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A Warning About The 2020 Election

Hidden In Him

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The reasons will become apparent. The following dream was presented to me in full within the last few days, and if true, it suggests that a lot of things now hang in the balance if we do not pray for our duly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump.
The Dream:
I was in a very nice house in my neighborhood. This house is actually the Masonic Lodge in my hometown. I really felt "clean." My hair was nice, I was in a beautiful dress, and I was very content. I looked 9 months pregnant. My husband seemed different; how he came up behind me and hugged me is a way he never does. Just really passionate. By the Masonic lodge, across the street, was Cherry Street Baptist Church. So I was with my husband inside this really nice house, and three drunk men tried entering in the door on the side closest to the Baptist church. My husband chased them away, but they later hung around the porch, although they no longer tried to get in. Then I remember Trump walking from the doors of the Baptist Church at night over to the front door of our house and entering. He acted like he lived in the house too, because he opened the door and hung his coat on the wrack with this confident look on his face. I believe he said something like, "Sorry I am late." But I didn't want him living in the house or entering my dreams anymore. He made me a bit uncomfortable in my dreams honestly, because of his pride. He seemed a bit cocky to me. So I said to him, "I allowed you to be in two other of my dreams, but you need to leave now." At this, he had an angry look on his face at first, but then he looked very afraid because my husband stopped hugging me and started chasing him; down the church side road, past the neighbor's house on the corner towards the hospital at night. He looked really afraid when my husband ran after him towards the hospital.
Once my husband left, the three drunk men outside then forced their way in through the front door facing a parking lot. I should have called the cops on them because my husband had protected me and they were still on the porch. But as they entered, these three drunk men in the dream were staggering and looking at me lustfully. I just stood there looking at them and they were looking at me with lustful smiles. The middle staggering man was being held up on the arms of the other two men. They were old and had ragged clothes on, like they had worn them on the streets for a long time and didn't change them out. They were well worn and dirty. They didn't look like they had showered, and had sort of shaved faces. No beards. The middle guy only had hair on the back of his head like an old guy has. The other two were a bit younger, perhaps in their 50's. I felt in danger and defenseless with my pregnancy. My husband wasn't home and I woke up.
The interpretation I sent:
The Masonic Lodge represents the State and the Baptist Church represents the Church. Though using a mixed analogy, you likewise represent the Church, the bride of Christ, and your husband represents the Lord Jesus Himself. This is why he acts differently in the dream. The Lord is very passionate about His bride. Trump represents himself in this dream, and entering the Lodge represents him entering the White House, where he currently lives. But there is a problem: He assumes he will continue to live there, not taking into account the wishes of the Church. When you as the Church tell him, "I allowed you to be in two other of my dreams, but you need to leave now," it seems to communicate that while the Church once held him to be something of a "dream" President, i.e. someone who could fulfill the church's dreams if elected, there is now something wrong with him, as indicated by his angry reaction rather than one of humility. But note that Trump is depicted as a Friend of the Church; He walks across from a Baptist Church, meaning he is Pro-church, and Trump has fulfilled his promises to Christians since coming to office. But the dream suggests that the church may no longer have as much faith in him by the time of the election, when he is "hanging up his coat." The coat here represents the long coat he normally wears in honor of Presidents from our past; thus it represents the time of the 2020 election, when he will be "hanging up" his first term. But should his response to conservative Christians suggesting he not serve a 2nd term be an angry one (for reasons I will explain), the dream suggests the Lord Himself may chase Trump out of the White House, to the hospital. It suggests he may come down with some sort of illness; possibly Covid-19, but more than likely Dementia (See links in next post). Trump has been showing increasing signs of Dementia, including slurred speech and increasing outbursts of irritability and anger. Trump may be operating under a delusion that there is no way he can lose the 2020 election because he is "Heaven sent" and divinely appointed, not realizing that the same God who put him in office can take him from it. The sudden realization of this may be what causes him to become frightened; that the Lord no longer wishes him to be President and serve out a second term, because His mental condition has deteriorated so badly.
[Note: I then sent her the following image, asking if the drunk man in the middle looked sort of like this, which she confirmed]
Interpretation continued:
The real troubling part of the dream, however, is the three drunk men. These likely represent prominent members of the DNC (Democratic National Convention) who have been trying to "break into" the White House ever since the day Trump took office. They have been "out on the street," so to speak, trying to get back in. The picture I sent was of DNC Chairman Tom Perez. He has strong connections to the Jesuits, and expresses disdain for conservative Christian positions. He is Pro-abortion and Pro-gay rights, and also connected to George Soros, an evil globalist who funds Satanist efforts around the world, and the establishment of a New World Order. It means that Tom Perez is a dangerous man. The DNC could likely enter "by force" through voter fraud. They are extremely corrupt, and would have no qualms about doing things like cheating at the ballot box. And this time around, because of Covid-19, some of the voting will likely be done electronically. Much of it may also be done by mail, and it has been proven from history that there are numerous ways to manipulate the mail system of voting. Thus "by force" likely means they will enter in by illegal means, i.e. through voter fraud.
Someone like Tom Perez exercising power behind the scenes in the White House would be a frightening picture for true Christians in the future. The suggestion is that once in power again, they will be eyeing the opportunity to "rape" the Church in some form or fashion. These are evil men, clothed not in the "cleanness" of the Spirit as the Church is in the first few sentences of your dream, but rather clothed in the spiritual filthiness of demonic spirits. This is also confirmed in how they look at you "with lustful smiles." While Trump was in office, the Church was protected. Once gone, the church will be defenseless, and at a time when she is "pregnant," likely meaning spiritually pregnant with a future generation of Christians who will stand for Christ and for the truth during the end-times.
The message of this dream is that Christians need to pray for President Trump, and specifically for his healing. The reason he will get angry is not because he is a bad person; it is a reference to the fact that Dementia may cause him to lash out even against his closest allies. He is losing proper mental functioning, and if he is not prayed for in this regarding specifically, he may be unfit for office by the time the 2020 election rolls around. If that happens, the dream predicts we will be stuck with some incredibly evil people in power; people bent on the destruction of this country, and who will especially target the conservative Christian base that got Trump elected from the start.
Links to supporting material will be provided in later posts.
God bless,
Hidden In Him
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36 minutes ago, Traveler said:

