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Wolf Bridges

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Everything posted by Wolf Bridges

  1. It's amazing how idiotic musicians prove themselves to be to their fans huh?
  2. Imagine an America with no income tax. Then wake up. This should be an interesting story to follow. A billionaire able to influence any part of the tax code. And he's awake!
  3. Apostle to the Apostles: The Women Disciples of Jesus Shawna R. B. Atteberry
  4. Then you must have missed the beginning of that discourse on first page with Running Gator in this thread.
  5. Then you missed the thread titles that said , ShouldWomen Be In Leadership Positions in Church? and "Women"Pastors, .... you say? Two examples of thread titles that contain posts that argue women cannot be in leadership positions in church. And that includes the pastoral .
  6. That is correct. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. If someone chooses to fast in taking that day to celebrate the Sabbath that is their right. Jesus fasted. The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath.
  7. While I find that deeply offensive and insensitive, I'll simply say that learning chemical neurotransmitters have everything to do with people living their lives understanding their place in this world. Being intolerant of that fact to the point of wanting to get people banned for discussing those facts is something very wrong. And in my opinion deeply selfish. It is an inextricable fact that brain chemistry and chemical neurotransmitters are all factors that activate the brain that tells the individual what life is. And chemical imbalance makes for an imbalance in that personal identity and world view. You don't have to agree with that. However, I think that your opinion being as strongly opposed to that fact so much so that you would seek to get people banned for discussing what science has discovered is not fair to people who may seek to understand themselves better happening into a Christian community where suicide is being discussed. The Brain and Mental Illness
  8. Yes, culture is certainly part of the times Paul was speaking of. And the ancient Jews in his time were very strict in the roles of women being just so. Paul was a Pharisee. He knew the law and he knew how the law was applied to men and women. I believe that is what makes Paul's declaration about our being one in Christ so outstanding. Because of the culture of the time being one that communicated just the opposite when it came to women and their place. And also as pertained to other cultures and intercourse with them. Paul's declaring there are no divides between the Greek culture and the Jew, or men and women, was radical in those times. Only God could make such a decree as that. Man's laws divide. God's covenant unites.
  9. You're suppose to honor your husband. And he you. You're united as one in marriage. The scriptures don't say God said to the whole world of the faithful who are one in Christ that one gender is not able to preach. Saying that and arguing that is first moving from an ideal that is being argued. That which in this case says, God will not call women into his service to deliver the good news.
  10. How does ABC swing in its politics? Old act bands boycotted a state to make their political statement. We're a nation where the first right is the freedom to speak your mind and as such hold an opinion. Now, that right is still exercised. Because there is no constitutional right to not be persecuted for what you say. It's like we're evolving the McCarthy era black list. Keyword then? Communist. But we've moved from that any number of keywords that will trigger punishment against those thought worthy. Meanwhile, America has come a long way. Now we trade with Communists, and send them our jobs.
  11. I've not read all 22 pages of this thread. However, in case this hasn't been mentioned? There's nothing wrong with someone being Oneness. Or Oneness Pentecostal. This thread was began by someone of an opinion about Oneness. That is all.
  12. I've decided to chime in because of the two of you going back and forth for awhile. Please understand this is in love. Wouldn't the best answer be, it is God's domain and mercy that awaits the suicide. And leave it at that. Showing compassion for the issue itself being personal experience of any kind speaking on the subject of self-murder is personal and emotionally connected to that speaker. That too is nothing we are fit to judge because we do not live the life that knows those who want to suicide. Or, have. Nor do we know those lives that live in a dark place where killing self to escape self suffering is considered an option. Our opinion of suicide is our own. Just as the pain of those in any way associated with the topic on a personal level whatever is their own. How are we fit to judge that , a mere opinion on the subject of suicide, personal or impersonal, when we're saying behind that or in defense of that opinion that we're not fit to judge what happens to the soul of a person who takes their own life? We can't judge the dead? But we can judge the living? In all things show love, compassion. How do we argue someone's personal opinion about suicide at all? When that very act is a personal effort to change their mind to fit to our way of thinking them approved .
