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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. Nobody can say with 100% Certainty whether or not Hell is an Eternal Torture Camp or the complete destruction of a Soul That will result in Eternal Nothingness..... My take is as follows....The Lake Of Fire will last forever ....the Smoke that extends from it will last forever ....Satan and his buddies, the AntiChrist and the Beast will all be Tormented in that Fiery Lake forever.....Unbelievers, Those That reject God’s Free Gift of Salvation by Resting in The Gospel Of Jesus Plus Nothing will Perish......To “Perish” is to cease to exist in my humble opinion......I think each Unbeliever will receive whatever “ Stripes” he or she has coming and then that person will be cast in the Lake Of Fire and will cease to exist.......Have a nice Day!
  2. (If it’s ok that I speak on your behalf Gideon) I don’t think he (Gideon) intended these words as that harsh, if you take it in context, but the wording could have been better. I never took his words as Harsh......I took them as the latest criticism based on an ignorance and fear of Living in the Age Of Grace That God desires for His Children that have the Trust to live it out. Paranoid or not, I see little “ digs” in regard to hyper-Grace Living on an almost daily basis.I resent seeing myself and others that have the actual Faith, Trust and Guts to “ Let Go and Let God” and see the Wisdom Of God’s Command to REST in the Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing . Jesus came in part to Enable Believers “ to have LIFE and to have it more ABUNDANTLY. I POSSESS that “ Abundant Life” and I want others to have it. I can assure you that God Did not give it to me because I take sin lightly or thought that I could “ sin and get away with it.” Saint or Sinner—- Nobody “ gets away” with anything.I have lived the lives of my critics and I am living a life they know nothing about...no brag.....just fact. Some Saved Believers choose to live a Walk Of Faith that is partially lame because they lack the Faith to completely let go of all the rungs on the “ Spiritual Monkey Bars” and Fully Trust God to be there to catch them or they are doomed.He will always be there.They are so caught up in rule-Keeping , that they neglect to exercise their “ Faith Muscles.” There is a Rest for those with the courage to obey God’s Command to REST in His Pure Grace.He has known that all long.....He gave us that Command so we could obtain the Blessing on the other side of it.If you lack the Faith, the GUTS to “go for it”......please stop criticizing those of us that do. Remember the Israelites who died in the Wilderness because they did not Trust the Promise Of God to enter the Promised Land? Did they have the Gall to criticize those who had the Courage to enter because they Acted on God’s Promise? If you answered “ No”....... go to the head of the class. All I can say is do not make the mistake that they did....and leave the rest of us alone ......Try to get beyond “ do do this and don’t do that” to please God....Mature in the Faith......concentrate on becoming a Hebrews, Chapter 11 “ Hero Of Faith” ......and reap the Rewards God wants to give you....His Rest.
  3. We both have explained our positions ....that’s all we can do.....hopefully those that read these posts will benefit from them both, separating the wheat from the chaff. Of course, your posts contain waaaaay more chaff than mine, and I will defend to the bitter end , your right to be wrong.........lol......just joking....thank you for taking the time to respond.......God Bless....
  4. Jesus never said to Repent of your sins to be saved.....it ain’t in the KJV.Nowhere.I know a girl who made a promise to bestow One Million Dollars upon Anybody that could show otherwise. I am a retiree on a fixed income....I can’t be that generous .....lol.....I WILL vow to give anybody out there $100 though if they can produce a verse that says we must repent of sins in order to be saved.....Good Luck!
  5. Nobody Repented from Sins like Judas did......sorrow and regret for sins accomplishes nothing of Eternal Value unless it prompts a Turning To God ( the Repentance That Saves ) with Faith in Jesus Christ.Judas Repented and turned to a noose.Peter Repented Of His cowardice and turned to God and was restored.It should be noted that if you Believe in Jesus.....If you have undergone the “ change of mind” that takes you from NOT believing in Jesus, to actually putting all of your Faith in Jesus— you have repented and you are Saved. One can Repent Without Believing, But it is impossible to Believe Without Repenting. The Apostle John understood this.....The Word “ Repent” occurs zero times in His Gospel , and John is the Book we almost always send New Believers to in order to understand Salvation... If you truly wish to understand what “ Repentance” is all about.....get educated here—- “ getgodsgift.org” God Bless....
