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Everything posted by GeneV

  1. Hello Zol if you think it's gross don't, there's no commandment that you have to drink alcohol that I'm aware of
  2. A classic, try War & peace next time. For those who find it insufferable there's always comic books or maye the "rise and fall of the Roman Empire" *Laugh* and a *smile*
  3. In one word "balderdash" or two "humbug"
  4. Of course He has a sense of humor. Mar 6:48 And he saw them toiling in rowing; for the wind was contrary unto them: and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them. Mar 6:49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit, and cried out: Mar 6:50 For they all saw him, and were troubled. And immediately he talked with them, and saith unto them, Be of good cheer: it is I; be not afraid.
  5. I truly wonder whether what we see in the pic can be called 'love' on either side. Which couple are exhibitionists. Different strokes for different folks or maybe I'm just old and eccentric.
  6. I am not certain I understand the question fully but I voted 'other' since I don't think I would buy it. If given the opportunity I most certainly would read it in order to understand the views of a converted muslim with regard to the qur'an.
  7. I watched my mother die. She started out with cancer of the colon, had a huge operation and the Dr said "I think we got it all". She then went to an oncologist who said "what you need now is chemotherapy", after many sessions of chemotherapy they said "the cancer has spread to the liver and elsewhere, perhaps we should try agressive radiation therapy". The side effects were horrendous and all of the above took 18 months during which time my mother lost two thirds of her body weight. During the last few months the pain could only be controlled through larger and larger doses of morphine prescribed by doctors. Ultimately she was on a`permanent morphine trip which would have killed a seasoned drug addict on the spot. At the time she was living in my house with my dad and a full time day nurse, and barely lucid. One day she went into shock because the morphine drip had somehow dislodged - so off to hospital she went where the doctors said they would stabilise her. That was the last time my mother spoke to me and her word's were "it is so painful, help me". At hospital they doubled the morphine, she went into a coma and existed for an additional week before eventually expiring. Listening to her screaming in agony every night, watching her lose her dignity slowly when eventually she had to be assisted to perform bodily functions by the son she had given birth to, seeing her literally starve due to the fact that she could keep no food down, changing bedding four to five times a day. I apologise for my venting but who won here - in my opinion after the millions of rands pocketed by the 'medical experts, the hospitals etc., Dr (so called death) Kevorkian might have been an option. After all how did these good and wonderful doctors 'treat' my mother, they prolonged her suffering but eventually achieved the same result and in the bargain possibly paid off their porsches or the mortgage. Just as a postscript I spent my time in the hospital, not in her room but in the chapel praying that the Lord would have mercy and take her to Him soon. There was no point in being by her bedside she never recognized me and was hallucinating before going into that final coma in a very expensive hospital which she would not have appreciated anyway.
  8. I voted worse and running.....tmi to go into.
  9. GeneV

    The Trinity

    I think it was Tertullian who coined the term "Trinity" and I believe the council of Nicea only firmed up the wording in order to combat the teachings of Marcion, Montanus and others insofar as the heresies of Arianism and Gnosticism. These heretical teachings abounded long before Nicea between 100 & 200 AD.
  10. I agree it's called winning hearts and minds......if indeed the local population are turning against the terrorists then they have lost (the terrorists that is)
  11. Your gut feeling is right - 1.Why the Master said and did what He did. (OT) 2.What the Master said and did. (Gospels) 3. How to understand and apply what the Master said and did (Balance of the new Testament). Generally you will find this formula works
  12. The truth, if it is the truth has a strange way of being heard sooner or later. Suppression causes rumour mongering and half truths for a short while just a thought
  13. Thank you for this post BDW, I think there is much truth in what you say. I especially like the highlighted sentence
  14. I agree Our reward is simply being where we will be
  15. I agree 100%, and voted that way, as well. It's fairly standard in these types of discussions for people to try and get their own points across with no interest in learning one way or the other. I'll add an aye to that....glad I looked through all the posts since I would largely be repeating the views expressed above No winners
  16. Hello Keygar welcome to WB.....yep I know what ya mean whatever happened to 'I love Lucy', 'Bonanza' & 'Kojak' Anyway there are a few show's I do enjoy and thats the weakest link although not the SA version I like the witch in UK., National geographic and the history channel
  17. Hi Ronald good to see you back
  18. If your alcoholic consumption takes you to the point that you hurt your family, your friends, yourself and others you are drunk.
  19. Write it off as an 'experience' and have a good laugh (or not)
  20. GeneV

    The Trinity

    Right on AT
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