  13. That charge results from lack of comprehension of exegesis. You realize you're arguing that you because you are a woman are unfit to teach the word of God? Because of your God appointed gender? One could say that if someone is arguing a woman is unfit to preach the word of God that she is unable to herald, proclaim, or preach the words of God. Being she's a woman. That would then make women unable to proselytize to sinners anywhere. Paul's letters were to the churches he founded. His instruction to the churches he founded. Whereas his statement that we are all one in Christ is Godly and of Christ. There is a difference. Paul founded churches that he managed through what are termed his pastoral letters. Does the Bible Really Forbid Women Preachers? A Closer Look at 1 Corinthians 14:34,35 and 1 Timothy 2:11,12 Reading this caused me to pause and think. I had not read this argument before. In checking the Greek terms mentioned by Dr. Zodhiates, I found that there was some validity to his points. Indeed, in Ephesians 5:22, where we find the admonition “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord,” the Greek words translated as “wives” and “husbands” are the same as the words normally translated as “women” and “husbands” in 1 Corinthians 14:34,35. So the question naturally follows as to why we have the same Greek word translated one way (“wives” in Ephesians 5:22), but translated a different way (generically “women”) in 1 Corinthians 14:34. This curious situation led me to look more deeply into the passages people use to prohibit women from preaching and teaching. The Greek of 1 Timothy 2:11,12 and Dr. Zodhiates After looking into the Greek of 1 Corinthians 14:34 and finding that it may have been mistranslated, I then decided to look into the Greek of 1 Timothy 2:11,12. Again, Dr. Zodhiates made this interesting point:
  14. Deflection? No, I'm not speaking against the Apostle Paul. The argument that sponsors what has been called gender bias in the name of God would be speaking against the Apostle Paul. Paul said,there is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)
  15. The posted remarks OneLight quoted to Happiness shows his own opposition to women in leadership positions in the church. "Scripture shows us who can and cannot be leaders in the church. " That's a blanket statement right there.
  16. It is human preference that deems human prejudice against women pastors as capable of speaking for God when claiming God would never call a woman to preach. Which is what is happening when someone tries to use Pauline letters to put forth that argument. And that then implicates Paul as duplicitous when he at one point said we are all one in Christ Jesus, that there is no separation, no men, no woman, we are all one. To then use Paul's letters about women being silent in church, etc.... as proof Paul is saying God told him to tell us women aren't to serve as pastors because God said so is directly refuting the prior all one in Christ statement God gave Paul. Peoples prejudice against women pastors is able to keep them from going to a church where a woman is pastor. It shouldn't dare think to speak for God as if he's in accord with that prejudice. Because it doesn't make sense that God would say we're all one in his son Jesus, and then say, but we're separated by gender when it comes to delivering the message of his son to the world. That's simply not true.
  17. Find it in scripture and show us. 1Corinthians says it is only when we are in Heaven that we will have the capacity to judge the angels. Because then we will be higher than they are. As of now, we're lower than the angels. By God's will.
  18. Apologies. The way your last paragraph reads it seemed like you were saying we don't have the authority to take our own lives. It's a given we don't have the authority to judge the dead.
  19. I would say we don't have the authority to play God and state whether a suicide would go to Hell. It isn't up to us and as such it is not right that we would judge the suffering of someone who took their life to after the fact end up in Hell by our opinion. That isn't our right. It isn't anything we know. It is God's seat that receives the soul lost to suicide. A little compassion goes a long way in a discussion like this. Don't you think?
  20. It doesn't have to be does it? A person can choose to fast if they wish on the Sabbath.
  21. Thank you. Thank you for the support. That isn't a scripture supporting your prior statement that we're all discussing here. The world was created by God so that we could judge the angels.
  22. To the contrary. Everyone has a mother.
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