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Blood Bought 1953

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Everything posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. “ Turn to me and I will turn to you”....... it’s all you need to know to be saved.....Turn to God as the hopeless, helpless , lost Sinner that you are and He will do the rest......it takes Trust........That is all God has ever looked for ....
  2. The Saved Thief on the Cross was saved like everybody is saved......The Holy Spirit convicted him of sin and he turned to Jesus to save him......The same thing happened to me.....It happened to you too, if you are Saved....
  3. Of course that is a false accusation.....It just angers and sickens me to see proud people trampling the Blood Of our Savior.....thinking they have ANYTHiNG to offer God except their sins.The Only Thing That gives me “delight” is squashing LEAVEN that destroyed Many Of Paul’s Churches and will Ruin this site if not exposed and handled in an effective manner.God’s Verdict on Legalists is clear.....don’t argue with them, don’t try to change them— Throw Them Out! I would like to see the Biblical Solution followed here.Until That happens, I will “delight” myself exposing their “ Accursed” gospels.
  4. And what does God want? His Word says that He wants us to REST in the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 or be guilty of “ Unbelief”. Some here have a very pronounced “ SIN Conscience”........They need to graduate to a “ Son Conscience”. Concentrate on the one thing God looks at and will judge you by— your Faith.Do That One Thing and Sins will just kinda drop off on their own.The less I obsess over the Law and Sin , I find I obey more by accident with that mind-set than I ever did by striving to be a “ good boy”. Less trying- more Trusting is the way to go......
  5. I think Miss Muffet can always be counted in to provide great posts ...... Burning those books was a good and wise move, but it was not the important thing in and of itself .....coming to Jesus was the important thing....that got them “ The Holy Spirit” that changed their “ Wants”.....They saw the sinfulness of these things and throwing them away was they natural thing to do after they lost all interest.....Had the important thing not have happened ,The Inward Change That prompted their actions of discarding evil books , it would just have been a Dead Work—-The CHANGE of HEART was the important thing.....throwing away the Sorcery Books was kinda like the “ icing on the cake”....
  6. Anything is possible! I was completely unaware of the following until I saw it at the Super Market checkout line ( This is TRUE).........Elvis Presley killed JFK because Of the way JFK mistreated Marilyn Monroe.Then John Lennon killed Elvis because he assassinated Kennedy.....
  7. The only thing that could “ get in the way” of Salvation is to be an Unbeliever.All Unbelievers go to Hell. All Believers go to Heaven-Regardless of their Music, Regardless Of “porn collections.” Chastisement for hanging on to sinful things could be in the offing for a Child Of God.God will not fully bless those who want to hang on to sinful things......let the Holy Spirit hang around long enough and He might change some of those old desires......that has been my experience......I never “ threw away” all the booze that got me drunk every night— I just don’t “want” it anymore. God’s doing- not mine. Once again, it’s that “ inside of the cup” thingy. Porn stashes that have been thrown out have a way of rebuilding .That’s the way things go by using Will-Power to change the “ outside of the cup”. This is in NO way an endorsement of porn, btw.....If one is wise, they will try to avoid it, but make sure you understand it has Nothing to do with Salvation......It’s part of Sanctification, and that takes time......Pray for God to change you from the inside out....It worked for me....
  8. “ Saul has killed his thousands..... David has killed his TENS of thousands.....” All at the behest of the One who supposedly said, “ Thou shall not kill”........Zola Levitt taught that it was a bad translation of the Hebrew. “ Thou shalt do no murder”, is the better Translation......
  9. Ever hear of God’s “ Chastisement” for His Children?.......If you are NOT Chastised when you sin, you are not His Son or Daughter.......God has “ forgotten” ALL of my sins when it comes to Salvation.....In our lifetimes here on Earth it is a very different story......Anybody who thinks that we can just “ sin away” now that we are Forever Saved by our Faith in the Gospel is going to be in for a very rude awakening......To paraphrase Charles Stanley...... “ Do you think you can sin as a Saved Christian and get away with it? I DARE you!”
