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Everything posted by Drawn

  1. I didn't think it was a silly question. I enjoyed reading the responses and doing a bit of research on my own. I'm just a silly person. Thank you for your curiosity- it helps all of us become more knowledgeable! God bless you!
  2. Ummm all present were being addressed and by the word repent I gather all were sinners (like we are). Homosexuality is a sin like any other. Why act differently toward it? God won't. Amen. Acts 2:38 applies to ALL sinners, not just homosexuals. I've lied at least once in my life ( ) and therefore am a sinner. I need the forgiveness Christ offers just as much as any homosexual, murderer, liar, thief, etc. Sin is sin is sin. Romans chapter 1:26-27 says that the natural way of humans is for men to be with women and women with men. There. Clear as day. No argument needed. Science simply cannot state that homosexuality is "natural", because God's word says it is not. Well done, Bishop Miller!
  3. Which I would like to see made into a major movie, by the way.
  4. That, my friend was an AWESOME trilogy!! I actually enjoyed it more than the Narnia series. Well, maybe as an adult I enjoyed it more. I was going to suggest the Space Trilogy, and saw your post. Nice to finally see someone else who has read that trilogy!
  5. Hmm... good point. I'm dreading that day when this becomes an issue for my kids... <shivers>
  6. AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN!!!
  7. I think "Cupid" is a complete farce and is yet another way for card and candy companies to make money and get us husbands in trouble if we don't buy their products. (Don't get me started on florists.... ) I'd have to research it, but I don't think it's anything. I personally am not afraid of demons or stuff like that. Christ lives in me, and demons are afraid of Him, lol! I'm actually afraid of those little Russian nesting dolls, though- who knows how many of those things are gonna keep popping out of there?
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about this. As a former youth worker, I am deeply saddened to hear that a youth pastor has hurt kids in this way. I would like to encourage you to truly seek out the truth of God's word and compare it to anything that any pastor says. My own pastor encourages the congregation to open their Bibles and compare his sermon with the word of God. A couple of times, I have gone to him after the service is over and asked him to clarify something that he said because I did not understand what he said compared to the scriptures. Clarification was made, and he was not offended. A true Christ-centered pastor will not think badly of you for asking questions. Again, I heartily encourage you to please not be jaded because of one person- that's exactly what the devil wants to happen. Instead, resolve to seek first the kingdom of God. (Matthew 6:33) Use this time of conflict and hurt to run to the Father. Tell Him everything you're feeling (He already knows, anyway). He wants to hear from you, He wants to be first and foremost in your life. He is a jealous God, and wants nothing and no one in the place where He is supposed to be in your life- that is, number one. I've been where you are at when I was younger (though not because of the same circumstances) and was quite appalled that someone could disappoint so many people and claim to be a Christian. Instead of running to the Father, I became jaded and cynical, and I greatly regret it. Please, take it from someone who has been there- run to the Father, and seek WISE counsel from a Christ-centered person. (Worthy forums is a great place to start, lol! ) Proverbs 2 tells us to seek out wisdom and understanding, that they both come from God, and they will protect our hearts, minds, and bodies. Seek out this wisdom. Again, seek wise counsel- counsel based upon the holy scriptures of God. Study His word. If you can, get a copy of Spurgeon's Morning and Evening- this devotional has greatly deepened mine and my wife's relationship with the Lord. Finally, pray that God will raise up a mighty man of God to take the place of this person that will truly lead. I will be praying for you, and I hope that some of what I have said has helped you. May God bless, keep, and lead you.
  9. That was awesome! As nebula said, not a good debate topic, but a great read, thanks!!
  10. I agree with you, Fez- our leader is Jesus Christ. Period. End of discussion. Pastors are human- they die. Jesus Christ is alive, He is our Lord. Period. End of discussion. Please, don't let the devil lure you into being jaded because of one human. Focus on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Pray for that person. "Obey God and leave the consequences up to Him." -Charles Stanley
  11. Whistle While You Tweet Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 And Block Their Shock Off The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. Ecclesiastes 10:12 Nice. Phil 4:8 pretty much sums it up, doesn't it, bud?
  12. Amen, and Amen! I do not participate in such filth because it does not honor my Father who saved me from my sin. I even go so far as so ask people who are swearing in public (such as teenagers in restaurants...don't get me started on that story, lol) to please stop swearing and save it for when they are in their private homes. Where did common decency, respect, and manners go, anyway??
  13. I like the ESV, and refer to KJV quite frequently. I was raised in a very legalistic church using KJV only. It was only after reading CS Lewis' Mere Christianity and picking up a New American Standard version of the book of Romans did I truly answer the call of God to come to Christ. (I should post my testimony, maybe?) Please don't misunderstand me- I'm not knocking the KJV- I just didn't understand it as a young man, and since I didn't understand it, I had no interest in it. I have been using many different versions (save the paraphrased ones) in my study for many years, and feel that I understand a lot more than I did when I first became a Christian. Does it make me a bad person? No. Would I press just one certain translation to a searching soul? Probably not. I would try to get an NKJV, ESV, or KJV in their hands, simply because of my own experience with these versions. This is just my humble opinion, and I have read everyone's posts here, and truly respect each person's point of view. This has been a GREAT thread, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading it! Thank you all for not turning this into a "painful discussion" as Pokemaughan said- lol! On a separate thought, but does pertain to this thread- if any of you haven't read The Case for the Real Jesus by Lee Strobel, may I heartily suggest that you pick it up? I'm in the middle of it, and find it quite intriguing regarding the Scriptures. Just a side note, there. I love you, my siblings!
  14. My dad has been bugging me about kids- he says he wants something that will aggravate me as much as I did with him, but he can't wait to see it in action then go back to his quiet, kid-free house, lol!
  15. Nice. I enjoyed reading this. Please don't take offense to this, but I take great pleasure in hearing what my elders have to say. As a young(er) person (31), I do not know it all, and I love to hear what my elders have to say since they have been around longer than I. I can learn from them (you). Thank you for this post, I have something to chew on for today! May God richly bless you and your family!
  16. Yet again, you cause me to think upon God's holy word and His will. Thank you!
  17. The other day, I was volunteering at a summer camp. At the end of the day, the kids are picked up by parents as this is a day camp and not an over-nighter. Anyway, there was one kid (I'll just call him "Jack") whose mom was going to be pretty late. Rather than sit in the boring camp room, I took him outside to hang out with other counselors and just be outside (whatever happened to playing outside?? I guess that's an entirely different post, lol ) Well, on the sidewalk, there was a rather interesting bug just crawling along. It didn't look menacing, so I let it crawl on my hand. I picked it up and took it over to where Jack was waiting to show him. The bug had a neat shell that reflected light in a rainbow-like pattern. Very cool-looking. Upon showing it to Jack, I said, "Hey, bud- what do you think about this? Isn't it cool?" I was thinking about what the bug might eat, if it flew, etc. Jack took a good look at it and said, without hesitation and with all conviction, "Yeah, isn't God amazing how He made that bug so pretty to look at?!" I was floored. Here I am, an adult, with all my years of schooling, with all my "knowledge", and God uses a 6 year old to show me how amazing and holy He is! This is what I learned- Sometimes, my siblings, we need to simply look at things with a childlike faith and wonder. I encourage you to slow down and enjoy God's creation as a way for Him to show you something about Himself. Instead of letting the things of this earth get in the way between you and your Father, let His creation show you His glory. May our Father bless you, my brothers and sisters- may He be your one source of happiness, and may He be glorified in you! I love you all!
  18. Simply stated- Thank You! Thank you for this. I needed it. It seems that Satan wants to constantly make me think that, even though I am a Christian, I can't be repeatedly forgiven. God's holy word says that though I was still a sinner, Christ died for me. Wow- that's some kind of love! When I come to my Father crying out in pain over having sinned against Him, He teaches me, instructs me, and forgives me. Satan is defeated, he will be cast into hell at judgement, and I will be in Heaven with my Father!! Thank you for this!
  19. Speaking of what we say, I try to take to heart what my grandmother (a great woman of God) has always said- "What you say reflects your heart and reflects on our Lord. You are either going to honor Him or blaspheme Him with your words. Think carefully before you speak." I love my grandmother- such a wise woman!
  20. Drawn

