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Everything posted by PlanetChee

  1. Ah, if only that resolve would demonstrate continuity in threads that are posted for the express purpose of spreading rumor, false accusations and slander against Trump. Odd how there's all manner of decorum excuse to not read the CNN outlet that is used typically to promote scurrilous reports against Trump now that CNN is forced to apologize for yellow journalism over a period of months. And it's due to what? Being opposed to sarcastic biting language. Oh, and the best part, the use of , Hitler! Capitalized in threads here when trying to compare a dead national socialist dictator who was never elected to his office to the Democrat American billionaire who was. Oh goodness, this is great stuff!
  2. Except, oops, that wasn't even close to true. In the fired Peacock's already-released testimony, not only does he not refute Trump, he confirms that what Trump said is 100% true. On three different occasions, January 6, January 27 and March 30, Comey told Trump he was not under investigation. And so Borger and Tapper, Sleepy, Dopey and Sleazy had to issue the following: CORRECTION AND UPDATE: This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published. You see, this is why, in the pre-Fake News era, a single anonymous source would never-ever-ever have resulted in a story. Go back and watch All The President's Men, better still, read the book. Most of the tension and suspense comes from Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein -- not discovering damaging information about the Nixon administration, but rather attempting to confirm what they have been told using additional sources. This used to be the norm in journalism (I thought the media was all about protecting norms?) and was so for a very good reason. Not only do sources with an agenda lie, but so do journalists with an agenda. In the swamp of DC, finding a single anonymous source willing to tell a fake journalist what he or she wants to hear is just too easy. But Borger et al at CNN are not concerned with getting it right, they are only concerned with getting Trump. Hence, they are now losing handily to MSNBC. As a great man once said: Sad! http://www.dailywire.com/news/17301/cnn-forced-issue-humiliating-correction-after-john-nolte?utm_source=shapironewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=060717-news-title&utm_campaign=two This is only news to the hard line anti-Trumper left wingers. Anyone have a fireworks celebratory gif they'd like to add to the celebration of , no kidding! ? But wait! Never Trumpers aren't persuaded by the truth. They'll spin this. Watch. There's another outlet out there that'll hawk it as fake news.
  3. Oh, wait! The faction that demands tolerance is intolerant of gays that support Trump? Dag gum Trumpophobia is what that is! Somebody sue and make them change their mind!
  4. They shall find out at the throne of judgment. Don't you think? They're apostate. And an abomination before God. Deuteronomy 22:5“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. Like the parable of the disciples that departed from the company of Jesus. They left us because they were not one with us. 1 John 2:18-19 Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. That verse does not rewrite itself because political correctness, fascism using manners as an inroad, says it should.
  5. Because it is so. Body Dysmorphic Disorder, as it was first diagnosed in the DSM prior to the APA's change of mind under pressure and death threats by homosexual and trans-terrorist activists. With the publication of DSM 5, Gender Dysmorphic, or Body Dysmorphic Disorder as pertained to Trans-affliction was edited. As was Homosexuality. DSM is a diagnostic manual for mental health issues.
  6. How does the Methodist church defend this move given their founder John Wesley's perspective on faith? Do they think he'd applaud this? Another thread had this observation in a topic similar. It's Sodom and Gomorrah! The sequel.
  7. Easy! You don't. They're apostate. How do you call yourself a church , a denomination of Christ's truth, and violate his Father's word? Jesus came to save the world from its sins. Not die so the world could become politically correct sinners .
  8. Yes, I would think so too. However, maybe the reason they're not doing so is because of the divisiveness or schism that would be apparent if they did report fairly. Terrorist Muslims are slaughtering Christians! I.E. That isn't peaceful. Peace filled Muslims are giving refuge, sanctuary, to Christians being targeted for mass murder and risking their own lives in the process. In that those Muslim collaborators with Christians are apostate under the Sharia and Jihad laws. Therefore, they're betraying allah and are worthy of more horrific death than the Christians they help. How would MSM spin that one? They're opposed to publishing the truth about Islam. How would they spin that fact being Muslim's are battling "peaceful" Muslims. Thaaaaat just happen to be slaughtering Christians. Must be a error in translation. Peace=terrorism. Peace=Jihad. Peace=only when the whole world is under Kalifate and Muslim. Then there is still no peace because Sharia is prosecuted across the globe. And everybody knows Sharia is alllllll about peace. Right?
  9. Are you aware that the autographs that predate what we have as scripture today are no longer available?
  10. I would suggest Muhammad claimed the angel Gabriel brought him the teachings of allah on many different occasions. And Joseph Smith claimed the angel Metatron led him to the golden tablets and caused him to memorize the writings thereon. Tablets that were never found after Joseph departed the cave and brought a towns person, a shop keeper I believe it was, to witness them buried in the cave. That they were not there was deemed evidence they had once been, by the shop keeper. Believing Joseph's angel took them back to Heaven with him. This doesn't mean these things actually occurred. Joseph and his brother remember were shot to death many years later. And by towns folk who were outraged these men were being kept in the local jail awaiting trial for rape of little girls they claimed to wife. Would the angel of God choose such a man as Joseph to be God's disciple? No. Nor does this mean any such thing did occur even were it Satan. Because that would have to occur under God's watchful awareness. The same with Muhammad. An illiterate, or as the Qur'an states, an unlettered man. Who was, as any omniscient being would see, a rapist, a mass murderer , a pedophile, a spousal abuser, and a thief. What divine revelations would that sort be worthy of receiving from an omnibenevolent being? And again, if it were Satan lying that he was the angel Gabriel , that again would be under God's watchful awareness. For what purpose would God watch this happen? These two men who founded vile evil cults so as to mislead people already fallen in their worldly flesh and sin further into damnation. I think Muhammad was mad with the desire for power. And Joseph Smith was a megalomaniac with a mental illness that had a god complex. I wouldn't blame actual angels for their delusion. Nor would I blame the fallen angel either. Because it would all occur under God's gaze and with his knowledge and permission. Being what those cults have caused to happen on earth, that's quite a stretch. Man's depravity is to blame. And man's gullibility too to believe in either cults teachings.
