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Everything posted by OakWood

  1. If Bible prophecy is anything to go by (or at least one common interpretation of it, should I say) then Brexit is definitely going to happen! We have to assume of course that Britain really is the 'Tarshish' as mentioned in the Old Testament.
  2. The Liberals are hypocrites. They claim "love not hate" yet there is more hate from them than any other group. They are the ones causing riots and smashing up stores including Starbucks, which ironically supported the Hillary campaign, but they're not smart enough to understand that. They have made it clear that they despise democracy. Democracy only suits them when the election goes their way (just like 'remain' voters during the Brexit referendum) and they attack anybody and everybody who doesn't agree with them. They are disgusting, they use foul language during their protests, they race-bait, they support immoral causes such as abortion (thinly disguised under the veil of women's rights) and they care more for the rights of terrorists than they care about whether innocent people are killed or not. Anybody who supports them or their causes is morally bankrupt!
  3. Quote: " health and activist groups say it is expected to restrict access to safe abortions " Typical Leftist spin. Whenever somebody attempts to do something that is morally right, they point out the dangers that it will present to those that are doing something morally wrong. They did it with homosexuality when they claimed that cutting funding to AIDS research will result in the deaths of more practicing homosexuals. It's the same old story, the nihilistic Left claiming some sort of moral high ground while they wallow in a moral sewer.
  4. I suspect that Merkel is just a puppet of the Illuminati. She refuses to back down on immigration even though it is damaging her career and credibility. It's as if she has a gun to her head. Who exactly is pulling her strings?
  5. No, it's a fact. Stop worshiping false idols and stick to scripture.
  6. You've avoided the question. Tell me what verses 16 and 17 mean? I'm not concerned with whether Lucifer messed the Earth up or not. The greater and lesser lights were created on the 4th day. Stop changing the subject.
  7. There are no galaxies. You've fallen for a lie. It's perfectly possible for the Earth to exist without the stars, the Sun or the Moon. In fact they were not created until the fourth day. Genesis 1:16-17 tells us that.
  8. "No thanks we've studied scripture for years?" What is that supposed to mean? I've clearly pointed out to you that the Sun was not created until the fourth day. If you can debunk that then go through these verses and explain to me where I'm going wrong. If you're not prepared to go through them then you're clearly not a fan of scripture at all and you're clearly not prepared to show a fellow Christian like myself where his misunderstandings lie.. Explain to me exactly what the greater and lesser lights are if they are not the Sun and Moon. Explain to me what verses 16 and 17 are all about. Explain to me why God created the heaven and Earth in the beginning and afterwards he said 'let there be light'. Why was there no light there already if he created the Sun at the same time he created the Earth?
  9. What are you talking about 'look up'? I know what the Sun, Moon and stars are. They are above us. What has that got to do with anything? Let's look at Genesis 1 shall we? Verse 14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Notice the word 'in' which I have highlighted in bold. Verses 16 and 17: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, Tell me what exactly do you think the greater and lesser lights are if they are not the Sun and Moon? On what day did God create these lesser and greater lights? Notice that they were set in the firmament to give light upon the Earth. Does the Sun not give light upon the Earth?
  10. You said that God did not create the Earth without the Sun. You claimed that it was Biblically untrue and scientific nonsense. Yet the Bible tells us that the Earth was created before the Sun, so you are contradicting the word of God. We are clearly told that the Sun was not created until the fourth day. Quote: "..has led Young Earth Creationism to believe that God created the earth on the first day without the sun, and that it wasn't until the fourth day that God created the sun, the moon and the stars. This is not only biblically untrue but also scientifically nonsensical." Your words not mine.
  11. You are mixing the lie of modern cosmology with the truth of scripture. The Earth does NOT revolve around the Sun. This lie was fabricated by the Jesuits and by Copernicus. Simple scientific experiments PROVE that the Earth does not move. Empirical evidence shows us this and scripture tells us this also.
