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Unfailing Presence

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Everything posted by Unfailing Presence

  1. While the parable's main thrust is a negative one for the lazy , The parable also contains many positive points for the encouragement of the new believer in Christ . One of those being that we are evaluated according to our own individual capabilities : " each according to his own ability " So even though I am not , nor will I ever be , a Billy Graham or a Dwight L. Moody I need not fret over being evaluated according to what they have done , or what anyone else has done . We just need to do what we can , because that is all that God expects is to give him is our individual best . Take comfort in knowing that this quandary has happened to the best of them and our Father delights in bringing all of us to the place of new spiritual discoveries . God has every bit the challenging future in store for you that He had for Moses when He set a burning bush before Moses . Imagine that , God esteems your soul and future in exactly the same way as He did the soul of Moses when he got his attention with a burning bush . How awesome is that , you are equal with Moses in the eyes of God , and what God expects from you . And Moses also felt that he was not up to the task : " And Moses said unto the Lord O my Lord I am not eloquent , neither heretofore , nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant but I am slow of speech , and of a slow tongue ." ( Exodus 4:10 ) Don't dwell on the negatives , rather relish the joy of forgiveness and the power of love that awaits the listening soul . When God calls us from our ease & idleness it is to undergird us with the power of He who set the stars in place to perform the service He has in store for us to perform . " I will now turn aside and see this great sight ." ( Exodus 3: 3 )
  2. The intended method of God ( The Cross ) by which Jesus would be glorified as Messiah was much misunderstood . Even His own disciples did not fully grasp the method . Is there a particular instance to which you are referring , because I can think of many where the people he was speaking with did not comprehend what He was saying ? His statement " Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up " being a classic example of Him speaking specifically of His being Messiah but the people not grasping what He was speaking of .
  3. finding out after the fact is Satan's eternal downfall
  4. I think my conclusion is the same as yours, and thus only the original question comes into question . " Does Satan Know ..?" I would say no . The scripture gives us information repeatedly that Satan's desire for evil , far exceeds any thoughtful insight . I mean what kind of brain fart would cause you to rebel against God Himself in the first place ?
  5. But if the understanding is that there are no infant " goats " , that would be exempted from heaven should they die in infancy , then what would cause an infant who lives past infancy into adulthood to become a " goat " ? Some change has to occur in between the time they were infants and were certain to go to heaven should they die in infancy , and the time they aged long enough to become " goat " or a " sheep " ? My understanding is that this change is the " age of accountability " is reached . And the personal decision to be a sheep or a goat is made at that time . If you don't think the " age of accountability " is the determining factor that makes an adult person who was at one time an infant certain to go to heaven if they died a " goat " or a "sheep " exactly what is it believe causes them to become a " goat " or " sheep " in adulthood ? All infants being " sheep" the understanding .
  6. I'm just not seeing where you reconciled your " no matter what age they died " statement in your opening post with an age of accountability somewhere between infancy and old age ? By my understanding " no matter what age they died " excludes the entire need for of an age of accountability . What need would there be for an" age of accountability " if " no matter what age they died " they were covered ?
  7. You are forgetting to factor in the " age of Accountability " which is also established as a criteria in the scripture . But you are correct that in the view of satan and the satanic nothing is more desirable than the destruction of the most innocent life , which would be infant life . Not a new concept to the satanic as even detailed in the scripture the pagan god Molach required the children being burned alive .
  8. Not exactly dancing in the sunlight . The best description I have heard of " outer darkness " which I believe does not even begin to scratch the surface in terms of the reality of the horror the Word of God alludes to is to be groping about terrified in ink black darkness , only to finally sense some relief at finding a dimly lit mirror , and then look into the mirror and see nothing . " Men ought always to pray . " ( Luke 18 : 1 )
  9. I do understand an actual " Divine Government " with Christ , but what differentiates this first 1000 years from the rest of eternity in which Christ rules ? Is it just a number , or is there more to it's purpose ?
  10. Hazard thank you for your input on a different " where " concerning the Millennial period . What do you think the purpose in God's plan of this particular version of the Millennium to be ?
  11. So what would be the specific purpose of a spiritual post Millennium in heaven ? Sorry about making two separate posts . I meant to include the quote in a single post . Learning curve may be in effect for awhile , lol . *** Took care of it for you. OneLight ***
  12. You did a fine job in explaining the where's of each Millennial position but a little short on the what's of each position . I think that where you place the Millennium is dependent entirely upon what you believe it's ultimate purpose to be . Based upon a specific stated belief in purpose , can the claim then be made that one of these positions , " Pre, Post, A " , stands out from the others ? How so ?
  13. God does not hate us , He loves us . There is nothing we can do to stop Him from loving us , even when we sin which is what suicide is . What God hates is sin . It is the most destructive thing in this world and we are all touched by it from the moment we are born until the grave . Even the apostle Paul cried out with the same anguish that you now feel and that I have felt : " who shall deliver me from the body of this death ? " Paul went on to answer his own cry of anguish and a sin sick soul , and I implore and pray for you to heed His answer in this your sorest hour of need and longing you feel . God's letter of love , not hate , for you is written in the blood of His dearly beloved Son through the prophet which tells us : " Though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be white as snow , though they be red like crimson , they shall be as wool ." Then say with Paul : " I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord ."
  14. I do not believe that He can directly read our thoughts , but being the author of our sin nature he knows quite well our every weakness . He is a great observer of our present circumstances and uses our circumstances to exploit our weaknesses . We can see his method being used on the Lord Jesus when he was obviously hungry tempting Him to turn stones into bread . God's love , care , & hope will defeat his methods every time . Thank you for your question .
  15. All scripture is for us , but not all scripture is to us . No reason to take the Levitical Law personally unless you have transported yourself back in time to become part of a roving Jewish nation wandering the desert . Jesus is here now , and we can do all things through Him that strengthens us
  16. The divine perspective meant that the cares of this world had no impact on Jesus . This perspective can be ours when we cast all our burdens upon Him .
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