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Everything posted by JTC

  1. I agree with the above answers but a new PC would be best. My laptop is from the same time and I also realize I would benefit from a new machine.
  2. I'm afraid I have to question your logic. You said 3238 was the high number of users online in 2016 but how do we know whether or not the past 24 hours had a lot of users online or a very few, maybe the past 24 hours was a real slow night here at worthy? Nevertheless, I think the pandemic has made all religions unpopular. When this started I had hoped it would make the average person turn more to God, but I don't hear that. People are instead putting their hopes in science to develop either a cure or a vaccine. Sure, these 2 things are important but by now I hoped to hear the average person mention God more often, but they aren't. In fact I never hear anyone say God, even some believers I know, don't seem to have much faith in God. This is terrible because our true hope to get out of this crisis is through God, regardless of how He does it. Maybe this has something to do with Worthy being slow lately.
  3. Many, or most of you reading this accept that God is real. Why do you think evolution is true? You were taught that in school. But do some heavy research, you'll find out it is not. I used to have a link to a huge website that proves evolution is a failed theory, but I lost it. I haven't scrutinized them yet but try these sites: https://www.nature.com/articles/444265d https://www.creationsciencetoday.com/ https://www.nature.com/articles/444406a https://www.wired.com/2004/10/evolution-2/ Don't believe evolution is true because you were taught it is. I was taught it is not, and the proof for why it is not is out there if you are willing to take the time to find it.
  4. Boy was I ever lucky (or blessed) because I was taught this in both HS and collage. I was told evolution is still just a theory and an unproven theory, at that. Further, after 100 yrs without concrete proof a theory should be abandoned and other theories should be considered. But the only other theories all involve God and most evolutionists simply don't want to believe God is real. That's why they like evolution, it frees them from God. (today we can see where freedom from God is getting man. It doesn't look very good) The original "missing link" was a fossil that was part animal and part human, but today we know of many missing links. I don't know enough biology to explain them, but I've read about it. It's true, that evolution was never proven, it was simply assumed to be true because certain people claimed that the existence of an all powerful God was even more far fetched. This is why evolution became the accepted idea in academia, not because of undeniable proof but because atheistic academics didn't want to believe God might be real. But today we have more academics who accept that God is real than we've had in a very long time. So what is the problem? Why is evolution being taught as a fact if it's not? Are you ready for this. Atheists still control academia. They still out number those who believe God is real. (but we're gaining on them, all the time) If they admitted that evolution is an unproven theory 100's or 1000's of academics will lose their jobs, to say nothing of the money that will be lost. Evolution is the biggest lie that's ever been told to the human race. What a scandal it is!
  5. Thank you for the link, I didn't know of this version. I especially like that it's the NKJV. This is the first NKJV I've come across on audio. I usually listen to the Bible on Biblegateway and they don't have an audio NKJV. There was also a time when I was against the dramatized versions of the Bible. I felt that dramatizing it took away from it's accuracy. But then I listened to Acts in the dramatized NIV. Wow, I felt like I was right there, in some chapters. Now I love a dramatized Bible.
  6. I also feel good when I know I've obeyed God. I also often receive joy from praising the Lord. When I was a new believer I thought people who were into praising God were strange, I couldn't see the point in it or how they could do it. But then I noticed some of the Psalms make a big deal out of praising God. So using Psalm 134 I sing a simple song of praise to God.
  7. This is my favorite version of the Bible. (the NKJV is my 2nd favorite) Perhaps the NIV is my favorite because that's the one I read from cover to cover. As much as I believe in reading Scripture, nowadays I listen to the Bible more than I read it. I don't recommend anyone start out this way, but listening to the Scriptures has a few advantages to reading them. In 1990 I bought both the complete Bible on audio plus the NT on audio. Even though both of them were narrated by the same reader there was a difference. He reads slower on his NT recording than he does on the complete Bible recording. For this reason I find his NT superior. I usually listen to the Bible online and it's pretty good. I still find the speed of the reader to be important. I just heard an excerpt from Genesis by a new reader. The reader is David Suchet and I think it's the best audio NIV I ever heard. He reads slow enough to think about what is being read. I just wanted everyone to know.
  8. Real Christians sure do get angry at times and we can panic too. We strive to be like Jesus, I never met anyone who had accomplished that. It's a goal to work for, it may take a lifetime to get close to it. What I have noticed as I've grown is less people and situations will set me off than what could 10 or 20 yrs ago. But there are still certain people who can make me very angry. And to tell you the truth, every time it happens I get very mad at myself because I usually see it coming but I still fail to prevent it. This is just life. But I will say this, a person I barely know usually can't set me off but 30 yrs ago even a stranger could. I think you're talking about immediate family, people you live with, those people are the hardest to cope with. Also, the more emotions you have for someone else, the more likely that person will be to set you off. Being a Christian isn't going to prevent you from being a human being. It sounds like you have unrealistic expectations of yourself. I suggest analyzing why a certain person set you off, it helps to know why it happened.
