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Guest Calamity

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Just to clarify -- ANYONE will be able to read the Controversial forum, but you have to be an advanced member to join the debate. :huh:

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Guest charlie

I've only been posting here since last November so I don't know how it was before that. I will say this, since I've been posting here.... off and on, there has been a couple of posters (same ones) that seem to be able to "get away with murder" on this forum in regards to their comments, slurs and name-calling toward other posters who disagree with them. Anytime the discussion gets really good, lots of scripture, lots of real debate, the name-calling begins and the rest of the clicke hops on board.

If you look at some of the threads that have been locked you'll see the same people popping up with posts just dripping with name-calling and "baiting"; totally derailing a thread. At this point in time I think this is done on purpose in order to get a thread locked. That's jmo and of course I could be wrong.

Thank you for starting this thread Calamity, and I also agree with Eric's comment.

[ed to add] I'm not against "monitoring" this forum; all I ask is that it be done FAIRLY with no favoritism.

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Guest koppen

I have not been here except for maybe three weeks to one month...As a new comer over a certaqin thread I posted I was ripped apart by other posters here...What I want to know is why is it allowed for others to verbally caome at someone so terribly...Before anyone asked me ANY questions concerning my faith I was ripped up and spit out...Things said to me like.."If I was a moderator I waould have banned you, Good thing I don't have that power"......and this is just one little example of the things spit out at me...I handled myself with the way the Lord would have had me handle the situation and I rested in it...Why aren't these types of verbal abuse taken care of??? ...

Aren't we as the body of Christ to live by example????

This is how I feel about this issue..This is not directed at the MODERATORS HERE...But to those who speak without the LOVE of Cchrist in their heart towards people...Like what I have experienced first hand here... I love you all and I hope you All get something out of this... LOve and Respect Kelli....

First Corinthians, chapter 13.

Apostle Paul describes in great detail many of the qualities and characteristics of God's love;love is patient and kind; it's not proud and boastful.

Verse 7

"Love believes the best in every person." One translation says, "Love overlooks a person's faults." And I want to challenge all of you today to just make up your mind to live a life of unconditional love. We've got to be quick to show God's mercy. Psalm 18:25 says, "The Lord is merciful to those who show mercy."

See, we should not be hard and critical and judgmental toward other people. Love sees the best in everybody. And every one of you, if you look hard enough and long enough, you can find something positive in every person you know. You can even find some good in your worst enemies. Love overlooks a person's faults.

Speaking to people so disrespectfully and hurtful goes directly against the nature of our God. When Jesus was here on this earth, everywhere He went, He reached out with His incredible love and mercy and compassion. And He always lifted people. He encouraged them. He built them up. He always saw the best in people.

And one of the greatest examples of God's love and mercy is found in John, chapter 8. All of you know the story. Jesus was at the temple teaching one day. And these religious leaders burst in there and threw a lady down right in front of Him. And they said with great joy, "Jesus, we caught this woman in the very act of adultery. She is guilty and the law of Moses says that we should take her out right now and stone her. What do you think we should do, Jesus? What's your verdict? Surely, you're not going to disagree with what Moses said." And Jesus did something very significant. I'd never really seen this before. The Bible says that "He stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger and He ignored them". The King James version says that He acted as though it never happened. He acted "as though He never heard them".

I believe the Holy Spirit was saying that when we are critical and when we are negative and when we are judgmental and condemning toward other people, God will just ignore us as well. God won't pay any attention to us when we act that way. God is not pleased when we run around pointing out each other's faults. He doesn't jump on the band wagon and say, Oh, thank you so much for bringing to my attention what a lousy, rotten guy that guy is. No friends, when we are negative and critical, He just looks the other way. He doesn't want to hear that garbage. He doesn't listen to it. That's not why He put us here on this earth. And time is too late and the hour is too late for any of us to waste even one second of our precious valuable time just criticizing and pointing out somebody else's faults.

I challenge you to constantly check up on yourselves. Make sure that you're living a life of unconditional love. Make sure that you're looking for the best in everybody. See, Jesus said in Matthew 7:3, "Get the log out of your own eye before you try to get the speck out of your brother's eye." The Amplified even makes it more powerful. He said, "How can you possibly see the tiny particle in your brother's eye when you've got a beam of timber in your own eye?"

