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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. Jesus paid the price for every sinner......God can save whoever He wants......His Word says He will only save those who trust Him......Paul said Jesus will save you if you believe His Gospel....Do you trust Him? How you answer that one question will determine everything that follows.
  2. I think what God has in store for His children will make Earthly pleasures seem laughable.it is beyond our imagination.However, in the spirit of this thread I hope there will be golf courses there ,and at long last I hope I receive some actual talent for the game.THAT will be a miracle!
  3. I am praying that God will give you wisdom and courage to see you through this difficult time of your life. It must seem to you that your whole world is crashing in—— put your trust in GOD—-He will see you through and bring you peace.He is with you even now. It’s no accident you are posting here. God bless
  4. I am a computer dotard....I have never pm’d.......wait a minute.....go here.....doctrine.org.......lotsa good stuff....enjoy!
  5. Thank you you for the kind words, Marilyn .....are you referring to the fictional interview with Paul? If so, I got another one from Peter. Let me know if you want to see it. God bless. Btw....I am a bro. Lol
  6. Ask me any question you like....right now I have something more important to do.....my tires need rotating....later , my good friend!
  7. I suppose a fishing trip together is out of the question?
  8. I understand the irony in some people’s names.
  9. Do you have a point? Nothing personal, but you do not communicate very well most of the time.
  10. None of us is “ worthy”........ we are “ made worthy “ by faith in the Blood of the Lamb.
  11. Thanks for the compliment and for the correction. Satan’s future is pretty bleak—-“ annhilation “ would be a blessing for him!
  12. God asked Job where was he when God created the universe. Job did not seem to have an answer for that.....or any of the other questions God put to him.Who was Job to question God? God never did really reveal to Job that he was in the middle of a battle between God and Satan.He essentially told Job it was none of his business.Its not the explanation we want to hear, but God can do what He wants whenever And wherever He so desires.He does not answer to man and we are too ignorant to try to be God’s critic.So why do bad things happen to supposedly “ good “ people? It’s none of our busines—- not in this lifetime.
  13. It is true. Prove otherwise. I did not read it anywhere. It was an inspiration that came to me while I was praying. I believe it was from the Holy Spirit I Believe your “inspiration” did indeed come from a spirit. Not the one you think,however.I happen to know that after death we go to a heavenly circus and all of us are reincarnated as Bozo the Clown.Prove otherwise.
  14. It is lack of humbleness... They say in their hearts: "I am a sinner anyway, I'll just continue in this no one is perfect after all.". You don’t have a clue as to what is in my heart and you could not be more mistaken. Such arrogance and ignorance combined into one short sentence would be impressive if it were not so sad.
  15. Paul said we have the right to judge......we are to judge fellow Christians.....we are not permitted to judge the world.
  16. I believe I said in my previous post that obedience and striving to keep the law were great things. I think you read too much into my use of the word “striving”. I was not trying to accuse or make any type of point with that word——- I just as easily could have used the word “ desiring ..... the point was that there certainly nothing wrong with trying to obey the Law——- unless that is being used instead of faith for ones Justification.
  17. Thanks , Cobalt for letting me know what we are dealing with.
  18. Cobalt...I am relatively new here. How long have you been battling these guys? Are they weak Believers that Paul said to put up with or do they cross the line and insist one can’t obtain salvation without observing the Sabbath on Saturday’s?
  19. Truth is, we all know the answer to that question. Yahweh looks into the heart of the believer - I do hope He is not disappointed. why are we so adverse to obedience? If “ we all know the answer to that” please let me know the answer. I do not know how I can make it any clearer. I believe I said in my previous post that obedience and striving to keep the law were great things.How on earth does somebody misconstrue this to mean “odious”? Please explain.
  20. But we are not carnal! Rom 7:14. For we all know that the law is spiritual: but I am CARNAL, sold under sin. ....You and I and everybody on this site have secret thoughts that would shame hell. Who do you guys think you are fooling? Not God.You need Just as much of God’s Grace the day you die as you did the day you were saved.Once again,obedience is great,doing ones best to keep the commandments is great,God will greatly reward these things in this life and the next,but the standard for Salvation is perfection and you nor I can reach it.If you think your old sinful nature is gone and you have now been empowered to live a life of constant obedience you are still living in a Fools Paradise.Even if you could be the best law-keeper in the county, what about those darned “sins of omission” that James warned about?Have you been spending all your spare time visiting hospitals and helping the needy?I thought not.Guilty of carnality,just like me.I thank God for His Grace.....I don’t have to pretend to be something I am not.Some have no idea how transparent they are to those that will own up to their carnality.
