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Everything posted by sPrevorb31

  1. Woah, so he was right! They were invented by somebody in a pub in Britain Seriously, though, that's really interesting, lpt... thanks! And lpt... I'm not trying to
  2. Awww I thought it was going to be "Scientists made a flying car" so that we can finally get Back to the Future.
  3. Hey, nebula! My mom has gluten intolerance. It's really hard to find good-tasting gluten-free products, so she basically doesn't eat bread products/pasta. Four things that she's never had a problem with, though, are rice, millet, quinoa and quaker's rice cakes. The rice cakes are awesome with butter and pretty much anything spread on them. Rice is my fav. grain out of the three. Not too fussy on the millet, but Mom likes them all. I tried going gluten free for a few months. It's expensive and difficult to replace bread with rice cakes or gluten-free products, but if you pretty much stop eating refined carbs (i.e. bread, pasta, crackers, cereal), and stick with the basic meat, dairy, eggs, salad, fresh vegetables, and potatoes, there are lots of dishes that you can make without gluten.
  4. sPrevorb31


    Oh, kewl, that was kindof like a video game... a little more dangerous, though, I think
  5. Awesome. I didn't realize I had so many misconceptions about Africa... Sorry
  6. Everyone seems to think it's freezing in Canada all the time... it isn't. It can get pretty cold in some areas in the winter, but it's not like we're Eskimos all year And it gets pretty hot here too... Ontario in the summer is major heat and humidity, Saskatchewan is scorching heat wi/out humidity. The only neutral province is BC - they get rain in the winter and a lovely -10 if it's a bad year... maybe 2 inches of snow at the most. I haven't been there for the summer, though, so can't clear that up. As far as beavers and moose, you don't see them too often, even in Ontario. And maple trees only grow with the rest of the trees... in Ontario and a few in BC. There is plenty of water on the eastern and western sides of the country, and practically none in between. The mountains in BC are stunning. Awesome variety of landscape, but not so much of culture. And we aren't all rich up here either
  7. It is completely possible to control emotions, Fez. Anyone can do it, it just takes some work and faith and not complaining. I have no idea what the man in someone's life should do, though... probly cause I'm 15 o_O
  8. I know a book that can help - it's called "Living by the Book" by Howard and William Hendricks.
  9. You can donate to any cause which you believe God is using to help people (at least that's what I've been taught). If you prefer to give to someone in need or donate to a place other than a church, than it would be going against your conscience not to. I hope this helps!
  10. Or am I actually seeing someone called Facebook when i scroll down to see who is in a forum? Captain, it appears that the Social Networks are spying on one another.
  11. Is there still a legend somewhere that explains the symbols beside posts so that you know if they're locked or open or a hot topic or no one's replied to them yet? 'Cause if there is, I can't find it
  12. What brought me to Christ? Coming to a point where I realized that I was making stupid choices, being a brat, and hurting my parents by not obeying (respecting parents and obeying being in the bible, which I had grown up with). Once I realized that I was going no where, I made some choices. I read the Bible because I was stuck in my room with nothing to do and contemplating my self-destruction. I read Proverbs, mostly, and I started realizing how much truth was in that 2-inch thick book that Mom wanted me to read every morning. Once I started realizing that that boring collection of stories and sayings actually meant something, it came alive, and I started applying it to my life... and it worked. So what brought me to Christ was doing stuff wrong and struggling, and being pushed and pulled and shoved until I had nothing left but the book that gathered dust on my shelf. If I was going to give one piece of advise to anyone, it would be to do what you're supposed to, do it right, and do it happily.
  13. I think it's fine to applaud, and it encourages the person you are applauding for - plus it makes the applauder feel right. However, if you are going to go to a church which frowns on it, you may want to follow the rules so that you don't get kicked out.
  14. i got 100%... but im sure i don't know it quite that well.
  15. I apologize; I shouldn't have immediately taken it personal - you're right about me making the shoe fit. Thank you for your advice - I understand what you're saying, and I'm going to edit that post. Please forgive me for being snappish in my first reply.
  16. not referencing peer reviewed articles / clinical based medicine / randomised controlled trials If you want references to scientific documents and research, I can provide that: The Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility http://www.reproduction-online.org/content/143/3/247.full The earliest evidence that naturally occurring phytoestrogens could cause reproductive disturbances in mammals was reported in 1946, indicating that sheep that grazed on red clover were infertile due to the estrogenic content in the clover (Bennetts et al. 1946, Morley et al. 1966). About 20 years later, a similar observation was made in cows that had fertility disturbances resulting from periods of stall-feeding on red clover (Kallela et al. 1984). Finally, a population of captive cheetahs exhibited infertility while eating soy-based diets (Setchell et al. 1987). In all three cases, fertility was restored when the phytoestrogen intake was reduced. Similarly, abnormalities in reproductive health due to high intake of soy products have been reported in several women (Amsterdam et al. 2005, Chandrareddy et al. 2008). These observations demonstrate that dietary phytoestrogens can have adverse effects on reproductive function in adults. This is a study done by scientists on male mice, after which they examined the reproductive organs. http://www.ipcbee.com/vol3/5-L014.pdf In spite of the fact that soy bean have positive effects on the cure of diseases like osteoporosis ,vessel blockage, heart disease, blood-pressure, as well as having positive effects on the control of blood lipid level ,cure and control of the development of prostate, breast and clone cancers that has caused an increasing tendency in the world in using this grain in their daily diet, there are also some worries about negative effect of using soy in men diet, due to the bad effect of it on their reproductive system . Another study. http://tpx.sagepub.com/content/32/1/91.full.pdf Regardless of how the effects are mediated, we conclude that isoflavone aglycones administered to mice in amounts chosen to approximate amounts ingested by some human beings who use soy-based dietary supplements have marked estrogenic effects on the reproductive system of male and female mice.. This study was done on women. http://www.ajcn.org/content/81/1/189.full.pdf The results of this trial do not support the hypothesis that soy protein containing isoflavones have beneficial effects on vascular function in older postmenopausal women. Whether certain subgroups of women (eg, equol producers) do benefit from the intervention remains to be elucidated. Yet another study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15668601 In conclusion, the findings in this randomized trial do not support the presence of a marked effect of soy protein substitution on quality of life (health status, life satisfaction, and depression) in elderly postmenopausal women. Candice, I know my stuff - I've done the research, and there's plenty of evidence to prove the information that I've provided. Just because I write a blog doesn't mean that everything I write about is baloney - there are plenty of blogs by plenty of people who know what they are talking about.
  17. Wow candice. Thanks so much for encouraging me in my calling. It's very Christlike of you to do that in front of 150-minimum people.
  18. cause chimps are stronger than humans... don't want 'em to get out of control
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