Just examine your own heart. Just make sure that you're keeping yourself pure and don't worry about somebody else's faults. Don't look for them. Overlook their faults and see the best in them. And see, we've got to all give people a little room to be the people that God's called them to be. Don't fence people in.

we've got to be extremely careful, especially as Spirit-filled Christians that we don't look down on or criticize somebody else just because they don't worship exactly like we worship. Maybe they don't take communion like us. Maybe they don't baptize like us. Maybe they don't believe every single thing we believe. Well, big deal. That doesn't make them second class in God's eyes. We all have a tremendous amount to learn. And we should never have this 'know-it-all' attitude or 'better than you' attitude just because our church maybe is a little bigger than theirs or just because we flow a little more or a little less in the gifts of the Spirit.

See, it is not our place to run around judging and being critical of how God leads somebody else to worship. Years ago, I went to a spirit-filled Catholic service and I promise you I've never felt the presence of God so strong in all my life. My attitude is I'm for everybody that's exalting and uplifting and magnifying the name of Jesus.

And they may not worship exactly like we do, but the main thing is if they believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and that He's the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, then whether we like it or not, we are on the same team. And you say, but they're doing a lot of wrong, they've got a lot of faults. Well, listen friends, let God deal with it. God's a big God. He's well able to take care of them. Well, Joel, what about all their false doctrine. Well, friends, I say it in all due respect, what about your false doctrine? I dare say that there's a person alive today that interprets every single scripture in this Bible one hundred percent accurately.

And our calling in life is not to run around 90 miles per hour and try to straighten out everybody doctrinally or try to point out all their faults. We should not concentrate on what we don't agree on. We should concentrate on what we do agree on. And see, most of the time, isn't it amazing that we let the little two to five percent that we don't see perfectly eye to eye on, we let that stop us from enjoying fellowship with each other for years and years and years. And isn't that pitiful? Life is too short to live that way.

if you draw a circle and shut me out; I'm going to draw a bigger circle and shut you in. See, we've got to learn to be inclusive and not exclusive. And the Bible says in Hebrews 3:13, "Exhort one another daily." That word "exhort" means to uplift, strengthen, and encourage. And if you're allowing anything other than uplifting, positive, faith-filled encouraging words to come out of your mouth about another individual or about another church, I can promise you it is not pleasing to the Lord and it will hinder you in your walk with the Lord.

The Bible says in First Peter 3:10, "If you want a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue, and guard your lips from telling lies." Nothing does more damage in the Body of Christ and nothing separates life-long friendships any quicker than spreading rumors, telling lies, and gossiping about people. And friends, there's no excuse you can come up with to try to justify telling something about another person that is going to harm them. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter. Even if it is true, that's no excuse. Love overlooks a person's faults. Love sees the best in everybody.

Jesus is such a tremendous example for us to follow. Our God is so full of mercy. He is so kind and so compassionate. He always see the best in people. He sees your potential. He overlooks your faults. He knows you're just human. He knows you're going to make mistakes. But the good news today is God is not in the condemning, criticizing business. He's in the loving business. God is love. And friends, when you show love, you are sharing God.


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I dunno. I like seeing some threads get closed down. I know sometimes I can get carried away, so when they close a thread down that I've been highly active in, it's a good way for me to tell that I went too far.

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Guest koppen

I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with the need to shut some post and threads down...I do not question that at all..I know my opinion doesn't matter much but I gave my two cents..LOL..The only question I have is about RESPECT to one another and being able to conduct ourselves as God would have us do... :huh:

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Sometimes it's a bit more diffucult for some people. I come from a Jewish background so I'm use to debating with Jews. When debating Jews it's very emotional, tense, a lot of yelling...and when the debate is over you eat dinner with them and converse. In jewish culture it's not rude to yell or speak your mind in a debate or to forget tact. So it's hard to transfer that part of my culture into debating people who are use to tact and gentleness in a debate. In my culture, someone yelling at you in a debate isn't rude or threatening. Someone getting heated usually doesn't mean anything other than it's a good debate...so it's hard to change the mindset.

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It's not the same as it used to be, where you can discuss almost any topic, ask questions, and even (gasp), go against the grain a little bit and get differing opinions and views on subjects.

Yes I joined just about 6 months ago, and this seems to be the trend.

If the people who start the topics don't want to know my opinions, why do they ask? :huh:

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Guest shadow2b
- I remember a time that I got hurt in a thread...who helped comfort me...and wrote to me immediately? Calamity did.

