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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2014 in Posts

  1. Because some people just are rude for no reason? Don't let it affect you, it does not mean anything anyway.
    1 point
  2. Yes I am sealed. When Matt 24:29 says 'immediately after tribulation' it is referring to the first 3.5 years of the 7 year trib. The first half is called 'the tribulation' and the second half is called 'the great tribulation'. The first half are the seals being opened, the second half is God's wrath of trumpets and bowls being opened. The distress stems from the first 4 seals being opened. The trumpets and bowl judgments come in the second half of the 7 year trib. The first half are the seals. You're forgetting the seals. - ds
    1 point
  3. Tribulation and God's wrath are not the same. That's just simply a fact. They are two completely different things, and the seven trumpets are part of His Wrath. Therefore, the rapture is before the seven trumpets and at the sixth seal.
    1 point
  4. division can be bad. Often when we see the bible talking about unity it is not talking about having the exact same set of beliefs as everyone else. It is usually talking about loving one another and that if we don't do this then it can affect our witness. Just because people think a different way is best does not mean they are not trying to get to the same place. Like a road trip. One can take a bus and get there while another could take a car and get to the same place.
    1 point
  5. I listened to this song this afternoon,beautiful!
    1 point
  6. I think your mom is correct. Only prayer and letting each member of the family know that you care for and are available for them is the best way to settle a dispute. Many of us have experienced the same difficulties when dealing with others. Blessings to you! Prayerfully yours, Ron
    1 point
  7. The way I see it is as the Lord tarries each and every day that goes by he is extending his mercy and grace in his delay. I see this as the longsuffering of God suffering long as he loves mankind not willing that any should perish. So I kind of see it as we are in the days of his delay right now. I think things will continue just as the signs of times we have been given in his Word. Things will continue to grow more wicked and godliness will become less and less to the point where the last Gentile will have come in and the small remnant of the Jews and those who didn't worship the beast and take his mark have all been brought in. I guess I'm just looking at it at a different angle as if the delay is already happening and I don't have to imagine if it was delayed and then what would be happening on earth. blessings
    1 point
  8. That was after the fall. How long would they have lived if they never disobeyed God, but never eat from the tree of life? They were not forbidden from eating of the tree of life until after they sinned. Death had come.
    1 point
  9. Which Replacement Theology, are you referring too? The standard definition of Replacement Theology unless there's another that I'm not aware of. This is the theory that we (believing Gentiles) are the new Israel and that God has washed his hands of the Jews and all the promises made to the Jews have been passed onto us. I'm not sure where it originated but the Roman Catholic Church dabbled in it for a while. It is used today by anti-Semites, Israel-haters and various other groups that call themselves Christian. However the theory is destroyed by various bits and pieces of scripture namely Romans 11 and a selection of OT verses. Replacement Theology also destroys itself because it infers that God is a liar who cannot be trusted because fulfillment of prophecy is dependent on the Jews. If this promise to the Jews is broken then God could easily break his promises to us.
    1 point
  10. So sorry this happened to you Kwik. Did you call anyone to ask for help? Even in difficult circumstances you give thanks to God... That is a great example sister as I might be very frustrated or hurt in this same situation. Praying for your recovery! God bless, GE
    1 point
  11. Thanks Butero, for pointing that out. Yes Kwikphilly said at the end about the church being the guests..... However I was clarifying the scriptures that seemed to contradict that. `her,` should be `it,` etc.
    1 point
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