  6. I am a Firm Believer in “ SUPER Hyper-Grace”...... Regulars at Worthy all know that.Call me “ paranoid”, but methinks you could be referring to me and my ilk.Your accusation is quite serious . I don’t use Grace as an “excuse” for sin.....Nobody that I am remotely aware of subscribes to this Canard.Please provide some proof of what you claim or reveal to an on-looking World That it is just your opinion.My opinion is that you are a well- meaning, Saved Believer whose Faith is just not strong enough to completely REST in the Gospel Of Nothing But The Blood and Jesus Plus Nothing to not only Save us but TRANSFORM us into the image Of His Son.We can “ change the outside of the cup” , But only God, via The Holy Spirit , can TRANSFORM the “ Inside Of the Cup. I am “ all-in” when it comes to Obedience. I know of two types.I knew how to “ Act” Obedient when I was a young tike— when Mom and Dad were watching.That Beats being DISobedient, Of course.....even though it is forced.I think God desires an “ Obedience” that comes from the Heart......an Obedience That stems from Love— NOT from the fear of “ God’s Gonna Get Me” if I don’t behave.Fear Based obedience is better than nothing, but it is not what God is looking for. God wants us to Rest in His Gospel Of Grace— He knows that knowing you are totally Forgiven by one’s Faith in the Gospel spurs Love- NOT LICENTIOUSNESS !!!! THAT is what you can’t see.Rest spurs Love....Love spurs Obedience.....from the HEART. Please stop attacking those like me that have matured in their Faith and actually Obey God when He Commands us to REST in the Gospel . I did it. I am on the other side of it.You ain’t.If you are going to insist on criticizing what you can’t understand...provide some actual proof that I — or anybody else that believes in Grace alone Saves— promotes a life of “ using Grace as a License To Sin”. Newbies deserve to see this false accusation as it truly is.....an opinion based on ignorance and untruths....... Brace yourself-What follows is Biblical Truth- your real argument is with what the Bible says— it ain’t with me Some weak in the Faith might prefer that the following verse did not exist in their Bibles .Alas, it does . “ Where sin abounds, Grace abounds that much more....” I would NEVER even CONSIDER trying to abuse that verse. Only a complete Fool would. A Believer can be a Fool at times.You think God would not Chastise the Daylights out of Somebody That would abuse the Grace That His Son Paid such a dreadful price to obtain? My fellow “ Hyper- Grace” aren’t the Heretics you think we are....neither are we Fools.The only thing we are guilty of is our Obedience to the Gospel Of Grace.Obedience—- isn’t that what you WANT? Resting in the Gospel is the Ultimate Act Of Obedience .......One would think you would approve....May God bless us all in the understanding of these matters....
  7. As long as we think sin does not really matter because we are forgiven, Nowhere, and especially here at Worthy have I ever seen anybody promote such evil heresy.... I would hope that anybody who would espouse such Utter Blasphemy would be Called Out by the True Members Of The Body Of Christ for some type of Discipline .....Such Accusations are VERY SERIOUS ....we would be amiss if we proceeded without some actual quotes that would prove such finger - pointing was based on facts. Passers-by and Newbies need to see if there are people like these that they should steer clear of.....thanks for helping to clarify this matter .....
  8. Some will get scared by this Virus and make up Their minds that now is the time to “ start being good” .....time to “ turn over a new leaf”...... time to “ repent of my sins” i.e. be sorry about them and do the best I can to not do them again to justify myself before God- make sure my heretofore miserable performance becomes one that is “ good enough” to satisfy a demanding God.All Of These Blind, Unregenerate sinners may as well continue in their journey down the “ Broad Path” that leads to Hell. Reformed people are better than the unreformed people, but both groups are “ DEAD” People,spiritually speaking , if they have not been Born From Above.... If blessed ....Perhaps the fears of some will lead them them to actually do the Repentance That leads to Salvation—-“ Turn to God ( the Only Repentance That Saves ) with Faith in Jesus Christ” There is good reason to do this and forget about all of that other dung.If one will come to God with Faith in Jesus, “ God will save them to the UTTERMOST.” Lets hope this terrible turn of events will accomplish some good.....let’s get the Gospel Of God’s Grace Plus Nothing out there to a needy world.....Many need a good Rest right now....may they learn to Rest in the Gospel......God Bless
  9. Paul NEVER contradicts Jesus.....Something happened that CHANGED EVERYTHING— The CROSS! The Death Of Jesus propelled us out of the Age Of Law into the wondrous Age Of Grace......God used Paul to reveal many, many things that He held Secret for Millennia ......Jesus NEvER mentioned the Church..... Never mentioned Being saved by simply Believing in the Resurrection.....Never mentioned the Rapture.....Never mentioned Justification by Faith .....Never mentioned giving from the Heart as opposed to giving Tithes that were Demanded...the list goes on..... Contrary to “ contradicting Jesus”.... Paul shows that Jesus preached the Law, obeyed the Law, Lived Under the Law and in fact “ WAS” the Law in Human Flesh and God- who is SOVEREIGN— determined what was True for one Age was no longer in effect on “ Another” Age......Everything happens according to God’s Timing.Not even Jesus , in His Earthly Ministry, was privy to everything! ( .... “ only the Father knows....” ) The Word Of God has been compared to an Onion— a thing composed of Many Layers, and only God knows all of the Layers. Each Layer represents a different “ Age” or “ deal” or “ agreement “ or “ set of rules”. When God said His Word must be “ Rightly Divided”, He meant what He Said......This is where you “ drop the ball.” This is why you fail to understand that Paul is always in agreement with Jesus....The Parameters just changed. Because of The Cross.Because there now exists “ a NEW and BETER deal......Jesus chose Paul to explain it after God deemed it The Right Time to reveal His Mysteries.....God Bless...
