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Everything posted by Henry_iain

  1. and of course if there is a bear to poke, it would be mr Fudd who stands first in line to do it.
  2. Welcome to my world My country has been experiencing what we call load shedding since 2007. Just look up South African energy crisis for a decent summary. Corruption, incompetence and politics play major parts. Our economy has suffered greatly. We should technically have schedules telling us when this happens but eskom regularly changes it without sufficient warning. Usually it happens around 2 hours at a time. We switch of everything that could be damaged and we invest in little better powered lamps and candles. Fortunately our weather patterns are always relatively mild. Even at the coldest times a warm jacket should be sufficient. Many businesses have adapted by now and many have generators. It's a very complex problem here. It is said it will still affect us at least 5 more years.
  3. Great. I was waiting for this. And perfect timing too. In another space on the internet I'm about to launch a Bible study about the Birth of Christ.
  4. Just read through this again and caught up with what I missed. Wonderfully encouraging
  5. I am not here to debate or argue. I am, honestly, very pleased for anyone who can say they are doing well. I wish this for everyone. I really do. I am literally making one point and one point only. Here it is again: I strongly recommend that no one base any decision regarding their health on things they read on the internet, here or anywhere else, without proper research which should preferably include asking someone who has studied medicine and knows what they are talking about. If anyone has done that, and you are satisfied great. If everyone chooses to disregard my recommendation, that's ok too. But I feel obligated to say it anyway. My plea is also for anyone who reads this page. It is to you, the outsider, that I am talking to especially. Don't just believe us. Test what we say for yourself.
  6. Absolutely. Trust God. God made doctors. He made every chemical. He created the laws of physics and biology. Trust God first and foremost. But do not trust a website, even a Christian one, regarding health and wellbeing. Do not trust someone you don't know or can't check up on. Do not believe claims made by someone who is unqualified to make such claims.
  7. I don't want to stir up fear. The point of what I'm trying to say is that whoever reads this, please preferably do not base choices about health matters entirely on what they read here or anywhere else on the internet. Even take what I say with a pinch of salt. Ask a doctor that you can trust. People you can actually see with proven qualifications. Read. Use common sense. It's still your choice. But let it be a well informed choice.
  8. I am very much a non- confrontational persom. What I am about to say, I only say because I am honestly deeply concerned, and I feel I can't keep silent. I don't intend to specifically debate anything. In fact, this is more for those who are uncertain. Also those who might be reading this who aren't necessarily logged in. I want to put out a very earnest warning to everyone reading through this forum. Especially to those who are unsure. The issues around covid regulations are not like some of the other religious debates we often have. This could, potentially be a life or death issue. Therefore... We do not know who of us on this forum are medical doctors and who aren't. In fact we know virtually nothing about anyone for certain. Please, if you want to know the truth about this virus ask a doctor or someone in the medical profession who has experience in the appropriate fields. You could also talk to a pastor if you are worried about the spiritual side of things. Also, if possible, talk to people you can see and who you actually know you can trust. Do not take anything you read here as sound medical advice. Use common sense. Think. And read carefully. Maybe after, doing proper research, you ignore covid regulations and choose not to get the injection. So be it. But please, for the sake of your own wellbeing, don't base that choice exclusively on something you read on the internet. I can't say for certain what will happen to you if you get this virus. But don't gamble with your life unnecessarily. Disagree with me if you want. But please. Stay safe. Make an informed choice. That's all I'm asking.
  9. I've been watching highlights and checking the results on the official site. I love tennis and i watched plenty of those matches (still slightly disappointed that Djokovic didn't win). Although there isn't much to celebrate for a South African, i think they put in a lot of effort and did their best. A lady called Tatjana Schoenmaker won gold and broke a record. That lifted our spirits a bit. I did expect more from our sevens rugby team.
  10. A building is not a church and a house is not a home. Church isn't something you go to. It's something that you are part of no matter where you might physically be. But I do understand. You need regular contact with the fellowship of the Saints. But personally I no longer believe this necessarily means sitting in a church service. Or following some sort of preplanned program.