Something I have noticed over the years is that even though some one may receive a correct prophetic dream, it does not always mean that they have correctly interpreted that dream. The correct interpretation only becoming apparent after the events shown in the dream actually come to pass.

Consider what was taking place under Obama before Trump got involved. It was the whites, the Christians and the patriots that were being labeled as domestic terrorists and having their actions curtailed. Yet it was the Muslims and persons of color that were being promoted as good and virtuous. It really was getting bad as the flag of the country was being turned into an offense and any form of patriotic act was deemed offensive etc. But every form of perversion was deemed progressive and desirable. 

Then Trump happened and the righteous were able to lift their heads a little and to have a voice again with out the law restricting their offensive behavior of free thought.

Now we have grown accustomed to having a bit of voice and a bit of protection from the state because of the constitution and it has made us a bit lax again. But what do you think is going to happen if Trump is gone. Yes Trump does blow his own Trumpet. He has to because the media has denied him his positive press so he has to create his own.

The church wants everything nice and clean and perfect in appearance but have forgotten what was before. If Trump is chased away with out a solid God abiding replacement then everything goes back to the progressive movement and the church is going to be raped and thrown out the house while the evil lecherous occupiers of the past reassert themselves and criminalize all those that want to save the Republic and serve the flag.


Excellent post throughout.

I do think the church could end up being part of the problem rather than the solution here. It seems there is really only one solution and that is to pray for God to heal the man. While Pence would not have gotten elected in 2016, I think he would actually make a great President for what I see coming. The country will need a godly man to guide it spiritually and morally though some increasingly dark times, and Pence guides by example. But I don't see Trump stepping down to allow it, health problems or no. He's always been extremely confident. The dream itself suggests he believes he has every right to stay in the White House, so the only option left is to pray God heals him.

