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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. Just wondering if anyone else watches some of the foreign news stations? If so, what do you watch? I usually watch the Japanese station NHK, almost daily. The same news has an anchor reporting from Bangkok, Thailand. I hear alot of stuff that our news just doesn't cover. For instance, there was a segment about how China abolished the One Child policy....they now allow two children as China's population is aging. However, now most of the young marrieds still only want one child due to personal reasons like limited finances. Other news reports are about the aging population in Japan. So Japan is actively recruiting foreign young people to work and live in Japan. Many Japanese companies are hiring, and also Japan is recruiting nurses aides, etc, to work with their senior citizens. In the Spring NHK has segments about the blooming cherry blossom trees....really beautiful. They also have segments about how the Fukashima region is coming along after the quake/tsunami in 2011. Vast numbers of people are still displaced and concerns are still ongoing about the nuclear reactors which were damaged in 2011. I have an interest in that area of the world because I visited Asia and also know a retired missionary who spent her life in Japan. NHK Japan also covers U.S. and European news.
  2. Debp

    Ted the pet duck

    Sure is a handsome duck, too! I checked the duck's Instagram photos and there were alot of him inside the home....even relaxing near a fireplace! What a life!
  3. Debp

    Ted the pet duck

    Cute story, this duck adopted a family and also a lady police officer!
  4. Canoeing sounds fun to me. And grilled hot dogs!
  5. These are someone else's conversion stories but thought you all might be interested. The stories were both told in sermons I heard by the pastors involved. One pastor told he was studying for his doctorate in seminary. He was actually in the classroom when he got converted! He said the professor said something about "then the bombs will fall." That's the moment the pastor got converted! It just happened out of the blue. The other pastor was raised in the circus. As a child he was a clown which he hated, and later a trapeze artist. Later his mother committed suicide. He was at her grave weeping when he had a sudden conversion. He then enrolled in seminary and even got a doctorate. I was sorry when he finally left our church, his sermons were always so good. After leaving our church, he became a professor in his older years at a seminary in the South.
  6. Not able to do that myself, but it sounds like a great idea. Get some fellow Christians together for enjoying God's beautiful creation!
  7. There was a young woman who worked with me and we went out to lunch a couple of times. She simply told me she had found peace with God through asking Jesus into her heart. I always believed in Jesus and loved Him, but I never really understood about salvation being a personal thing. One day on my own I prayed for forgiveness and asked Jesus to come into my heart/life. Although we don't base our faith on feelings, I did have overwhelming peace and joy when I prayed this, and I also started a walk of faith with the Lord from then on.
  8. Of course, Neighbor, not all landlords/apartment management companies are so honorable. There are many who are so money hungry that they care nothing about the tenants, and regularly do unlawful and stressful things to tenants in order to save a dollar or to try to drive tenants out so they can raise the rents. I've lived in this building for 45 years....then three and a half years ago we got a management company like the one I have described. They manage thousands of apartment buildings and the internet is filled with pages of complaints against them. Perhaps in your area, there are still honorable landlords though.
  9. Actually Zoloft is an antidepressant that can be used to treat OCD. I won't tell you whether to take it or not. However, if you decide to try it, I believe your doctor can always help you to get off of it, if you decide you prefer no medication.
  10. To me it's about having a deep reverence towards God....not actual fear.
  11. Yes, you should get the alarm....a nice loud one! Hope it all works out for you soon.
  12. https://thetakeout.com/taco-bell-hot-sauce-saves-life-car-crash-florida-1833374732/amp The first guy drank it, the second guy was getting more!
  13. P.S. Since Muslims don't know if God will send them to Paradise or Hell, they usually are trying very hard to have enough good works to balance out the bad things they did. Once they accept Christ as Savior, they finally have peace about this.
  14. Just love Muslims as your neighbors and do unto others as you would have them do unto you, like the Lord teaches us. It might depend on which country they are from but the Muslims I have encountered have been friendly. I never plan to read the Quran but just have a basic idea of their beliefs. Muslims believe in the Virgin birth... perhaps we can, given the opportunity, explain why the Virgin birth was necessary. So Jesus Christ would be without sin and therefore able to pay the penalty for our sins. Also, I read a Muslim was very impressed to learn that Christ rose from the dead. (They think someone else died on the cross and God took Jesus up to Heaven/Paradise.) Perhaps we can explain Jesus conquered sin, death and the devil by rising from the dead.
  15. Do you have any nearby nice neighbor who would let you secure and hide the bike in his or her backyard, etc? Do you have anyone from your church who lives nearby that would allow you to do this? In the meantime I would bring the bike inside....you can make sure to cover the area with plastic to keep the floor clean. If your landlord then tells you not to do that, then that's out. But as long as he doesn't say anything and you keep the floor protected from dirt....of course, I know it's a hassle but it would be safe.
  16. I would look at their Statement of Faith on their website. Then if that seems sound, you can always phone and ask them about informal or more formal dress for worship. You can always sing but maybe a bit softer. I would visit a few of the churches to see if you feel comfortable there....people are friendly, etc. Of course, if the first church you visit feels right, then that's it.
  17. I was a member of a Bangladesh forum, so it was pretty much all Muslims. Besides posting and especially becoming a pal to one woman, I also started a topic of Quotes From Jesus Christ. The topic got quite lengthy with quotes. I felt this was the best way to go as I didn't want to get banned thereby stopping my input there all together. The forum eventually shut down. Although it was a Bangladesh forum, there were other Muslims. I recall some from Saudi Arabia and that area complaining about the "religious police" and even laughing at what they sometimes did....like confronting a woman who was wrapped in four layers of clothe that she wasn't covered up enough! Our Saudi Arabian brother here told me those religious police are no more, but they still have police that spy on especially foreigners.
  18. Lincoln beat some fine opponents, cats and dogs. Not sure about the Gerbil though...
  19. Debp

