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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. I just kinda picked Abraham out of the air as an example of a man that was far from perfect but was “ credited” with being Righteous because of his Faith in a Promise Of God......just like us. Abraham was far from “ perfect” in his life.......he disobeyed God When he took Lot with him when he left Ur.........he was an Adulterer with Hagar in his period of Unbelief .....he later lied about his wife in Egypt.....he was never “ perfect “ in his flesh......but he “ Believed God” and that was good enough . Same thing works for us.It ain’t how we Behave That Saves is.......it’s what we Believe.....God Bless....
  2. I understand where you are coming from, but technically speaking , which is not a big deal at all, The Bible never said that Abraham was a Righteous Man because of his Faith......God took his Faith and COUNTED it as Righteousness.I think reality shows that we humans are born sinners and die sinners, by our thoughts and actions .Fortunately for us, by our Faith in Jesus Christ, we are Justified and God Remembers our sins no more.If we had no sins, there would be no sins for God to forget.Regardless, sin is not the issue when it comes to Salvation......Jesus Put that matter to Rest forever by His Shed Blood....Jesus did everything necessary for our Salvation......if we “ cash in” by Resting in The Gospel Of Grace .....we are good to go......God bless...
  3. If Jesus or Paul or anybody else in the Bible says “ Repent of your sins”, by ALL MEANS—— Do it ! If Jesus or Paul ever say , “Repent of your Sins To Be SAVED” ........make sure you do that also! There’s a small problem though. You ain’t gonna find that statement in the KJV.Nowhere.Paul used the word “ repent” once in Acts , I believe.....John, that great Book we send Newbies to in order to get get Saved, mainly with John3:16, never uses the word “ repent” one time .What on Earth is Up with that?Maybe because Believing in Jesus has Repentance built-in.There are three types of Repentance. The only type of Repentance required for Salvation is the one of the three that means “ change your mind”.......If you have changed your mind about Jesus, going from thinking he never existed or was just a good and wise man to believing that He was the Son Of God that died for the sins of the World and rose from the dead.....You have repented and are saved......more to follow...
  4. The man undoubtedly has a great resume......it will not impress my wife.......I’m telling you......her hate is “otherworldly”...... lol.....I get a kick out of it......let’s pray he never sings in Southern Ohio......it could get ugly! Lol...
  5. The Bible speaks of the “Old Nature” That constantly does battle with the “New Nature.” Because Of this we are unable to do as “ we would like to do.” This battle will continue until we “ See Him as He is.” John declares if we “say we have no sin, we call God a Liar”........ There is NO Biblical Promise That I am aware of that guarantees a life of “ Sinless Perfection” while we continue in these bodies of Flesh.We’ll know “Perfection” when we arrive “ Over There.” Zola Levitt wrote about this error in a book I had of His.If I can find it, I will have more to add.....
  6. Not really sure what you are referring to here.....let me just say this....My Wife absolutely DESPISES Tony Bennett ......it is really “ Otherworldly”.......scary, in fact! I can’t figure it out......I ain’t “ crazy” about him but Wow.......
