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Miss Elly

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Everything posted by Miss Elly

  1. You are not understanding my point. True healing comes only from God and He does heal! When false preachers (teachers), or false prophets, come and perform what people believe are healing, they are not doing Gods work, but that of the deceiver. Satan can buffet a person to the point where they seek healing from God. Lets say that they go to a healing service of a false teacher and they are prayed over. Was the "healing" from God or did Satan just stop buffeting the person so it looks like they are healed? Remember! Since this person is a false teacher, they are not doing Gods work, but the deceiver, even if the pain is gone. By Satan ceasing from buffeting the person, the person would believe that the false teacher if from God, so they start to follow the false teaching, being deceived, leavign the truth, and followign a lie unto death, which is excately the goal from Satan from the very beginning. Always know the teachings and beliefs of those whom you seek healing from. Never take anyone's word for it. Search as much as possible understand what they are bringing as truth, and see if it lines up with scripture. IF it does not, then the person doing the work is not of God. Read for yourself that not all signs and wonders are of God. sign wonder This makes far less sense than just trusting God for one's healing, no matter who is praying. Also why would a person leave the truth just because they were healed (if they were)? The persons in question would surely have to be very ignorant of their bible and cannot discern if another person is a true believer. However, I have been in many revivals and heard many ministers preach and pray for the sick. I can assure you that many are not of the devil. Also, the Holy Spirit has always helped me to discern if the person is a false prophet. My point here is that Tif THE INDIVIDUAL IS TRUSTING GOD when they are prayed for then why would the devil answer their prayer? Are we to believe that everytime we get prayer for healing that we may need to worry that the devil may "heal" us or "stop buffeting" us? And if we are praying to God we still have to worry? I'm covered by the blood of Jesus, I don't worry about what the "devil" may try to do. Sorry Traveler, you're one of the good guys on this forum, but I disagree. Enough said.
  2. I don't see where you are necessarily wrong. Understanding who is behind what, is important. And certainly we should not be taking credit for God's work, but credit, praise, honor, and glory belong to the Lord. Still most of those ministries in which I have seen healing in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ are giving glory, honor, and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ. I would not want to degrade them. I'm in southern California, and have been to several of Benny Hinn's miracles crusades and they praised, gloified and gave honor to Jesus Christ and I saw what looked like upto five hundred people claiming to have gotten heal. The Scriptures talk against those who are scoffers. If the healing are somehow giving glory to the Lord I don't see why Satan of those following him would be behind it. It is very simple, to be honest with you. If Satan can get someone to believe that a false teacher can perform healing and miracles from God, they will have to accept the false teachings as true. How else could one explain that God is using that person, since God only uses His own? So, by deceiving them to believe that a false teacher can heal and perform miracles, Satan can then get them to follow a lie, turning them from the truth, from life to death. I agree, but will also add that any answer we do receive, no matter how it is done, has to line up with scripture in order for it to be true. We should not look at what is goign on, but the message behind the action. I have never heard of Satan healing, but I do very much believe that he can stop the attacks on people in order to get then to believe they are healed, when only an attack has ceased. No, it is not enough to just believe everything that happens. God can do all things, and Satan is trying his best to duplicate them, even to the point of almost deceiving the very elect. Matthew 24:24 "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." We have to test all things to see if they come from God or not. To just accept is foolish, for even the magicians in Egypt were able to duplicate some of Gods plagues. Be careful when you are told to believe blindly ... always search to see if it is from God or the deceiver. I fail to see how the devil can "heal" me when I am asking God for my healing. It's simple to me, the devil came to kill, steal and destroy, Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. If you were blind and someone laid his hands on you and prayed for God to heal you and you were healed, do you really think that could be satan? I don't think so, after all wouldn't you be praying to God yourself? There are many folks shaking and faking out there and not necessarily with the power of God. Christians need discernment. I firmly believe though, even if a "healer" is a phony, that if a true child of God asks in faith believing, expecting to receive something from the LORD, not the preacher, there is no reason why their THEIR faith should not be rewarded. The word of God builds faith. If God can use a donkey, then maybe he can use these false apostles because of his word, NOT the deceiving lives they lead. If they don't repent, they will have all of eternity to regret it.
