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  1. I'm sorry you feel I am bashing other ppl's posts. I have been thinking about them, asking questions, giving my opinions, and trying to help where I could. If I have bashed anyone's post please tell me, and I will correct it. Please in advance know that it was not my intention and forgive me. Sometimes I come across more harshly than I mean to. I am an analytical thinker, and my mind picks up on what it thinks is wrong right away, and like a tiny noob computer tries to start figuring out how to fix it. It is just how I was created. My professors used to say to me, "you know how to take spaghetti and make it straight, getting right to the heart of the problem" lol. I am a truth speaker and justice fighter. But I realize that not everyone appreciates these… "finer" qualities--ok so no one appreciates anyone telling them what is wrong, not even me. I have been working hard to temper it with grace and gentleness. The OP was not presented in a style of your liking. I cannot speak for him, although I did try to defend him. I have obviously offended you. I am sorry. Perhaps in stating that imo your post was condescending, my post came across that way too. For that I apologize. Please allow me to say, disagreeing with a certain style of music or the humor that a poster is using, should not merit harsh criticism either. Have you read the lyrics to the song he suggested? What if you had proposed a song, a hymn or chant that you loved to counter a witchcraft ritual that someone was bringing up against you? And you believed that the words of that song were speaking truth against the evil before you. Would you want someone else ridiculing you? I'm speaking purely hypothetically of course. Even if you deny that you would ever do such a thing, whatever you choose to do before the Lord, in your own heart, that you believe is a truthful and meaningful offering before Him to fight evil, so long as it is does not go against anything in His Word, you would not want to be ridiculed for. And certainly not publicly or in a place where you were seeking more open discussion on the matter. No doubt you have insights and experience that he could reap from, that you would be blessed and be a blessing to give. So here's just an idea: feed him. Grit your teeth, I know you hate the music, but bear each others' burdens, and teach him.
  2. When I was little my father told me I greatly lacked wisdom. I prayed hard every day for wisdom. Well, first of all, I didn’t really understand what it was. I read and knew all the Bible verses about it, but I didn’t understand what it was. And I felt like no matter how hard I prayed, I never got any wisdom. So I begin to think that God just wasn’t going to give me any, maybe bc I didn’t deserve any. Many many years later I think I am finally understanding what wisdom is. It is the ability to apply the knowledge you have. There are different kinds of wisdom, but mostly the biggest one you want is the divine wisdom you get from God. I agree that some wisdom God gives you at the moment—situational wisdom—and other wisdom you gain over time. I don’t think He just dumps it all in your hand at one time like a huge package that u open and *poof* you are wise, like perhaps (although we don’t know for sure) Solomon had. I believe the Holy Spirit teaches it to you as you are able to handle it, directing you to apply the Biblical knowledge you have acquired as circumstances arise before you. You most likely already have wisdom, but you just don’t know it, if you have been praying and asking Him for it. I say this bc He is faithful and has promised it to all who ask for it. And He never fails to keep His promises, even if we don’t see it.
  3. Although the name of Jesus is powerful, simply repeating or chanting words is empty and meaningless. Matt 6:7 says “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.”
  4. Beautifully written. Did u copy/paste that from somewhere? Lol jk
  5. I believe this last sentence was not meant to be taken seriously. It was an expression of his personality to punctuate such a heavy serious topic with some humor—to let you know he’s a light hearted kind of guy. Do you guys never use humor? Have you never had a personal taste that was not preferred by other Christians but wasn’t a “sin”—therefore something you are free in Christ to enjoy? Come on lighten up you guys! Please?! You’re giving me an anxiety attack ?
  6. Is this a trick question? Or are trying to make fun of his phrasing?
  7. Maybe you could enlighten him then with some help. How was your comment more helpful than his? He put something out there that he believes with a passion to start a discussion. Did he claim to have all the answers or that he was trying to teach this session? Imho your comment came off rather condescending
  8. ...I never said he said that. And I wasn’t trying to get into this argument. U missed my point. But thanks for the comment? I guess
  9. Just a tiny thought from a noob here. I’m not sure what all has even said bc I have not read all the scripts here, but in the beginning, yes God created Adam, but then He created Eve, and He sent them both to tend the garden. Their partnership was to be opposite but equal. Two pieces of a puzzle. That equality was broken when Eve first and then Adam sinned. And then the curse pitted them against each other, so that she would always lust and vie for the position of power that she lost to the point she would want to even hold sway over him, a corruption of sin. And he in turn, would always rule and lord that rule over her, another corruption of the original partnership, the original arrangement of how it was supposed to be. Yes there is no denying that the God head is male, but God’s nature was split between male and female, so that you see characteristics both male and female of Him all over scripture. It is beautiful in this way to see how both man and woman are created in His image. When Jesus came and died and rose again, He broke the power of the curse and that is why Paul said there was now neither “male nor female” in Christ, meaning the partnership had been restored. If you study the original Greek texts of the traditional passages used to defend patriarchal households, you will be surprised to find a slightly more... open to a different translation than the English one chosen by England’s king’s translators. Another mistake I often see is verses taken out of historical and textual context. And I don't just mean the blasé “what applies to them doesn’t apply to us now” garbage. Look, I don’t seek to get into an argument here. That’s not the point I’m trying to make. The point is this: I never hear that anyone ever considers that in the beginning, man and woman were created equally and put into an equal partnership. Adam was never put over Eve before the fall. You will not find that explicit in scripture. And the Hebrew translation for the text of her creation and their assignment to the garden was not a patriarchal setup at all. It was a partnership opposite but equal. Just beautiful. The why she was taken from his side. Not chosen from among the animals in his care. And Jesus’ deaths and resurrection restored that, and Paul’s instructions, if you read them carefully in the Greek in their proper context, actually holds that mutual submission and partnership, equal but opposite roles up. Should women be pastors? Some here have said that there were no women apostles or pastors in the NT. I beg to differ, again, a non essential argument I don’t wish to get into. Just want to put it out there that there is another valid argument for this particular non fundamental issue that does have viable Biblical backing, even if it is not the more popular one, and the opposition would be remiss to ignore or refuse to give fair presentation to both sides, which I have not seen from what little I perused. At least not from an exegetical standpoint. And please please can some use a translation a little more precisely translated (as in closer to word for word translation as opposed to paraphrased) if you are going to argue semantics. ESV or JKGV or someone with a Greek lexicon.
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