  11. Starrise, I greatly respect your views here and you are, of course, correct.
  12. I find myself in a similar situation. Therefore I sympathise greatly. I am fortunate to have a very supportive family. But it's still hard sometimes and I do get discouraged. Here are a few things that have helped a bit to make things better for me: - there is some good advice here already. - do all the housework you can find. Especially things that need to be done routinely, like washing the dishes or doing the laundry. It will seem hard at first, but I find this makes me feel I have some function in the house at least. It feels better than doing nothing, believe me. - a journel is a good idea. I have done this for 15 years and it has really helped me because when I look back it helps me to see how faithful God has been. - I decided a few years ago to start being an artist. It can be very expensive, but it needn't be. And I've sold a few paintings, im getting better and it is something to do. Find something similar. Again it's much better than nothing - volunteer. I don't know what it's like where you are, but here there are a lot of organisations that can use a few extra hands. You need no qualifications and of all the things I've done, this is the most fulfilling. It also is a great way to meet people. - what does you spiritual life look like? That is a very important area to look into. - while online friendships don't really make up for face-to-face contacts, having online friends is also better than nothing. Right here is a good place to start. Let me just say that if you really need company, while I cannot promise to be here at the same time, you are welcome to talk to me. Send me a pm any time. I would love to hear from you.
  13. The title of this thread reminds me of a song by a Christian artist called Steven Curtis Chapman with the same title.
  14. Apples and oranges. Technological advancements in one area does not necessarily mean advancement in other areas. You comparing physics to biology. Two entirely different subjects. The last 100 years have seen many wonderful medical advances, which, of course, includes the development of vaccines. But we are still very far from being able to resolve every medical problem. And, while I'm not a doctor, and so unable to say this absolutely, there are still many complications at birth that we are unable to solve. Some will probably never be completely solved.
  15. Would never dream of it. The dishes won't wash themselves. (Actually I often do the dishes. But I like pulling a leg or two)
  16. What else have you been hallucinating?
  17. He's actually just the gardener but he has delusions of grandeur poor thing.
  18. One thing I know for sure. He is last.
  19. I live in a small town where it is possible to be quite alone when walking outside. So in such situations, I don't wear my mask . I don't wear masks in a car when driving with someone I know well (I can't drive myself so I'm rarely alone in one). But if I am in a public space where lots of people are going to be, I always put it on willingly. I see it as a slight discomfort that I endure for the sake of others. And it's the law here, so it also a matter of obedience. I have some ideas about the necessity or desirability of this, but to me, it's irrelevant. I just do what im told. But that's just me. I even found that wearing it has some occasional advantage. It partially blocks out smells, for example. I'm fortunate because I work from home. I suspect South Africa might get another hard lockdown. And I do feel sorry for those losing business. But I also feel sorry for those who need to figure out whatvthe best course of action is. Not easy when you have many different sides all making different demands.
  20. I know it's been a few days already, but I have some things I need to sort out and this will require some time away from Worthy, especially over the weekend if you have been looking forward to more entries I would ask you to be a bit patient with me as I do what I must do .
  21. I do enjoy walking. Walking is my main mode of transportation. And i also enjoy swimming. I need to do it a lot more though.
  22. So let us continue. I had a great weekend an spent it mostly relaxing. Mark 1:14 - 28 As we continue, after his time in the desert and with John's mission accomplished, Jesus begins his public ministry. We are presented with Jesus' message in its most basic form (v. 14 - 15). It is a simple invitation to be part of God's Kingdom. And the entrance requirements are "repent and believe." Interestingly, Jesus is coming to us, but He is also requiring for us to come to Him. As I understand it, repentance basically means to acknowledge that the road you've been walking on is the wrong way and then to turn around and start walking the right way. Then we have the calling of the first disciples (v.16 -20). It is interesting that in this Gospel, being the memories of Peter, also names him as the first disciple . So we have Simon Peter Andrew, John and James as the first 4. It is immediately noticeable that these are not highly educated men or men of great importance by the world’sstandards. Who of us would have chosen these 4 to be the followers of Jesus? God looks at things differently. Notice that these men had no hesitation in following Jesus. Imagine someone came by your place of work as you were busy working and told you to drop everything. Would you have responded like this? Though these men are rough diamonds at this stage, their training to eventually become the early church is now underway. Jesus also makes it clear that their goal is to draw men out