  3. He's come too late to tell me that miracles have ceased - I saw a woman's foot grow out (lengthen) right in front of my nose at a prayer meeting after a lady requested prayer for backaches. The preacher said one foot was shorter than the other and sure enough it was. I had my eyes open because I was excited to see what Jesus would do. The minister (the meeting was in someone's home) held her feet in his hand on an open palm. And THE SHORTER LEG GREW OUT! I saw it with my own eyes and could not believe what I was seeing. I also believe in all spiritual gifts because I have experienced and seen them. And it was not emotions, I have sense enough to know the difference. I feel these mockers and scoffers are calling me and countless others liars or deranged. However, I think discerning christians know the spirit of God and these unbelievers do not. Their unbelief does not make the word of God of none effect.
  4. Horses were too expensive for the average Israelite to own, most of the time horses were used for the king and his armies. Donkeys were plentiful, less expensive and the obvious choice of transportation.
  5. I love my King James Version and always have. I was raised with it as a child in my church and my mother also used it. I never had any trouble understanding it. It is beautifully written and some translations seem to ruin some of the poetry, especially in the psalms. I have no trouble memorizing it either. In fact, I sometimes wonder how people memorize scriptures from all of these translations???? However, I do compare the translations side by side occasionally and read the amplified bible too. Personally I do not care for the NIV translation. God bless.
  6. Sometimes irritability and tearfulness are related to mild depression. If you are sleeping too much, that's another sign there could be a problem. Or possibly you are just "moody". God understands we are not always on the mountaintop. I have a promise box that I pick out promises and it helps me.
  7. I have seen many people at a church I used to go to, delivered from evil spirits. These were christians who had dabbled in the occult, etc., familiar spirits, or spirit visitation before they got saved. For some reason these demons did not want to leave when Jesus came in, but hung around the individual/s harrassing them. A discerning minister spoke to the demon/s and commanded it to leave in Jesus name. This requires faith, the authority of Jesus name and the annointing of the spirit of God. If you feel you cannot be delivered by your own faith, I would find a pastor or minister to lay hands on me and pray for you. I do know one thing, the demonic spirits will not acknowledge any namby pamby, now-I-lay-me-down-to-sleep prayer. It has to be the prayer of real faith. God bless you, praying for you. Love, your sis, Miss Elly
  8. No one can be saved unless the spirit of God draws them. If the spirit is drawing them, then if the repeat the "sinners" prayer and sincerely are repenting and asking Jesus into their hearts, they are saved. God is drawing your father to himself and I believe he will continue to do so. Keep praying for him, hopefully someone can read the bible to him. If you are able to talk to him, tell him you love him, Jesus loves him and are praying for him. Read him a short scripture verse that assures him of his salvation. God bless you and God will honor your prayers and the cry of your heart.
  9. Ishmael and his mother were godless heathens. The inheritance did not get stolen away from Issac, God planned for Issac to have it all along. Abraham and Sarah failed God, but once Issac, the child of promise was born, both Ismalel and Haagar should have realized what was going on. I believe they did, but they chose to be angry anyhow. The anger they felt actually was at God. It must have been a hard thing, but if either wanted to serve the Lord God, they could have. It matters very little how fervently the muslims believe in Islam. Or the other religions as well, including unconverted Jews. They are fervently believing a lie. It is not to their praise how zealous and how devout they are in their religions, they are believing a lie and will be damned if they do not repent. That is the purpose of the Gospel - the good news. Our job is to tell them, that their blood not be on our hands. And regardless of what Abraham's and Jacob's failings were, God used them for his purpose. They were mighty men of God. No, I do not hate muslims, I just hate the lies they believe and propogate.