  21. Very succinct, and perhaps the wisest statement I’ve ever seen in this thread or any other.If the legalists understood this maybe they wouldn’t get their panties in a knot when I advocate for Believers to be free men In Christ. “ whom the Son sets free , is free indeed”. Is this not a position everyone should strive for? A free man does what he wants.A free man IN CHRIST wants the same things for himself that God wants for him. I do what I want, my wants have been changed.Thanks to The Holy Spirit in me , I have been changed from an atheistic , drunken skirt-chaser only thinking of himself into a man whose only real desire is to love and please God and to be kind to others.I find myself right in- line with those two things that Jesus and Paul said summed up the entire Law of God. I do not yet love God with ALl my heart,soul and mind—I do not love my neighbor to the point that I will turn the other cheek if he slaps me....nobody else does either.I have not reached those goals yet but i’m A whole lot closer than I was years ago.Not what I need to be, but certainly not where I used to be. As one who hates religion and detests legalism And perversion of the simple Gospel thAt saves , I can guarantee that God working In me and through me all came from practicing faith—-that means me doing my part by believing and trusting God to do His part.And resting in that.That is what a free man in Christ does—— that’s what I want for others. The righteous shall LIVE by faith.
  22. Simply unbelievable.......using quotes that totally destroy his arguments and he doesn’t even realize it.
  23. u have a problem with lust and anger? And because you have this problem, instead of in faith coming to God for strength to overcome, you claim those commandments are impossible to obey? You speak of repentance. Are you not aware that true repentance is a complete turning away from sin? What kind of tyrannical God demands repentance from sin which people cannot possibly stop? What kind of unreasonable God commands us to do the impossible? When Jesus told the prostitute to go and sin no more, did she reply that's impossible? As for your sentence "The impossible standard that God sent was to send proud, deluded “obedient law-keepers “ to their knees." is the most nonsensical statement on this entire thread. Yes, the law directs us to Christ. Because in our carnal nature and condition it is indeed impossible to obey God's laws. In fact, the carnal nature is at enmity against the laws of God. But we are not carnal! The old carnal nature is dead, the dominion and rulership of sin is now over, we are freed from that slavery of unrighteousness. We have more power abiding in us than was used to create the worlds. We have Christ Himself in us, His Spirit is within, God with us, which means that through faith and prayer we have at our disposal exceeding great and precious promises that through uniting with the divine, we can obey!!! If you desire to obey, you can. With the right mindset, those commandments become promises. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not kill. You shall not lust. You shall not covet. Promises, every one. The fulfillment of those promises is based not on our obedience, but on faith. We believe they can be obeyed, and we find we can do exceedingly above all that we ask or think. If you continue to believe that obedience is impossible, then your faith is lacking my friend, and you will never overcome. Not because the commandments are impossible, but because you believe they are impossible. And what you believe for, you receive. No where in the KJV Bible does it say we are saved by turning from sin.....we are saved by grace,through faith plus nothing.As a reward for your faith God will give you His Holy Spirit.Then your nature becomes two- fold, Gods Spirit in You now can not sin.....the old man ,that sin nature you were born with is still within you and now there is a Spiritual warfare taking place inside you that the old man is destined to lose over time, as long as you finish your Christian walk the same way you started it—-faith. Didn’t you start out with faith in Christ when you saw you were a lost sinner who needed a Savior? That is the true repentance that leads to Salvation. After one is as saved ,the new heart that God gave us will make us more loving and more obedient and we will find ourselves living a more faithful and obedient life. I desire to keep the commandments of God and as time goes on I do a better job because the new man is winning the war as promised.Our obedience suffers ups and downs in this life, but thanks be to God,using a combination of growth in the new man and sometimes chastisement The overall trend is upward.we will know perfection “ Over There “ ——covered by His Grace until we get there. i would be be very interested to hear about your experience with repentance....did you ever see yourself as you really are—- a wretched sinner who has to have a Savior? Like the tax- collector who could do nothing but cry out.....”God have mercy on me ,a sinner”. Please share if you would be kind enough. God bless
  24. Just woke up......looks like it has been a busy day.playing catch-up again here. I’ll try to respond to the false allegations and all the ignored things I have already posted when I get caught up.Meanwhile be sure to “ love God and live as you please “
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