-A GREAT-BIGG-TEXAS-HOWDY- -To ALL ya'll-my Brothers & Sisters-Specially--mah Lill-ole-Lady-Faire-Calam-Sister-maam--- :huh::huh: Great Topic Sis--Who LOVES ya Baby??{from Kojac-Tv.series--Telly-Savalas-Always had a Tootsie-roll-pop-stuck in his bald-headed-detectives-mouth-& saying"who loves ya baby"? :P } --Mayhap I kin ADD??a perspective-from MY-2-year Experience on Worthy--That will Help US ALL to UNDERSTAND-each-other a mite more? {Hopefully?} :x:-When the LORD-JESUS- -LED-ME-- & Patsy here--- WE were HURT-Wounded-ANGRY-Trusted NO-ONE-- that called themselves a- -CHRIST-IAN--When Patsy is HURT--she just shuts-up-& Holds all the Pain-inside-------ME?-I attack--attack-attack-

-Shooting my BIG-Mouth-Off-I WAS VERY Sarcastic--mean-spirited-Hard-headed-I.E .{STUBBORN!}-

-1st. Samuel 15:vs.23--------



-I pray "That"scripture escapes NOT one of us--& I APPLY it Most liberally to*MYSELF*- - -& no-one else in particular AS I am Explaining MY beginnings on This Very-WORTHY--Worthy-Ministries-message boards--& I do Not want Any-one to take Offense & *Think* I am talking to them OR Refering to them-Personally-O.K.??

-What I am getting at IS;;I was Allowed BY George--My Very much Beloved-Brother &{FeerLess?-Leader} to continue posting In spite of my A-busive & Aggressive "Words"After" The LORD LED Patsy & Me here--I don't Believe there are ANY coincidences When GOD'S WORD is involved & some of HIS Sheep have fallen into a "Ditch"& are{Wounded--hurting--In Pain--Angry--Humiliated--Have Been-Bullied--Lied to--Deceived-}-So Naturally the Question comes up:were those "Sheep"{Babes in the WORD??}NO--WE "Thought" we "Knew"GOD'S WORD

-quite well-we had studied for several years after the LORD-JESUS--SAVED US-----

-WE were "Taught"by a { HOLY-SPIRIT-Filled-Baptist minister}So from that most can understand that we were Fairly-well-Grounded-IN the "Fundamentals"But with the "HOLY-SPIRIT"teaching all of us Including our Pastor--AS HE had Received the{left-Foot-Of Dis-Fellowship from each "Baptist-church"-he tried to join}small-town--word spreads fast thru a demon-ination about any "Baptist"member that Actually

"Believes"GOD'S WORD even where the scriptures "teach"-JESUS-CHRIST-The SAME yesterday--TOday & forever---


-Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto

-you the word of God: whose faith follow,considering the end of their conversation.

-Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day,and for ever.

-I have been "Shown-Taught" & mebby even "Grown"?somewhat? in The Knowledge? of GOD'S WORD--thru.-&--BY George--Yod--Dave--Nate--Beau--Wayne & BOB----AS well as several other Members that have been here awhile---NOW the ONLY ones I have NOT *Fought*-Argued-debated with is George & Nate-{yup I finally "Discovered"}? yo name -Wisdom- :D Brother -NATEtongue2.gif-nyyyyy-nyyytongue2.gifnyyyyy-nyytongue2.gif-nyyyyyyyYY----OUR Beloved Brother--Highly-Respected & { Feerless?-Leader-- :P {thass a joke George--yure sposed ta-- :P? Laugh ya Know?? }-I'VE discovered that our"Feerless?"Leader

-does have a sense of HUU-Moore---Buyt is kinnda S-L-O-W- at getting? the joke at tymes- :P:D ---{thass another one Bro.??- :P I think??}-

-{boy-ohhhh-boy I hope George don't kill me-or-worse-yet- suspend my posting-privileges--------------again- :x: :P }