  7. Yep.....this was pretty much my experience .....I don’t even remember if I thanked him or not, officially.I am pretty sure I was thankful in my heart. I never Repented from my “ sinful ways.” I did continue on my “ merry way.” If my Salvation was contingent on me “ straightening up and flying right” and giving up sin, I am still as Lost as as an Eskimo in the Middle Of Manhattan. Here is what I “did” do......The Holy Spirit blessed me one night by convicting me that I was a Sinner , headed for a well- deserved Hell...I , like billions Of others that were blinded by the lie of Satan , was living in The Fool’s Paradise that told me I was not perfect , but “ Good Enough” to meet God’s Approval.....After The Holy Spirit cured me of “ that” damnable lie, All that was left for me to do was to cry out for forgiveness and mercy.....I had absolutely NOTHING to offer to God but my sins. I must have done “ something” right. The next morning , after a night of pure anguish, I discovered what the “ peace that passeth all Understanding” was all about.....I knew that I was forgiven.....I had a total sense of peace and love in my heart.....it was not natural.....It was from the Holy Spirit, I am sure.... As time went on , I was too ignorant of the Bible to do anything Biblical......in a nutshell, I went on my “merry way” and over time , God showed me it was not so “ merry” after all.......He had something better in mind for me.....He introduced me to a Preacher that finally mind sense.....He said, “ You don’t have to change to attend my Church, but if you start practicing Faith, which was Acting on a Promise Of God, you had better Watch Out ! God just might decide to “ change you”. I concentrated on believing and acting on God’s Promises as opposed to trying to “ turn over a new leaf” and quit sinning and “ be good”. I stepped out in Faith, and for that God Put His Spirit in me and I have remained myself as He has worked in my heart , doing the changing that HE deemed important.I do what I want and God keeps changing my wants. I do the Trusting- He does the changing and He does the Saving. Paul said that we Finish this Journey the same way that we started it—- FAITH! How is the Saved man supposed to live? “The Righteous shall LIVE by Faith” That’s all I ever do.....He does the rest...... IF we Trust Him.... I do........ God Bless...
  8. For poorly taught Believers out there that always equate the word “ Repentance” with “ repenting of sins” .....it is important that the #1 Repenter in the Bible is God.......37 times, give or take......We all know that God never Sins.....There are 3 types of Repentance...... I would refer you to “ get gods gift.com” for details.....things you May have never been aware of , or considered.....
  9. I would be happy to do my best to clear this up....Rom6:23.... “ For the wages of sin is death, but the FREE GIFT Of God is Eternal Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 2Cor9:15..... “ Thanks Be To God for His indescribable GIFT” The most important thing in regard to Salvation is the fact that without it you are Damned. I have heard it preached that the Greek Word from which we get “ Salvation” goes much farther than that.Salvation includes taking a person and making them full and complete and like Paul , a man with a heart of joy and love, content in ANY circumstance and “ wanting for nothing.” Paul was turned into a guy that could be thrown into a prison and break out in song.Paul was truly the “ coolest” man who ever lived......Cool In Every situation, no matter how terrible it was......The Spirit of God desires to get us all to that point.All Of That In this lifetime and following that.....Heaven.All we have to do to enter this wondrous existence is to sincerely ask for it......God Bless..
  10. Flower......I do not question your Salvation or even your “ means” of getting there . In fact , I had the same experience ......after years of being “ Taught” by the Methodist Church that my family attended , the night I was Saved , I knew Nothing about the Bible and I was not hanging on to any Promises Of God .....Everything was kinda “By The Gut”. I was scared.....I asked God for Forgiveness, thinking I was “ Good Enough” to get my Prayer answered and by nothing of myself , The Holy Spirit gave me the “ Eyes to See” that I was NOT “ good enough”......I was nothing but a Lost Sinner, on my way to a well- deserved Hell.I was reduced to the point that all that was left for me to do was , like the sinful Tax- Collector, cry out, “ God, forgive me” Things have never been the same since .... All I was trying to convey in my post to you was the fact that Salvation is FREE and you need to get onto Scripture for your “ own” good........ God bless you, fine woman ....
  11. The following was meant to be in response to Dusty.....not Alive....Dusty made the following statement...... if those who labored to keep the Law before the Word made flesh was revealed were justified, how is it an unholy thing? “ Be The Works Of The Law, no Flesh will be Justified” “Abraham BELIEVED God and it was counted as Righteousness” “ The Publican returned to his home JUSTIFIED”....... what did this man do? He simply cried out to God, “ Lord,have Mercy on me, a Sinner”......He turned to God in Faith........FAITH was always the Way......all the-Law could ever do is condemn...