of the dark, cold waters towards Christ. Isn't this true for us also? The first miracle as well as the second confrontation with the Enemy (v. 21 - 28) follows. Notice that this takes place in Capernaum, which, at this stage was an important, thriving town with a strong Roman presence, making it the ideal place to begin to challenge people. We notice that in verse 21b "...on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and was teaching." Although there are many miracles in this book, they always point back to the teaching and the message of Jesus. And his teaching carried authority. So although He came to serve, his authority still came through. One of my sources defined authority rather nicely as "legitimate power at work." The opportunity to teach came about, because Jesus was considered a visitor to this town and as you would invite a visiting pastor to speak in church if he was in town, it was customary to let visitors say something in the synagogue. There is asonishment in the people because of how different Jesus was to what they are used to. And then his first miracle is the casting out of an unclean spirit (v. 23 - 26). It's intersting that Jesus commands the unclean spirit to be silent. I believe he does this, because He will not be anounced by the Enemy. Jesus is on a mission and He doesn't need anyone to tell him who He is. Nor will He let anyone or anything else determine the timing of his mission. If you go into an important town or city and perform a miracle in front of a crowd you can be sure to become popular very quickly. And so was the case here. But I want to point out that their focus was not on who Jesus is, but rather a response to the supernatural act that He performed. Yet the one thing that stands out here again, is that both in word and deed, Christ is making it very clear who He is. And it is interesting that, although He has now announced himself, as it were, no one except John the Baptist and the unclean spirit has so far noticed this. The people can see that something unusual is happening, and surely the thought that this must be the Christ should have dawned on them, and yet their response does not really indicate this. In summary, Jesus is the Messiah. But because He didn't come in a way that people expected, they ooh and aah but don't yet realise what is happening. The question arises, (and will soon be addressed) how, in spite of what was happening right in front of them, in spite of Jesus making it quite clear, they are nevertheless unable to understand who Jesus is. And then there is the disciples, who are quite ordinary people. It goes against our natural expectations, and I think this is deliberate. We have to begin to see already the wonderful news that the Kingdom of God isn't like earthly kingdoms. Everyone has access to it. Not just the qualified. The invitation is there. This then are my thoughts on this section. Comment, question and add.
  23. Mr chicken is the only one I know of who is president, prince and doctor at the same time.
  24. In my country, we have a big energy crisis. Which means we often get disruptive blackouts for long periods of time. That's what was happening yesterday. But I also had plenty to do. So now at last we'll be diving into Mark. I'm using special headings and different colours to indicate each part so that it is clear where I am and where I'm going. I will be doing this fairly slowly, so I can rather go for quality than quantity. I trust you can all read so I won't quote the whole section, just discuss the scriptures. These observations are based on notes, and it's my way of explaining these things to myself. I hope they are interesting to you. Mark: Part 1 (1 - 8:26) Mark 1:1 - 13 Right from verse 1, Mark makes an exciting announcement: he is about to introduce us to the Son of God. Even before anything happens, he makes a major claim. He even quotes from the Isaiah 40:3(also see Mal 3:1) thus linking Jesus to OT prophecies. He wants us to know that whatever anyone is going to say about Jesus, He is who He says He is and He is going to prove it by fulfilling the prophecies about him. (V 1 - 3) Unlike Matthew and Luke, Mark skips past Jesus' birth and brings us to the start of His ministry. One would expect a King to arrive in glory. But Jesus' only "herald" is John the Baptist. His cousin and a man of great humility and not someone who looked like he belongs in a King's court. He too immediately identfies who Jesus is . (V 4 - 7) Jesus being baptised is, in itself an act of humility. My sources say that, according to Jewish customs, non-Jews were baptised when they converted to Judaism, but Jews generally were not baptised. So Jesus already breaks away from tradition and from what people would expect the Christ to do. His baptism is also a good example for us to follow and is at the same time part of how Jesus to identify with us. (V 8,9) Jesus is also identified as coming from Nazareth. Nazareth being a small, unpopular with the Jews. Again this is an interesting contrast given what happens next. God the Father speaks audibly, identifying Jesus as his Son. (V10) Not only does He identify Jesus, He affirms Him ("You are my beloved Son, which you I am well pleased ") Notice the Holy Spirit is also present here. So we see the Trinity together. It must have been an amazing occurrence to witness. And yet the very next moment Jesus identfied as the perfect man. Humbly, boldly, He goes into the desert. Having just had his divinity displayed for all to see, He goes to confront the enemy and allows himself to be tempted (which, of course tells us that being tempted isn't a