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Mars Hill
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Everything posted by Jostler

  1. I have no idea. That is a question we should all be asking....of Him. I did ask for a specific reason....but not because I want to know the answer.
  2. I know Brad Pitt. I can find any number of places words have been written about him. I know how many kids he's got, how many times he's been married and to whom. I know when he's been in trouble, where he lives, just a whole bunch of stuff I know about Brad Pitt. Question is does Brad Pitt know me? He can't, no words have been written about me for him to read. And he's never been in my presence, never seen my face, never spoken with me so I could reveal who I am. I might be able to know what Brad Pitt ate for breakfast on a certain day. But I don't have any intimate knowledge of Brad Pitt, no matter how much I know ABOUT Brad Pitt. We have never been in each other's presence. I pondered over a witness in the Word that describes a people who knew a lot about the Lord. They did many great works in His Name. And a Lord who is God, who numbers the hairs on their head and has known their every thought before they even think it. Yet this Lord, looked at them and said "Depart from Me ye workers of inquity....for I NEVER knew you" How can a God who numbers hairs ever say He doesn't know anyone??
  3. I couldn't help but chuckle That revelation cost me many hours of study. Wrestling with calendars and conversions, defining the word sabbath and how the bible uses it, learning feast days and their significance and what a "preparation day" is. But when it was over, i stood in awe of the precision of the Word and how precisely every prophecy of His death and resurrection was fulfilled. And it also became clear what the catholic hierarchy stole from us with their "Good Friday" nonsense and Ishtar worship inserted in place of His Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits offering. Jesus was crucified on a Wednesday and buried at twilight ...beginning His first night in the heart of the earth. Thursday at sundown, He'd finished His first night and first full day in the heart of the earth. His second night began. Friday at sundown, two days and nights in the heart of the earth were complete....the third night began Saturday at twilight....sundown, three days and nights in the heart of the earth were finished....Just as the type of Jonah demanded. Exactly three days, and three nights....to the hour. And how much you want to bet, when we see the home movie, we'll find it was to the second. He rose again as the 8th day.....1st day of the new week began....just after sundown on Saturday night. I hope more will come to understand the significance of what the Word reveals in that precision and give up all this pagan junk that has been layered over it.
  4. which is why masks are incredibly important. My mask protects YOU. Your mask protects me.
  5. Life as we knew it six months ago, will never be experienced again. We have crossed a threshold, one of those once in one or two generation kinds of events that change life forever. What was "normal" six months ago will never be known as "normal" again. This is a time to be looking forward in trust, adjustable, adaptable and most of all, listening and obedient. We do not and cannot know what the new "normal" will look like unless the Lord Himself tells us what to expect. And i guarantee He will tell anyone who is listening, willing and obedient everything they need to know to not only survive both the transition and whatever the 'new normal' turns out to be, but thrive, and be about the Father's business. The faster we can make the adjustment from looking in the rear view mirror, to looking forward in faith, the easier this transition will be.
  6. Angelz thank you for posting this video. I was encouraged to hear quite a number of confirmations I believe I have been hearing. This pastor has obviously been hearing a lot of the same things. If nobody else, you posted that for me He's about to open up a season of addressing our understanding of rapture too......maybe not just yet, but soon.
  7. I saw that March 18th when that quake hit and it amused me I'm about to revive an old thread about earthquakes....they're about to be come yet another topic of discussion, and life experience. When God delivered His own from Egypt and began the process of walking them through obedience training, with the intent of delivering them into the place of His promised rest, He began by judging the Gods of Egypt. Those ten plagues sent against Egypt was each directly targeted as a judgement of one of the prominent "gods" Egypt worshiped. As He fulfills the type in our day, He is beginning to deliver His own from the world and it's pollution. There will be messages in earthquakes yet to come. I think we need to be looking for them. This just may indicate another judgement on one of the gods men have set up in His place.
  8. You are You cried out to Him, and He promised that any who call on His name will be saved. Pearl just because we sometimes struggle to do all the right things like reading and praying....and we all do from time to time....it does not mean we are "bad christians" or He has cast us away. It just means we're in a fight. That's all. It's just one more opportunity to do all we know how to do, and give all of ourselves to Him and trust Him to finish in us all He has promised to complete. There are parts of us we cannot give to Him because we ourselves are not even in touch with them. He knows that, and in His gentle, sometimes intense, always loving way, He reveals those places to us...places we didn't even know exist in our souls....dark closets we feared to even acknowledge exist...and dared not look into.....He opens.... And it can be terrible to have to face some of what we stuffed into those places....but He is not afraid of them. And He is fully confident in His great love for us, and His power toward us, to deal with the contents of those dark places, and bring us into an ever increasing liberty in Him. Being transformed from glory to glory, into His own image. All we have to do, is let Him have those places...the parts of us shame and condemnation wanted to hide from Him, and even from ourselves. He has no condemnation for us, but invites us to partake of His gift of life and forgiveness.....simply believing in Him and His promise to forgive, repenting where necessary, confessing and simply BEING forgiven and blieving we ARE CLEAN....because He has cleansed. He promised. If it's all you can do right now to just soak in some good worship music....then just do all you have strength to do. It's enough..and as we do whatever our little tiny inadequate bit of strength enables us to do....He will do the rest in His strength. Trust Him.