  12. I live close to West Virginia, where Snake Handling Churches still exist. People are still dying from snake bites in these Nut-Filled Congregations......It looks like they have plenty of like-minded, Spiritual cousins that have been hidden for many years......It took this virus to bring them out into the light.....Those people that ignore facts and go out and put others at risk for sickness and death are worse than snake handlers.....it is comparable to a snake handler hurling his poisonous snake out into the congregation after he gets bitten by it.....at least the snake guy has the common decency to not inflict his ignorance upon innocent people.....Silly, selfish , fact- denying people with no common sense need to keep their snakes and viruses to themselves.....don’t you realize the consequences that could take place if you are Wrong? Or do you even care?
  13. If you hold to the position that Salvation is “ not” a free gift, the source of your position is mistaken.....whether one mistakenly thinks it came from the Bible or If came from one’s life experience. There “IS” an ultimate right or wrong .....God's Word is the ultimate Truth and no matter what the reason....If your Beliefs do not line up with what the Bible says.....you are in error......the Bible could not be more clear....Salvation is a free gift, given to those who do NOT work for it.A thorough reading of Romans will prove to you that this is true.....have you ever read it? You seem reluctant to Study the Bible as God desires His Children to do. Becoming a “ good student” is for YOUR benefit? I understand your reluctance....it is difficult to read and hard to understand......Getting my hands on “The Living Bible” ( VERY accidentally, btw) was one of the best things that ever happened to me.It is a paraphrase and some criticize it, but for anybody that reads it—— it will get the job done .It worked for me .Thanks to bad teaching and versions of the Bible too confusing to read, many people kinda have a “ hodge podge” Of Bible Knowledge and wind up with a brain full of Mush.It does not have to be that way....
  14. No pain no gain....being born again is not a free ride...where one does nothing.. Sorry, not Biblical..... “Salvation is a GIFT........GIVEN to those that do not work for it”...... The only thing we “DO” is BELIEVE the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4. After that, only they misguided “ do nothing”.......The Wise Saved man works his tail off to be blessed in this lifetime and to be rewarded forever in Eternity.These Works come from the Heart and and have NOTHING to do with the GIFT of Salvation.......God Bless.... “
  15. You name it......I’ve done it......other than heroin..... even “I” had enough sense to stay away from that stuff.....like all of Satan’s “ goodies”, there is “ pleasure in sin” —— “ for a Season.” What Satan hides is what is awaiting all of the dupes that have bought in to his “ FUN”........There is an end to that “ Pleasurable Season” and you are going to regret the things that you did, but it will be too late.....Drug use inadvertently lead to my Salvation and that is not an endorsement of playing around with drugs......it just shows that God can take what Satan means for harm and turn it into something He can use for Good......
  16. Good stuff......thanks......The kind of “ Commitment” I always think Of is where somebody has determined “ to straighten up and fly right” as a condition of Salvation or keeping the same......like making a Commitment to keep all of the Commandments— stuff like that—- “ commitments that invariably incorporate some type of grit your teeth and live the “ Christian Life”.......never mentioning Grace......These are the well- intentioned , yet doomed to fail types of Commitments that I am referring to......God Bless...
  17. “The Fool has said there is no God”...... I used to be one of those Fools.....Amazing Grace, Indeed !
  18. You May find it interesting to hear about “ Lydia” , the seller of Purple ( an indication of wealth ) and her Salvation .......She was listening to the preaching of Paul, apparently not getting much out of it and then the Bible says that “ God opened her heart” and she then was able to understand what was being said and received Salvation.... Even Peter in his recognition of Jesus as being God in Flesh, did not come to this conclusion until the Holy Spirit revealed it to Him...... The initiative for Salvation is God’s , not ours......God does not need us and we can add nothing to Him.....it is only by His Mercy and Grace that anybody gets Saved.....Jesus speaking here.... “ No man comes to me lest the Spirit draw them” If you come to be a Born-Again Believer, and I believe that you will- you are very close to it I am convinced, and I pray for you many times a day.......yes, if you become a Believer , you will be no different from Lydia or Peter - it will only be because gifted you by “ opening your heart”.....I pray that this happens! May God Bless you in your understanding of these things....
