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Miss Elly

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Everything posted by Miss Elly

  1. That's what the followers of Harold Camping were saying 10 months ago. :24:
  2. Kittylover, I have been depressed with major depression for over 30 years, off and on. The last episode was terrible, I felt I could do nothing and I have been taking my meds. I called a prayer line from a christian tv program and cried to a perfect stranger and requested prayer. She prayed for me and asked God to create more serotonin in my brain. And about a day and 1/2 later I was well! So praise God. What he will do for one, he will do for another.
  3. No Miss Elly, if Jesus were still walking the earth in the flesh, I would doubt very much if he would be in any militant group, he wouldn't be swapping stories with politicians and he wouldn't be marching the streets for any reform (worldly that is). When Jesus was here in the flesh, his main goal was teach the word and save us from an eternity in hell, Knowing of my own sins, I think he had enough on his plate. Now for us mere mortals, we are to strive to be more like Jesus, yet we will never be like Jesus until we are called home again. Unfortunately, the reason we will never be like Jesus as long as were breathing is (1) we will always stumble and if we are Christians, we are suppose to pick ourselves back up and continue in the race to the cross. (2) I firmly believe God has meant for man to have government. If it weren't for government, can you imagine the total disorder there would be in this world? So as Christians we must first, keep our eyes on Jesus and second, we must keep up on worldly events, so we can have better lives for ourselves and build a better tomorrow for future generations. I for one, refuse to bury my head in the sand, pretending there is nothing going on in the world around me and I don't think Jesus would want me to do that either. I believe Jesus would want us to make a difference, if we have the God given ability to do so, for the betterment of man kind. I am not buryiing my head in the sand. Perhaps Jesus has placed a burden for his truth on some and not on others. I did not say we should not have government, we but certainly have a perverted one going on now. The bible says to PRAY for our leaders and I do. Most people who want to and they are only interested in power, not righteousness. The government is there, christians have not done their part in the first place, the church is asleep and not on the job, so some will reap the whirlwind. You are not hurting me by what you say, I know what is in my heart.
  4. What would Jesus do if he were here? Would he get involved in a miltant activity for his "rights"? Would he be in the white house hobnobbing with the politicians, marching in the streets for reform? I think not! Jesus knew that to change anything politically that peoples' hearts must be changed first. He was more interested in the kingdom of God than he would have been in the kingdoms of this world, or the kingdom of the president of the United States. Yet he said to obey them that are over you and to pay your taxes. I just can't fathom Jesus screaming and ranting about any political platform.....as for the one about abortion is wrong, it's a sin, it's wrong.....he would be yelling sex without marriage is wrong, it is a sin, and that would take care of the "need for abortion" problem and all decent people being upset because millions of children are murdered. TWO wrongs here, but one is not mentioned. Personally I get weary of people who refuse to tell the whole truth about what their "platform" is....and I have been known to tell them so. The poor girl screaming and handing out pamplets about abortion being wrong (there was an abortion clinic in my building where I worked that I was unaware of) and carrying on like she was slightly insane...... I took one from her and I said, why don't you people spend equal time on what is really wrong? Like sex without marriage is a sin. Why don't you preach THAT? She was speechless. Sorry, it just gets my gall up....
  5. The bible says to try the spirits and see if they be from God. I believe this little boy is telling the truth about what he saw. The spirits coming against this boy through people condemning this book want to tear up and divide the body of believers. The spirit of God will unite and bless. So you tell me which spirit is being contrary to the will of God? God brings life, satan brings death. I would be afraid to say that the devil is using this little boy and that it all a pack of lies. Shame on you, seek God for yourself. If it is the devil, it is the first time he has given hope to a million people. Satan wants to kill and destroy, not bless anyone. TRY THE SPIRITS and see if they be of God.
  6. hmmmmmm, I think the spirit of God takes authority over all. Back in jewish days, women were supposed to be silent every where, they did not eat with the men, they did not stay in the same room with them when company came, they were like deaf and dumb most of the time. For a woman to be anything but silent in the churches would have shown terrible disrespect. Culture, culture, culture. I guarantee you if if the Holy Spirit moved on me to preach I would and furthermore, if "men" were in touch with the Spirit as well, they would not stop me. Forget the gender, just go with the flow! And I am not a feminist and don't agree with their movement. The fruit of the spirit is MEEKNESS, for men and women.
