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Everything posted by sunnier

  1. Examing a teacher iin the light of Scripture is not "judging" in the sense that you mean it. It is perfectly scriptural to hold up what Olsteen says to the light of Scripture to see if they match. This is not an issue of maturity. It is an issue of honesty. We have some honest criticisms of Olsteen and what he preaches. He belongs to an errant group known as the Word of Faith movement, which his father also beloned to. Joel has no specific ministry target demographic. He preaches to a chruch of tens of thousands. His entire personal ministry is wrapped up in Television and books. His preaching is all about fulfilling dreams and reaching personal goals. Personal wealth, prosperity and personal advancement are the core principles of what he teaches. He doesn't preach on much of anything else. Where did Jesus say that? His books are a reflection of what he teaches on TV. They are an extension of his televised material. At any given time, you can open his book or turn on his program and he will be preaching about fulfililng self-interest, not the Gospel. He doesn't preach on sin because "sin" doesn't sell books. Telling people that they are okay and that their path to riches and well-being are wrapped up in goals and dreams and personal enrichment is what sells. He doesn't preach on sin. He doesn't tell people that they are sinners in need of a Savior and that they need to make sure they are saved, now. He never presents a clear evangelistic sermon. The assumption is that everyone who darkens the door of his chruch is genuine believer and in a stadium filled with tens of thousands of people, there is a good chance that someone there is not a believer. But that person will never be told they need Christ. The truth is offensive to human nature. It is one thing to offend someone with the truth of Scripture. It is another to be offensive. Olsteen goes out of his way not to offend anyone with the Gospel, because he uses a worldly means of determining his success as a pastor. His success is measured in numbers and dollar signs. His measurement of success is determined by book sales. Don't look now but your hypocrisy is showing. For all of your self-righteous, snooty bluster about not judging others, you have passed all manner of judgment on the spiritual maturity of others on this board. Your hypocrisy is duly noted. As a matter of fact I have watched Osteen on tv more than a few times and every single time I've watched his sermons it's always the same topic. Be positive, don't have a sour attitude, God will work everything out in your favor, you're a champion, ........as far as reading his books no I admit I haven't read a book of his from cover to cover although I have skimmed through it which of course doesn't give me the whole picture of what the book is about but it does give me a pretty good idea that since I can count on what his sermons are going to be about every Sunday I can surely bet that his books are a continuation of what is said on Sundays. Or am I wrong? Does he talk about sin in his books?
  2. Although Jesus was a friend of sinners he didn't whitewash their sin and he made it a point to point out their sin and their need for a Saviour which is something Osteen never does. I don't recall ever hearing him preach against sin.
  3. I don't know I don't know......grrrrrr Really?? Seriously??? People are going to hell and you don't know!!
  4. His sermons come on live on Sundays check out his website and it'll have the exact times. As far as how much scripture is used well only one verse is read at the beginning of the "sermon" and then the rest is all feel good do good and everything will be good which is all hogwash of course but people love it so........ The Bible is never touched or read again for the whole 15-20 minutes of "preaching time!"
  5. AMEN!!! I agree with him totally!!! Always have disliked prosperity preaching why? Because if we take time to read the Bible it doesn't talk about we are to be rich, problem free, healed from everything everytime, we will get our prayers answered by giving money to the church so on and so forth!!! It doesn't it just doesn't.
  6. Wouldn't it have been better to marry them so they no longer keep living in sin than to not marry them and they keep living in sin? After all they're already living together, have already shared a bed so it's highly unlikely they'll move out, get married (I'm assuming even then you wouldn't marry them) then move in together again. JMO is all.
  7. I won't ask what happened. Only letting you know that I'm praying for you because I know exactly how you feel.
  8. I heard about this yesterday on my local christian radio station. The manifestation of true love. Giving your life away so that others may live. Jesus Christ = Love
  9. I once heard a pastor say that God doesn't punish us he disciplines us. I honestly don't see a difference.
  10. It's scary to see how people fight for things they don't need.
  11. PTL!!! Wyguy....could it be you're losing your touch? Referring to the brother in law explanation. LOLZ Maybe age is already beginning to take it's toll. :whistling
  12. Please explain this thought. peace, Dave Hello Dave. In Matthew 22 you'll find the Verbal Illustration used by Jesus to demonstrate what Heaven is like. Of course the Bride is the Christians that have actually believed and done their very best to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The guests on the other hand, it would seem, have fallen short of the measure but will still be saved. Jesus said that none will enter but they go through Him. (John 10:9) We also know that salvation is eternal. (Heb. 5:9 & 1 John 5:13) With this we also know from the teaching of Jesus that no liars, thieves or other sinners will enter into Heaven and the Guests have, obviously to me, the forgiveness of their sins but somehow have falolen short of being in the Bride... different levels of reward just as there are different levels of punishment in Hell. Here's hopping that I have helped. What verse in the Bible says there are different levels of punishment in Hell?
  13. I would just like to know how many brothers and sisters who have posted on this topic have spoken in tongues?
  14. I've also heard it said that a nation has the president it deserves.
  15. Heavenly Father send rain where it is needed. Amen.
  16. Yes there are.....I TRY to never even think them though. I get all sideways just reading this; best I don't or I'll be angy all day. I've never seen anyone be "angy" all day. Wonder what that looks like????
  17. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes God said it I believe it
  18. I'm surprised wyguy hasn't commented. 2J and Morning....is there place for one more on that hill?
  19. Go to your local post office. I'm #8 on the Ten Most Wanted list. Why go to the post office http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/fugitives.htm
  20. I agree. Being out in nature is the best medicine. I for one feel so at peace when I'm out in nature hearing the birds and feeling the breeze. I even planted a willow tree in my front yard just so I could see it swaying in the breeze cause that relaxes me sadly it died.
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