-NOW way on back there when I first got here I "Think" I offended just about Everyone-at some point or another--Like I said I was Hostile--AS well as defensive of "what" I thought or believed about the scriptures--Since Patsy & I had been {Deceived--& LED-Astray FROM the "TRUTH"of GOD'S WORD"}-I "THink?? there was an "Element"of GREED that had entered into the deception we willingly Swallowed-OR made excuses for when the "Scriptures"contradicted what we were being "TAUGHT"-& IT was NOT because WE were {BABES}in the WORD---I guess WE just "Wanted "to Believe those ERRORS---So I Reckon that's "Where"the Greed entered into it-----IT'S Not Easy to "SEE' or ACCEPT the TRUTH when you are being{Deliberately Deceived!!-& "they"are experts--at their craft}- BY "THOSE that CALL-YOU-BROTHER-OR-SISTER--& "THAT" Right there IS THE *HEART-BREAK* & I mean that Literally--TO Realize that People --{Live-human-beings?}That are calling you Brother & Sister--are only doing so BECAUSE they want to make "MERCHANDISE*--of YOU{Patsy & ME}

-& "USE" YOU-For Their Agenda-&/OR--E-VILE--Deceptive--Purposes--

--{Thru the "Perversion"of GOD'S HOLY-WORD}-


-But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false

-teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying

-the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 

-And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way

-of truth shall be evil spoken of.And through covetousness shall they with feigned

-words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth

-not, and their damnation slumbereth not......


-If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the

-words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to

-godliness;He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of

-words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, Perverse disputings

-of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is

-godliness: from such withdraw thyself. But godliness with contentment is great

-gain.  For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry

-nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

-But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish

-and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 

-For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they

-have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

-But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness,

-godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

-OF course {Expert-Deceivers & they are Experts-Too}-Never lead you to any Scriptures that "Might"refute'Their Doctrines or Teachings{like 1st.Timothy}OR {IF}& that's a mighty big{IF}-too---They were to lead you to a scripture like"1st.Timothy"they" would have a "Great"-Prepared teaching about the Aramaic--Hebrew---Greek- & understanding Jewish-idioms-& teaching styles-At the Time "GODS-WORD" was written & compiled{of course "They"will "CONvince" you they have "Studied"for 20 years & they have only scratched the surface of the Hebrew customs--idioms--ect.ect.ect.---SO You "Fall"for all the smoke & mirrors-

-Because "They"are your--Religious Guru's-"Trusted--Loved-Brothers-&-Sisters"

-Who you {Know?}-Have "Studied"THE WORD for ALL those years & Absolutely Know More than you will Ever Understand about the Original-scrolls--precepts-Idioms---ect.ect.ect.--RIGHT??

-Soooooo--after a 5--Five-year-wilderness-Experience where we watched NO-none-nein-nyett-nada-Religious TV programming nor "listened"to any Religious radio programming---What we did do tho was {cry--Pray--cry--read GOD'S WORD--cry-

-uhhhhh? & the last thing we did was "CRY"a Lot-more---For allowing ourselves to be "Deceived"-----Then for "Some" mysterious reason Patsy told me about Christian message-boards{where she found out about these"Christian"message-boards I still don't know}-Weird---soooooo she kept bugging me to learn how to operate a computer & "Try"one of the "Christian" message boards---Soooooo I finally gave UP & let her TRY to teach me about this key-board & PC-----SO that

brings us up to now----Two years of "RE-Learning"GOD'S WORD---RE-learning how to "TRUST""Christians---How to Love GOD--Love HIS People--& WE have been "Taught"HIS WORD Again & have Met Calamity & Steve & we really are Brothers & Sisters In the LORD----------

-WE have formed some Great loving Brotherly--Sisterly Relationships on Worthy & have tried some other message boards but they just DON"T measure UP OR even Approach these boards OR even come close to the people & GOD-SQUAD-MODS--

Now It may seem strange that the MODS are highly Respected--& Loved--by "Most" posters BUT they do get kinda "Blind-=sided ever-now-&-then--by some

-Not very Nice -hmmmmm?? uhhhh??People---like---warlocks-& my personal very most Fave-O-Rite--"The-Prophet-OF-GOD"--there have been MORE whacko's,

weird strange dudes with even Stranger teachings---like "the serpents-seed"??