I could and may post other videos showing signs that his Dementia has been increasing, but for now I'm not wanting to create worry. I believe the intent of the dream was to call believers to pray. Hopefully some have ears to hear. This is the second forum I've posted it on, and you were the only one to respond so far.

God bless,

Hidden In Him   

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A video was posted in this thread and moved to here.  You can view the video ... 


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4 minutes ago, George said:

A video was posted in this thread and moved to here.  You can view the video ... 


thank you for moving it.


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My second post, with the video taken out:

On Trump's Dementia symptoms. Note Pence's rather worried look in the cover image:
(See link above).
From another article on Trumps' likely condition:
Some of the symptoms fit with Alzheimer’s, but Trump has other symptoms that fit with dementia and not Alzheimer’s, specifically the slurring of the words, the awkward posture, because dementia does affect muscle and bone movement, and the irritability and impulsivity. Those are things you will see in dementia patients... Cognitive symptoms include memory loss, mental decline, confusion in the evening hours, disorientation, inability to speak or understand language, making things up, mental confusion or inability to recognize common things. Behavioral problems include irritability, personality changes, restlessness, lack of restraint or wandering and getting lost.
On Tom Perez, and his connections to the Jesuits, George Soros, and illegal voting:
Something from the last link that especially rings true in light of the interpretation:
With the decision of the Democratic National Party on Saturday, February 25, to appoint as its new chair former Obama administration Secretary of Labor Tom Perez, Soros and his Open Society Foundations appear ready to pursue a full-out Saul Alinsky strategy of rubbing raw social tensions over race, immigration, and discrimination.... with Perez and Ellison at the head of the DNC, Soros will have additional leverage to transform the Democratic Party into an even more radical organization... one that contests in the courts every attempt by President Trump to control the borders and deport criminal illegal aliens... one that marches in the streets with the determination to break windows, block traffic, shout obscenities, and get into fist fights. Attacking the police is essential to Soros’ strategy to fund the politics of chaos for the radical hard-left organizing in the United States as part of an international socialist revolutionary movement. By funding Black Lives Matter, Soros intends to target every police officer unfortunate enough to be assigned to patrolling a minority community of a Democratic Party-controlled major city such as Baltimore or Detroit. Today, police officers risk ending their careers should they be forced in the line of duty to draw a weapon in self-defense to restrain a black teenager criminally wielding lethal force. When we understand that the agenda of Black Lives Matter is to cause chaos by intimidating police, we should not be surprised that murder rates are escalating in Chicago.
Now that Tom Perez is DNC chair, Soros can be expected to step up his enthusiastic funding of a host of Alinsky-like “community organizers.” These movement revolutionaries and anarchists are determined to delegitimize everything President Trump tries to accomplish. The chaos these hard-left radicals intend to create will be fueled by a mainstream media preconditioned to present radicals on the left as victims of the corrupt, capitalistic imperialism now epitomized by Trump. Determined that their radical causes have moral justification that transcends ideology, this hard-left Democratic Party will certainly abandon all respect for the First Amendment, in their determination to demonize and silence anyone who dares to object.  The abuse hard-left Democratic ideologues are preparing to unleash on Hillary’s “deplorables” – those of us that former President Obama demeaned as “clinging” to our guns and our bibles – will have no precedent in U.S. political history.
...The point is that if Soros succeeds in undermining the authority upon which honest law enforcement intends to preserve, protect and defend civil society, he will have succeeded in opening the door to a politics of chaos that ultimately risks undermining the American Republic itself.
On how the potential for voter fraud on a large scale would be inherent in a vote-by-mail election:
Two thirds of Americans know the potential for voter fraud is very real, despite every liberal establishment media outlet in the country loudly proclaiming it isn't:
There are numerous other links I could provide on virtually all of this, but I have limited it to a few for now.