  10. If Paul said it.....it’s just like Jesus Said it......Paul wrote nothing that was not given for him to say through the same Holy Spirit That indwelled Jesus 100%.....Paul was merely Jesus Secretary after Jesus returned to Heaven and the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul ...... “ ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God....” That would include EVERY Word Paul wrote,unless he indicates otherwise......( he did this once or twice)
  11. With all due respect , your post is so replete with misunderstandings, half- truths and false assumptions, I don't know where it start ......so I won’t . You have no idea about the thinking of those who have chosen to REST in the Finished Work Of The Cross. How can you dissect something you have never lived? I could pontificate all day about Taoism, but having never “lived” it, my opinion of it would be Of no real value. I know all about the religion of “ trying” to be obedient . I am “ all-in” when it comes to Obedience.Only a Fool would be in favor of Disobedience.I just happen to know that obedience has Nothing to do with Salvation. But just for Pretend’s Sake , let’s say that it does. Setting aside the fact that obsessing over sin is a sin in and of itself.....showing a lack of Faith in the Promise Of God that He has “ Forgotten all of our sins and trespasses”, Having cast them off to the “ deepest depths of the sea”, let’s divide up into two groups all that “ proclaim” to be Christians. Group “A” worries about Obedience and “ Tries” to follow the Rules religiously , believing that is what Saves him or keeps him Saved. Maybe the guy has not fallen for “ that” lie .If his obedience is based on that, that poor soul is still Lost and I have nothing to say to him other than pray that The Holy Spirit “ Give him eyes to see.” But let’s say the guy is saved and tries to be obedient because he wants to please God, avoid chastisement, or he wants to be a good witness for the Faith...... Group “B”realizes the Value Of Obedience.....not for Salvation or for the Keeping Of Salvation......He finds himself in total agreement with other group— he “ also” wants to please God , avoid Chastisement and be a good witness for the faith. The Question becomes what is the best path to find Obedience.Do we spend out time worrying about how we are doing in our striving to keep track of the Rules and Laws and using will- Power to keep the “ Old Man” at bay? Let’s not take our eyes off ourselves and how “ obedient” we are being at every waking moment .No time for any REST, or in actuality , never cease in our TRYING to be obedient.Im certain a certain level of Obedience will be attained using that method.Good job , Group “A” ! “ Trying” got results! Now let’s take a look at another way to become “ Obedient”.It is the Way Of Group “B”. I lived in that other group for a long time . Having seen both sides , I think I may be better qualified to speak on both Ways and which is a more effective Way to get to our Goal- Obedience. Here is my way of thinking....I believe it is Biblical...... I don’t concern myself with being Obedient.I don’t WORRY about it.Its a waste of time.I only “ worry” about the thing that God TOLD me to worry about- in fact, God went way beyond that! God warned us to LIVE IN FEAR that we fail to show “ Obedience” to Him by not RESTING IN THE GOSPEL of Grace.Why is this such a big deal to God. Because He wants the obedience we have been discussing and He knows how to Get It! It ain’t by “trying” or “ working” at it.God knows that TRUE OBEDIENCE is a By- Product Of Love.Love is a By-Product Of TRUSTING. If one Trusts or RESTS in the Gospel Of Grace and understands that he is totally and eternally forgiven by what Christ accomplished on the Cross FOR him only because of the unbelievable Love He had for undeserving, wicked sinners......the natural response to that Amazing Grace and Love will be to return that Love. As I have said before , LOVE is the ENGINE that drives Obedience.As long as one is Trying to “ act” obedient , that is all you will ever have.An act.I prefer to “BE” Obedient . It ALL starts with RESTING in a PROMISE of God- NOT a RULE of God.Trusting in a Promise Of God is what Faith is.Quit “ trying” and start “ trusting.” Rest is just another word for Faith or Trust.REST in the Gospel That Saves you, and watch your Obedience increase without you even trying. BEING OBEDIENT trumps ACTING OBEDIENT— you fail to understand it because you have not lived it . I have- its why I am in Group “B”. If you ain’t in it..... “ Be Fearful”..... God’s Words, not mine. God bless....