-I meen some dudes & Dudesesses--that are SO far out "They"Don't know where they're at-- :laugh: :suspect:

-Now then that all brings us up to the present where we were still "Learning" & even "Teaching"what we had learned over the Two years that George & the very loving -patient- Forgiving--MODS---Brothers & Sisters have "PUT-UP" with ME---

-Soooooo--Now IT "SEEMS"like "IF"everybody isn't being very --very--loving--kind--gentle--discuss Approved topics--in a very non-threatening--non-disagreement--all lovey-dovey--{look-like me--talk like me-think like me--use "this"type of Bible--don't wear cowboy-boots to our church--oooppppssss-I mean message-board-

wyyyyy-all of a sudden while posts are being typed to reply wyyyy-the thread gets locked--closed--deleted--which IS Not usually due to the MODS--because the threads have been "Reported"as NOT showing a Spirit of UNITY to the "Visitors"--searchers--seekers----That "MIGHT" be looking in--& Probably-are------

-SOoooo IN order to Appease the UNITY-Program-- WE The members MUST put on this "FAKE"--show-of-UNITY--Brotherhood-of LOVE--PEACE--SWEETNESS--SUGARY

-Pleasantly-Pleasing-Pious-Platitudes-of Pablum-Puking-Phoney-Presentation-of--THE LOVE--& SWEETNESS--Non-Offensive-Non-confrontational-Dead-Lifeless-Worthless-Doctrines---Which IS just a Mite funny since JESUS-Confronted-- Offended just about everyone he came in contact with & even HIS own Disciples were Offended--at one point & a bunch of-em--left & JESUS asked HIS disciples;

{Will ye also leave??} TO which Peter replied--{Where would we go LORD--Thou hast the words of life??}Very Funny--JESUS was a REVOLUTIONARY--RIGHT???-SO HE is The EXample--WE are the emulators--SO WHY is it NOT Fair--Right--HONEST

-TO FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE---When the situation warrants it??--I don't mean name calling to hurt someone--I have called just about All the Mods-Twerpy-lill-MODS--or Power-mad-Post-deleting Twerps-just Aggravating them--Now By that I am kidding them & having FUN with the MODS--What's SO wrong with Brothers kidding--Aggravating each other??I think each GOD-SQUAD-MOD--Knows me well enough to KNOW I would NOT really Mean or was trying to HURT them-by calling them- those twerpy--power-mad lill--post-deleting-- Twerpy MODS-- --NOPE!!--NOPE!!--NOPE!!--I love -- Respect-& Trust- each Moderator & they PRAY OVER each & Every thread Before they- close-lock--or-- delete a thread--

-IN "Some"threads "Some"Brothers MAY get into a "Heated"-discussion?-Debate?-or Difference of Opinion-or point-of-view-they are trying to get across---

sooooo what's Wrong with that??

Has anyone ever thought that those Visitors--seekers--searchers can spot a PHONEY a mile away??WeLLLL< don't ya "Think"they can see thru a Phoney--Fake-

-bunch of dudes & dudesses-presenting a phoney--dead--lifeless-worthless-"FRONT"of peace--love--NO-Differencies-- Where ALL look the same--talk the same--ect.ect.ect.??HOW can ALL be an "EYE"??How can ALL be an EAR??--ect.ect.ect.--BOLOGNA--BALONEY--PHOOEY----Sometimes I "Think"theres "Some"folks that have NOTHING better to do than go "Lurking"

-around a thread--Spot a DIFFERENCE of Opinion being "Discussed"& NOTHING being said that would warrant a Mod to come down & close it just because someone with TOO much Stinkin Time on their hands with nothing esle to do than Running around LOOKING for threads to REPORT Just becaiuse THEY don't LIKE How some things are being said--nothing wrong between the posters just Not Mealy--mouthed--OR PHONEY-----

-WeLLLLL, I 've been working onthis stupid post since 5AM-& it Still Ain't like it should be maybe But I'M TIRED--& wanna go Read Calamity's Thread--Before IT gets REported as Not being mushy-mouthed enough--Someone MIGHT get O-FFENDED--But That's already been Explained-BY JESUS------

-I LOVE ALL you Dudes & Dude-esses-& GOd-SQUAD-MODS----so Read my duimb Post & like it or lump IT--At least I am NOT involved in an Arguement----------YETT?? :x: ----Yo very Tired Frustrated but Love-able Brother? :huh: -Gary-

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Guest Calamity


-SOoooo IN order to Appease the UNITY-Program-- WE The members MUST put on this "FAKE"--show-of-UNITY...

That's one of the big things I have a problem with there. You said it very good. Putting on a good show to look "right". That's not unity, it's uniformity, and it's false, especially when it's mandated.

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I am in prayer for our moderators.. Thank you all for your hard work, support and dedication

Love in Him

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