  10. Who stated that the ark will be found in our time? The muslims or their prophet? If they should find it, which I doubt very seriously, no doubt God will send a plague or some kind of punishment on them as he has said only the Jewish priests of God were to touch it. I am clueless as to why the muslims would rejoice anyhow, what for? The ark was made by the children of Israel for THEIR tabernacle / temple and the Jews followed the law of Moses. Such blindness is incredible.
  11. It is critical that we have a sure foundation to build upon when we believe upon Jesus Christ. When the storms come and the winds (strange and false doctrines) blow, it cannot destoy our house because it is built upon a rock (Jesus). Does anyone remember the little song "House Upon a Rock". I learned it in Sunday School and later had my own group of kids singing it, complete with hand motions and all. The words bear listening to again. The wise man built his house upon a rock. The wise man built his house upon a rock The wise man built his house upon a rock And the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down and the floods came up The rains came down and the floods came up The rains came down and the floods came up And the house on the rock stood firm. The foolish man built his house upon the sand The foolish man built his house upon the sand The foolish man built his house upon the sand And the rains came tumbling down. The rains came down and the floods came up The rains came down and the floods came up The rains came down and the floods came up And the house on the stand went splash (hand motion - loud hand clap). God put this song in my heart this morning after reading the last page of a very recent LONG post that left me totally exhausted mentally and was frustrating at times.....mostly about folks who believe in themselves and their "inner" voices instead of the bible. The bible says to search the SCRIPTURES for in THEM you believe you have eternal life. It is not my intent to start another controversy, but to "sing" this little song as it refreshed my spirit, and maybe will do so for some of you.
  12. I am not saying that everyone has the love of Jesus in them. I am saying you can meet Jesus in everyone even if they hate Jesus you can meet Jesus in them. This happens when we become born again. Becoming born again is mystical and is a gift from the Holy Ghost. So - even if they HATE Jesus we can meet Jesus in them? Just how does that happen? You throw being born again out there but it has nothing to do with how people who HATE Jesus actually HAVE Jesus in them.... Did George Fox explain this? Jesus is love. Jesus is love for other people. Say you meet your friend. You love him so much but he hates God because he wants to be rich and have as much money as possible. You still love him though as God loves him. When you love him you serve love which is God (Jesus). Thus you meet Jesus in him even if he hates God. When one becomes born again the Holy Ghost comes and opens one's eyes to this. When one becomes born again the Holy Ghost loves others thorugh us. We see Jesus in them and they see Jesus in us. This is regular Christianity. Grace to you, The Jesus you see in the other is not His Spirit but the fact that he/she is made in the image of God. Do you agree? Peace, Dave Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation; Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Now the Pharisees were not believers, nor did they hear the words of God, at least so as they knew. And in another verse it is explained that they would not enter in, but here we see that Jesus Christ, our Lord, told them that the kingdom of God was within them. Is this not so, or how do you explain this verse? Jesus was telling them that the Kingdom was already amidst them in His person and that the Kingdom does not come from Observation or practice but comes from within the born again heart. This does not support that everyone including the nonbeliever has Jesus in them. Peace, Dave When I am talking about Jesus being in everyone I am not talking of everyone obeying Jesus or eveyone being born again. I am explaining what sees when one becomes born again of the Spirit. Funny.....I've never seen Jesus in any sinners. But I have seen, sensed and felt the demons of darkness in them. The demon possessed man in the bible certainly did not have Jesus in him, but had enough demons to destroy 2,000 pigs. After he was set free and delivered from the devils his mind was made whole. I'm getting concerned about you Seeker (sorry I called you my sister, I didn't realize you were male). I'm going to pray for you as I believe that you mean well, but are hopelessly in scriptural error. And I'm doing this in love....that's all that matters....right? Do you love sinners? Do you care for them? Do you love those that are bad to you? Jesus is the love for these people. Serve it and see if you see Jesus. Yes, we are commanded to love everyone and to show the love of Jesus Christ to sinners And yes, we can love those who are "bad" to us by the grace of God. I don't serve love, I serve the God who loves. It is the spirit of God in us who convicts the sinner of unrighteousness, not necessarily me giving someone a big bear hug and saying I love you. Which I would do if God told me to do of course. But it would still be the spirit of God doing the loving. You serve Jesus first and seek his face, he will fill you with his spirit. Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? Do you believe in the gifts of the spirit? Love is a fruit of the spirit. You keep leaving out another side of God. God is also a jealous God and he is just. He will pour out his wrath on the unbelievers who reject his plan of salvation, after he gives them chance after chance after chance to repent. Somehow I don't think we are on the same page here Seeker, about anything.