  12. When Satan, the “Accuser” brings up my countless sins to God, my Heavenly Father will respond , “ What sins ?” Why this gigantic Memory Lapse? It seems it was for selfish reasons.God said that He had Forgiven us all of our sins “ for His Own Sake”. It appears we had nothing to do with it.I guess it was something one does for those one loves.From start to finish, Christianity is ALL about Love.God loved us “while we were yet sinners.” We have been wonderfully blessed, all of us that have “ turned to Him.”
  13. One may be “ good”.... one may be “ bad”. Regardless, every human being is “Dead”—- Dead In Trespasses and Sins. Every person must confront the Sin Issue in his or her life.All Religions are focused on what they must do for God......Christianity SHOULD be focused on what God has done for us.It May be a cliche, but it is nevertheless true.... “ Religion says DO- Christianity says DONE.” Everything that must be done for Salvation has already been accomplished.OUR PART is simply to BELIEVE it. As said, we are all “ dead” ......before Coming To God with Faith in Jesus Christ, we are singularly indwelt with an Old Adamic Nature That sins and loves sinning and is capable of doing unspeakable evil. One must be “ Born From Above” with a New Spirit which is the Holy Spirit — a Spirit That can not sin and goes to War with that “ Old Man” and Transforms Those who have it.It is that Spirit that changes “ the inside of the cup”.Without that Spirit inside of you, you are “None Of His” No amount of Dedication or Will-Power one puts into any type of religion.....no level of “Moral Living” or “ Turning Over a New Leaf” can take you from Death to Life. Only the Holy Spirit That God gives freely and graciously to ANYBODY that will Turn to Him as a Lost Sinner with Faith in His Son and THAT ALONE can give a person a New Life. “ You MUST be Born Again”. This “ MUST” is where all religions fail.Only Christianity will take a person from Death to Life .If you have not been “ Made Alive” you are Dead in your Sins” and you will not see Eternal Life. “ Turn to Me and I will Turn to You”........ “ALL that ask receive”
  14. Farley is top- notch.......He is right up there with Renee Roland and “ Yankee” Arnold......Paul Ellis is the best in my opinion . Check him out at “Escape to Reality.” Legalist —-bring along your “ Smelling Salts”
  15. Sorry but either Bood Bought is wrong or didnt mean you to take his words the way you have. Knowing how unlikely the former scenario is.....it must be the Latter.....lol
  16. How am I doing? Lousy. Thank God I do not have to “ DO” those two things..... NOBODY can.I found a “ loop- hole” called Grace.People will discover some day that the Mercy and Grace Of God is what saved everybody that was EVER saved.All I had to was to REST in the Good News Of 1 Cor15:1-4. Jesus took my sins and I got His Righteousness .Gratitude for that spurs a Love for God that has become the “ engine” for Obedience.It all flows effortlessly.....if you will let it. “My Yoke is Easy”, springs to mind.....God Bless....
  17. I am not a bit crazy about “ The Message”........ but as has been said, “ The best version of the Bible is one that you will read!” Does that dry Paraphrase get The Actual “ Message” across to the Reader? That would be- you are a Lost Sinner ( a Conviction Given by the Holy Spirit )who needs to Turn To God ( Repentance ) with Faith in the Gospel Of Grace That Saves To the “ Uttermost” all That REST in it.I think any version of the Bible That can lead one into Believing these Basic Truths Of Salvation is adequate.It could even spur an interest in a better version.....the KJV and others....
  18. As always , we should try to emulate The Three Stooges......I think their pies were made of shaving cream....far less tempting to munch on.....
  19. “ Never trust Generalizations— including this one.”
  20. “ Be angry, but sin not...” “Vengeance is Mine— I shall repay! “ ”Repay evil with good.....it will be like pouring hot coals upon the heads of your enemy” Not Biblical , But...... “ Kill then with Kindness” gets the idea across....
  21. It is my firm belief that everybody should carry around a cream pie and know how to use it in instances like these when obnoxiousness raises its ugly head......lol.....
  22. “ Anything That begins in Anger,Ends in Shame” Spanish Proverb
  23. The beach? I get very angry when sand gets into my swimming suit..... Public Garden? I have severe hay-fever......gardens make me sneeze.... People telling me how to “ relax?”.......I hate taking advice....lol... Being a jerk? That’s the common “ remedy” for anger it seems.... “The pain we inflict upon others is in direct proportion to the pain we have inside” I don’t remember who said that nugget of wisdom.....makes me angry.....lol....
  24. God rescued me from from this nightmare about 5 years ago.....As I told my Doctor..... “ I am back in the game”.....and how! My life is full of joy and my minute-to-minute happiness is “ off the charts.” Praise God.
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