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Everything posted by lchick

  1. I remember one day at church that God had me get up and tell the people to take off their shoes "That they were standing on Holy Ground" and everyone did and after church some said that their feet were burning and felt on fire and they knew that it was the Lord and thanked me, so it does make one wonder, however I was brought up in church to show respect and wear my shoes, however there have been times when I have taken my shoes off in the pew, because I was more comfortable and ended up in front praying with/for someone and didn't have my shoes on and God still worked. So who is to say. Just take it for what it is and blessing to all.
  2. Lots of prayer here. I believe that the state of California is opening itself wide open to be like Sodom amd Gamora and remember what happened to it and look at us now over 1400 fires burning and when did they all start and were they man started?
  3. I believe that sometimes we tie God's hands with our prayers. I had been praying for this man for his salvation and for his children. This was an every morning at church prayer and one day as I was praying God spoke to me and this is what He said. "Shut your mouth" to which I almost fainted and then said " I never want to hear that man's name out of your mouth again." Well after saying ok Lord and talking with my prayer partners about it I left it alone and a few days later that man was busted by the CPS and police for sexually abusing his children, they are all adopted out and that was 14 years ago and now I be very careful how I pray and there is a lot of Your will be done in it.
  4. I sit here in tears. My family has been and is still going through pure hell, because of a man that got off from raping my 13 year old granddaughter, he was convicted of 4 counts of giving drugs and alcohal to a child which he will be sentenced for this Friday and will spent 10 or more years in prison for that, plus other things that happened which I am not at liberty to discuss. I am not sure about the death penalty, however in some cases they should have to stay in prison for the rest of their lives or have a large place out on an island somewhere to keep them so that won't hurt our babies. God says to forgive so that I do, however it needs to stop and it is so bad in the state of Washington.I don't believe that a small child should be considered rapist unti he/she has had a lot of counseling to see what caused it to happen in the first place. I know a young manthat he wne twith his girl friend from the time she was 15 and he was 17 and at the age of 19 he had sex with her and she was 17 and the parents took him to court and he spend years in prison and now is listed as a child rapist and a registered one at that and it was consentual and they were in love,that I believe is wrong, he should never have been charges. I just found out that they still love one another but if he is around her he will go back to prison for life and he is now in his forties. Go figure. I can honestly say that I have a lot of mixed feelings about all this.
  5. Aren't children wonderful. They say what adults only think.
  6. God help us if we found life on another plantet, what would we do with it, start with taxes and social security, only kidding. If the Lord wants us to know that is there I believe that it would happen, however if He doesn't then it will not happen.
  7. The sad part is, it is made in China, a facorty put there by as I call them a greedy American that can get cheap labor and put our people here out of work. All we can do is continue to pray. If you will notice, those places that had lead and etc in them were from American owned factories, so it really will come back and bite them.
  8. Yes, plenty of us notice it. Just satan, doing what he always does, and people fall for it. I don't think people are really aware of the price they are going to pay, eventually, for not loving and standing with Israel. I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU
  9. I rest my case. Instead of saying something positive, like we will be praying about this, the Reverend confessed that the court was going to turn it down. People, people, it is our prayers that moves the hands of God
  10. Mine is Peter: He reminds me of myself
  11. It is tragic and oh yes they need to know the Lord and how much he loves them. They have no self esteem, no self worth and just want someone to love them. We can love them without preaching to them and scaring them off, by just being a light that shines for Jesus. I was a foster mother for teen girls and I went through a lot with them, however the one thing that they left with was knowing that they were loved and I did instill my values in them and they knew that I was a christian and that I had rules that had to be followed or they were out. I had one that I gave chance after chance and finally had to let her go back to juvinile hall, because she couldn't behave. To this day she still knows that I love her and if she sees me she will tell me that she loves me and give me a bid hug and she will say she knows that she done wrong and I was right. These kids need a lot of love and disipline and of course they need the Lord in their lives. PS They even went to church with me without being asked. They just want to know that someone loves and cares about them and they go the wrong way about it. Just a funny side note: We church people need to watch how we greet people in church, they may be our next Tammie Fay or Jan Crouch. My one foster child would wear her mini skirts to church and I was so glad that she wanted to go that I sure wasn't going to preach to her about her clothes, but you should have heard the noise in church. As time went by she started getting her own convictions and started dressing more like a yong lady should. Let God take care of them as they come in and let us just love on them and be the lights that Jesus wants us to be for Him.
  12. My bird would just say: "Where we going, Where we going? He is a Cherry head noisey Conur.
  13. The greatest compliment that I ever received was being told that I was a Bible Thumping Jesus Freak, because I would not compromise my Christian values or morals and this was suppose to be a christian based work place. When they start calling you names, you know that you are doing something right. God told me just to be a light there for Him and that I didn't have to even say His name and that would draw people to Him and it did, however it also drew some of the others and that is the kind of persecution that I can live with.
  14. Everyone needs to watch this for themselves. It is awesome and it is something that I use to think about a lot but to see it like this totally took it home for me.
  15. Can you speak to your pastor about forming an outreach group that would take turns picking-up and dropping off these gentlemen? If you can not perform this helping task all the time then maybe you should reach out to your community and see if there are others who might be willing to perform the task once a month or whenever they can so that you are not performing it every Sunday. Remember, we gather together to worship him as a community and to help each other do so. Kerra I agree, the church should help with the gas and maybe can help the guys find jobs that would at least pay for the gas. I'm praying
  16. So true: I live on $721.00 a month and God meets all my needs, not my every want but my every need and then sometimes I am able to get the wants also. I never go hungry, always have clothes on my back and gas in my car. He is a great God and He always comes through for us even if it seems it is at the last miute. I always say that He is my God of a last minute, however He is never late. lchick
  17. I've read this before and it so touches my heart eveytime that I read it. I use to wonder if I embarrassed my daughter, "because I am so out spoken and wild and crazy in my own christian way", then I saw a sign in a store that said "Mirror Mirror on the wall I am my mother after all and I started to think of how much I was like my mother and how much my daughter was like me even if she wouldn't admit it and I picked up the sign and told the clerk that I was buying it for my daughter and that I could already hear her yell when I gave it to her and sure enough she yelled, because she doesn't think that she is anything like me, however she has moved a couple of times since I got it for her and she still hangs it on her wall. There is nothing more precious then a mothers heart.
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