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Can a christian believe in evolution?


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No to evolution!! YES to GOD and HIS awesome WORD and CREATION!!!

Yukon :)

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Hello all,

I think a better way of explaining whether or not a believer can TRULY believe is based on Jesus' words.

John 5:46-47 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

Consider that Moses' wrote Genesis, then you have to wonder -- Can a Christian truly believe Jesus' words if they don't believe Moses' words?

Your brother in Christ with much agape love,


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I agree with your conclusion, but not the method you use to arrive at it. Evolutionists believe that "life comes from NOTHING", not "death" as you state. Point of fact, the only way we might have life, IS TO DIE:

Pardon the use of the word "fool", I certainly am not applying that to you:

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:

Blessings Brother,

Dad Ernie

That's not what I meant DE. You speak of Spiritual death & dying of our old nature and being reborn in Him. With that you have no argument from me....I wasn't referring to that at all.

In fact, you have no argument from me at all period. But I saw it as a foregone conclusion that we could assume evolutionists see it that we arrived from nothing....so I started at step 2 - current life depending on the death of prior life to "perfect" existing life forms....that's what I meant....and that [ concept ] is not Biblical.

Now that I've prob'ly totally confused ya, did that make sense ? :)

In Him,


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Guest A Stone
First of all this is not a thread to debate the merits or lack thereof of creation vs. evolution.  (There's another thread for that  :))

I just want to ask your opinions if christians can believe in evolution and if there are any here who do.

I believe that "a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day". My belief leans towards the 'gap theory'. No one will answer the question, "what happened between Genesis 1:1 and Gen. 1:2a, if "all the stars sang and all the angels shouted for joy" at the creation of the heavens and earth (Job 38)?" (Which in itself tells us that something was already in existance, before God created the heavens and the earth.)

I also believe there could be some type of evolution of things created by God. Not that 'something evolved out of nothing'. However, the type of evolution taught in our public schools, as fact, I do not agree with. If (what ever) took millions of years to evolve, WHERE ARE THE TRANSITIONAL BONES?????? There should be trillions and trilltions of them!!

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First of all this is not a thread to debate the merits or lack thereof of creation vs. evolution.  (There's another thread for that  :P)

I just want to ask your opinions if christians can believe in evolution and if there are any here who do.

In my opinion ? No.....evolution DEPENDS on death to bring about life - and God never intended to use death to bring about life . Romans 5:12 says that death entered the world through Adam's transgression....So to me personally ? Evolution & creation are simply incompatible if you align them with scripture.

That's my short version on this debate and it's as deep as I care to get on this....

God bless,


Bob, I agree :):)

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Hello jcm.

I believe that we are all growing in grace and knowledge.

To say that a person is not a Christian because he believes this or that is not a right thing to do.

A Christian is a person that has been saved by Christ and is in the process of growing in wisdom and knowledge.

We should not alienate ourselves from those who think different from us.

Holding to the view that a person is not our brother because of evolution I think is wrong and schismatic.

We seem to get more offended than God does by those who are holding differing opinions. Maybe He is testing us and our response to error.

When it is all over we will probably find we were all wrong on most of it anyway!

I think George that Jesus was talking to the Jews who were well versed in the OT. He was not discussing evolution but what Moses wrote about Him.

Of course I think that Christians are making a mistake and denying the word of God when they believe that evolution is the way we got here but I am a Calvinist and I could say that Arminians are not Christians on this basis. I don't because God teaches us and He teaches us at His pace and not ours. Love one another.

See, old A Stone has a gap theory? There are more theories than Christians, are we to treat those of other ideas at this time as 'not brothers'?

All that God requires of us is that we put our faith in Jesus Christ and go from there.

So to answer the question, I believe that a Christian can believe in evolution. I don't. I believe in the six day creation as told by Moses and I think it a reasonable thing to do.

Yours in Christ.


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HI JOHN, Well I'll throw my two cent worth too, Your question is really a YES and NO. I'll clarify, just from what I understand about EVOLUTION. EVOLUTION WITHIN THE SPECIES does exist, EVOULTION OUT OF SPECIES is what WE dont believe in. Meaning from fish to MAN or HORSE etc. etc. Soooo, YES, A christian can believe in EVOULTION but WITHIN SPECIES........TAKO

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No, a true born again believer has the faith to take the Lord at His word, and, His word NEVER changes. He says what He means, and He means what He says.


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Hello Tako, nice to meet you.

Adaption within a species is of course obvious.

Yes of course Jesussaves, but some passages need working out.

The scriptures are not always clear and straight forward especially when the full weight of society comes to bear. The objections to a six day creation need to be taken seriously and dismissed with scripture. If a person believes in evolution it just means that a proper understanding is lacking. It does not mean that a person is not Christian. Have you understood everything He says?

Php 3:15-16 All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

That is what we have been called to do, hold fast to what we have.

There is bound to be differences among us and the bond of peace is broken by saying who is and who is not Christian.

Eph 4:3-7 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit-- just as you were called to one hope when you were called-- one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.

A person who is weak in faith needs reassurance and this will come through love. They will be more willing to listen if we are gentle with them.


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QUOTE (jcm @ Aug 22 2004, 03:52 AM)

First of all this is not a thread to debate the merits or lack thereof of creation vs. evolution. (There's another thread for that )

I just want to ask your opinions if christians can believe in evolution and if there are any here who do.

my answer...NO. ;)

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