  13. Duh......let me think.....hmmmm.....so hard.... 100 PERCENT TRUE....CLAP CLAP
  14. Soon we will be an army....... I'm totally postie... why? Cause she's a warrior for Jesus! Our army is growing..... I take the position that regardless of when, i must be faithful to the end! What do think will happen if people in the pre group find them selves when things get real tuff for Christians? The pre group are just as much a christian as you are and no doubt some are made of "tougher" stuff. Some have been through severe trials and tests already in this life which makes them full of faith and "tough". People who believe in pre trib are convinced it reads that way in the bible. I doubt very seriously if it turns out that the post trib group are right (although the bible says plainly that God hath not appointed us to wrath), that any real christian will shake in his boots and blame God. You sound rather insulting! I'm not insulting anyone's else's position by the way. If they want to stay and suffer through the wrath of God during the seven years of tribuation, then so be it. No matter what, I intend to serve God. I don't intend to discuss my position any further as I don't want to argue the subject.
  15. I am not saying that everyone has the love of Jesus in them. I am saying you can meet Jesus in everyone even if they hate Jesus you can meet Jesus in them. This happens when we become born again. Becoming born again is mystical and is a gift from the Holy Ghost. So - even if they HATE Jesus we can meet Jesus in them? Just how does that happen? You throw being born again out there but it has nothing to do with how people who HATE Jesus actually HAVE Jesus in them.... Did George Fox explain this? Jesus is love. Jesus is love for other people. Say you meet your friend. You love him so much but he hates God because he wants to be rich and have as much money as possible. You still love him though as God loves him. When you love him you serve love which is God (Jesus). Thus you meet Jesus in him even if he hates God. When one becomes born again the Holy Ghost comes and opens one's eyes to this. When one becomes born again the Holy Ghost loves others thorugh us. We see Jesus in them and they see Jesus in us. This is regular Christianity. Grace to you, The Jesus you see in the other is not His Spirit but the fact that he/she is made in the image of God. Do you agree? Peace, Dave Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation; Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there! for behold, the kingdom of God is within you. Now the Pharisees were not believers, nor did they hear the words of God, at least so as they knew. And in another verse it is explained that they would not enter in, but here we see that Jesus Christ, our Lord, told them that the kingdom of God was within them. Is this not so, or how do you explain this verse? Jesus was telling them that the Kingdom was already amidst them in His person and that the Kingdom does not come from Observation or practice but comes from within the born again heart. This does not support that everyone including the nonbeliever has Jesus in them. Peace, Dave When I am talking about Jesus being in everyone I am not talking of everyone obeying Jesus or eveyone being born again. I am explaining what sees when one becomes born again of the Spirit. Funny.....I've never seen Jesus in any sinners. But I have seen, sensed and felt the demons of darkness in them. The demon possessed man in the bible certainly did not have Jesus in him, but had enough demons to destroy 2,000 pigs. After he was set free and delivered from the devils his mind was made whole. I'm getting concerned about you Seeker (sorry I called you my sister, I didn't realize you were male). I'm going to pray for you as I believe that you mean well, but are hopelessly in scriptural error. And I'm doing this in love....that's all that matters....right?