  19. Ask God to connect you with the wisest teachers .......listen to those that make sense to you.....then be like a Berean— make sure every word they say Squares with God’s Word......learn to become an Able Student, properly “Dividing God’s Word”.......The Bible is a Very Dangerous Book and if you do not have the help of the Holy Spirit to aid you in your understanding of it, you have the potential to get in a LOT of trouble......make CERTAIN you ask The Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through it .......
  20. The only Repentance That Saved me I underwent about 49 years ago, when I turned to God as a lost Sinner after the Holy Spirit convicted me as being a lost sinner I never committed anything to God other than my sins I don’t worry about “ Fruit” ...... it is a natural result of having God’s Spirit in me.... God bless.....
  21. I am extremely Complacent with my Doctrine.....Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus For Salvation My Faith Walk Complacement? Not a chance......For 49 years now, my life is Consumed with Bible study and listening to the Teachings Of Inspired Bible Teachers .....It is almost all that I do.....I can’t get enough of it .....I am still learning every day ......my life is busy....exciting....filled with joy......dare I say it? Christianity is fun...
  22. Greetings, Michael......I will try my best to share my thoughts with you.... Causes......The Old Sin Nature.....the World, The Flesh and the Devil Effects.....Chastisement, loss of Fellowship Consequences...premature death,expelled from the Church.....never a loss of Salvation Penalties.....see the above... any questions? Lol......
  23. I think just about all of Behold’s Accusations are Spot-On......
  24. When your Love for God is greater than your desire to sin......Love is the Engine that drives Obedience...
  25. The Gospel , as we all know, means “ Good News.” What is this Good News? It consists of two simple Facts: Jesus died for our sins. Jesus rose from the Grave.Paul revealed through his role as Jesus Spokesman after Jesus returned to Heaven, that if we simply Believe these two things for our Salvation, we will be saved. This simple Promise from Jesus for Eternal Life is really good news in many ways for what it is not! First of all, it is NOT the Law. No more having to sweat out our Salvation by trying to adhere to 613 commandments that even Paul confessed that neither he nor his Fathers could obey 24/7. So how are you doing with that impossible system that was the way Of Salvation Before we were blessed with the Good News? The Gospel ,Sadly, is Believed by many to be a “ call for action”......The Gospel never asks, much less, demands that the Sinner ( you and I ) “ turn over a new leaf” , that is, make improvements in our behavior in order to be saved The Gospel is not a call to Repentance in the sense that we must show sorrow and regret or even make restitution for past grievances and sins. It does not demand a promise to “ do better” in the future. The Gospel does not demand that one give up your sins and break old habits and force yourself to form new ones.A person can do all of these laudatory things , but if you do not Believe what is Proclaimed by Jesus in 1Cor15:1-4, you May have become a more “ Moral” man, but you a LOST Moral Man! In the final analyses, Jesus did not give us a New Rule to obey by revealing the Gospel to Paul. The Gospel is NOT a RULE to be obeyed...it is Promise Of Jesus to be BELIEVED..... Nobody at any time has ever come up with Something like this......Every religion ever dreamed up by the mind of man requires that the adherents must “ DO” something. Not so with the Gospel and Christianity! The Gospel stems from the Love Of God and from the sheer Mercy Of God—- all that is Required Of Sinful Man is to Turn To God with Faith in His Gospel and he is Saved. Forever . This Gospel is a Gospel Of Pure Grace.Why is that Paramount to realize.....examine this Promise Of Jesus very closely —- there is absolutely no room for Human Merit. It simply brushes away any of man’s pretensions to goodness or Morality.Human Pride is offended my this notion.Man wants to Earn his Salvation. “ Look what I did for you God! Give me what I deserve!” They are the ones that will hear the most horrifying Words ever spoken—— “ Depart from me, I never knew you!” There is more.........
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