  12. God did not chose this little planet to do so. He made this little planet to do so. We are the only planet that there is. No other planets exist. Genesis makes it QUITE CLEAR that there is the Earth - and above us there is a firmament and water above the firmament. Above that there is heaven and the Kingdom of God. The stars are in the firmament and so are the Sun and Moon. When you look up at a blue sky you are seeing the water that is above us. It can be seen through the solid but transparent firmament. People need to stop talking about other planets. These so-called planets are merely wandering stars that we see moving on the ceiling above us. Bringing the lie of modern cosmology into all of this is trying to confuse God's word. There is no such thing as Outer Space, it's all a man-made illusion. An almost endless vacuum of nothingness and darkness that is ever expanding is nothing but a Satanic myth. Darkness is the antithesis of God's word. Fallen Angels love it when human beings believe in the existence of Outer Space because they love it when people believe in darkness and nothingness. Nobody has ever been into Outer Space because it doesn't exist and rockets can go no higher than the firmament, a natural ceiling that covers the stationary Earth like a tent. Scripture clearly tells us that. Why don't Christians believe God's word instead of the fables of man? When you compromise God's word you are calling God a liar. Scripture was not written to confuse us but to tell us the truth. Genesis is literally true. No true Christian believes that Adam and Eve were myths, nor that the Flood is just a legend, nor that the creation account is just a parable. True Christians believe that we all originally came from one man and one woman, just as the Bible tells us. Non-believers believe that we evolved from monkeys. True Christians believe that the God created everything in six days. Non-believers believe that the Earth is four billion years old and was spat out of the Sun and that everything derived from a Big Bang that happened thirteen billion years ago. So why is it that 'True Christians' have trouble understanding the words of Genesis 1 which clearly tells us what the Universe is like? Why the hypocrisy and double standard? God's word is either true or it isn't. You either believe it or you don't. You can't cherry-pick.
  13. Maybe.... just maybe.... ISIS get their wish...... Assad is overthrown. ISIS gain control of Damascus....... Damascus is destroyed. Prophecy is fulfilled.
  14. Dawkins and other leading Atheist academics have been proven time and again to contradict themselves. Yet, fellow Atheists are too blind to see the contradictions. As for Muslims, at least they are aware of the supernatural, they've just picked the wrong god. I almost hate to say this but I can sympathise with Muslims here. Muslims are terrified to think for themselves. They have been heavily brainwashed under fear of persecution. Nobody is twisting an Atheist's arm into not believing in God. Nobody is forcing an Atheists to be an Atheist by threatening to kill him if he doesn't. Atheists therefore have no excuse. Their ignorance is wilful and based on sheer arrogance. Muslims don't know any better. All around the World Muslims are experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus and are abandoning Islam as a result. There are probably more new Christians in the Muslim world than we know about but it's dangerous for them to advertise the fact.
  15. And here is the video that you are asked to click on:
  16. There's no such thing as 'trans', just mentally ill people who are confused. In fact suicide rates are higher among those who have undergone transgender medical transformation than those who haven't, especially among those who have gone all the way and undergone gender reassignment surgery. The statistics show this. At one time we tried to cure mental illnesses, now we pander to them and declare them as 'normal' or a human right. Transgender people are suffering from gender dysmorphia, in the same way that anorexics are suffering from body dysmorphia. An anorexic girl believes herself to be 'fat' when in actual fact she is incredibly thin, but you wouldn't pander to her fantasies and allow herself to starve to death would you? So why do we pander to the fantasies of transgenders and allow themselves to be surgically mutilated? A man who has had a sex-change is not a woman, and never will be. He is merely a seriously disturbed castrated man in drag. Most transgenders have experienced some sort of trauma during childhood, whether they have been brought up by parents who have led them to believe they are something that they are not, or brought up by parents who wanted a child of the other sex, they are confused. Admittedly not all transgenders have experienced such things but many have. Try checking out the works and teachings of Walt Heyer (mentioned in the previous post), a former transgender who has undergone full surgery but is now a 'born again' Christian and realises his mistake. He lived as a woman for decades but now understands that he was born male and has reverted back to believing that he is male just as God originally made him. Unfortunately he can never get back the 'parts' that were surgically removed, but at least he is no longer deluded. Since exposing the transgender movement for the tragic fraud that it is, he has also received many death threats. He has a website and videos on YouTube. The Bible warns us of men dressing as women and women dressing as men. Satan has confused such people into believing they are somebody that they are not, and the parents of so-called transgender children who pander to such fantasies are guilty of child abuse. You are either born male or female and what you have between your legs should tell you what you are if you're in any doubt. You can't be born in the wrong body and you can't change sex later in life. Anybody who says otherwise is speaking against God and against the Bible. I personally know of two transgender men who I used to work with. One of them wants a sex change op because he was brought up to believe that being a boy was wrong by parents who wished they had a daughter instead of a son. I don't want to get too graphic here as to how this has affected him, but I'll give you a hint. He despises a certain body part that he owns and wishes to have it removed ASAP. He can't even bear to look at it when he goes to the toilet because it reminds him of who he really is, the boy that nobody wanted. He dresses as a woman, uses a feminine first name, and hates to be reminded of his masculine birth name. He also flies off the handle if anybody calls him 'he' instead of 'she'. In fact one such person who referred to him as 'he', faced a disciplinary by HR because it was seen as a 'bullying at work' issue. Such is Political Correctness where not only are certain people allowed to live in a fantasy world but everybody else has to go along with the lie too or face the consequences. Transgenderism is an evil lie that exists in this World because society has abandoned God. Many people are lost and confused because they believe in the lie of 'anything goes'. Transgender people need help and understanding. They need counseling and the love of the Holy Spirit. They need to be cured of the demonic grip that has been placed upon them. They do not need surgery or hormones. This is a Frankenstein answer to a psychological problem. And what's more they do not need the rest of the World to lie on their behalf. They are being deceived, and we should not add to this deception.