  9. Hey I'm getting excited The King is coming We got a harvest to bring in yet, but He's a comin'
  10. this crisis is still in the early stages. I have wanted to talk about developments on the war front but you already can't talk about the virus in detail without scaring the pants off half the people reading. The situation in northern Syria, Iraq and Israel is fluid and tense. Trump just authorized a 1,000,000 man call up of nat'l guard/reservists, with an unheardof provision for calling up IRR. The pentagon has sequestered a duplicate of significant command structures in Cheyenne Mtn. I doubt most would want to hear what speculations seem plausible related to all of that. and hearing two words for the last week....earthquakes and next Given the short attention span of most, it's easy to forget Australia was on fire in December, Jan 8th we came withing millimeters of going toe to toe with Iran, and that set something in motion...that is still in motion. Then of course the world got it's attention focused on COVID-19 a couple weeks later. Plenty to be watching. Economic, monetary and banking are all quaking....the Saudis sparked an oil war and that has huge ramifications for all other markets. $20 oil has a huge impact on oil companies that owe banks a lot of money they can't hope to pay back at these prices.
  11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4293989/
  12. it's not quite that simple. due to the extended time asymptomatic carriers can be transmitting this disease, the control measure that will slow this thing down is a society wide adoption of mask use in public. This is not about feelings, it's about the science of epidemiology. It's backed by data and studies. And yes a non-N95 mask that might not catch 100% (an N95 won't do that btw) still reduces the total amount of virus shed and reduces the contamination of surfaces droplets collect on in a given environment. Some of it is just plain common sense. If you want to reduce transmission, slow the spread down and avoid seeing ambulance and hospital capacity overwhelmed and all the thousands of needless deaths due to that, mask wearing en masse by the public is not optional. The CDC, HHS and NHS all have access to far more information than I do....but choose to lie. Now they will have to undo the lies they told....yet another delay in effective implementation because they have to re-educate the very public they lied to.
  13. i give up.....the study was crystal clear. can't fix willful blindness.
  14. When are we going to get tired of being lied to?
  15. "I'm Terrified" - New York Turns Into "War Zone" As City's 911 System Faces Overwhelming Onslaught I pointed this out in another thread several days ago. There is a serious question that needs answering as to whether this can be caught by those who have already recovered from it a first time (meaning getting infected confers limited or no immunity) or...if this is a "bi-phasic" virus.
  16. I don't mean to be obstinate, but you are misinformed. I'm not going to bother to dig up the research paper, but there is a linear correlation between viral loads transferred when a new victim is infected and the severity of their symptoms. Even a mask that REDUCES the viral load transferred to new victims can mean the difference between life and death. Misinformation can be quite dangerous, and governments are counting on that.
  17. and yet masks, when worn by a large enough percentage of people when out in public are proven to have significant effects in reducing transmission. If you like I can find the study from 2014 i read as well which drew the exact same conclusion. it's kindof a moot point until masks are available in those numbers since they chose not to stockpile them or implement crash production programs, but it is what it is. Since they lied to the public to try to hide their own responsibility for these severe PPE shortages by telling the public masks are unnescessary, they'll lose still more time correcting the lies and re-educating people on the value of wearing masks
  18. it goes deeper than that, but they are playing politics...and it's both sides.
  19. Please read the following....and never say that again. Modeling the Effectiveness of Respiratory Protective Devices in Reducing Influenza Outbreak 80% of an infected population wearing masks...ELIMINATED influenza epidemics.
  20. Somebody in the Czech government actually did the right things for their citizens.... South Korea has led the way in demonstrating how to do this right. Within a week they had an app out that alerted people if they'd been close to an infected person. Tools and expertise have been developed in other countries and our so called health officials know about every one of them. Why are they not telling us or making the slightest efforts to duplicate what is already proven to be working in other countries? There's a reason for that....
  21. Any mask is better than none. And if everyone is wearing them it WILL slow this thing down. The fact our governments are telling us masks are not effective is criminal, and based on the fact they did not do their job ...at all....and don't want you to know that. We should never have been in a position where our medical system personnel would not have enough protective gear to do their jobs. It did not have to be this way. It was obvious we would eventually get to where we are right now in the last week of January. Crash programs to produce PPE and respirators should have been set in motion then. They were not....and that was a choice. We had plenty of data coming out of China to be able to do the simple maths necessary to estimate how much PPE was going to be needed and begun programs to get it into production all the way back then. They knew full well almost all PPE is manufactured in China and knew full well China was going to need all it's production to deal with its own situation. They knew China was shutting down production and shutting down ports ....why didn't they act on the obvious ramifications of those FACTS. Getting EVERYONE in a mask every time they are out in public is one of the control measures necessary to address this plague. So rather than tell the truth, they try to sell the lie that masks are ineffective. Baloney and they know it. Now we ARE in a pinch with our front line medical workers dropping like flies due to CDC and HHS choices. Once enough masks are available for the general population, masks can be steamed to sterilize them, or if someone has five they can be carefully put into a paper bag and just left for at least three days ...none of this is ideal and didn't have to be this way...but now that we have a real problem there are ways to lessen the risks of not having masks and not having enough.
  22. I would never encourage anyone to rejoice over someone's death. But death is stalking this land...and the whole world. And some here now will not be much longer. But there is a reason a loving God is allowing this. And understanding what that reason is, seeing this from HIS perspective and what He will achieve through it, gives plenty of reason to rejoice. Understanding the battle field also gives understanding of how to fight in such a way that as many as possible are snatched out of harm's way as is possible. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, not Jesus....He's coming to eliminate theft, destruction and murder.
  23. well, if He told us to "look up" when we see these things beginning, there must be a way to understand it is a good thing....His coming is drawing nigh. He did not tell us to look up and be depressed.....
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