  16. The answer is that we try the spirit to see whether it is of God or not. However, I'm certain that this isn't going to be the answer you get. The Word of God is being moved aside in place of the spirit, which spirit we don't really know because were not allowed to try it against the Word to see whether or not it be of God. The thing that is clear from the Bible is that God does not oppose His own Word but that His Spirit works in conjunction with the revealed nature of God as contained in His Word. Peace, Dave i knew that LOL. i was wanting to see how seeker would answer! if i'm understanding seeker correctly, the voice in our heart is what he thinks is God's voice... but God says not to listen to the heart because it is deceptive! Yes, the heart of man is deceptive! I totally agree! That's why we need the word of God for guidance. This is for seeker: Like I said earlier there are more than one voice a christian can listen to: self (sin nature), satan and God's voice. To be sure it is God's voice, it must line up with the Word of God. God will not tell you to do something contrary to his own word. A sinner must hear the word of God in order to receive faith to be saved. Their conscience is not the same as the voice of God. God put a conscience in man so that he knows when he has done wrong - say stealing, murder, lying, etc. However, conscience alone cannot save him and listening to it cannot purchase his salvation. He must hear the word of God, repent and choose to live for Jesus. We grow by not listening to "voices" and "inner self" but by sincerely drinking and eating of the word of God. The spirit of God once a person is saved, will convict him of any sins he needs to ask forgiveness for in his walk with Jesus.
  17. The soldiers at the foot of the cross of Jesus "cast lots" for his clothing. Sounds like gambling to me, and these were evildoers! They should have given his robe to his mother. God knows everything we do and there is no "chance" with him, so taking a "chance" on buying lottery tickets just shows your lack of faith in God. Many christians may buy a lottery ticket or scratch off card now and then and not feel convicted about it - but the best way is to put your faith in God.
  18. so, you are totally sin free in your life? No but Christ is living in me and refining me. I am able to leave sin by serving Jesus in everyone I meet. This connection to Jesus is what lets us leave sin. We must make God King. We must put love first. What do you mean by "leave sin"? can you expound more please? do you believe that we as Christians can be totally without sin while on this world, in these bodies? We leave sin when we do the will of the Lord. We leave sin when we live our lives for love. Follow God in your heart and He will teach you how to leave sin. We are God's workmanship. He is making us perfect if we let Him. We are to strive for perfection and for the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Are you judging other christians, it sounds like it. Even though they may say with words that they "sin" every day, they are just as saved as you are if they truly belong to God. God is refining and purifying them too. Perhaps they should just SAY, well I lost my temper today (isn't that a sin?) or got aggraveted with my kids (another SIN, lack of patience), and just call it ' I'm being perfected. The bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That includes George Fox. We are saved because we trusted in Jesus's death on the cross and became a new creature. We will never be without temptation to sin. But we have an advocate with the father for forgiveness. He is talking to christians in this verse. Any holiness I have is because of him. I have a long way to go. What you say here is correct. The problem that arrises sometimes is that people who call themselves Christian do not even try to obey the voice of the Lord. They just say I am saved and then live for themselves. Their is no effort on their part to obey the Lord and leave their sin. This is not the Christianity that Jesus brought to the earth. If you are of the fold of Jesus Christ and call him Lord, then you are my sister in Christ. I don't understand some of the choices in wording, but we'll all go to the same heaven.
  19. so, you are totally sin free in your life? No but Christ is living in me and refining me. I am able to leave sin by serving Jesus in everyone I meet. This connection to Jesus is what lets us leave sin. We must make God King. We must put love first. What do you mean by "leave sin"? can you expound more please? do you believe that we as Christians can be totally without sin while on this world, in these bodies? We leave sin when we do the will of the Lord. We leave sin when we live our lives for love. Follow God in your heart and He will teach you how to leave sin. We are God's workmanship. He is making us perfect if we let Him. We are to strive for perfection and for the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Are you judging other christians, it sounds like it. Even though they may say with words that they "sin" every day, they are just as saved as you are if they truly belong to God. God is refining and purifying them too. Perhaps they should just SAY, well I lost my temper today (isn't that a sin?) or got aggraveted with my kids (another SIN, lack of patience), and just call it ' I'm being perfected. The bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That includes George Fox. We are saved because we trusted in Jesus's death on the cross and became a new creature. We will never be without temptation to sin. But we have an advocate with the father for forgiveness. He is talking to christians in this verse. Any holiness I have is because of him. I have a long way to go.
