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Everything posted by desi2007

  1. Lomi, I know when Life doesn't seem fair and where is God when we suffer? when will things ever change? Well, just know this, No matter how strong the storm, there will always be a calm. Things will change. God wants us to realize that our struggles drive us closer to Him. Difficulties are a necessary component for building foundation of our faith. They cause us to seek God. I believe most of all, God desires that we love Him with every part of our being; heart, soul, mind and strength, If any of these are Weak, He is the one to give us Strength. Thanking God in everything will help you get through anything. It you focus too much on earthly things, your hurts will get the best of you. Have you ever noticed those who appreciate life the most are those who have experienced the most pain. God is in control, Trust Him. praying for you, desi
  2. First of all, Sometimes experiencing tough times (like you are going through), you find yourself overwhelmed by every day life and friends that aren't reborn again like you. Maybe, you rely on other resources instead of asking God for guidance. If they are truly a christian?....You do not know their struggles or their salvation. Maybe, another approach would be saying that some are failing to read God's Word day in and day out, and to apply it to every situation in life. I'm sorry but Personal and Spiritual growth takes time for a Believer. I believe As a child of God, You are never fully "grown", instead, you can continue "growing up" every day of your life. And thats exactly what God wants you to do. desi
  3. This is one of those gray areas in your life that you will have a hard time deciding what truly is in your best interest. Character is both developed and revealed by tests, and all of life is a test. Maybe you can be a blessing to them with how they see you as a christian. And also, maybe find a mentor whose judgment you trust and listen to your mentors advice. Consider your mentor to be Gods gift to you. Thank God for that gift, and use it for the glory of His kingdom. Because sometimes we become our own worst critic, giving yourself a string of failing marks when you deserve better. Pray about it and keep the faith. Always, think healthy thoughts. blessings, desi
  4. God will help us become the people we are meant to be, if only we will ask Him.
  5. Hello stitchy, As a believer, we should be optimistic about life. Focus on Hopes not Fears. Your attitude toward the future will help create your future. So think realistically about yourself. God wants you to continue growing both spiritually and intellectually and how do you make sure you grow and learn during good and hard times? by praying, having a personal walk with Jesus, fellowship. While your enduring difficult days, you learn lessons you simply could not have learned any other way. God has an important plan for your life, and part of His plan may well be related to the tough times your going through. Everything takes Time to learn, don't be so rushed to get married, take time of finding who you are. Faith not only keeps us alive in God but enables us to grow stronger. And truly faith helps us move past the question of "why?", Feelings come and go, but God never changes. So when you have a choice between trusting your feelings or trusting God, trust God. Tears can't change the past, no amount of anger or bitterness can change what happened yesterday, our worries won't change the past, and neither will our complaints, simply put, the past is and always will be the past. Ask God to keep you mindful that He is your God, your strength and your shield. And the faithfulness to trust in His perfect plan for your life, turn your troubles over to Him, when you are fearful let yourself lean upon Him and Thank Him for creating you, loving you, guiding you and saving you. Hope this helps you some... blessings, desi
  6. I would have to say that our behavior is a big issue. As in what we allow in our minds, the things we watch, the people we choose as friends, it all reflects back to how our appearance can be. Temptations of the world come in all different ways and you have to be mindful of this. Guarding your thoughts. "The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace be with you. Philippians 4:9
  7. Hello all, "We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called to His purpose". Romans 8:28 God's Word promises that all things work together for the good of those who love Him. And I believe the Christian Faith as its communicated through the Bible, is a healing faith. It offers comfort in times of trouble, courage for our fears, hope instead of hopelessness. Through the healing words of God's promises, we can understand the Lord continues to manifest His plan in good and bad times. with God, all things are possible. I hope this is helpful and encourages someone. Blessings, desi
  8. How can you make sure that you'll keep growing and learning during good times and hard times?.....you do so through prayer, through worship, through fellowship, through an openness to God's Holy Spirit, and through a careful study of God's Holy Word.