    New Zealand

    Yes, what happened is truly appalling. This individual allowed himself to become full of hatred and to be used by the evil one. For him to kill so many, even children, and to broadcast it as it happened....so crazy.
  20. Good idea to do that stuff to attract sightseers or others around the area. Some areas have some antique shops which attract the out of towners. Even just secondhand shops can be interesting. Another thing that can attract outsiders are quilt or craft shops. I once visited a shop in Scottsdale, Arizona that was a Christmas shop (decorations, etc) year round. It was fun.
  21. That's awful.... sounds like it was a nice town! What State was it in? Just curious.
  22. Oh, well in that case, maybe it's good they are gone. I hope a decent market takes over. Here people like the produce, etc, from nearby farms. There are many farmer's market around, even in downtown. They set them up about once a week. They might still have one on Friday near me... haven't checked lately though.
  23. I'm sorry about that, LadyKay. When you need other stuff how far of a drive will it be to get it? It would be great if some other people would reopen the grocery store. Maybe the other people just wanted to retire? Last year a small Target opened about one block from me. I was glad because now that I am not walking 30 minutes to the big market, I can get some groceries at the little Target. Now and then I take the taxi up to the big market for other groceries. I also can get on our nice subway and in two minutes be at a larger Target downtown. If I ever move I really need to be near a market. Can't afford a car anymore.
  24. I don't think the casket is put directly into the ground....it is placed into some kind of secure vault first which is in the ground. At least that is what was done with my dad's burial in the mid 1970s. Neighbor probably knows more about this. The Bible doesn't say anything about cremation being wrong. Many people cannot afford a gravesite, etc, so opt for cremation. I agree with telling your dad to make the cremation arrangements ahead of time. Then after death if your sisters are still opposed, let them pay for the burial. Most people can't afford what that costs and will stick with prepaid cremation. If your sisters are still willing to pay for it, let them be. No use you doing a battle for your dad's wishes after death and destroying your peace.
  25. Welcome. I agree you should talk things over with your wife and hopefully get some counseling with your pastor or another Christian counselor. Whatever you do, don't argue. Just explain you care about her and your marriage, and you want to talk about things constructively.
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