  20. How is that any different than the Christians that JCISGD was bashing in his opening post? Much of Christianity does not follow God's voice in their heart. Much of Christianity says Jesus is God but does not accept that God is love. Much of Christianity cannot understand that Jesus is in everyone to be served. They thus do not walk in the light and do not have the life within them. Jesus clearly said it is not those that call me Lord that enter the Kingdom of Heaven but those that do the will of my Father who is in heaven. Calling ourselves Christian means nothing if we do not follow the voice of God in our hearts. It is this inner voice that gives life and it is this inner voice that condemns. This post is slightly confusing - Jesus is not in everyone "to be served" and if he were, then that person is a new creature in Christ and they want to serve him. Otherwise it is lip service, hence the scripture that everyone that says Lord, Lord will not enter into heaven and eternal reward. Christians (born again, new creatures) of God have the Holy Spirit dwelling within them and it is THAT guidance we should not follow. I know of people that think they are following a "voice", but it does not line up to what is clearly lined out in scripture. The carnal nature and the evil one have a "voice" also. "Voices" can be misleading, but the spirit of God cannot.
  21. Please pray for the family of this child and the schoolchildren. I don't know how to post the URL so I just copied article. I have a heavy burden - this tragedy has upset me very much. I can't believe a loving God woudn't allow this child into heaven. So young - no one knows why. Friends, family stunned by The Colony 9-year-old's apparent suicide at school 11:53 AM CST on Friday, January 22, 2010 By MATTHEW HAAG / The Dallas Morning News mhaag@dallasnews.com People close to a 9-year-old boy from The Colony struggled Friday to understand why he would want to take his own life. "That's the question we are asking and probably always ask," Brian Bradford, pastor at Horizons Church in The Colony, said a day after Montana Lance apparently hanged himself in a restroom at school. "But something like this is just impossible to truly understand as far the rationale behind it." A staff member at Stewart's Creek Elementary School found the fourth-grader unconscious just before 1 p.m. Thursday in the nurse's bathroom. No students saw him, said Karen Permetti, the Lewisville ISD spokeswoman. Montana was taken to Baylor Medical Center at Carrollton, where he was pronounced dead, according to the Tarrant County Medical Examiner. Bradford, who went to the hospital with Montana's family Thursday afternoon, said his parents, Jason and Deborah, have struggled to find out what happened and why. "It kind of came out left field for us, and that just adds to the tragic nature," said Bradford, who said he is serving as the family's spokesman. "He was just a very giving kid and loved to give back and help people and help around the church." Bradford said a Montana Lance Memorial Fund had been started at Wells Fargo banks to help his family cover medical and funeral costs. Many parents dropping their children off at Stewart's Creek on Friday morning said they were unaware of the situation. A letter to parents would be sent home today, Permetti said. Stephanie Rodriguez said that the news about Montana troubled her 9-year-old son so much that he slept with her Thursday night. His death is simply hard to fathom, she said. "It's very sad," said Rodriguez, who added that the school's PTA meeting Thursday night was canceled. "I just can't imagine why this happened." Dawn Kite, a mother who has children in the district, said she was unaware of the death until she turned on the news this morning. "It
  22. When attending a funeral of a friend or loved one that was not a christian, I find comfort in knowing that they are in the hands of a just God and it is up to Him for their soul's final destination and judgement. My father died and I am not 100% positive he went to heaven, though I like to believe he did. I don't feel grief about it (whether he went to heaven) because a week before he died he called me and asked me if cigarettes would keep him out of heaven. I told him that it would not. I felt God was dealing with him. God is good and he is merciful. Perhaps Noah's brothers and sisters called on God before they were destroyed by the flood, who knows? God gives us every chance, but we do reap what we sow. They would not go into the ark, but maybe they prayed before it was too late.
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