  11. Well said. I think a lot of the lower rung assaults on President Trump comes from those who are jealous , envious, of his wealth and that he actually did get the office they use to joke and make him the punch line for. I believe Hillary is behind a great deal of that low brow rumor mongering and slander that's hitting media so that she can hope to destroy Donald Trump even by just corrupting his image. That's her standard MO if we remember when her husband Slick Willie was facing all the women who were coming forward with rape allegations. Hillary was his enabler. Anything to ascend to the highest office of power, right? She hired private investigators to follow Bill's victims and from what they gleaned in investigation then use that to wage a veritable slur campaign against Willie's rape victims. Even she herself, a trained attorney, called those women the W word, the B word, Bimbo, and the S word. What woman does that? And an attorney should know that rape? Is against the LAW! But not against the ethics of the power hungry Clinton syndicate apparently. And also remember, Donald Trump use to run in Hillary's circles. He was a Democrat before he ran for office the very first time. And unlike Hillary, which is why I think she's also rabid with hate, won! Not only did he win the first time he ran for political office but he won the highest office possible. The one she lived to assume and resorted to any tactic to achieve. And failed despite all that evil she perpetrated. Twice! Twice? Must be the work of those voters who don't like rape victims to be called names by a First Lady. Because what better examples class than that? I ask ya. And then there's just the riotous up-setters who derive joy from being contrary to whatever anyone says that's positive about President Trump. I doubt they vote. They just like to seed upset through blogs, commentary in publications, interviews that give them 15 minutes of fame or infamy depending on the personality talking into the mic. Remember the young woman that said she hoped someone took Donald out? This during the campaign. Your college tuition at work mom and dad! A daughter on a watch list for at least 8 years. So proud! Must be so so proud. I love our President. Honor those God put in authority over us. As a Christian how can I do anything less than what God tells me to do? Really? Who do I have to answer to if I disobey the Holy Spirit and his eternal wisdom in seating President Trump and a majority Republican Congress? God Bless America and keep our leaders and lawmakers safe from all that wish them ill. Amen.
  12. EDITED for brevity That is a wonderful post. God bless. Yes, this is something that needs to be prioritized in western media. I haven't heard a peep in broadcast news in the U.S. Has anyone here reading heard about this on their American stations in the markets where they live? If it was bad news about President Trump it would headline. But this brave undertaking by Muslims risking their lives to save Christians under siege is back burner? That says a lot for how far this nation has fallen as a people I believe. Because had this been in the 1970's, even the 1980's, I do believe it would have been headline making reporting. I think CBN reported this here. "Christian Broadcast News". I'll have to double check that to be sure. But that's still not mainstream media.
  13. This probably isn't new news save to the reporting on this date. It's gone on for years and bean counters across the country have known it. It's why top coverage premiums for Obama care run 1900.00 a month in some markets. With enormous deductibles. The working class see their hours cut to part time so their employers can dodge the mandate for full timers. And those part timers work to afford high dollar daycare, and Obama care and when they're sick they can't afford what they've paid for. But those whom those monies do support , that aren't working, that aren't legal, don't worry one bit. Work harder! Countless illegals depend on you for their financial security. That article about internment camps for Muslims? Not a first either. The same dialog arrived right after 9-11-2001. I think illegal alien detention centers would have a better chance of passing into law. And the other upside? Jobs for unemployed Americans. America is the only country on earth that bends over backwards to give reward to foreign law breakers. Why wouldn't they come?
  14. Dear God, give victory to this battle. That Satan's seed be uprooted from Raqqa and the Caliphate destroyed one stronghold at a time.
  15. God be with America and her people. And especially Christians as Demonic Muslim's are now becoming more aggressive in the name of their Satanic lord. Protect our President Lord from all enemies foreign and domestic. Cure the viper's tongue Lord as the dark left media prior to this beseeching promotes discord, hatred, distrust, lies, and slander against your chosen authority in office and the government of this nation. And our people. So that we are weak to the enemy armed against us. May your light grow brighter as evil grows more bold. So that that which arrives out of the shadows of Hell's awaiting to harm people of Christ and this country and your servants, are exposed. For that which conspires in the dark is unmasked in your light. Bring them into your grace Lord. Or to justice. Your will be done. On this Earth as it is in your Heaven. Amen and Amen, in Jesus mighty and eternally powerful sacred name, Emmanuel I beseech you to hear this faithful daughters prayer, Amen. God bless and protect the USA! Hallelujah and Amen!
  16. Went to the library and knew the reference librarian on a first name basis. Or that was maybe just me.
  17. Can we cross paste this in the prayer forum? Has anyone heard this report on their local mainstream media broadcast? I've not as yet. Joining others here in prayers. Thank God for the brave Muslims that are hiding Christians in this way and at the risk of their very lives.
  18. Hey, if they're into charity I'm right here ! Chee needs a new pair of shoes.
  19. Another thing about green energy? Notice how everything marketed under that label is high dollar? Get it? Green $ Energy.
  20. It's true. We're a parasitic organism giving nothing sustainable back for what we consume.
  21. I will get that message when I've already rep'ed someone and it hasn't shown on my side yet. But it is on their account. You're only allowed so many reps per day so when you run out there's a different message that appears and informs you of that. Maybe refresh the page if you get that message that you're not allowed to give a reputation to that user and see if the rep you intended has been applied then. Hope that helps. Blessings,
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