sin) (v12 - 13) There are a few things that interested me here: ● the fact that Jesus' identity is made clear several times in just these few verses. ● yet He doesn't come the way we would expect an important person, like a King, to arrive. He comes in humility and He subjects himself to the same circumstances that the people of the time would have faced. Humble beginnings, confronted with temptation. ● These are preliminary events. They are short and sweet. To me, it gives the impression of a story teller, who is so excited about what is to come, that he skips past all the small details and takes you straight to where the action is ● Think how these events must have confused and amazed the witnesses to them. Without knowing the story, had you been there, would you have recognised Jesus as the Messiah? They must have been aware that something out of the ordinary was busy happening. And there must have been the anticipation of the arrival of the Messiah. But here comes Jesus, a man who grew up in a backwater village, he arrives all by himself with just his own cousin to announce who He is ( before the audible voice of God). Yet, look how they flock towards John the Baptist. Both John and Jesus came as God intended it to and played their part to bring the message of the coming Kingdom and yet it seems that these people are not ready. A good start. Jesus is the Son of God who came to show us God's way of doing things, and it isn't always how we expect it to be. If I missed something, or you want to comment or ask something, feel free. We are on our way and I will continue with this study very soon ( hopefully tomorrow)
  25. The Gospel According to Mark introduction I will begin my study today with a brief outline. I have already done this, so I will simply give you an idea of the notes I already have. Just a quick note: I am not a theologian. So this is just how I see it and I'm bound to make mistakes. I do appreciate any input but also remember that I am just saying things as I see them. 1. Vital statistics: Author: John Mark. Barnabas' cousin. Peter was probably also involved in the writing of this Gospel. Mark was under his influence. Many believe this Gospel to be a collection of Peter's memories. Date written: probably anywhere between 55 and 65AD with the later dates the most likely) Purpose: To present the person, work and teaching of Jesus Original audience: Roman Christians. Special features: - probably the first Gospel of the four - Records more miracles than any other Gospel and more miracles than sermons. - Presents Jesus as a suffering servant who would become King - It's the most chronological Gospel - Intended to also encourage struggling, suffering believers 2. A drama in 3 parts: The Gospel of Mark is all about action. It reminds of the old saying: "actions speak louder than words." Jesus doesn't just say who He is, He demonstrates it throughout the Gospel. The following outline is based on the Bible Project's presentation of Mark. I will be using that as a guide. I think it makes a lot of sense. There are three parts here. All of these point to a conclusion that I will hint at now and then and which I will come back to once we get to the closing summary. The exact beginning and ending in terms of chapter and verse is not the point. It's just seems to me to be the most logical point of departure. ● The first part (Chapter 1 - 8:1 26) is here called "In Galillee: Who is this Jesus?" All of this take place around Galilee. Jesus, His core message and His ministry are presented. It leaves the reader with no doubt about His identity. It also focuses on how different groups of people react to His arrival and His teachings. There's also a lot about the calling of the disciples and the beginning of their training. ● Part 2 (Chapter 8:27 - 10) we will call "On the Way: What it means for Jesus to be the Messiah". At first this still takes place around Galilee but towards the end we are heading for Jerusalem. Again, the response of the disciples and other groups is also featured. Once it is clear to the reader/listener who Jesus is, it also becomes clear that most of the people around Him have a deep misunderstanding about what the Messiah would look like and what His mission is. Jesus challenges their way of thinking and turns their whole world upside down. He makes it clear that the Messiah has to suffer. And not only that but that faith, humility, serving, selflessness, etc are the keys to Godly success, in contrast to worldly success. The disciples, religious leaders and general public respond either with fear, ignorance or anger. ● Part 3 Chaper 11 - 16) can be called: " Jerusalem: How Jesus fulfills His calling as the Messianic King." Jesus arrives in Jerusalem. In this part He asserts His authority, but still remains humble (e.g a royal entry on a donkey.) He also confronts and debates the leaders, and then the vital moments around Jesus crucifixion, resurrection and His final words to His Disciples. Something I think that is important to note is that it is important for us to put ourselves in the shoes of the people as they appear here. Regardless of their attitude or actions, it is important to understand their point of view, even if it is wrong. At this time, they had been occupied by Rome for a long time. It was 400 years since they had prophetic input. And yet they anticipated that a great prophet or the Messiah would come soon. It is clear thst Jesus was not who they expected. There are some interesting ironies here. So that's the outline. I hope you enjoyed it. We dive into part 1 later.
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