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3 hours ago, Firm Foundation said:

I never accused you of that.  I just want those who reject OSAS to know that outside of places like here, in the church at large, more than half reject it.  Methodists, Wesleyans, Assemblies of God, Church of God, Church of Christ, Lutherans, Apostolics, Church of Christ, Pentecostal Holiness, and even some Baptists like Freewill Baptist reject OSAS.  

If Church history proves anything, it proves that majority means nothing......the majority is wrong most of the time....the majority of Churches say you must repent of your sins to be saved and that is not even in the Bible....Turning to God ( True Repentance That Saves) and putting your Faith in the Finished Work Of The Cross is what saves......

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3 hours ago, Margo1945 said:

exactly, @Firm Foundation .. to remain saved, we WILL NOT keep sinning 

Peter said of sin........it So EASiLY BESETS US ! Good thing the price has been paid for sins, for all that put their Faith in the Gospel Of Grace....

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10 minutes ago, Margo1945 said:

boy, it is really good that the Lord does it all and we don't have to do anything about anything and we remain saved .. and if we sin and don't repent, who cares .. we have it made .. Christ died for sinners and He will have a heaven full of unrepentant sinners coz they can do as they wish and still go to Heaven .. well, if that is Heaven, it will be more like hell .. poor righteous sheep having to spend eternity with ones who believed they could do as they wish - even sin and not ask forgiveness - and still go to Heaven .. well, I don't believe one can return to sin and not turn back to God and His Will .. I believe one who turns to sin and does not turn back will be in the lake of fire and thank God for that .. we are to love God and loving Him is clearly defined as what?

More misunderstanding of what those of us who believe in the sufficiency of Christ believe.

After one is born again, we confess our sins in order to sense the restoration of fellowship with God.   We do not need to keep asking for forgiveness over and over like a lost person as we are already forgiven.   We just confess, agreeing with God, that something we did wasn't right.   We are still His child even if we have failed in some way.   God doesn't disown us.

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12 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

No-one is saying that all believers who fall into sin and backslide can never be restored again.  No-one here is saying there is no hope for such.   I believe the scripture on Hebrews 6 is addressing in particular those who are spiritually mature and it is talking about WILLFUL sin. 


Hebrews 4, 6, and 10.... along with Matthew 4-25,  along with James 2, are where all Devil led Heretics live and die.

So, let me help you.

If you can read, and im assuming you can, then if you notice that Paul is telling a group of HEBREWS....(notice the BOOK).......Its not addressed to the CHURCH.   Notice every other Letter that Paul writes, is addressing.....NOTICE THE BEGINNING....... THE INTRODUCTION.......This informs anyone who can read, to whom the address is given...

Now, notice the "letter to the HEBREWS"......This is not to the "church"....."its not to the BRETHREN" .....Its to the HEBREWS.......   Hebrews are unsaved JEWS.

This is why Paul is preaching to them the GOSPEL.   He is not teaching the church.  He is PREACHING the Gospel to a GROUP of unsaved Hebrews.   He is not teaching one, He is PREACHING to a GROUP....."them".... and he is not only preaching the Gospel, He is also warning these HEBREWS what will happen, if they willfully SIN....= reject the gospel, = reject their Messiah = reject CHRIST.

This is what is happening in those verses that you thing are written to born again Christians.  So, once you get that worked out, we can talk more about other things that you have also been taught that are error, and probably blasphemy against the Grace of God.

If you can grasp that Paul would not be preaching the Gospel to the BORN AGAIN.......then you can begin to realize why this letter is written to HEBREWS, and then you can begin to see what is actually happening in HEBREWS 4, 6, and 10.

Edited by Behold
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12 hours ago, johnthebaptist said:

If you sin, trouble comes into your life. I assume that is why Jesus told us to repent. 

Explain how God saves you.

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12 hours ago, johnthebaptist said:

If I asked you why you are a terrible person, you wouldn't be able to answer the question, because the premise is wrong: You aren't a terrible person. You aren't are you?

I'm the righteousness of God in Christ, according to God, according to the New Testament.

What are you?

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6 hours ago, Debp said:

Amen, wonderfully stated!   Christ is all sufficient for our atonement!

Amen !!


God's Blood, once applied, ends all concerns about losing salvation, or going to hell, Etc.

Grace, once you are under it, has reclaimed you from the Judgment of the Law.

Our Sin, once Christ bears it on the Cross, has been replaced by the Righteousness Of Christ.    "the Gift of Righteousness".

This is our STANDING, its our Position "in Christ". We are not "sinners", in God's sight any longer, we are "translated FROM Darkness......TO LIGHT".... We are REDEEMED from the Law, from eternal judgement.....  We are ONE with God, "In Christ".

Hell is for the Christ rejectors, ONLY.

So, if you are reading this and you are not born again, then you are under the Judgment of God and you are going to Hell if you die today.

If you are born again, then you can't go to Hell, as Jesus has already been there for you....  He has already received God's judgment against YOUR SIN..

This is known as " Jesus dying on the CROSS".      

Edited by Behold
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29 minutes ago, Margo1945 said:

forgiveness is not automatic .. it is there and will be given IF one repents aka turns back to God with a change of heart to do His Will, not theirs .. and I have repeatedly said it is not God who does anything wrong .. it is the unrepentant sinner .. God is always faithful, always loving, always everything good .. the unrepentant sinner disowns God

What you are explaining, is confused.  And here is why. .....   Its one thing to be unsaved, not born again, and hear the Gospel, and be drawn by the Holy Spirit to receive Christ as Savior.  So, in THIS case, "repenting", is doing all that.  Its the work of the Holy Spirit to cause you to recognize your sinful state, repent and turn to the Cross, and receive Christ.

But if you've done this, and you are born again, then, there is no....."well, i sinned, so im lost again, and i need to repent again for the 4000th time, to get myself re-saved again for the 4000th time".

Listen, SALVATION is not some type of crazy YO-YO  religious situation where we lose it, get it back,....... lost it again,......... get it back.

Salvation is God taking your sin and allowing Jesus to DIE FOR IT.  And HE DID....And its GONE.   So, one that has happened, then God's righteousness has become YOURS, if you're   born again, and this does not ever change......Its is who you are now, a "new creation IN CHRIST".    And LATER when you are not perfect, when you make mistakes, if you are not following the Lord, then you  are just as Righteous.   This "in Christ" state, this New Identity, is not based on your behavior.....Its based on Christ's RIGHTEOUSNESS that has become YOURS, .... IF YOU ARE BORN AGAIN.




YOU ARE BORN AGAIN AS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD.  That is your "born again" part.   And you can't lose this, and your behavior can't change it.

See, being born,.....being BORN again... =  is not something that can be CHANGED.

Edited by Behold
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12 minutes ago, Flowersun said:


He disciplines his children for their own good,Margo...Amen to your post!.

It's true that God will eventually chastise a straying child.   However, God will not disown that child.   That is the difference of some people's teachings here.....they are teaching you will be disowned by God.   How can the Lord disown you when you fail, when you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit?   You have been sealed by the Holy Spirit till the day of redemption.

In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13

 14who[d] is the [e]guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.  Ephesians 1:14

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21 minutes ago, Behold said:

If you are born again, then you can't go to Hell, as Jesus has already been there for you....  He has already received God's judgment against YOUR SIN..

This is known as " Jesus dying on the CROSS".      

Amen.   This was part of your post that was somehow left out above....the good news of Christ.

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