  7. Who are we to say that God does not call women to preach? We are not the Holy Spirit. If God calls, then he qualifies, and makes a way for the woman to handle her calling. I admire Joyce Meyer, she has her ministry and her husband supports her in it. She has respect for him as her husband and no doubt it would be very difficult, if not impossible for her to be in her ministry without him and his ministry.
  8. They will know two seconds after death that hell is a literal place. Will be too late.
  9. Of course we should be willing to forgive. But this kind of betrayal causes many young christians and little lambs to stumble. They need to be accountable and not necessarily restored to the pinnacle where they were before. God doesn't take sexual sins lightly, especially with the shepherds of our souls. Look what happened to David when Bathsheba's baby was born. I say let God take care of them, and administer justice, we should just pray for them.
  10. My favorite as well! It is a masterpiece, timeless and annointed with the Holy Spirit. John Bunyan had little education, but God used him for this great book.
  11. The bible says that Jonah was angry at God because he did not destroy Ninevah. I've been angry because some things did not work out as I wanted that I had prayed and prayed about. And whether you actually say "I'm mad at God", you are really mad at him. God knows we are human and thankfully He is patient with us. Honesty is what is important. God will bring us around to an understanding and repentance if we keep walking with Him.
  12. Wonderful....sort of makes me think of Pilgrim's Progress, my favorite book in the world after the bible.
  13. Hey MeCajunboy, here you are "worrying" again about something that God has control over. Have a nice day.
  14. The angels were created heavenly beings, some sinned and followed after satan, but the majority followed God. What difference does it make about other forms of life since God didn't tell us in the bible one way or the other except about the angels. I don't know of too many people worrying about it, my Lord, there is enough to worry about in this life than other created forms.
  15. ha ha, like the part about the hand basket.
  16. Thanks Butterfly, Here I have cable, and TCM is one of the channels that I have. I never thought to check cable listing.. But I have been given a ton of information and many of those films has caught my eye. I will check TCM out, while some of the movies are downloading. LOL...You're welcome...this being October they have a lot of horror flicks listed. If you're like me, not a big fan of those. I like old b & w horror flicks. The Night of the Living Dead is usually shown at Halloween time. So dumb it's unreal, but it's a classic. A bunch of dead people coming out of the graves tryiing to kill the living so they can eat their brains. Also Dracula, Frankenstein, all the Three Stooges episodes.
  17. The scriptures say that GODLY SORROW worketh repentence. Ask God to help you feel 100 percent sorry for this and He will. He will deliver you from this temptation if you really want it. I went through something like this when I resumed smoking after God delivered me. I enjoyed it, I'll be honest, but I felt I was enchained and I was. My prayer was this, God I know that this is wrong, please help me to lose the desire. I kept praying this for some time. I felt so guilty whenever I would smoke. One day I woke up and I did not want a cigarette and haven't since. A miracle! Your spirit wants to do the right thing, but your flesh is weak (for all of us too!). So please pray that God will help you to overcome this...perhaps YOU can't do it, but remember God can! God bless.
  18. The nature of the cat will always be wild and untamed. You can't fault the lion, it was just being a lion. No doubt the big cat was just getting his revenge for being in a cage and for a human to dare to try to make it submissive. I know my little cat Snuffy would tolerate me playing with his feet or his tail for a while when he was sleepy, then he would get aggravated and his little teeth would began to show and his tail lashing around. Then he seemed to be asleep and I dared touch his fur. He suddenly went into bite and scratch mode. Cats have good memories and they seek revenge, large or small.
  19. Satan comes to destroy, Jesus came to give life. When he spoke the name of Jesus, the tornado went back up into the clouds and hit somewhere else. Perhaps he did not feel an unction from the Holy Spirit to tell it to cease. ??? We should not judge. I had a very good friend who spoke under the annointing of the Spirit of God and commanded a big fat rat to die that was running across her kitchen floor. She was elderly and besides, she was used to the miraculous happening to her. The rat dropped dead before it got across the floor! I believe it because this woman is not a liar, but a very godly and meek christian woman. Also, she prayed about a thorn bush outside her window, she had no one to dig it up for her. One day a little whirlwind came right up to that thorn tree and uprooted it from the ground. Her neighbor took it away for her. praise the Lord!
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