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  1. I'm with you. Never apologize for being an American. I tend to wonder about what would compel any actual American to bad mouth their own country.
  2. That could be true. Maybe that's why Obama let them ascend to the nuclear level that he did. The supposed contract that went along with meaning nothing because Iran never signed it. Do you think it could be that earthly factors are trying their mortal best to usher in the end times for the three major religions of the world? Rather than waiting on God's time just get the whole thing over with?
  3. He knew our names too. Even before he created our world where we would come to life. That's really fascinating isn't it?
  4. Peace be still my brother. Peace be still. Holding you in my prayers. Don't give the devil his due and go there. I found after I came to Christ that it was like some instant message turned up in the Devil's in-box to let him know one more sinner had been redeemed in Christ. I noticed people I'd hung around with for years started to become a little cold when I didn't want to hang out in the ways we use to. They'd become a little more biting in their remarks, or the worst one's would be those I wouldn't call friends but acquaintances that would show up when my friends and me would go out together. Those would start to make snarky remarks about Christians, jokes, crude remarks. It was really weird. Then I found out that someone I knew for years had spread the word I'd turned goody goody, as they put it. You'd think those friends would be happy for me and ask questions as to how it all happened. But what happened instead was eventually every last one picked a side. And since I wasn't wanting to party anymore, or do the things I use to with them, I was the outcast. They didn't want to come to the light side. They were mad instead that I'd left the dark side. Maybe take some time away when you feel overwhelmed by the same thing. I broke free of almost all my old hangouts and peeps. They weren't good for my soul's growth in Christ. They were actually trying to get me to leave it and return to the fold. I found when I ignored the wicked that I never knew were that when I was with them I felt better not having to navigate my way trying to get them to understand the reborn me that they had no hope of comprehending. Because they were dedicated to being in their sin. Try this on and see how it fits. Mark 3 I'll hold you in my prayers dear Joshuas. You're a good person. Don't let anything take you from the peace of Christ. If you do the Devil wins.
  5. God exists beyond our comprehension. We worship what we know to be alive inside us and everywhere in nature, as we're told is evidence of God, hoping to understand our place in all that goes on outside our immediate control. Our thoughts are not like God's thoughts. God's thoughts are not like unto ours. We do the best we can with all that God gave us. If we knew all about God would we be able to sustain ourselves in this world that is clearly limited by what we think it should be like? War,famine, genocide. Everything we pray to be saved from.
  6. Great article for sure. We know that bigotry is a sin. As is discrimination based on gender. The argument that Paul is speaking of all women is a misunderstanding of scripture and culture of the time. Paul was speaking to one church, not the universal church. It doesn't follow that Paul would say that we are all one in Christ and there is no division. And then later create division by saying we're segregated as people of Christ because of our gender and that's why women can't possibly be called by God to preach. It makes God sound sexist in the process thinking he created a woman to ultimately deliver his only begotten son to the world to preach the good news, and later never intended to call any woman ever to actually preach the good news Jesus commanded be delivered to the world. And that there are very obvious anointed women pastors in the world is the greatest evidence God calls whom he will to serve his highest purpose. I think that settles any conflict with regard to what any person could say in their opinion they know what God would and wouldn't do in this matter. We're told God doesn't think the same way we do. And we certainly can't comprehend the mind of God. Which is what is happening when there is a second guessing with regard to women called to preach.
  7. I think any level of consciousness that supports someone having their bones broken and their teeth knocked out in order to take their seat from them on a plane that was not overbooked would have to concur it appropriate action against females too. The violation of ethics and moral conscience demonstrating no compassion for the violated would have to maintain and have no compassion for the gender offended. I also think that it is not beyond possibility that it isn't actually a true perspective one that defends a person being broken in order to get them to leave a seat they owned for the price of the ticket on a flight not overbooked. But even if the flight had been overbooked , an airline that respects its bottom line coming from paying passengers and concerned with its stock prices, should consider that the passengers come first. While flight crew can catch a hop when available. Beating a passenger until his bones break and thinking that is perfectly OK because the broken passenger deserved it speaks to something missing if someone does honestly think emptying a seat was worth going to that extreme. Can you imagine the body fluids this poor doctor expelled while cornered against a window in a plane seat and being beaten till his nose and teeth broke out of his face? What a message that sent to other passengers watching.
  8. No one wants a nuclear war. It is global suicide for any nation to launch. Especially Russia and the U.S. with their first strike defense systems in place. Mutual annihilation. I don't think all this stuff Russia's saying is indicative of the advent of a new cold war. I could be wrong about that but that too isn't conducive to furthering any sides future. As Trump said early on, it would be better if the U.S. and Russia worked against a common enemy that is middle eastern origin terrorism. The global jihad is an issue for all free countries. Also, this could all be more of the fear programming that left wing media hopes to further in America.
  9. I have no idea. I was looking at a picture file of animals and this little lemur was there, a baby. And then there was an email alert so I opened that and a friend had sent me an animated greeting that had a bubbly flute of champagne on it, animated, and I just added the two when looking for a name here. Lemurchampagne. That would be a really awesome label for a winery huh? Lemur Champagne, now available at a store near you. Have the bottle made so it has rings blown into the glass circling up through the bottle like little lemur's tails are ringed. It could catch on.
  10. This union took place in China, in Hangzhou . Would China recognize marriage as ordained by God? Marriage in America is mocked when SCOTUS permitted SSM. Now polygamous couples are pursuing their right to equality under the same amendment that was used to launch SSM into the status of law of the land, the 14th amendment. Though I don't think America has fallen so far as to let an objectophile obtain a wedding license yet.
  11. Would you elaborate on what you mean there? Many men shaped what was the truth of Christ after Jesus departed back to the father in Heaven. But he foresaw that too and warned not to believe every spirit and to test them to be sure they were of God. If you're seeking the teaching of Jesus good news, this is something to consider. It shares all of Jesus ministry and scriptures that apply. Jesus' Teachings, as Told in the Gospels - a Summary of the Teachings of Jesus During His Three Years of Earthly Ministry
  12. It takes all kinds to make the world go around. That's what my grandpa said once. It takes a special kind to get as deep into Hubbard's fiction as has Tom Cruise. Did you see his video interview about the church. Very unfortunate being he's someone's father.
  13. There was a lot of hubbub over north Korea's weapons parade during their Day of the Sun celebration this month. Missiles with crooked nose cones, nose cones curving upward, don't fly well. The press said it looked as if they were fake. Not unusual for communist nations apparently. Reports today said there was another failed missile launch just recently. I don't think anyone will let north Korea get away with what is threatened by their leader. He's not that important to the axis of powers there. And when he threatens not to play nice against America and others, I'd think he's demonstrating he's more of a risk than an asset to those nations he thinks have his back. Time will tell.
  14. To my understanding he's the first Jesuit ever confirmed to the position. He's been labeled radical by a lot of the traditionalists I know. There's even a few that I speak with that say he's caused them to question if they wish to remain in the church. I'd think that would be a rather frightening prospect for the devout. He is a unique kinda guy.
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