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WN: Fox Under Fire for Excluding Ron Paul - NewsMax


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Dons political hat ...

If you are looking for change, Ron Paul would surely do it for you. He wants all military back on US soil ... no bases anywhere. No IRS ... He would like to put us back to the colonial days ...

I think that a return to colonial days is good, but at the same time, we need to be careful about completely shutting ourselves off from the outside world considering the fact many nations have nuclear and biological weapons they could use against us. In addition, we have become too dependent on foreign countries for goods and services, and it will take time to become independent again. It can be done, and should be done, but someone like Ron Paul could not come into office and think he can make such changes over night. That is my problem with him. He comes across like he thinks he can simply close all military bases worldwide on day one, and pull all troops out of Iraq. We have a commitment in Iraq, like it or not, and for our own credibility, need to stablize things. Then, we can change our foreign policy to reflect a change to American nationalism.

HERE HERE! Those who are our allies would allow us to use their bases if needed. In fact, they would be more then willing to do so if we close our bases in the area. We would truly know who our friends were then ... I agree, it can not be done overnight, but it can, and should, be done.

Here is what I would like to see happen. I would like to see us demand that Iraq pay us back in oil for our expenses incurred in Iraq, and then make sure things are stablized. Once that is accomplished, we can bring the troops home. In addition, we can begin closing other bases worldwide where we have no national interests, as well as bring home troops from all other areas where we have no national interest. We need to stop meddling in places like Darfur and Bosnia where we have no national interest, and stop trying to force other governments to conform to our image and values, as we did in South Africa. We lost a valuable ally there by pushing for an end to the aparthide government. In reality, the way they governed was none of our business, and the same thing goes for places like Tibet.

I am not up-to-date on these topics, in general, but it is for humanity reasons that we should be there, not political reasons. If anyone needs our help, then our hand should be there to help, not to control. Your idea of being paid back in oil would be a great idea, as long as they did not raise the price of a barrel so high that we would end up getting a couple of pennies per dollar.

Next, we need to move away from cheap foreign goods, and towards protecting American workers. Yes, prices will go up, but at the same time, we will benefit from more good jobs, and will become a stronger nation as we will once again be able to produce our own products, and won't be dependent on places like communist China. All we are doing when we purchase goods from China is proping up their military, and that will eventually come back to bite us. We need to drill for oil, and ban American oil companies from selling that oil overseas. It is a matter of national security.

:24: If we made our own products, we could depend on our own QA and hold cheap product makers to the fire. I can remember when what we use to buy would last for a very long time. It is the $$ that caused people to make cheap stuff, and since we have been buying from overseas, the quality have been ever worst. Keep the money here! Keep the jobs here!

We need to secure our borders immediately, and make it a felony to hire any illegal foreign workers, with a penalty that includes massive fines and hard prison sentences for violating these laws. When illegals can't find employment, they will be forced to return home. I would be open to some time of guest worker program, but it has to be done in such a way where we know each and every individual that comes into this country. In addition, we need to put a stop to all immigration for a period of time, as we are having a major errosion of the American culture because we have let things get out of control in the past. When we open the door for limited immigration in the future, we must require all applicants to learn English, and assimilate to our way of life. If they don't desire to do that, they need to stay where they are.

Something has to be done and real quick. Even though we are seen as the melting pot of the world, we are still the United States and we are who we are. If you like us, then join us. If you don't like us, then find another place to go. Don't come here and try to change our way of living ... instead, join us in our way of living.

When it comes to the government, we need to downsize. We need to get rid of the IRS and turn to something like a national sales tax. We need to put a freeze on all new entitlement programs, and make sure the next President demands a balanced budget, with a certain percentage of money going to pay down the national debt. This will require massive cuts in spending, and we can start by getting rid of massive government agencies like the Department of Education. We need to put a stop to executive orders, and repeal all past executive orders. This practice needs to end. We need to pull out of the U.N. and send these ambassadors packing. We need to put a stop to the practice of allowing judges to make up laws from the bench, and when a judge is found to be doing so, they need to be removed.

If we use the "Fair Tax", it would make those who work under the table, and even those who sell stuff illegally, to pay their fair share. At the same time, if we are building and buying US made products, we would not have to buy so many Big Ticket items.

Downsizing the government is something that needs to be done. Getting the line item veto in place would be a great start ... get rid of the pork spending. I think that they should vote on everything separately ... so they have to work for their pay, big deal ... about time they do.

I also would like to make it a law that a person being voted into office HAS to make good on their promises.

When it comes to issues of morality, we need to return prayer to the public schools, ban the practice of abortion, abolish homosexual unions, and put sodomy laws back on the books. We need to stop letting groups like the ACLU get away with banning manger scenes in public places, and the 10 commandments in court rooms. We need to recognize that the only reason America exists is because of God, and stop being ashamed of acknowledging that we are indeed one nation under God.

