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Everything posted by LeonaS

  1. I think I understand your confusion. I was saved just 2 years ago (almost exacly!). I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and started reading scripture in earnest and asked questions (alot of questions). But I didn't know if I was doing or feeling the right things. As time went by I began to understand more and more, and my actions and even my thoughts and emotions became modified (in a very good way). Christianity became a part of me, and I believe that that may be the Holy Spirit you hear about. What I'm saying is, let it happen to you, follow the Lord's teachings as best you can, believe in your heart that God and Jesus are there, watching Their world and loving us. We all stumble, and there are times that I feel tremendous remorse and embarrassment for having done some sinful thing (taking the Lord's name in vain is my worst habit). I repent and apologize, and I feel that God does forgive me - because He does that kind of thing. The whole thing is, what is in your heart is more important than what you do or say. Let the concept and beauty and love of Jesus become part of you. It can take time - as it did for me - but when you feel it, it's a very wonderful thing. I hope this helps.
  2. Bonanza The Dick Van Dyke Show Hazel Have Gun, Will Travel Leave it to Beaver The Lone Ranger Maverick Amos and Andy Howdy Doody (I still remember the last show - Clarabell spoke) Cheyenne Wagon Train Father Knows Best Abbott and Costello Show The Ed Sullivan Show Disneyland Of course, I was a mere babe, held on my granny's knee as she watched these shows.
  3. Amen! This is one of the best lessons I've learned - to appreciate things all around me. I smile a lot more!
  4. I think all good things are gifts from God. I define it as the ability to know right from wrong, to know truth from error. Do you think it is possible to almost instantly discern what is on a persons heart? (spiritually wise I mean) I believe that sometimes you can see that a person is inherently good or evil, but in general, no. I've met people who, at first meeting, I thought were mean and nasty only to learn that they were just shy.
  5. I'm in agreement with One Light and Wyguy. There is nothing on earth that would take precedence over following my Lord. And I believe I would be able to tell the true God from a fake. (Being from NYC I have a good deal of experience in smelling a scam when it's presented to me. .)
  6. It made me laugh! There surely is ridiculous bureaucracy everywhere I've ever lived. But this one, Fez, is so filled with wide-eyed naivete' that it's almost cute.
  7. I'm with ladypeartree on this. If you can't go for the reasons you mentioned, then you shouldn't go. It seems your relatives are going to find fault whether you do go or not, so do what's best for YOU. I caution you to look into your heart and be sure that your not going is not because you're afraid of their scrutiny. I'll tell you this little story. My mother died in a car accident. With her was her husband and his elderly parents. (This was in 1979). When it came time for the funerals I was told that her inlaws considered my mom to be at fault and I was ostrasized. None of them showed for my mom's funeral. But I went to my step-dads funeral. It was uncomfortable as heck, many staring eyes. But I went in, paid my respects, and left, head high. The point is, TT, if you're afraid of their stares and whispers, just go in with your chin up and say your farewell to your dad.
  8. They found an old issue of Better Homes and Gardens from 5000 years ago and it clearly showed a picture of that door style? Don't they usually date things from where it was found in the earth and what other junk was around it? Or, dart board?
  9. What he /\ said. Is there a big over-population problem with British druggies?
  10. When I see an accident, or the aftermath, I automatically pray. Even to the extent that if I see a squished animal on the road I pray that God will take its little soul and take care of it's young it may have left behind. I'm a softie in the extreme. I suppose it's my reaction to knowing that there's nothing I can do for the situation, so I turn it over to the Father to handle.
  11. I believe that, even if it was not of God, it was of God. If you get what I mean.
  12. True, and that's is how it is told in the Bible to explain the suffering of life leading to the peace of heaven.
  13. Sorry. Here's the link: http://wdef.com/news/chile_miners_saved_by_butterfly/10/2010
  14. Can there be any doubt that the little white butterfly which kept 2 of the Chilean miners from being crushed was sent by Jesus?
  15. Thank God for the rain, and praying you get more. Now BE SAFE and don't take foolish chances. We'd miss you around here.
  16. he-is-already-divorced-and-has-been-for-years-our-kids-are-4-and-5-im-just-asking-can-he-get-married-again-since-he-has-been-married-and-divorced? Autumn, if you ever get the answer, please let me know. I'm in a similar situation - I was married and divorced, then married my husband of 35 years. I've often wondered if my 2nd marriage is ok with God, so to speak. I sure hope so! P.S. I will pray for your space bar to get fixed soon! lol
  17. Praying for rain, and a more cooperative system. I look forward to your photos, it's like a poor man's trip to South Africa. Thank you.
  18. 2 years ago I overheard a friend comment on how he was at peace with God and could die right there, no regrets. It hit me like a thunderclap. From that moment I've dedicated my life to honoring God. I'd be happy to share more with you.
  19. Did I miss it?? Will it be repeated? Aaaaagggghhhh!
  20. I guess you're right. But I still would like to see more fund raising for all forms of cancer (as with the ACS, as Winsome pointed out). I suppose my view is colored by the fact that my hubby has had 2 bouts with kidney cancer.
  21. I have no problem with men wearing any shade of pink, I am grateful that the NFL did this for Breast Cancer Research. I do not wish to get involved with the "supporting abortion" issue (though I hope it's not true). However, I would like to know why breast cancer is given an out of proportion chunk of attention when there are so many other kinds of cancers (kidney, prostate, lymphoma, melanoma, etc) which could use research dollars too. Not diminishing breast cancer, just pointing out that there are other terrible types of cancer to have.
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