  9. That's correct. I never said you didn't think homosexuality is a sin. I just chose homosexuality to discuss what a liberal attitude might be. I could have also chosen reading one's horoscope, practicing yoga, celebrating Halloween, or many other worldly practices a person gives up when he chooses to make God all important in his life. I'm also noticing liberal people like to argue over their liberal beliefs. That's unfortunate.
  10. I'm not sure what you mean. God says homosexuality is wrong so I take that literally. What do you do if you have an attraction to the same sex? It's just another sin to overcome. It's not much different from being attracted to the opposite sex but not being blessed with a mate. Today's world is full of sins we must learn to overcome. Homosexual feelings would be just another one of them. But the liberal person would say, hey he has a right to his fun too. Not according to God.
  11. One thing I've learned is everyone is going though things. The difference is in how we handle those things. I've had an idea. It sounds like you need your parents for things like rides and probably to babysit, I think you said you're a single mom. (sorry, if I'm wrong) I don't have a problem with you asking your parents for rides but if you are emotionally dependent on them maybe that's something God wants to see changed. This problem would be even worse if you have parents that like having you dependent on them. There are parents who would panic if their grown kids learned to be independent of them. Parents like this need their grown kid more than you need them. And usually the parents are totally unaware of their need for you. There's a lot more people in this situation than the average person would think. Since God has everyone's good at heart He'd want to make all of you benefit. But to do that, some unpleasant things might have to occur. I may be totally wrong here. But this kind of thing happened in my family. The grown kids never did become independent, eventually the parents died, and that's not the best thing that can happen. So I hope I'm off base here.
  12. Kay, I don't know you super well but the little I know of you tells me you are a liberal type of Christian. I don't know about politically. Of course you can say I'm a close minded ultra conservative old fashioned Christian. 30 to 35 yrs ago you might have liked me but now you probably can't stand folks like me. My challenge with people like you is to not judge you. We've both been a part of Worthy a long time and I've noticed you keep coming back here, that tells me something. I've reached the point where I have to wonder how a believer can think homosexuality is okay with God, along with various other worldly concerns. 30 yrs ago I had a female friend who I was quite fond of. This young lady was bisexual so I had convinced myself that it wasn't so bad. Today I simply wouldn't be friends with her, but not because I judge her but because being friends with a woman like her would pull me away from my devotions to God. This is what I worry about with you. Like I said, I know a little about you. I hope your liberal interests don't drag you away from a closer relationship with God. I think if God could have His way 100% then other than working and child rearing God would be what consumes us all the time. I would like to ask you a question. Why did you make this thread, what do you hope to get from it?
  13. I don't know you well 80 so this is a guess. (first of all, we all go through bad things that may not make sense for 10 yrs or more) But my guess is maybe God wants you to learn and/or do some things before He can help you. These would be things that you probably don't want to do. (I have a Christian friend going through this exact thing. I can see what she needs to do but they are things she fights against with all her might. Recently even David Jeremiah, in his Sunday sermon, said he went though this when he was very sick with cancer. I think he's healed now, but apparently he had to learn some lessons he didn't want to learn) Maybe you're fighting God on something He wants you to learn. It can be a big thing or something small. Maybe God wants you to devote more or all your free time to Him. If I was you, I'd try listening to the Bible more and watching TV less. Like I said, this is just a guess.
  14. It can indeed happen at any time. And this whole corona pandemic makes it seem as if it will. However, IMO it's still a long time away.
  15. Maybe you weren't. Maybe this is one of my issues that I bring up from time to time. We're all familiar with scriptures like Acts 2:21 that says "And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." and Romans 10:13 which says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Scriptures like these have given us a lot of people who are Christian in words only. What's worse, these people argue and insist that words are the only things that matter. And they actually believe it. There was a time, in the past, when your words were enough because as you pointed out, back then you could be killed for what you said. (Btw, this is still true in some Muslim countries) But in America words are cheap and mean very little. There are so many more scriptures where both Jesus and the Apostles talk about the importance of our behavior. I love where James says "faith without works is dead". (not that good behavior will get us saved) I'd say good behavior proves we are saved. They prove that when we accepted Jesus that we meant it. Furthermore, Jesus Himself made the point of if you see another person who is freezing or starving and you have extra clothes or food but you don't share it with him then what good are you. The implication is, you are not of God. But we have many so-called Christians doing just this thing. And what do we say about a married man (who believes he's a good Christian) but he spends 20 yrs having affairs which destroys what could have been a good family life. I think this man finally realized he was wrong. But during the 20 yrs he was playing games he saw himself as a fine and holy man because he said the correct words. If he repented I suppose he might be okay with God but he can't change the harm he did for 20 yrs. Assuming he has repented. Of course our words are important but our behavior is just as important. And I'm convinced it's just as important to God.