  9. true indeed, for I have been blasted and called names for being a christian from a nephew in regards to his mother (my older sister) that has been jealous for me for so many years, I won't go into that right now, but knowing the troubles i was going thru after a divorce and telling me i should help our alcoholic brother (which I did let him move in for 5 weeks) which was horrible, he couldn't keep a job, he come home drunk every nite, I told him to get some professional help, he wouldnt listen, then I kicked him out last year and it all started a fight with my sister and her family, then being attacked, I had to walk away and disown that part of my family, so hurtful and still is, if my mother were alive she would not believe this would be happening. I pray to the Lord all the time over this, it is a ache that lingers in my heart, for my 28 yr old nephew to attack me and tell me he is a pagan and my christian life was a joke putting it mildly here, and my sister allowing him to talk to me like this, was unbelievable. And as for the alcoholic brother he is still jobless and continues his drinking. But its so worth being a christian to me, God has been there for me, and I know God can do miraculous things in my life and in the lives of your loved ones, its a challenge as a believer to take God at His word...and i know things in life will shake your faith indeed. desi
  10. Feelings come and go, but God never changes. So I believe when you have a choice between trusting your feelings or trusting God, trust God. Also, thinking here; It may be the most difficult time of your life. You may be enduring your own whirlwind. But that whirlwind is a temporary experience. God will see you through. Faith is an ongoing process,,,building and sustaining our faith through prayer, worship... is like a a journey toward a spiritual maturity that lasts a lifetime. Be Blessed, desi
  11. You can draw strength from the knowledge that you are a marvelous creation, loved, protected, and uplifted by the ever-present hand of God. And know that God is everywhere we have ever been and everywhere we will ever go. He is with us night and day, He knows our thoughts and our prayers. Today, as you have quiet moments praise Him, open yourself to His presence and to His love, He is here waiting. His love is here, always. be blessed. desi
  12. ,,,God loves us. He never gives up on us. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
  13. Sometimes, during lifes darker days, trusting God may be difficult. Yet, whatever our circumstances we must continue to plant the seeds of faith in our hearts, trusting that in time, God will bring forth a bountiful harvest.The work required to build and sustain our faith is an ongoing process. Nourish your faith. Romans 5:3-4 We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character and character produces hope. desi
  14. When I spend time with God, He supplies me with strength and encourages me in the pursuit of His ways. desi
  15. don't become easily offended just look for the Good, and enjoy life as it comes... and know God is in control.
  16. Hello Winniesue, I think sometimes we are hard on ourselves but we would grow faster if we relaxed more and learned to live by Gods Word and not by how we feel. His word states that as long as we believe, He is working in us. I had a long and interesting journey before I learned that waiting is part of our walk with God. An intimate relationship with God is maintaining daily attention. Let Him know that you desire to have His presence in your life and as you seek Him each day with right motives He will be pleased and He will bless you with His presence and you will start having peace inside. God Bless you, desi
  17. ...I guess how i see it is many levels of glory....We become so accustomed in how the world is about being overly concerned about our performance and what we are doing. Growing up spiritually is not easy. God accepts us faults and all. He doesnt expect us to be perfect. I feel God leaves some defects in us just so we will know how much we really need Jesus every day. When we step out to be all we can be in Christ, we will make some mistakes, everyone does. Looking at how far you've come and knowing God is still working on us. The world operates on perfection in your performance as a christian and world doesnt read the bible they read us. desi
  18. hello journey, ...don't let fear take you back into a toxic relationship, if you want to look at it another way try thinking that struggles can give you strength when your situation looks bleak and sometimes we need to have time to heal in order to bring new direction in your life. Matthew 19:26 "with God all things are possible". Psalm 119:105 "The Word will be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Whatever struggles you have in life, ask yourself honestly if you are putting your faith in God and believing that His grace will meet the need or if you are relying on your own abilities and leaving God out of the loop? This is how we grow in our faith in God by learning to trust God by practicing and receiving Gods Grace even if the situations are impossible or difficult for us. Praying for you, desi
  19. Hello bassplayer, God will guide you through any storms and He will ease all your troubles just have faith and pray, let Him know what concerns you have, and He already knows what you will ask He sees your heart. He wants you to come to him ...This is when God gives everyone free will to choose in life. Its when you want to have God lead your way and He will come into your life but you have to open the door for Him to come into your life first, He's waiting. Trust in Him .... Praying for you, desi
  20. ....just by sharing your heart here helps us all in some small way to understanding...like myself I totally understand how you feel. Found myself with having issues of not connecting to people on here. I think sometimes we focus on not having enough to say or maybe what we do say gets overlooked but i do know when we are weak, HE is strong,,,and God knows the gifts and talents he has placed in each of us. I like to feel what little I do say will help someone in some small way. I keep coming back here as this is a warm feeling of an extended family for me here. Sometimes God uses situations such as these to help us work things out so we can rise to a new level and be the person He wants us to be. thanks for sharing your heart may you always be blessed, desi
  21. Hi...another meaning to look at when it comes to the "seed" is this scripture... matthew 6:22 The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness. when our own heart dictates then we go astray and this "seed of bitterness" is planted and we arent obeying God. I can see where your coming from on this Arron. Very good topic Suzanne! des
  22. wow! thank you nebula... very awsome! thanks for sharing desi
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