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Everything posted by thehopefulcry2

  1. YES!!! There are alot of support groups (especially for mothers and children and fathers and children) but the support groups I have found for children caring for their parents are far and few between that have any worth. A lot of them are so negative that it just adds to stress. Besides, a God inspired group is really what im looking for.
  2. God forgives sins when we repent. As far as everything else gies, just keep in mind that you do not know what God's plan is for this. It either is not your place to know (IE it isnt His will for you) or it isn't time. All you need is faith as small as a mustard seed. Keep crying out to Jesus, He hears you. God Bless
  3. I am a care giver of my mother and father (my brother and I live at their home to care for them health wise and financially) Being a primary care giver is HARD. My mother refuses to go to the doctor, even though she needs too badly, and my dad is a bit of a hypochondriac. I have no power over either of them really...so i am always frustrated. Make sure you are taking breaks for yourself, even if it is 10 minutes in your car. Caregivers often times don't get respit or take time to breath. I know when my mom starts to bother me, I get snappy and harsh too. Then I have to make myself take a breather to get my mind/attitude right. Keep in mind you are only human...humans get tired. Seek God fully in those moments. Good luck, and I have asked Jesus go make it easier on you.
  4. This is amazing. I has humbled me very much. Thank you nuebula and thank you God!
  5. Christ never said It would be easy to follow him, he did say however he will bless us: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me." Matthew 5:11
  6. I agree with you as far as a definition. It is very extreme.
  7. To me it means to be still. Stop trying to run your own life, stop seeking, and just know that God is the ruler of your life and what he wants will come to pass. Now if i could just execute this understanding and apply it to my life, I would be in great shape...
  8. I felt so much hopelessness at the beginning of this week....even desperation. Luckily I have some good people on here who pulled me through! I tend to stop talking to God when I feel shame, which I have been trying not to do, but I'm still a work in progress.
  9. This is an amazing write up, Jake, It was written so that it is easy to understand!
  10. This is extremely helpful, Dan. Thank you!
  11. What do I think? I think this. A few hours ago a good friend, loved by so many, lost her battle with cancer and died at home. She was young, and she lived life to the full, and her Facebook page is overflowing with love. I am very sad right now, but to answer the post - For Cenessa, you are loved.. One: There is a God; therefore, nothing else matters Because you rest with Him now For her mom, Jeanine, Two: There is a God, therefore, everything matters. The grief, the pain, the love of all of us, and for One above. So both ways are the right way. Just depends on which way you happen to be looking at the time. I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you, and the family involved. God Bless
  12. Every cat is different, Try switching foods. Is its teeth bad? Maybe it doesn't eat dry food because it hurts... Are there any other cats? That could be the issue too. Leave the cat under the bed, give it time. Go online, you may get samples of different kinds of dry food. It is bad for cats to only eat dry food, to keep them healthy it is good to go between the two. Dry food only sucks the moisture out of their bodies and causes them constipation. There is a great cat guide on about.com, take a look. Hope that helps
  13. This is one of my favorite worship songs!!!
  14. Make sure the ins and out of this are in accordance with God's will. I have issues with this too and I was shown that if even one thing is out of accordance with the Word, it wasn't the right thing to do. It is a really tough battle. God bless you.
  15. They are at 3.54 In WI. My boyfriend heard that by summer it could be 4.50 or higher.
  16. This gives non believers even more reason to question the truthfulness of Christians. I don't think Jesus would have written this on a receipt. The first part of Matthew 5:42 says "Give to the one who asks you" Even besides that, it was rude. I really wish that believers, especially Pastors, realized they are representing the Body of Christ. How are we to convince non believers they need what Christians have if we act and treat people so poorly?
  17. We are supposed to teach, admonish, correct etc.. each other. Not just let other people's behaviour go unchallenged. Forgiveness for being wronged is only HALF the task, then if you are in the right authority position you are to TEACH them how to behave according to God's Word. Who is doing the teaching and correcting if we all avoid it? Perhaps some of what I said didn't jive well with you. Still I feel the response I got was a little Harsh. My main point was trusting people will let you down every time. Trying to help people who don't want your help gets tiring, so some times rebuking them doesn't work. People cannot change unless they allow the holy spirit to lead them, no matter what you say. That is not to say that you shouldn't try. But I think it can end up upsetting you more if you are not careful. I was trying to offer some help. Ill pray for you. Good luck.
  18. Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground
  19. First of all I would like to say that I am the QUEEN of over sensitivity. I used to get offended if someone look at me a right way or the way I thought they should. I spent my life trying to live up to unrealistic standards and short comings. I have learned something very important: Isaiah 2:22 Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? As I agree that we are to try to be "Christ Like" putting your hope and trust in people only leads to heart ache. Also... Hurting people hurt people. This is a common thing that occurs almost daily, sometimes without the person even knowing it. I cannot stand blatant rudeness nor meanness. Jesus doesn't want us to live the way of the world, this means getting disappointed when people let you down. Trusting In God is the only thing that will NEVER let you down. Jesus Can NEVER let you down because he is perfect. I think that many times we try to view other "Christians" as super hero types. Because the have the knowledge they should always be better and always say the right things and never be mean (At least that's what I thought.) Being of the world was not what "Christians" were supposed be like. This again is putting trust in man which only leads to further disappointment. God spoke to me once when I was having an issue with some one and the way they were acting. He plainly said; "Heather, It is not up to you to hold all people accountable or judge them. Its mine." Further more he showed me times in my own life when I had acted so poorly that I didn't even want to be me. I don't know that I have a specific point here, what I am saying is that we tend to hold people a higher and unrealistic standards. Satan only needs a speck of room to turn an encouraging word into a destroying word. When ever I feel let down by people I pray that God changes me so that I am not putting my hope into something that is often times hopeless, even if they are in the "Body of Christ" Please do not take offense to any of this, it is not intended to offend.
  20. I find it simply amazing of how different I interrupt the Bible now than when I was a teenager. I have "read some scriptures that I've read many times that i just read for the "first" time. Its amazing how certain scriptures stay the same (same words) but can mean something totally different with education and aging...
  21. Im 25 and I have been feeling so strongly that I need a child. Not want. NEED. I dream about it, think about it, it consumes me. I learned today the Lust is just not sexual, it is anything thing you want really badly and cannot have. (right now I cannot have that) I feel so empty. I just wish I could stay asleep and dream about being pregnant and having a baby. I cry and it feel depressed all day. Im so happy in my dreams... like finally. I want it so bad it feels like Im being emotionally stabbed when I wake up. What do I do? Is this normal? I feel so lost. Please help
  22. Not too sure what all this is about do to edit, But Im praying for you and your class!
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