  17. The UN is not just a country club for the rich and powerful, it is also a massive lobbying unit for Muslim nations. They control many of the votes and they detest Israel.
  18. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3863880/Christian-parents-girl-14-wants-change-gender-forced-legal-action-against-local-council-backs-efforts-against-wishes.html The parents of a 14-year-old girl are taking legal action to challenge their local authority's backing for their daughter to transition into a boy. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is believed to want to change her gender and has received the support of her local authority. However, the girl's parents object to the process, and believe their daughter is too young to take such a dramatic decision.
  19. That's because they don't know - they have blinded themselves to the truth and have cherry-picked scripture to suit their own beliefs. Such pastors believe that God is okay with homosexuality, and that is easy enough to do so if you can't be bothered to study what the Bible actually says about it.
  20. Against it. He is a maverick on the World's stage and refuses to play ball with the rest of the players. He has actively defied the new cultural shift that other areas of Christendom have adopted. He refuses to promote homosexuality, he refuses to import millions of unvetted Muslims, he has invested in regrowth of the Church rather than margionalising it, and he will not join any of the 'clubs' that he is supposed to join. While the rest of Christendom is embracing the new ideals of Political Correctness, Putin is rebelling against it. No wonder he has the NWO all hot and bothered and no wonder they and the World's puppet media portray him as the bogeyman.
  21. It's straightforward enough to convert carbon dioxide and water into ethanol. It's no mystery. The only problem is that you need to put energy in, in order to do this - therefore it requires a source of energy to create the ethanol. As with all renewable energy sources they require an existing source of energy to produce them whether it be wind power or solar power. Even biofuels (such as rapeseed oil) are a form of solar energy, if you think about it - because plants need sunlight to grow. What the article tells you is that scientists have only developed a new catalyst that makes the conversion process quicker and with higher yields, what it doesn't tell you is that a source of energy is still required to drive the chemical reaction. Even the corresponding article linked to this does not make that clear.
  22. I don't think Putin has any intention of rebuilding the USSR. That's just a paranoid fantasy.
  23. The Tribulation IS for the Church. Who do you think it is that antiChrist will be persecuting? The Buddhists?
  24. Junk. I never said that non-believers will reign during the millennium. That's the whole point, but for the pre-Trib rapture to be true then non-believers will be reigning. Because non-believers WILL NOT reign under Christ then the pre-Trib rapture has to be false. Because according to you believers will have been raptured BEFORE the Tribulation (the only privileged believers throughout history to have done so), and there can be no new believers after that because the Holy Spirit has gone. So who exactly are these new believers that don't have the Holy Spirit? The pre-Trib is so full of contradictions it is ridiculous. It is a lie. Christians need to shake it off. It also requires there to be a third coming of Christ. It is a blasphemy. The impossibility, irrationality, and anti-scriptural position of the pre-Trib rapture has been pointed out to you time and again in logic that a child could understand, yet you still refuse to drop it. To believe in the pre-Trib rapture because your Church told you it is one thing, but to continue to believe in it after being shown the truth of scripture is another. The contradictions have been shown to you, yet you continue with your mental and verbal gymnastics to try and explain it and to imagine things in scripture that simply aren't there or to add to scripture things that aren't there. As for Schofield, his teachings are lies (the pre-Trib rapture being the prime example). I don't care what his Bible says - I'm talking about his teachings, not the scripture that he used and later twisted.
  25. Yes but he won the prize for the books and poetry that he wrote, not for his music or his lyrics.
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