A BIG :whistling:

The idea of a return to "colonial days" is great to me, or if that is not possible, even "Leave It To Beaver" days would be an improvement, so if that is what Ron Paul would do, then that is great with me. The problem again is not with his goals of returning us to following the Constitution as the framers desired that concerns me, but I just don't think it can be done overnight, and I also think we have to have some world presence for national security purposes.

Life was better when it only took the father to support a family while the mother stayed home and was taking care of the family. That is what made the United States so great. Moral values that came from within. Fathers were able to hold their head high and Mothers were held in an honorable position. Now, they compete for time off, better this and more of that so the kids will not be ashamed for not having the newest and greatest.

When are you going into office??


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still googling. finding lots of conflicting stuff of course. anyway, best i can tell is that the "debate" is not a debate at all, it is a forum... and ron paul did not respond to the invitation in time. fox did schedule a debate on the tenth that ron paul is invited to.

my personal opinion, possibly jaded by my own dislike for the candidate, is that he has intentionally made a mountain out of a mole hill to stir up media attention for himself. i guess the hookers aren't generating enough money on their backs in the campaign hq bedroom at the bunny rranch.

Oh! I had forgotten that! This was my first reason to be totally turned off by Ron Paul. Is that still going on? I have heard anything about it for a couple of months. :thumbsup:

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Butero, you have obviously put a lot of thought into the issues. I have to say I pretty much agree with everything you wrote. So why are YOU not running? :thumbsup:

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I wasn't aware thats what Ron Paul wanted to do. Our bases around the world allow us to respond quickly to threats against us and our allies. If not for our position on Taiwan, China would surely have asserted itself en-force by now. Our bases in Europe have been instrumental in the middle east in situations like Quate (or however you spell it) when Sadam invaded. These bases have also been crucial in emergency relief for places such as Indonesia after the Tsunami. We have a responsibility as a world power to aid those who ask for it. We have to honor our commitments to our allies and defend those who cannot defend themselves, such as the Taiwanese.

I like the idea of a Huckabee/Thompson ticket as well as a Huckabee/Guiliani ticket. I don't want Guiliani as president because of his abortion position but I am certain he is all about national defense. I am still undecided whether he would be a good Vice president or not.

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I stayed up a little last night and saw him on Jay Leno..my but they bashed Fox..

said he could sue them..sigh... :24:

I like him less and less as a person...let alone a president...:emot-handshake:

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When Fox News hosts its Republican candidates forum Sunday night, one of the leading candidates won't be invited.


He provides some entertainment value but he's not viable. Do you think that's why he was excluded? Kinda strange.

Out of curiousity, who raised more than Ron Paul out of the republicans? No one is right. (Romney donates to himself). This is a problem; getting our info from fox and mainstream media with biases, who say he has no chance. Huckabee was at 2% all year long behind Paul. Why does he have a chance but not Paul? I believe they(mainstream media) want us to believe he has no chance because he is against their global agendas and economics.

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snowball is just what I was thinking about paul...

I would not go so far as to say the debates are useless..

I watched the one last night and thought it was a lot better than the previous ones..

As for him being left out?

I don't care one way or the other except that perhaps if he had been there folks would see just how off he really is and forget about him completely...

Which would settle the issue on its own...

It's the people that are really off. You think our country is in debt up to its neck and in moral shambles because the sheeple understand what needs to be done? We are a corrupted, unholy people that reject God from our institutions, government and lives. We are in trouble. Our country is at the point of revolution but our society is so dumbed down we can't see it. All of the politicians other than Paul are corrupt entirely. Thats why the media conspires against him. Not because he just isn't valid or worthy. Look at the polls, contributions, and votes. Lets not be so nieve to believe this poor explanation that he's not valid.

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ok i'm jumping in after all.... i'm not sure of the facts regarding this, but i'm googling it and have come up with a couple of articles refuting the claims that ron paul was not invited. according to what i'm reading on some blogger sites (and like i said, i am not sure how accurate they are, but they have source links that i haven't yet followed), ALL candidates were invited, but at time of the deadline for the rsvp, ron paul had not responded, most likely due to a conflict in his scheduling because he had another event scheduled the day prior.

i'm somewhat inclined to believe this is actually closer to the truth.

what was i saying about media controlled government? let me expand that to media controlled public opinion.

Not True. You tube Bill O Reilly and ron paul. He admits he wasn't invited.

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still googling. finding lots of conflicting stuff of course. anyway, best i can tell is that the "debate" is not a debate at all, it is a forum... and ron paul did not respond to the invitation in time. fox did schedule a debate on the tenth that ron paul is invited to.

my personal opinion, possibly jaded by my own dislike for the candidate, is that he has intentionally made a mountain out of a mole hill to stir up media attention for himself. i guess the hookers aren't generating enough money on their backs in the campaign hq bedroom at the bunny rranch.

Not true.

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If you are looking for change, Ron Paul would surely do it for you. He wants all military back on US soil ... no bases anywhere. No IRS ... He would like to put us back to the colonial days ...


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