  10. Many Christians give lip service to the fact they live in the New Covenant. The truth however is that because they fail to realise they are no longer under the law they are really still living in an Old Covenant reality. Here are 37 scriptures that prove that Christians are not under the law! Acts Romans 1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians 1 Timothy Hebrews Well there you have it… 37 scriptures that make a very convincing arguement.
  11. It is also interesting that you mentioned the judgment seat. If all law is gone, if we can do as we want, nothing required.... then what are we being judged for? This side of the Cross, in this Age Of Grace, Two things are required- Believe and Love. Do those two things and everything else will take care of itself.I always do what I want because now that I have been given a New Heart my “wants” have lined up with God’s “wants”. The only people that will be judged are those that desire to be judged— those that never turned to God with Faith in Jesus to Save them. They are the Unbelievers of all ages. They never saw their need for a Savior and never worried about it. They Desire to be judged because they think they are “ good enough”—— not perfect necessarily , but good enough to make the Grade. They will be saying, “ Give me what I deserve ,God ! That is exactly what God will do.One does not “ deserve” to go to Heaven” unless they are as Perfect as Jesus Himself.I am Nothing But a wretched Man who belongs in the deepest pit of Hell. Yet, because our God is a God of Love and Mercy, He took my Faith in the Gospel Of Jesus ( 1Cor15:1-4 ) and “ counted it as Righteousness”.Christ took “ my” Judgement at the Cross and in turn I got “His” Righteousness..... I am not Righteous on my own , but I am “ MADE Righteous” because I Trust the Blood Of Jesus Plus NOTHING to save me.Yes, all those that want to be judged for their “ good lives”, obedience to the Law, church attendance , Sabbath Keeping or think they are Justified because they were gifted with The super long memories and the good fortune to Repent Of all their sins before they died , WILL get what they deserve. Hell. They will be hearing the following Words— “Depart from me, I NEVER knew you.” REST in the Gospel all you who think its a small thing to add to it with Good Living or Repenting from sins.If you ain’t “ Resting” you are “Working”.God will not save those “ working” for their Salvation.He saves those that are “ Trusting” for their Salvation.God Bless......
  12. “ By The WORKS OF THE LAW No Flesh will be Justified”.......... there is PLENTY more.....
  13. “No man can say Jesus is Lord without having the Holy Spirit in Him” “ If you will confess me before men, I will confess you before My Father” I hope that you can Take comfort in these verses.....God bless...
  14. ooooooooo, how is it legalism to obey Christ's COMMANDMENTS and God's COMMANDMENTS to believe and love as given in 1 John 3:23-24 and then God would abide in and with those persons You have it exactly backwards...... If God was not abiding in one already.....they would NEVER go on to Believe and Love..... “ If you Love God , you will obey His Commandments” is not a threat—- it is a statement of fact. I will say it AGAIN.....please pay attention! Obedience ? That would be a Good Thing. Commandment Keeping? Once again—that would be a Good thing.Thinking That Those Good Things Save?Sorry, they don’t.Resting in the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4 is what saves a man, according to Jesus.This Gospel is a Gospel Of Grace.Understanding Grace Spurs Love.Love spurs obedience.Obedience from the Heart......the only kind Of Obedience God is impressed with.... I exalt Obedience Just as much as you do .....I just know how to make it flow naturally and I never worry about it because I know that my obedience or lack thereof will affect my Christian Walk here on Earth- I can show up in Heaven with a few stripes on my back or I can show up with a bunch of them.....that is up to me.It us a reflection of my Wisdom or my Foolishness.It has NOTHING to do with Salvation.Faith in the Gospel Alone took care of that....Trust in Commandment Keeping for a good life that pleases God and allows Him to bless you......Don’t get carried away with it and think that it saves you . It doesn’t.Sorry to sound like a broken record but—— it’s Nothing But The Blood for Salvation.Woe to anyone that finds themselves arguing against THAT Truth.....