  16. This is why, nowadays, our behavior is so important. This is especially true for salvation. There was a time when no one would say they accept Jesus as Lord if they didn't mean it because they could get killed for saying such a thing. Those days are long gone. Today a person might say that to be popular or to get a free meal. This is one reason I stress what a person does is so important. (it's not the only reason, but it's one of them) But Teddy, are you trying to change the topic of this thread or is this something you need to discuss. I made this thread because in another thread, someone didn't understand what works of the flesh means. He said since we are human everything we do is a work of the flesh. But to the Bible writers, works of the flesh are sins. And I've often noticed that many of our members are uncertain as to what is a sin. So I figured let's address this without condemning anyone.
  17. That's a great idea. Blame it on the coronavirus, that's not a lie anyway. When he says he's safe, say you can't be sure and if you get infected you will then infect your husband as well. In my state they even make us keep 6' between us while online at the supermarkets. No more hugging, blame it on the virus.
  18. Here are a couple of things that helped me defeat my porn addiction (yes, I used to have one too). I learned that many porn stars are literally being forced to do it. Others are only doing it because they can't eat, otherwise. They aren't having fun, even if they appear to be enjoying it. This didn't sit well with me. Especially knowing the girls were hating every minute of it. I had never realized that before. Then there's the issue that porn aids in masturbation. At some older age you may give up masturbation but I don't think you're there yet. So here's my advice. You can continue to masturbate but do it without the fantasies. Make it just physical. It will be less fun, but maybe you will give up porn like this. Porn is a sin. I also know of married men who would rather masturbate than have sex with their wives, that's really terrible. Relieve yourself when you have to, but quit making a world out of it. If you want this to work it will. And may God grant you a wife.
  19. Hi Paige, It's very noble of you to try and get these people out of darkness but it's hurting you too much. There comes a time when we have too put ourselves first, I think you reached that time. You may never get them out of Masonry, you have to face that. I think you need to find another way to make a living and then do it. God Bless you
  20. Hi Eve211, Welcome to our site. If you were living in the sins you wouldn't be interested in even trying to quit them. You'd feel totally justified in them. I don't want you to feel complacent in sinning but it takes years to learn to live righteously. I'll be honest with you. I'm a Christian about 40 yrs and it's only since 2012 that I'm trying to avoid every sin I possibly can. I'm in an area that was hit hard by the Sandy storm. It looked like the end had come around here. I kept expecting to see Jesus and the angels any day. I started thinking, suppose He does come back, was I ready to meet Him? I realized I wasn't. We may never be perfect but are we doing all we can to try and be perfect? I think we are supposed to. But Eve, this will look different for each one of us. I'm saved 40 yrs, I'll guess you aren't even 40 yrs old yet, so don't expect to do what I do. Just do the best Eve can do. I will advise you to keep reading, or listening, to your Bible so you know the mind of God. Listen to Proverbs about once a year, Proverbs tells us what God loves and what He hates. As long as God is always in your mind you will grow as the years go on. Someday it will be you encouraging other younger Christians. Because truly, I never expected this to be me doing it.
  21. In Proverbs and other places, God says we shouldn't use different scales when selling to different people. I imagine the ancient Jews wanted to give each other a better deal than they gave the heathen. God says this is wrong. So suppose you go buy something and the cashier gives you back too much change, what do you think God would say you should do? I believe God expects us to give it back. One reason is because many stores will make the cashier have to pay it back herself. But even if they don't, I consider it stealing. I'm not saying I haven't been tempted to keep it because I have, I even did keep it a few times, but then I grew in the Lord. Today I don't consider keeping it anymore. Anyone else remember that old commercial for Hebrew National Hot Dogs? The punch line was "we answer to a higher authority". That was why we were supposed to believe their hot dogs were 100% beef, and perhaps they were. I always remembered their slogan of answering to a higher authority and once I became a Christian I realized that's what we're supposed to be doing. Sure, the people of the world consider us fools, we have to get used to that. According to the Bible, they are the fools because they don't put God first, above all other things. We do that.
  22. I have also wished for this. Imagine knowing that everyone you meet accepts Jesus, but that would be heaven. Oh well, we can wish
  23. As far as I know it's not possible to change someone's gender. Maybe we can make it look that way, but we can't make a person born male capable of growing a baby, nor can we make a person born female able to give another woman a baby. So why are we telling children they can choose their gender, this is insane. I know it's evil, straight from the pit of hell, I'm wondering what these people are thinking who tell kids they can change their gender? I honestly hope we never are able to do this. I don't think it usually turns out well when man plays God.
  24. As far as I know it's not possible to change someone's gender. Maybe we can make it look that way, but we can't make a person born male capable of growing a baby, nor can we make a person born female able to give another woman a baby. So why are we telling children they can choose their gender, this is insane. I know it's evil, straight from the pit of hell, I'm wondering what these people are thinking who tell kids they can change their gender? I honestly hope we never are able to do this. I don't think it usually turns out well when man plays God.
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