    Arminian history

    Thank you for this recommendation. I personally like Roger Nicole, John MacArthur. I am more of a Calvinist in the modern sense rather than the old 17th century sense of the term. You know, a kinder, gentler Calvinism? Notice that I said I'm more of a Calvinist, not strictly. I was saved (that's a long story, lol) after reading CS Lewis' book Mere Christianity and the book of John, and agree with a LOT of what he (Lewis) says. I guess that makes me a Lewisist as well??? Anyway, thanks again for that suggested reading, I'm going to check it out. Edited by me for clarity
  21. I hope I placed this in the right area. If this belongs in another area, I apologize. I am looking for a good book to read regarding the history of Arminianism. Although I'm more Calvinist than Arminian right now, I want to be educated on these things. Ignorance is something that I just can't abide in myself. Can anyone here recommend a good book regarding this subject? Thank you, my brothers and sisters!
  22. "Yes, I'd like a Bible that is a little on the sweet side... no conviction please- oh and I don't want to feel uncomfortable reading it, either. Oh and one more thing, if you could change those verses about sexual immorality and serving Jesus, that would be great." I can unfortunately imagining something like this happening in the USA or England, even if only a satire/pot-shot at believers. A website in which you can 'customize' your Bible to fit your tastes. Blech. I love you Butero, my brother. <shivers at such a thought> What a sweet thing that the Creator and Lord of earth gave us the INSTRUCTION MANUAL both for this life and the next! I can't imagine going one day with out the true, infallible, inerrant word of the living God. Eventually, I love even the things within the Bible that cause me to fall to my knees in conviction of my sin. Praise God for His word!
  23. So this morning at 8:00 a.m. was the end of my silence vow. I have to say that God did reveal things in my heart that had to be (and will continue to be) dealt with. He has brought me on an AMAZING 13 year journey from when I first came to Christ, and it's so great to know that He is not yet done with me, that He loves me enough to chastise me when I need it. I had an amazing experience with God during my silence, and I love Him even more, though it was difficult at times to remain silent. He has shown me many things that will help with my anger, and I give all praise and honor to Him for loving me that much! God is so GREAT! How wonderful to serve our mighty God! I have fasted before, but never in silence as the past 24 hours. I just pray that God will continue to bless me as I continue to fast. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayer. All praise and glory to Jesus Christ, God's son!!
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