  15. Makes sense.....but don’t hold your breath .....lol...
  16. God has made Salvation so easy, most people miss it.......God has PROMISED anybody and everybody that simply BELIEVES the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4.........WILL BE SAVED.......REST in that Promise Of God.....That is what Saving Faith is.....Believe that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the grave......That puts you in the Body Of Christ— Forever Forgiven and Forever Saved.....Run from those that add to this Gospel with Dead Works and Repenting Of all your sins before you die.They are False Gospels That will shipwreck your Faith .And possibly a LOT WORSE......NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD for Salvation.....please don’t find yourself on the wrong side of that Truth......God bless......
  17. “ Without FAITH, It is impossible to please God.” Satan has Seen God and Jesus in Heaven.He has argued with God face to face about Job, Moses, et al. It takes zero Faith to believe in something that you have seen with your own eyes.....Satan has NO CHANCE to exhibit any Faith.......His Fate is Sealed.......
  18. A “ True Christian” RESTS in the Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4......They do not add to it with Law-Keeping, Timely Repentance or Anything else ......Nothing But The Blood.......ANY “ True” Christian would adhere to that Truth, wouldn’t they? “ Without ONE PLEA.......except that thy Blood was Shed for me.” Anybody gotta problem with that? If they do, I don’t think they have a clue about “ True Christianity”
  19. If one is familiar with the story of Abraham and Sarah and Hagar, Plus Isaac and Ismael, they can understand how Paul used their lives to be an illustration as to how God views Grace versus Law.When it came to ordinary sinners in the Church, they were to be “ handed over to Satan” with the hope that they would come to their senses, abandon their sin and return back to the Church where they were to be welcomed back with open arms.If this same opportunity was given to Legalists, it is not mentioned in the Bible . Speaking through Paul, God’s verdict was clear—- Throw Them Out. No mention of debating with them .....no mention of praying for them ......no mention of begging them......no mention of handing them over to Satan in the hope that they would repent and abandon their sin. God knows and proclaims that the Legalist will always live to attack those who Trust in His Grace.They serve no purpose other than to antagonize, sew insecurity , attack and spread their Leaven to those who try to live according to God’s Plan—Grace, activated by Faith in Jesus Plus Nothing.Please Read all about this in Galations, chapter4.......key in on Verse 20..... God could not make it more clear— “ Cast out the Bondwoman and Her Son.” Personally, I want the Legalists to hang around....I like to use them as “ Springboards” to get the Truth out there—- the Gospel Of Grace. Others want to see them to participate and we will help them “Grow.” Both ways are sensible— neither are God’s Way to deal with them .Once again, God says, “ Throw them out” and God always knows best......
  20. Jesus, speaking of Judas——“ It would have been better for him had he never been born”......what was true for Judas probably pertains to others......
  21. Paul called some people “ Fools”........as in, “ The Fool has said that there is no God”.....
  22. Faith in the Finished Work Of The Cross must be the end- result of Repentance or it is a waste of time as far as Salvation is concerned......True Repentance is not a waste of time because it means “ changing your mind” in regard as to who Jesus is and what He accomplished with His death, burial and resurrection......Going from “ Unbelief in Jesus” to “ BELIEF in Jesus” is what saves a person. It is the True Repentance That Saves.Any type of Repentance is good— only ONE type plays a part in Salvation. Like millions of others, I used to think Jesus was “a good and wise man”..... nothing more, nothing less.When the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus was who He “SAID” He was —- God in the Flesh and My Savior—- I had undergone the “ change of mind” that saved me.However one defines “ repentance”—— if it does not get one to the same place that it got me , taking me from an Unbeliever to a Believer in Jesus Christ.....Salvation is not in sight...
  23. “Yankee” Arnold is as good as it gets .....I have mentioned him many times......Les Feldick is also excellent.....check him out sometime.....Legalist beware! Both of these guys preach “ Faith Plus Nothing”
  24. He surely wants “ repentance”...... But He “ Demands” Resting in His Gospel Of 1Cor15:1-4...
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