaven and a new earth, abiding with God forever.

I am at times overwhelmed with watching and seeing evil all around me and long to see a stand or revival take place I fill fortunate to be born an American. I toss and turn at night asking God why was I not born a Muslim, or in Africa or some other country that's worse then America seems unfair that so many Muslims and others will die and go to hell not saying many Americans will to. But think of it in the last war 1/3 of mankind will die and it will be mostly middleastern people. God gave me some insight last night but still it messes me up as I watch how divided America is I wonder if we are headed for something really bad. I just want to at times and just throw in the towel and say enough! Maybe after being away from this sight for 10 years I might get some inspiration.

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6 minutes ago, backontrack said:

I just want to at times and just throw in the towel and say enough! Maybe after being away from this sight for 10 years I might get some inspiration.

You know ... it's not over till the fat lady sings!  This is a message I gave the other day in Birmingham, Alabama.  It was a message that I entitled -- Which voice will you listen to in the Last days?  I start speaking around the 1 hour and 5 minute mark.


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4 minutes ago, backontrack said:

I am at times overwhelmed with watching and seeing evil all around me and long to see a stand or revival take place I fill fortunate to be born an American. I toss and turn at night asking God why was I not born a Muslim, or in Africa or some other country that's worse then America seems unfair that so many Muslims and others will die and go to hell not saying many Americans will to. But think of it in the last war 1/3 of mankind will die and it will be mostly middleastern people. God gave me some insight last night but still it messes me up as I watch how divided America is I wonder if we are headed for something really bad. I just want to at times and just throw in the towel and say enough!

I understand your concerns about the US.  I can remember starting the school day with the Lords Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  I remember when prayer was kicked out of school, then watched as they removed all reference to God from the walls.  Everything went downhill pretty fast after that.  In my 65 years I have seen a lot of change.  At first I was like you, wanted to scream from the housetops what I saw as wrong, but the more I studied His words and allowed Him to change me, I saw how the world will be before His return.  We are to represent Him in all we do and let the world see Him through us.  Our battle is not with the world, but he who leads the world.

Ephesians 6:10-18

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.

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6 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

Son...you be encouraged in knowing that the early church was born into a society much like ours has become....pagan and full of iniquity.  Also Jesus let us know beforehand that there would be birthpangs prior to His coming......in this world we shall have tribulation but fear not because He has overcome the world.  This world is not our real home...we're just passing through here on our way to heavenly Zion...so don't be too troubled when things in this world appear to be falling apart.  I know it is hard to watch things deteriorate though.  Even so, when these things begin to happen look up because our redemption is drawing near.  Keep our eyes and hearts on Jesus and on heaven and don't worry too much about a world that is appointed to wrath.  At best our life on earth is short anyhow when you think about it....you realize that more as you get older.  Our job as believers is to obey the Lord day by day.....we are to be like Noah building an ark against the coming wrath and inviting others to get on board.  Just be concerned about your walk with the Lord, and the gospel and saving of souls and leave the running and worrying about this world to God.

Meantime we are to cast our cares onto Him, because He cares for us.  Things that do trouble us might be things He wants us to bring to Him in prayer and intercession....and at the very least unburden ourselves to Him and when we do He gives us His peace.  So you hang on tight to Jesus when the waters get rough, and know that your anchor will hold because He is holding onto you.

That's right sister .   this ole world is only getting far worse and the true saints we about to be persecuted hardcore .    No worries for us , We got all hope In the LORD .

whether we live or die WE HIS .    Now yall know what time it is ,  ITS LORD PRAISING TIME .   Armour up one and all IN THE LORD .

Cause this ol world is about to be shaken to its core ,   and when all is said and done , ONLY THE UNSHAKEABLE UNMOVEABLE KINGDOM and those of it , REMAIN .

WE WIN cause JESUS WON .   ARMS UP and Praise the LORD .    This life is but a vapour anyway .  OH but eternal life ,  OH PRAISE THE LORD , for that cannot be measured .

Hands up and praise the LORD >

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3 hours ago, 1sheep said:

Remaining silent isnt the answer either! 

We are salt in this world. Our input makes things better. One certainly cant argue against that! 

Im discerning much apathy on this thread. If christians dont speak out on what the Lord says on things who will?  

Well , now I don't think joel olstein , rick warren , brian McLaren or the Pope gonna approve of this message .   WHICH MEANS ITS TRUE .   

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