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Should there be any Catholics on this forum, please note that although I mentioned the Jesuits I am not an anti-Catholic.

Even good Catholics know who is on their side and who isn't (See the video embedded within the link below, from 5:15 on):


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That was nothing more than dry mouth...older adults are often prone to it....I think especially considering the tremendous pressure Trump was under regarding the topic of that speech.

I believe he is going to win a second term, whether for good or evil or both,  it is the will of the Lord ruling and reigning and bringing His prophecies to pass.

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2 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

That was nothing more than dry mouth...older adults are often prone to it....I think especially considering the tremendous pressure Trump was under regarding the topic of that speech.

I believe he is going to win a second term, whether for good or evil or both,  it is the will of the Lord ruling and reigning and bringing His prophecies to pass.


Greetings, He Leadeth Me.

I know that is what the official response from the Trump Administration was, but we can hardly think they would have said anything else under the circumstances. Now you are certainly correct that he is facing tremendous pressure and has been since taking office, considering how virulent the attacks have been against him from her start. But while I don't want to post videos on these things because it is disheartening and hard to watch for a Trump supporter, the man has trouble walking a straight line sometimes without help. He forgets to sign documents, walks out of the room, and has to be escorted back. He wanders off during meetings. He once asked where Rudy Giuliani was when he was sitting directly across from him. 

The thing is, many on the Right have not been hearing these things because the Liberal media has been vilifying Trump non-stop for four years now, so we tuned them out long ago. But my eyes were opened to the reality of it through this dream and then the research I started doing. As if it wasn't common among 73 year olds already, Dementia runs in Trump's family.

The following article explains this fairly succinctly, and also points out some of the symptoms one can expect are consistent with those I refer to in the interpretation, and will further increase with age:



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3 hours ago, Heleadethme said:

That was nothing more than dry mouth...older adults are often prone to it....I think especially considering the tremendous pressure Trump was under regarding the topic of that speech.

I believe he is going to win a second term, whether for good or evil or both,  it is the will of the Lord ruling and reigning and bringing His prophecies to pass.

Yeah, I agree. Honestly, if Joe Biden is seriously going to be the Democrat's nominee to go against President Trump, then Trump has a very good chance of being re-elected, because while Trump does have his obvious flaws (pride, his tendency to put his foot in his mouth, etc.), Joe Biden's flaws are severely worse. The guy has been mumbling and bumbling about nonsense during his public speeches, and is clearly showing signs of being senile, and therefore, needs to have his speeches pre-written in order to look good on live television. I would actually feel a little bad for Biden if they were to pit him against the President Trump on the presidential debates, because Trump would absolutely humiliate him verbally. Point is, if Joe Biden is seriously the best the DNC has to offer as a "serious candidate", then I'm pretty sure we're going to see President Trump win a second term.....


knowing that though, I am pretty worried about his presumptive second term, I fear some angry leftist lunatic might attempt to assassinate him sometime between 2021 and 2025, idk, I just have that bad nagging feeling in my gut for some reason.... I also have a feeling that the economy and US dollar is going to completely collapse sometime during his second term, and if and when that happens, all of the mainstream media's talking heads are going to point the finger at Trump and make him the scapegoat, even though the crashing economy will be the ending result of a global debt bubble that's been growing ever more rapidly for decades now. Either way, regardless of if Trump wins a second term, not even he, unfortunately, is going to stop the Satanic Globalists from forming that ever ominously looming New World Order....

Edited by TruthSeeker7:7
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15 minutes ago, TruthSeeker7:7 said:

Joe Biden's flaws are severely worse. The guy has been mumbling and bumbling about nonsense during his public speeches, and is clearly showing signs of being senile, and therefore, needs to have his speeches pre-written in order to look good on live television. I would actually feel a little bad for Biden if they were to pit him against the President Trump on the presidential debates, because Trump would absolutely humiliate him verbally.


I agree. Only the thing is, it doesn't take into account the DNC potentially using voter fraud to swing the election.

The possibility of it happening is real, IMO. 

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